Liberty Insider

The Islamic Challenge

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Tim Roosenburg


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000285A

00:20 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:23 This is a program bringing you news,
00:24 views, discussion and up-to-date information
00:27 on religious liberty developments in the U.S.
00:30 and around the world.
00:31 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:35 And my guest on this program is Tim Roosenberg
00:38 and I could categorize you as author
00:41 and widely traveled lecturer on a particular topic.
00:46 And that's what I want to talk with you today, Tim.
00:50 I've got your book here
00:51 and it's "Islam and Christianity."
00:53 "In prophecy."
00:54 "In prophecy." Yes, but it was small.
00:58 But I was about to say,
00:59 I think anybody would sort of spark to that combination
01:03 because with the terrorists threat today it's predominantly
01:09 from the Islamic side and sometimes it's seen as,
01:14 you know, the crusades all over again
01:16 and the antagonisms of the past,
01:17 they are coming up to haunt us.
01:19 And so I think we need to know
01:21 what was behind this dynamic.
01:23 It actually is a repeat of what's going on in the past.
01:25 Yeah.
01:28 I'm forgetting there was a famous statement, you know.
01:30 Of course the cliché history repeats itself.
01:33 But someone said,
01:34 it's very difficult to predict especially the future.
01:40 But the patterns of human behaviors do repeat,
01:43 don't they?
01:44 We are in a third round of repeat.
01:46 Right.
01:47 And when you have religious models
01:48 of course that lays out the thinking pattern
01:51 and sometimes the agenda
01:52 for people of a particular faith.
01:55 Not only it's a third round of repeat.
01:57 My understanding of Bible prophecy is, in Daniel 11,
02:00 we're on the third round of the conflict predicted there
02:03 and it's been accurate for 2500 years.
02:05 Well, just tell me briefly what are the three,
02:08 the three rounds, the first one?
02:11 I'm coming from Daniel 11 and the first round is--
02:16 This is Daniel 11 in the Bible.
02:18 Daniel 11 in the Bible.
02:20 The first round is Daniel 11:25-28
02:26 which is the conflict of the crusades
02:29 when the European Nations vowed people at Christianity
02:32 because they were afraid of the spread of Islam.
02:35 The second conflict, the verses 29 to 39,
02:39 when the Christian nations of Europe
02:41 again organized behind papal led Christianity
02:44 because they were afraid of the spread of Islam
02:45 and the Ottoman Islamic Empire,
02:48 the second Caliphate if you would.
02:50 And the third and final one is in the time of the end
02:54 and it's the same two players again in Daniel 11.
02:57 So it will be the third round and this one is the third
03:00 and final conflict between those two powers.
03:03 It's an interesting Biblical
03:06 take on the secular history of the conflict
03:11 between nations and the rise of,
03:13 really two religions, Christianity--
03:15 Lot of people don't realize it,
03:16 but by the time Islam began and it was a small beginnings
03:20 for a while around 610 I think it was.
03:23 Christianity was 600 years old.
03:26 Yes.
03:27 Was an old religion?
03:29 So repetitively speaking Islam is the new, new religion
03:33 which challenged Christianity.
03:35 By the way you can get those same three conflicts
03:37 not quite as clearly,
03:38 but in Revelation called the three vows.
03:42 It's a good point.
03:44 And in the back of my book
03:46 we have from 1100 through the 1930s
03:49 about 60 different Bible commentators
03:52 who saw that in Revelation.
03:54 Let's go back apart from the three cycles,
03:57 you circle, what led you to get into this topic
04:01 because you do travel pretty widely
04:03 and lecture on this?
04:05 I've even heard your lecture
04:07 which is very good and quite long, complicated.
04:11 So you're giving these seminars
04:13 all over North America predominantly.
04:15 Predominantly North America, but--
04:17 Yeah, but some further a field.
04:19 Yes.
04:20 Got in the Africa and Australia last year.
04:23 And by the way,
04:25 we were in north eastern Nigeria last year,
04:27 Boko Haram territory, that was interesting.
04:30 Front line.
04:31 But anyway.
04:33 You were asking again--
04:34 How you got into this?
04:36 Yes.
04:37 What sparked you?
04:39 When I became a Christian in my late teens,
04:41 I fell in love with Jesus.
04:43 And to me Bible prophecy was all about meeting Jesus.
04:45 Some people get in the Bible prophecy
04:47 and there are all those horrible things and everything.
04:49 To me it's-- Jesus is coming again
04:53 and I'm looking forward to meeting Jesus.
04:54 Right.
04:55 That's the best way to see this.
04:57 It was, you know, otherwise people just focus
04:59 on all of the images
05:00 of destruction and apocalyptic end,
05:04 it sort of fearful, you know, as the Bible itself says,
05:06 you know, a fear for what's coming upon the world,
05:08 we shouldn't be like that.
05:09 But yeah, we shouldn't.
05:11 Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled."
05:13 When you're looking at all the stuff.
05:14 Why?
05:15 Because He's coming to rescue His people.
05:17 And so that's what I try to get across in my seminars.
05:20 But as I was always loving history and prophecy
05:24 and so over the years I do prophecy seminars
05:27 and stuff while I was pastoring.
05:29 And I've gone on an online disagreement
05:31 with somebody back around the year 2000
05:35 about the role of Islam.
05:37 It's after 9/11, huh?
05:38 Just before.
05:39 Oh, just sorry, yes.
05:41 9/11 was 2001, September 11 of course.
05:44 Yeah.
05:45 And, so what happens is,
05:47 I'm taking look at this material
05:49 and I'm arguing mostly in my head
05:51 not so much in the online.
05:54 This person saw Islam
05:55 and papal led Christianity uniting together
05:58 and becoming one power fulfilling what would,
06:01 they were looking at Revelation 13:3,
06:02 and all the world follows.
06:05 And so they are looking at this unity
06:07 and I'm looking at that, I'm thinking,
06:08 oh, come on, they are like polar,
06:10 opposites like north and south.
06:12 And as that's going through my mind
06:14 it's like the Holy Spirit slaps me and to guess,
06:16 Daniel 11 that chapter you don't understand very well?
06:19 Look at it again.
06:20 I opened it up with that north, south comment in my mind.
06:23 All of a sudden the history of all the way through
06:27 from the time of Christ till today was right
06:29 in front of me and I could see it in today's world.
06:32 Well, let me throw you to the lions.
06:35 Oh, go for it.
06:37 Of an idea, it's not what you'd expect.
06:39 I want to lay to rest one idea that I've heard put forward.
06:45 I know where it comes from but people are repeating it
06:47 when I travel around talking on this topic.
06:49 Someone has given them the idea
06:53 that Islam was begun as basically an experiment
06:59 by the Roman Catholic Church
07:02 to clear the way against other religions.
07:06 Okay. Right.
07:07 Did you have historical basis of that?
07:09 I have heard that story so many times.
07:14 Let me just 'cause no matter what I say on this one,
07:17 somebody is gonna be irritated with me on this one.
07:21 What did you say about throwing me to the lions.
07:23 So here we go.
07:25 Bottom-line is it doesn't much matter which way it was.
07:30 It is from the politics.
07:31 No.
07:32 Because the result is the same, you still have a conflict.
07:35 All right.
07:37 That's said, I'll still answer your question.
07:39 That's said, I'll still answer your question.
07:43 And that is,
07:44 I don't think the papacy started Mohammed.
07:50 Based on the prophecy it is reaction in Revelation
07:54 against the images that were brought
07:56 into the Christian churches.
07:57 Now you're getting into history.
08:00 This is historically easily approvable.
08:04 Muhammad in...
08:06 Yeah, he was death-- In Medina, wasn't it?
08:09 In his home town was came into contact
08:12 with both Jews and Christians
08:15 which at that time were, you know,
08:18 the prevailing church was the Roman Catholic Church.
08:21 And Islam ends up being a mix of that.
08:22 Right.
08:23 And I think even if you don't get into, you know,
08:27 who inspired, you know,
08:28 what divine source there was for any of this.
08:31 it's just obvious the influences were at work,
08:33 but there's zero historical track
08:36 that this was manipulated or you know a flying wedge
08:42 on behalf of the Christian church,
08:44 it has nothing to do with it in that sense.
08:46 But once it got some traction, there clearly was a reaction
08:52 to what they saw with the people of the book,
08:54 Christians with pagan images and pagan practices
09:00 and there was actually even a--
09:04 How can I characterize it?
09:05 A real animist toward the priesthood.
09:10 So-- Yeah.
09:12 And were later talking about splitting their skulls?
09:14 Absolutely.
09:15 And when they went up into Europe
09:18 they were given directions to spare
09:19 the people of the book,
09:20 but anyone with the tonsure to kill without mercy.
09:23 So it just flies in the face of this crazy sort of idea
09:27 that there was some sort of hidden
09:29 front Christian church.
09:30 But there is common ground in the history
09:33 of the Malu that it comes out of it.
09:35 Oh, yes.
09:36 And so you're gonna find a lot of common ground.
09:39 But that doesn't prove that one is forming the other,
09:42 it's just they came out of the same mix.
09:44 But from the beginning there's been a lot of contact
09:47 between Islam and Christianity and a lot of it unpleasant.
09:51 And of course the reaction of Christianity
09:54 in the crusades was often violent.
09:56 So it's not just a one sided conflict.
09:58 Actually in my seminars, night one of my seminars
10:02 I make it really clear that many Christians
10:05 and many Muslims are serving
10:06 the same God of force, fear and anger,
10:09 do it our way or else and this is where,
10:11 our whole religious liberty area comes into it.
10:13 Absolutely.
10:14 There are also some Christians and some Muslims
10:17 who have found or in search of the same true God
10:21 of love, truth, peace and forgiveness.
10:23 And so, you know, I can take a look
10:25 at George Barna's research of Christianity.
10:27 Based on his research a few years ago
10:29 only five out of a 100 Christians
10:31 are born again with a Biblical world view,
10:34 which means 95% really aren't real Christians.
10:38 So you've always had this group
10:41 that doesn't have a real relationship,
10:43 it can't give other people the freedom,
10:45 they have a relationship
10:46 and they try to force their view point.
10:48 Islam would be the very same.
10:50 Well, you and I before this program spoke
10:53 a bit about it and the way I...
10:56 described that is to say
10:57 that there's too much religion in the world.
10:59 Religion or a religious affiliation
11:02 without an emotional buy in,
11:07 and spiritual connection can be quite dangerous
11:09 and it almost always reverts to what you're saying
11:12 is sort of a legalistic over application
11:15 or the letter of the law
11:17 without the spirit can be pretty harsh.
11:20 Yes.
11:22 Well, you just take a look at papal led Christianity
11:25 which was in Daniel 11, it's north and south.
11:29 The Northern part of the Roman Empire
11:31 splits Christians, the southern part Islamic
11:33 and Jerusalem gets caught in the middle.
11:35 It was the same in the Greeks, but before the time of Jesus.
11:37 Now you're throwing in a term
11:38 that perhaps a lot of our viewers know,
11:40 but you better give us some contacts, papal.
11:42 What do you mean by that?
11:45 The leadership or government of the Roman Catholic Church.
11:49 They are very different from the people.
11:52 I tell people all the time
11:54 that I'm expecting more Roman Catholic people
11:56 in heaven than from any other denomination on earth,
11:59 that's because there's been more of them
12:00 for a lot more years.
12:02 And so, yeah, I'm expecting that in heaven
12:06 my neighborhood is gonna have more former Catholics
12:09 than anything else.
12:10 There's gonna be some former Baptists, former Adventists,
12:12 former lots of things there, notice they are all formers.
12:15 They will finally gonna just be God's kids
12:18 and they're not gonna be feuding
12:19 with each other anymore.
12:20 But I'm sure many of our viewers know,
12:23 but we need to qualify.
12:24 That's a very accurate description
12:26 of the church leadership
12:28 through this period, it was the papal Rome.
12:31 But there's a huge amount of history that led up
12:34 to the papacy taking, you know,
12:38 the lead role in the general Christian community and it's--
12:42 Yes.
12:43 That the root of what Protestants
12:44 came to argue about, right?
12:46 A matter of legitimacy, not history,
12:48 the history is very plain.
12:50 That the Roman Catholic Church for a long period of time,
12:54 most of this so called Dark Ages,
12:57 that wasn't necessarily only dark
12:59 because of the Christian environment.
13:02 But the Dark Ages,
13:05 Rome almost the only game in town in Europe.
13:08 During that time period of Ottoman Islamic empire with...
13:14 You have verses 29 to 39 of Daniel 11,
13:18 second conflict between north and south.
13:20 It focuses on the actions of the King of the north
13:23 about killing by the sword
13:24 and by flame during those years.
13:27 Papal led Christianity was killing others Christians
13:31 by sword and burning them at the stake
13:33 for disagreeing theologically.
13:37 I mean in this prophecy actually even hits
13:39 the type of death by burning,
13:42 that was going on during that time.
13:44 And the reason they were being burnt
13:47 or put back to this death by sword,
13:49 was because they were doing great exploits for God
13:52 according to the text.
13:55 So obviously you have done a lot of--
14:00 And you're doing a lot of study in the Bible.
14:02 Have you read the Quran?
14:05 You already know that answer.
14:06 I have read parts of it.
14:07 Well, I'm leading you into that.
14:08 I've read parts of it.
14:09 I need to read the whole thing,
14:10 but my conclusions have come from history and scripture.
14:15 That I have strong view
14:16 that the people need to read their Bibles very carefully
14:20 when you read them, not just hear
14:22 what preachers are saying.
14:23 Amen. I agree with that.
14:24 And in dealing with other faiths,
14:27 I don't think we have to know the holy books inside out,
14:30 but we should have some passing knowledge with it and...
14:35 What recently that came to my mind like,
14:37 you were talking about the type of God
14:40 that Christians can easily workshop
14:42 and there are many Muslims seemed to be following it
14:44 harsh exerting in that.
14:45 But it's interesting in the Quran
14:47 because every other sentence almost
14:50 is "Allah is all merciful, all gracious."
14:53 And that can be a little deceptive in the Quran
14:55 I think because I remember there's one section there,
14:59 where it talks about dealing with the infidel
15:01 or the apostate and how he has to be eviscerated
15:03 and you know, it goes into quite graphic detail
15:06 about how you kill them and butcher them.
15:09 But then it says,
15:10 because Allah is all merciful so,
15:13 you know, you got to be a bit careful
15:15 that we don't sort of sanctify horrible things
15:18 with "Our God is great."
15:20 He's not great if he calls you to do bad things
15:23 or if you equate him with these evil deeds.
15:27 There is an--
15:28 To me an unfortunate trend in the Quran.
15:31 And that is, early on it is kinder,
15:38 later on it's more harsh.
15:39 Unfortunately they also believe
15:43 that the later ones trump their earlier statements
15:45 whenever there's a disagreement.
15:48 And so you have this tendency heading towards...
15:57 more radical view points.
15:59 Yeah.
16:00 Well-- You know it's--
16:01 I don't know how to answer you on that
16:02 because just like many similar things in Christianity,
16:06 there are disputes among Islamic scholars on that.
16:08 Oh, I realized.
16:10 The better thing to understand is that the story of Islam,
16:16 as Muhammad told, it was the Angel Gabriel
16:19 had dictated these things to him,
16:21 beginning in a cave,
16:23 curiously he himself thought
16:25 it was a jinn or an evil spirit,
16:26 but his wife says, this is the angel and so,
16:30 since this was dictated directly from the angel,
16:33 they don't normally accept that a later comment
16:36 by the angel wipes an early one.
16:39 This is all, you know,
16:41 straight from heaven and the language of heaven
16:43 which curiously happens to be Arabic,
16:45 where I thought it was English to be honest.
16:48 But you know...
16:50 I'll hold my judgment till I get there.
16:52 But, but, you know I'm laughing about it
16:54 but that's one reason
16:56 and it's a legitimate one from their point of view
16:59 where a lot of Muslims won't even discuss
17:01 the Quran deeply with you
17:02 if you don't know Arabic because the language itself
17:06 is tied to the very intent of heaven.
17:11 But, yeah, we know that the,
17:14 maybe a better way of putting it.
17:15 We know that Islam went through different phases
17:19 which correspond to the antagonisms
17:21 and the advancement and the developing warfare
17:26 that characterize the expansion of Islam.
17:28 And so yes there was a shifting modus operand?,
17:33 but they don't normally accept that, you know,
17:36 what they once believed is now superseded by it.
17:39 No. Many of them do.
17:40 A few, but they are not given much credence I think.
17:45 Interestingly in the prophecy
17:48 that both the king of the north and the king of the south
17:52 and the break up of Roman Empire
17:54 will lead real armies into murderous conflict
17:57 and it will be deceptive.
17:59 Neither one is given...
18:02 a really shining recommendation.
18:07 They are both pointed out to be problematic.
18:10 And when you take a look at the history of both,
18:13 the majority of the followers have been problematic.
18:16 And you know the history is really clear.
18:19 Well, we need to share a lot of history on this program.
18:22 Let's take a break and we'll be back to continue
18:24 this interesting discussion of history, theology
18:27 and the clash of regions.


Revised 2015-06-25