Liberty Insider

The Rabbit at the Tea Party

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000283B

00:05 Welcome back to our discussion of Tea Party,
00:09 sort of an English convention and the Boston Tea Party.
00:13 Got things started here
00:15 but we know this in the United States
00:18 it's become very common to talk about the Tea Party Movement
00:21 within the Republican Party.
00:24 You know, it's a very conservative movement.
00:26 It's a very inflexible dogmatic faction.
00:31 Do they have religious view points?
00:32 Is this tied up at all to the religious right,
00:34 do you think?
00:35 In fact, the Pew survey on religion and public life
00:43 just a year and half ago said
00:45 that the Tea Party is when surveyed,
00:50 when people of the Tea Party who supported them
00:52 or surveyed when asked what is your ultimate goal,
00:57 is it tax reform, is it less government,
00:59 or is it prayer in public schools?
01:01 And they said prayer in public schools.
01:03 The Tea Party has been co-opted
01:05 by the Christian right in America,
01:07 they're both southern based,
01:10 they both have come out of the south,
01:12 they both have pretty much harmonious goals.
01:15 Now, I realize that the Tea Party did
01:17 started independently from the Christian right,
01:19 I understand that--
01:20 But they have merged in a practical way.
01:22 Their original purpose was to reduce taxes,
01:25 to limit the federal government and its rapid growth and size.
01:30 Okay, that was their two big things
01:32 they've always hammered away especially the Koch Brothers
01:35 who is their financial support out of Texas.
01:39 However that has-- in many ways at the initial stages,
01:44 the Democratic Party lean to the left
01:47 and has stayed to the far left
01:49 especially with the emergence of President Obama
01:52 whose foreign policy
01:53 and international religious freedom policy,
01:55 I've criticized on this very set with you
01:58 in past programs.
01:59 So the Democratic Party however
02:03 has supported secularism run a muck,
02:06 such as gay marriage rights,
02:08 and other things viewed as immoral
02:10 and which I think are immoral.
02:12 And to me that creates a backlash
02:14 because in the end what I see happening
02:16 is the Democratic Party being forced
02:18 especially once the Supreme Court rules on gay marriage
02:22 and it's inevitable they are gonna rule in favor of it,
02:24 that issue is out of the way.
02:26 The Republican Party it said in newspapers
02:29 especially recently in a Wall Street journal
02:31 saying that once the gay marriage really comes down,
02:34 they won't have the monkey on their back, it's done.
02:36 They don't have to address that as the key issue.
02:38 They can focus back on economics
02:39 and foreign policy.
02:40 So it will force the Democratic Party to be sustainable,
02:46 to move to the center and even to the center right
02:49 in order to remain viable in politics.
02:52 And to me that's very suggestive of something.
02:55 It's suggestive that that in the end
02:58 we're gonna find--
02:59 I know this may shock you.
03:00 We're gonna find more in common
03:02 between the two parties than sets them apart.
03:05 And how so you say?
03:07 Because I think democrats will back pedal,
03:09 they will fall all of themselves
03:10 to try to prove how moral and righteous
03:13 and just as righteous and moral as the religious right
03:16 that sustains the Republican Party.
03:19 That's already started and in some ways that should be
03:23 because I hear many democrats point out correctly
03:26 that why should the Republican Party
03:28 so to be characterized
03:30 as the party of religious morality and so on
03:32 because that isn't so really.
03:34 There are many deeply convicted Christians
03:37 that are the democrats and so yes,
03:39 they are trying to sort of reclaim that ground.
03:42 And I do think you are right
03:44 even though we have a democratic president.
03:46 The US is in a rope would swing,
03:48 there's no question.
03:50 And external threats and internal economic things
03:53 and so on will only increase that.
03:56 Oh, no, this is an extreme rightward swing.
03:59 Yes and it's been gradual but it's been coming about--
04:02 Yes, but in total it's extreme.
04:03 Right, and what the Democratic Party leans on
04:06 is the interfaith left to sustain them
04:08 and that interfaith left is growing bigger and bigger.
04:11 In fact, survey after survey shows
04:13 that the interfaith political and religious left
04:17 is getting nearly as strong as the Christian right in America.
04:20 The Christian right in America
04:22 has about a 29 to 35 percent influence
04:25 in terms of electoral power within the Republican Party,
04:29 the interfaith left which is growing
04:30 is about 30 percent within the Republican Party.
04:32 And just a few years ago
04:34 when John Kerry was running for president,
04:36 it was only 6 percent.
04:37 And so what you see is a more of an internationalist movement
04:42 the interfaith left movement
04:44 that moves towards this sense of ecumenical unity
04:48 which plays right into the hands
04:49 of Pope John or Pope Francis I,
04:52 who seeks to restore the legacy of John Paul II
04:55 and the ecumenical movement
04:56 as a means towards securing world peace.
04:59 I've seen the shift and I don't know
05:00 whether part of the answer can be found in Jerry Falwell
05:05 and D. James Kennedy and others that died,
05:08 the leadership disappeared
05:10 or whether it's a sociological shift.
05:13 It's a more touchy feely sort of a Christianity
05:16 that's rising up and now seeking
05:18 some political influence.
05:20 But it has shifted from the old religious right moral majority
05:25 to a more liberal religious coalition.
05:29 I think the whole gay marriage issues,
05:31 even though there seems to be threats in the south that are--
05:34 that we're gonna resist the Supreme Court's ruling
05:36 and we're gonna break off in the United States
05:37 and become the southern United States.
05:39 I heard threats from all over the south about that.
05:42 I've read newspapers with people making that claim
05:45 and it's ridiculous.
05:46 Once gay marriage becomes the law,
05:48 they will adopt and they will move on to other issues.
05:51 And those issues will be focused on morality for sure
05:58 but I think we are gonna see
05:59 as more of a focus on Israel by the right
06:02 and more of a focus on ecumenical unity on the left
06:06 and eventually the two merge and see the same way.
06:08 I believe that just as the Sadducees
06:12 who were the priestly order of Israel
06:15 during the time of Christ
06:16 and the Pharisees during the time of Christ
06:18 find common cause to get rid of Christ
06:20 because of His popularity.
06:21 I see the same thing happen in United States.
06:24 I think more crises are gonna emerge in this country
06:27 that from outside threats--
06:30 It's a fairly safe assumption.
06:31 From outside threats
06:32 whether be ISIS or terrorist attacks
06:34 that continually spark unity within this country,
06:39 false unity mind you but unity nevertheless,
06:41 just as Sadducees and Pharisees got together
06:44 to crucify Christ.
06:45 They will find someone and something to blame.
06:48 Yeah.
06:49 Well, they need to because they don't really--
06:52 I mean, there's such a complex series of issues
06:54 facing the world and this country in particular,
06:58 there is no easy answers,
06:59 there is no way out of it so a scapegoat.
07:02 Whether it's calculatedly a scapegoat,
07:04 I don't think so but convenient group
07:09 or movement to sort of say
07:11 well, this is frustrating as we do better but for this.
07:14 You are right.
07:15 I think the Tea Party is going to meld
07:17 into the background of the Republican Party.
07:19 There will be a transform Republican Party--
07:21 Oh, I think they are already
07:22 moving into mainstream republicanism.
07:24 Well, yes, they have been very successful
07:28 but fewer Tea Party candidates ran for office
07:31 in this last congressional election.
07:33 The Republican moderate its search again once again
07:36 trying to mainstream the party.
07:39 The Tea Party will still be very influential obviously
07:42 and have remade the party so it's really no longer,
07:44 really no longer the party of Lincoln
07:47 but nevertheless they will be a forgotten source.
07:50 They will be less and less of a factor
07:52 and it will be viewed as one Republican Party.
07:53 No, they moved the party basically to occupy the ground
07:56 that they came in under.
07:58 And I think the Democrats will do the same.
08:00 If Hillary Clinton runs for president,
08:03 I believe that she like her husband
08:05 will try to move the party to the center
08:07 unlike Elizabeth Warren if she were candidate
08:09 would be a populous left us all the way.
08:13 So I think, Linc, what you are seeing
08:15 is a hard shift to the center
08:19 and right by the Democratic Party more and more.
08:21 Yes, there will be scandals about
08:23 Hillary Clinton, her emails and everything else
08:25 but the bottom-line is what we will see in my opinion,
08:29 I'm not a prophet I just believe that
08:32 all the shifts are taking place now.
08:34 Your pundits, your journalists, your experts
08:36 and political science are all seeing this right now.
08:38 It's all taking place as we speak.
08:40 You kept to the bottom-line that we are heading
08:42 toward the period of greater
08:44 civil and religious liberty or contraction?
08:49 You know, there is a possibility for revolution.
08:52 There is always that possibility even civil war.
08:54 I just don't think it's going to happen.
08:56 I think if the gridlock continues
08:58 between a Tea Party led Republican Party
09:02 which I don't think will continue for very long.
09:04 I think is precipitated by a president
09:07 that they very much dislike and some would say
09:11 that it's prejudice and their opposition has to do
09:15 with bigotry towards the black president.
09:18 I don't believe that. Well, I think it's a component.
09:20 I think it explains that all.
09:21 I think it's based on the issues
09:23 and I don't, you know, I really don't want to label
09:25 the Republican Party that way at all.
09:27 I'm a republican but I'm just telling you
09:29 that the way I seen things happening
09:32 is if yes, if there is gridlock,
09:34 it does tend to lead towards instability,
09:42 panic by the people and they tend
09:45 to always blame the government,
09:46 the federal government.
09:48 And so therefore it leads to revolution.
09:50 What kind of revolution I don't know.
09:52 If it's a constitutional revolution
09:54 that would be huge.
09:56 But I don't think a constitutional revolution
09:57 will necessarily come out of all this.
09:59 What I think will happen is that the Republican Party
10:03 will out of necessity moderate
10:05 and I think when I say moderate not by much,
10:08 they will have the upper hand for the most part,
10:10 at least congressionally and in the Supreme Court.
10:14 I think if Hillary Clinton becomes president,
10:16 I think she will be a very weak president
10:19 just as Obama has been.
10:21 Well, you know, obviously like Christians throughout the ages,
10:25 we pray for the success of the government.
10:27 We pray that it can protect good laws
10:30 and that it not prove to be an enemy of true faith.
10:34 But these are dangerous times for the United States.
10:36 For the whole world, this is a great period of instability
10:40 and the great problems facing the US are almost insolvable.
10:43 Economic problems,
10:45 franking it seems to been a last minute lifeline
10:49 but in reality there is ecological degradation,
10:52 there's climate imbalance, more tornados, more droughts,
10:56 dust bowls is on the rise again.
10:59 These are huge threats.
11:00 It will actually jumpstart the instability in quite
11:06 probably unique directions.
11:08 I actually think the best days
11:09 of United States are still ahead.
11:10 Well, it could be.
11:12 I don't believe that we're at that point yet,
11:15 but I see all the earmarks of it
11:19 clearly even prophetically
11:20 but when that happens we don't know.
11:23 This is the time as the Chinese philosophers
11:28 I think used to say, dangerous opportunity.
11:30 Yes. Dangerous opportunity.
11:32 I think what we see with the Tea Party
11:35 was pretty much inevitable with what happened in 1980
11:39 and the revolutionary shift of the south
11:42 to the Republican Party
11:43 but also see an equally unequal shift
11:46 on the Democratic side with secularism run a muck
11:49 and then having to back track to become more centered.
11:54 I remember when I was much younger first reading.
11:57 Through the Looking Glass or Alice in Wonderland
12:00 and being taken with the Tea Party
12:03 and the Mad Hatter and White Rabbit,
12:06 and it portrayed a rather dysfunctional gathering of
12:10 some very disparate elements,
12:12 animals and creatures that didn't seem real.
12:16 But when I look at US politics today,
12:18 I'm starting to think
12:19 that we are down in the same rabbit hole
12:22 and that surreal things are possible.
12:25 The Tea Party is a very real phenomenon
12:28 but some of the things that it represents
12:30 while historically they can say nativistant
12:34 and just so exaggerated that they are almost laughable.
12:37 When you talk about religious tendencies
12:40 and the religious agenda you must take it very seriously
12:44 and as in now discussion we brought out some elements
12:47 could even be parallel to what we see in the Islamic world
12:51 with the move towards Sharia law
12:53 and an extremist religious vision
12:56 that comes up with its own internal logic
12:59 but externally seems bizarre and surrealistic.
13:03 For Liberty Insider, I'm Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-06-11