Liberty Insider

The Pope’s Apocalyptic Vision

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000281B

00:04 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:06 Before the break with guest Greg Hamilton
00:09 we were getting at some
00:10 interesting territory referencing Revelation
00:14 and a little bit of history looking at this present pope
00:18 and his end time vision
00:22 and how that could sort of bring it about syncretistic
00:26 or great coming together of religions
00:30 and then perhaps turning on some minorities, right?
00:32 Yes.
00:33 And what I would like to focus on
00:35 in this last little segment
00:36 is pope's speech before Congress
00:41 because it will be significant to see--
00:43 On every level this is very significant.
00:45 To see behind him,
00:47 saying behind him to stung Roman Catholics.
00:49 Senator Joseph Biden
00:51 and house majority leader John Boehner,
00:53 with Nancy Pelosi the minority leader of--
00:56 in the front row seat
00:57 and six of the nine Supreme Court justices
01:01 is sitting right below him who are also Catholic.
01:04 And Roman Catholics
01:05 are the largest single religious block
01:07 in the house of the senate.
01:08 Now there is nothing wrong
01:11 constitutionally wrong with this.
01:13 In fact, it's a vindication of the American system
01:16 which says "No Religious Test" for public office.
01:18 But it's incredibly telling
01:20 in a once predominantly Protestant society
01:23 that is now so dominated by Roman Catholic public figures.
01:28 Something has changed.
01:29 Well, you mentioned something in the break
01:31 about Rick Santorum, tell us about that.
01:33 Well, when he ran for president last time
01:35 he shocked a lot of people
01:37 and he is a wonderful human being
01:40 and was very helpful on
01:41 some of the religious legislation
01:42 we were trying to get through.
01:44 But he stood up publicly as a Roman Catholic,
01:46 deeply committed Roman Catholic
01:48 and he said Protestantism is absent in America today.
01:52 You know, it's interesting I ran an article
01:53 when Pope Benedict XVI was first elected.
01:56 He wrote his first article for
01:58 the evangelical conservative Catholic magazine
02:01 here in United States called First Things.
02:03 It was January 2006 issue
02:05 and it was called the Discontents of Europe
02:07 but in there he talked about the image in Daniel 2,
02:11 Nebuchadnezzar's image in all the significances
02:13 of different world powers
02:15 and how basically that was significant
02:19 of vision of world peace
02:23 and world coming together when in fact,
02:25 the imagine actually represents is the opposite.
02:28 But then he went on to talk about--
02:29 The stone cut out with name. Yes.
02:31 That's the only way--
02:32 He didn't even bother to mention that in his article.
02:34 Which is the second coming of Christ.
02:35 Exactly. Exactly.
02:37 But the point of the article was he referred
02:39 to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648,
02:41 the rise of the nation state,
02:43 then he referred to the French Revolution
02:46 and even described it as a moral wound which--
02:49 I mean, the Catholics understand Bible prophecy
02:51 to a certain degree, not fully but--
02:53 Well, I think they understand it very well but--
02:55 We don't even understand it.
02:57 They committed from a different perspective obviously.
02:58 Yes, different perspective
03:00 but in the article he talked about
03:02 his desire to see more illegal immigration
03:06 of those who are persecuted in Latin American counties
03:09 specifically in Mexico
03:11 to come to United States to find freedom, to find refuge
03:15 and to force more redistricting
03:19 for congressional leaders in Congress
03:22 which then gives Catholics
03:24 more and more control over Congress.
03:26 I mean, he stated this openly in his article
03:29 which is fascinating because it's obvious
03:31 that Rome has a plan for securing
03:35 through electoral processes here in United States,
03:40 Catholic leadership in Congress,
03:42 in the Supreme Court, in the White House.
03:45 How many Catholics do we have running
03:46 for the White House in 2006 think about it?
03:48 Jeb Bush one of the big star who is a Catholic.
03:53 And so--
03:54 We way pass the John F. Kennedy scare.
03:58 And then you have-- Now it's the norm.
04:00 And then you have six Supreme Court justices
04:02 who are Catholics.
04:03 One of them little bit but five very conservative ones.
04:06 So you see more and more of a Catholic hegemony
04:11 and leadership taking place in the United States of America
04:14 that most people are now perceptive of.
04:17 Now some say
04:18 well, you are reading a conspiracy into that.
04:20 No, I'm not. It's a reality.
04:21 There is more evidence than you cited.
04:24 It's very obvious that the Roman Catholic Church
04:26 have put their,
04:28 their weight behind the case of the immigrants
04:30 and I've even written about it in Liberty
04:33 that its clearly has an electoral goal.
04:36 It just happens
04:38 that it's an element of human charity too
04:40 that help make some sense.
04:42 But there is a pay off for them behind it obviously
04:45 and it changes the demographics big time.
04:48 And in the most recent poll
04:50 nearly 70 percent of Americans
04:52 view the Catholic Church favorably
04:54 which is a huge reversal from the pedophiles scandals
04:56 that we talked about earlier.
04:57 Yeah, and all--
04:59 there's many things in life I don't understand
05:00 but on religious liberty and all that we talk about
05:02 that's the one thing I can't get my head around.
05:06 The scandal is huge, it's not going away.
05:10 Almost every day there is more discovered
05:11 and yet simultaneously the prestige
05:14 of this organization is growing but I don't understand it.
05:17 Almost doesn't compute.
05:19 It took a person
05:20 and that was the College of Cardinals
05:22 who decided that the only way to reverse that is to elect
05:25 a very popular, win some, charismatic pope.
05:29 In Pope Francis they achieved that.
05:31 And I said not that I'm an expert of predicting
05:34 but I remember saying in this very program
05:37 three years ago I said, hey, you know,
05:40 this pope is probably gonna cause
05:42 the whole pedophiles scandal to be an ancient memory.
05:47 Yes and it does seem to be fading.
05:49 One thing in the little time we have left
05:51 I need to mention again as I have on this program,
05:54 I think when you are dealing with this pope in particular
05:59 and that the gender and the speed
06:01 that it's being processed at, you can't dismiss totally the--
06:08 I'm trying to think how to characterize it,
06:10 prophecies will be the word I will use of Saint Malachy
06:13 supposedly from about the year 1099
06:16 or somewhere around there
06:18 I've read a bit more on it, it wasn't really discovered
06:20 until the year about 1500 and sum
06:22 which is suspicious kind of reformation is what I figure
06:25 but it was discovered in the secret Vatican archives
06:28 but I see more and more from reading Catholic sites
06:31 that there is some credibility given to his description
06:34 of every pope for the last, from 122 popes to the present
06:39 and the description on uncannily close
06:41 and this pope arguably is to be the last pope.
06:44 So whether or not the prophecy is valid is immaterial
06:47 but I wonder if its not sort of giving the sense of urgency.
06:52 You know, I don't buy into that I will tell you why.
06:54 It's been a Protestant sport every since Martin Luther,
06:58 Zwingli, Calvin to project that the next pope is the last pope.
07:02 You can read this in Le Roy Froom's
07:04 Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, volumes--
07:05 I know but go to some catholic websites,
07:08 they are the ones talking about that not the Protestants.
07:09 No that's-- well, there is a lot of evidence to talk
07:11 about that referring to Revelation 17,
07:13 wherever I go--
07:15 But they don't talk about Malachy.
07:17 Malachy has discussed a great length
07:19 on the Roman Catholic sites.
07:20 Right and I'm aware of that.
07:22 Who was it the, Raymond Flint that wrote that book
07:25 about the Catholic Church just a few years ago
07:28 saying that the last pope would usher in the anti-Christ.
07:35 And so there is all kinds of conspiracy theses out there.
07:36 Malachy says the last pope names him Peter,
07:39 which of course is not the present name.
07:41 He says, he runs over the church
07:42 at a time of great distress when the seven hills pass away.
07:46 Yes, that's interesting.
07:47 Well, we've been discussing the popularity
07:50 of Pope Francis I
07:53 and his attempt to review
07:56 the whole grand ecumenical movement
07:58 to unite the Catholic Church with all world religions.
08:02 In fact, political leaders looking to the Catholic Church
08:05 for answers to solve world crises and problems.
08:09 The path to world peace is through a coming together
08:14 of spirituality of religions
08:18 and as political leaders look to them for help
08:21 they are the ones that bring about the last says.
08:26 A few decades ago when Ronald Regan
08:28 as US president made comments
08:31 that we might be on the verge of Armageddon
08:33 or there was an evil entity erode in the world,
08:38 people sat up and paid notice
08:41 and of course it made a real difference
08:43 to how the US treated the Soviet Union.
08:45 In our era when a new pope starts to speak and divulge
08:51 the he perhaps thinks that we are at a point
08:54 where some apocalyptic anti-Christ maybe have brought.
08:58 We need to sit up and pay attention.
09:01 As never before the Vatican is playing a diplomatic role
09:05 and if he believes that what Revelation
09:09 and some apocalyptic prophecies are foretelling
09:12 is about to take place watch out
09:15 they maybe so fulfilling to illusion,
09:18 illusion or beliefs.
09:20 We will see which direction
09:22 this present pope's beliefs take him
09:25 and all Bible students would do well
09:27 to go back to Revelation and Daniel
09:30 and study these words for themselves
09:33 to know exactly what is predicted
09:35 not what some public official, even a church leader may say.
09:40 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-08-27