Liberty Insider

Is it a Just War?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000279B

00:03 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:05 Before the break with guest Greg Hamilton
00:08 we were talking about just war theory.
00:10 How it began and how it's been played out
00:12 even in this 21st century?
00:16 You know many ways we think we'd be on the middle ages
00:18 and all the church state constructs that form the--
00:23 at one point the Holy Roman Empire
00:25 but I think not.
00:26 Its sort of coming back to haunt us.
00:28 And I'd brought up and you discuss
00:30 a little bit strange sort of a concurrence
00:33 between just war theory as the Roman Catholic Church
00:36 is the dominant Christian entity
00:38 during the Middle Ages enunciated.
00:40 I think in the self serving way myself.
00:43 There's a strange juxtaposition between that
00:46 and what we're seeing resurgent again
00:49 with Islam with their Jihad and--
00:52 they almost use the same term.
00:54 Yeah, a just war against the infidel.
00:56 Yeah, and not only that but to clean up
00:59 what they believe is moderate infidel--
01:02 infidelism however you want to say,
01:04 within their own midst which causes them
01:06 to fight and war with each other,
01:07 which is interesting.
01:09 Which of course we had in Europe in the middle ages.
01:11 Yes, and the Donatus controversy--
01:12 And then I seen the Christian was.
01:14 The Donatus controversy in North Africa
01:16 involved Christians who disagreed
01:21 with Roman Catholic churches view the trinity
01:23 and held to Arian view of the nature of Christ.
01:27 And of course the Donatus believed that
01:29 they were following the purest teachings
01:32 of the first Christian church and that Rome had apostatized.
01:35 So St. Augustine was recommending,
01:37 okay, use a shepherd like means to bring them along
01:41 and get them reconverted and bring them around.
01:44 And if that doesn't work
01:45 then the sword of the state must go in
01:47 and take care of business.
01:48 Which means persecution, bloodshed and death,
01:52 martyrdom so to speak.
01:54 But, at least according to the Donatus
01:56 but Rome was basically following through with its own.
02:02 How should I put it, internal cleansing
02:04 and you see the same thing
02:05 happening with the Islamic world.
02:07 But right now you see alliances forming
02:10 between Rome, the Pope Francis, the Sunni nations,
02:15 Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Jordon,
02:18 Gulf states and so on, against the Shia led Iran
02:24 and also the insurgence in Yemen
02:27 and also the insurgence in Iraq.
02:29 I think these are alliances to use your word,
02:33 they're not true alliances.
02:34 I think these are pasturings in the geopolitical give
02:38 and take of an out of control world.
02:41 I'm not so sure that there's any real concurrence
02:44 as yet between any element of Islam and Christianity,
02:48 little on the Roman Catholic Church.
02:50 But since the Roman Catholic Church acts
02:53 as a state and has diplomats
02:55 and is involved in these different things,
02:57 they're showing their hand, which you're speaking of
02:59 and they're tilting toward one Islamic power or another.
03:05 But as we were even saying during the break,
03:08 it's a little muddy because the ISIL
03:11 is actually Sunni, Saudi Arabia
03:14 that we marked more favorable to, is also Sunni.
03:17 But they're not one and the same
03:18 even though curiously Saudi Arabia
03:20 has its fingerprints all over ISIL.
03:22 Oh, sure, sure.
03:24 I remember Prince Bandar lost his job in the aftermath
03:27 because it had gotten out of control
03:29 and was suddenly an embarrassment to them,
03:30 but they started it.
03:32 But Saudi Arabia along with the other Sunni nations,
03:34 view ISIS as being an out-of-control
03:38 extreme group that must be taken care of
03:41 and we made an example of for the sake of "world peace,"
03:47 and their alliance I mean the Arab leagues alliance
03:51 with Rome seems very evident, with the west,
03:54 with United States, against Shia led Iran.
03:57 They will not do business.
03:59 In fact, I read an associate report--
04:01 Press report once back in the bombings in--
04:04 Was it 2008 or 2006 of Israel bombing Gaza
04:09 in the first big war there
04:12 and the King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia said, hey,
04:15 we can do business with Israel
04:17 but we will never do business with Shia led Muslim Iran.
04:22 Because they view them as apostates
04:24 and they view them as does the Shia,
04:28 who believe they're from the direct descent--
04:30 Direct descendants of Mohammad through blood line.
04:32 But its worth remembering that the Shia-Sunni debate
04:35 is not a theology as the succession.
04:38 You're right, Lincoln. Absolutely it is succession.
04:41 Its not about theology.
04:44 In fact, when you look at Mohammad
04:49 and you look at what he tried to achieve
04:53 it was basically a vision of spiritualism
04:59 or a spiritual relationship with Allah
05:02 and it was also a construct that the only way
05:06 that Islam could advance is really through war.
05:11 Well, Islam means submission.
05:13 Yeah. Not peace.
05:14 Right.
05:15 And so it was to cause all the false religions
05:18 or the falsify true religion,
05:21 because they accepted that
05:22 Judaism and Christianity were close.
05:24 But they were divergent enough
05:25 they need to come to the one, Allah.
05:28 And so it was, it was at first baptization
05:31 but it's out failed coalition.
05:33 So its by nature an expansionary,
05:36 even violent, calling.
05:38 The most influential group in Islamic thinking
05:45 occurred in the 19th century with Wahhabism
05:48 and from there it was basically an attempt,
05:50 a movement to purify Islam with from within.
05:55 And to deal with any apostates, apostates within their midst,
06:01 I mean, it was so bad that they developed a philosophy
06:03 that unless you reformed the friend of your friend,
06:09 we would hold all accountable and they must all die.
06:12 Its really egregious and its especially aimed
06:15 at the Shiates in Iran.
06:17 It's a very dark vision of Islam
06:19 and when I cast about in the Christian world
06:22 or at least the United States religious scene,
06:25 the only parallel I can find
06:27 are the Christian Reconstructionist.
06:29 Yes.
06:30 They have an equally dark vision
06:31 of cleansing the religious landscape.
06:34 Started by R. J. Rushdoony.
06:35 In fact even the Christian
06:36 right in the United States holds.
06:38 Sees them as the ultimate extremists
06:41 and refuse to be associated with them.
06:43 That's interesting. Right.
06:44 And within the greater Islamic world,
06:46 Wahhabism is still relatively marginalized.
06:50 But its influencing the whole scene
06:53 and similarly I still hold that the Rushdoony theory
06:58 is its translated into dominionism
07:01 and as we said earlier
07:02 then this Middle East mindset of a lot of Christian
07:06 fundamentalists in United States.
07:07 You have this dark extremist vision of Christianity
07:11 working its way up through geopolitical actions.
07:14 There is an article in The Atlantic by Graeme Wood,
07:17 just this last year.
07:19 I believe it was in December of last year and--
07:21 or January this year.
07:23 And he talked about how ISIL or ISIS
07:27 really does believe in this whole apocalyptic vision
07:31 that they are the ones to bring about the coming of Allah
07:36 and even if Jesus Christ, the Mahdi to come
07:39 and cleanse the world of sinners
07:42 and everything and they are the--
07:44 they are sent by Allah to do that.
07:47 And that there only be so many thousand of them left
07:49 and that Allah would come and rescue them
07:52 and establish Allah's kingdom on earth for a thousand years.
07:54 They really believe that.
07:56 In other words, its not just a political movement.
07:57 What's interesting is, I attend the Annual Council
08:00 on Foreign Relations Summit on religion and foreign policy
08:03 on Madison Avenue in New York City
08:05 and what's interesting is, they keep saying
08:08 and I think the United States is very naive this way
08:10 that its strictly a political movement,
08:12 that ISIS is strictly a political movement,
08:13 the most extreme groups
08:15 are strictly a political movement
08:16 and I keep saying,
08:18 then why are we having this conference?
08:19 Its all about their theological views.
08:21 It's all about their eschatology.
08:23 So they do have an agenda, a religious agenda.
08:27 I've got a book review coming up
08:28 in Liberty Magazine on a book that I read
08:30 and then passed on to Review.
08:32 And I forget the title but its on the assumption
08:35 that the three main religions
08:37 Judaism, Christianity and Islam,
08:40 each have a certain apocalyptic scenario,
08:44 you know, they've every right to hold it,
08:46 but given the way that, that structured
08:49 is a certain concurrence where they are all working
08:51 toward a vanishing point at the same time
08:54 and you know this, this scenario
08:55 has become self-fulfilling
08:57 and the subtext of this book was,
08:59 how the three major religions
09:00 are bringing us toward the apocalypse.
09:03 Yes, and what's interesting is,
09:06 Rome and Pope Francis has some more views.
09:10 We're gonna talk about--
09:12 We need to talk about that in a whole lot of--
09:14 In another program. A whole program.
09:15 But Pope Francis eschatology, he believes that
09:18 the universal church of Christ, Rome
09:21 and all the ecumenical religions
09:23 that joined with him are meant to make war against secularism
09:26 as secularism is the ultimate threat.
09:28 When in fact we know from Ellen White--
09:30 It was Benedict that was his hobby horse,
09:33 the secularism was the main enemy.
09:34 We know, we know from Ellen White
09:36 and also from Revelation 13 and Revelation 17--
09:39 Ellen White a visionary writer in early Adventism.
09:42 Yes, Ellen White referred to that the great battle,
09:45 the final battle is really between Christian extremists
09:50 who seem to take hold of government against heretics,
09:55 those who they view as troublers of the peace
09:58 and troublers of the nation, that's the final scenario,
10:02 because they refuse to recognize the Creator
10:04 and the Creator of the Sabbath.
10:07 So that viewpoint parallels
10:10 what we're saying in the Islamic world
10:12 and the bible says it, you know that the nations are angry.
10:16 The social commentators say,
10:18 we're in a second time of revolution,
10:21 revolutionary fever.
10:22 So its clearly, every thing's at play
10:25 and is always when things will play
10:27 religion is the game to watch, right.
10:29 Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
10:30 And I think that we're witnessing things that
10:34 we'd never seen before.
10:36 Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations
10:38 in New York City, I'll never forget,
10:39 we had a two hour session.
10:41 He just did a one hour monologue
10:43 of what he saw is happening in the world.
10:44 He says, the state department, cleared the president,
10:48 they have never seen anything like this,
10:49 even past presidents.
10:51 Congress has never seen anything like this.
10:52 That the things are happening in the world today,
10:54 with all the different skirmishes and wars
10:56 from Ukraine to the Middle East
11:00 and elsewhere is just they,
11:03 they're at a loss on how to deal with this.
11:04 I heard the comment the other day,
11:06 they seduce leaders some hotspots,
11:07 but they said, at the moment, the whole border is lit up.
11:10 Well, yeah, the whole border is lit up
11:11 and Richard Haass,
11:12 the President of the Council on Foreign Relations said,
11:14 hey, we are in a state of shock.
11:17 We are dumbfounded. We don't know what to do.
11:19 We don't have the answers.
11:20 We have never confronted this type of extremism
11:24 although we did with Nazism, but this--
11:26 Nazism wasn't so much a theology behind it
11:29 or an eschatology
11:31 where as ISIS has eschatology through it,
11:34 through and through and it lines up for a crusade.
11:38 And so it lines up for a restoration
11:40 of this whole just war theory led by the Catholic Church
11:44 of which the western powers,
11:46 especially the United States is mere dupes.
11:51 Let me throw, not a wrench in,
11:53 in what you just said, but a spin may be.
11:57 Its seems to me that with the US invasion of Iraq
12:00 and the over-reaction that accompany
12:03 that because of 9/11.
12:04 Right.
12:06 We threw the Geneva Convention out the window.
12:10 I know there was some public statements--
12:11 Especially when it comes to torture.
12:13 Yes. Yes.
12:15 Where the Geneva Convention,
12:17 which is a very relatively recent origin,
12:20 I think, was a secular restatement
12:23 in some ways of the long term just war theory.
12:28 But we threw that out and we're in desperate
12:31 need of a new paradigm and I think,
12:34 and I think you'll agree with this,
12:35 that now with the interjection of Pope Francis
12:37 and his taking the lead, that's being handed off
12:40 the traditional just war theory is being handed off,
12:43 increasingly to United States.
12:45 The new world paradigm
12:46 is really an old world paradigm.
12:47 Yes. Yeah, and--
12:49 But there's no question that the Geneva Convention
12:51 became totally ruined in the bridge.
12:55 Its funny you should bring-- mention it,
12:56 because in Samuel Huntington's Pulitzer Prize winning
12:59 "Clash of Civilizations," are making a world order--
13:02 I have a lot of time for what you read.
13:04 He basically said that
13:08 we're seeing a clash of civilizations
13:10 between Christianity in the west
13:13 and Islam in the east.
13:14 And clearly that spells more trouble as we go forward.
13:20 We don't have all the answers as Christians,
13:22 Jesus does and so does the Bible.
13:26 At the beginning of the first Gulf war,
13:28 president, now president, Obama gave a speech in Chicago.
13:33 In that speech he said, "I'm not against war,
13:36 I'm against foolish wars."
13:39 And it's worth remembering that in our rights
13:40 it's the spirit of war is steering the nations.
13:44 The bible says that the nations are preparing for war.
13:47 That they will turn their plowshares back into swords
13:51 and the spirit of war is indeed steering.
13:55 But to put into that mix, an old doctrine
13:57 that was formulated at the time
13:59 of a literally militant Christian church,
14:02 an old doctrine just defying the use of violent force.
14:07 I think is to mix things up and create a dynamic
14:11 that cannot bring peace and harmony,
14:15 cannot bring true godliness
14:17 and can only bring bloodshed, can only bring strife.
14:21 It can only bring a breakup of nations,
14:24 peoples, families and indeed the very psyche
14:27 that should make up a true Christian.
14:29 It is well known that all of those
14:31 that participate in war, even a war of defense,
14:34 are corrupted and confused in their minds
14:37 by the horrors that they see.
14:40 Just war is just war.
14:43 It's not correct, its an excuse
14:46 and we must not allow this old doctrine
14:49 to drive our actions
14:51 even in the circled Christian west.
14:54 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-09-03