Liberty Insider

Moving Pictures

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Kim Peckham


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000273A

00:19 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:21 This is the program bringing you up-to-date news, views
00:24 and discussion on religious liberty events
00:27 around the world
00:29 and in the United States on occasion.
00:31 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:35 and my guest on the program is Kim Peckham
00:39 and you are a man of many talents
00:41 but I will at least pin you down by saying
00:43 that you've carried the communications function
00:46 at the Review and Herald Publishing Association,
00:49 near where I live in Hagerstown, Maryland.
00:52 An institution that we may talk about later,
00:54 that's in transition.
00:55 Let's say. Let's say that.
00:57 Well, Kim, let's talk about things
00:59 and I will go back to one of your earliest involvements
01:02 with Liberty Magazine.
01:04 You've got many skills
01:06 and one of them you could visualize
01:07 and put together some great promotional material on video
01:11 and I needed help one year in putting together
01:14 that is Liberty promotional video.
01:18 I don't make to many pretensions
01:21 because they can't be fulfilled
01:22 but I had filmed myself
01:24 interviewing Pastor Anthony Alexander
01:28 who had been released from jail in Sri Lanka
01:30 on terrorism changers,
01:32 then done some rowing footage
01:33 and I wanted you to make it a great video.
01:36 Yeah, we put together the pieces on that.
01:38 I remember you were part of it,
01:40 you focused on America's dedication to religious liberty
01:46 from the earliest, earliest days
01:48 we went down there to the Jefferson Memorial in D.C.
01:52 and did some shots down there and--
01:54 I had forgotten that. I see its coming back.
01:57 Yeah, of course, that I forgotten too
01:59 and then you had that great story.
02:04 What was the-- remind me,
02:06 that's the part I forgotten was a story--
02:08 Well, Pastor Alexander and I've mentioned it
02:10 recently even in some sermons as I traveled around.
02:12 So wonderful story started off very badly in Sri Lanka
02:16 at that time country driven by civil war
02:21 and in my mind I'm says my age as I think of Sri Lanka
02:24 as Ceylon that it's a country in the modern ear
02:29 fell into civil war between the Buddhist
02:31 and the Hindus and two ethnic groups
02:34 and the Guerrillas the Tamil Tiger Guerrillas
02:38 had actually attacked
02:39 the capital of Colombo at one point.
02:41 They destroyed jetliners at the airport, terrific thing.
02:46 And here Seventh-day Adventists
02:48 and in particular this Seventh-day Adventist
02:51 teacher and pastor Anthony Alexander
02:53 was teaching at a boarding school
02:56 in the middle of the civil war.
02:58 One of his student came from the outlying area,
03:02 the government identified the student
03:03 as actually a member of the Tamil Tiger Guerrillas
03:06 and here a Christian teaching a Tamil Tiger
03:10 he must be part of the same thing
03:11 and he was arrested and charged with terrorism
03:14 and this was before 9/11.
03:17 So what was he upshot with this pastor?
03:19 Well, the upshot took a while to shoot
03:24 but at least two years as I remember
03:26 his trial dragged on,
03:29 our lawyers and others went across and met with the--
03:33 well, they usually just sat and caught and listen
03:35 but they came back very depressed
03:36 that they thought if he was lucky
03:39 he wouldn't get the death penalty
03:40 but that was the risk.
03:42 He was in jail all that time and just when we thought
03:46 that it was last without any warning
03:48 he was suddenly released pending a further trial
03:51 and he was spirited to the US
03:54 and he has finished his-- continued his ministry there
03:56 but we say God's leading in his providential release
04:00 but the context was horrible.
04:03 Before 9/11 for a Christian teacher
04:06 in another country doing what God had called him to do,
04:08 not middling in politics at all here accused of terrorism.
04:14 Well, it seems like often the ideas of religious liberty
04:17 get caught up in politics lately.
04:19 Well, nearly always.
04:21 The two things you don't talk about are religion and politics
04:24 and when you are talking religious liberty
04:26 it does involve those things.
04:28 So they assumed it because he was teaching
04:31 he who had a political interest in the Tamil Tigers then.
04:35 Yes, and very often Christian missionaries,
04:40 particularly those coming from the United States
04:41 they seen as agents of imperialism
04:45 or the opposition.
04:48 So there is baggage to the situation
04:51 even if that person is very squeaky clean
04:54 and purely biblically based and mission oriented.
04:59 It's a difficult situation.
05:01 But to say you put that video together, right, remember?
05:03 I do, I know, its all bits that are coming back.
05:06 And as I was telling you before the program
05:09 it obviously worked because of any--
05:13 I was gonna say promotional but that sort of a crossword
05:15 but if any informational video
05:18 that we had and we do want to air
05:21 at least that one got the best response.
05:24 It connected with our donors in a very efficient way.
05:28 Have you speculated on why that was because--
05:30 I think it because you put it together.
05:31 Well, I'm glad.
05:33 Let's, let's go with that by all means
05:35 but I mean its almost surprising
05:37 because here is a situation on the other side of the world
05:41 and why would that connect with your people
05:44 who are mostly in North America.
05:46 Why would they say,
05:47 you know, any identify with this poor man over--
05:52 Now I'm getting the benefit on the video.
05:53 We have a whole spectrum of materials
05:56 during that time of the year, the video was one element.
05:59 I think another visual element we had I was sure and a poster
06:04 that we sent out
06:06 mostly to Seventh-day Adventist churches
06:08 and that poster showed a young girl behind a mess,
06:14 screen sort of a barbwire screen.
06:17 And I do know, you know this too,
06:19 you sort of go through
06:22 an emotional contact with people
06:23 when you use young children and animals.
06:27 Right?
06:28 Yeah, so the next year we will use a puppy dog.
06:31 I keep telling our people to do that but we haven't featured
06:34 but next year our video will feature a dog
06:37 that was forbidden to go to the kennels
06:40 on Sabbath I think.
06:43 Silly dog. That's silly.
06:44 We-- now it is very serious stuff
06:49 but at the same time as you know it's our obligation
06:53 as stewards and custodians of the care
06:56 in this case of the magazine and the message.
07:00 You know, we want to maximize the effect
07:02 and put it in a way
07:03 that's emotionally appealing to people
07:05 and I think it was something about that story
07:09 and the visuals that came with it that did connect
07:12 and I'm always looking for that.
07:15 And our latest issue of Liberty Magazine
07:18 has on the cover a refugee fleeing
07:22 from the murderer's intent of ISIL,
07:27 this terrorist Jihadi group in--
07:32 from Syria coming into Iraq.
07:34 And, you know, I think that that should appeal
07:37 to people the same way.
07:38 Now I think you were telling me this several days ago
07:41 that their policy is almost religious cleansing
07:45 that they are--
07:46 No, it's not always it is.
07:49 And yeah, we may even have a whole discussion on that
07:53 but, yes, its worth remembering
07:55 for those that are watching this program
07:57 and I hope it is not too longer leg
08:00 between us filming it and it going out
08:02 but things are not likely to change much
08:05 but it's only a few weeks ago now that the city of Mosul
08:09 and as I remember that's the second largest city
08:11 in Iraq was over run by this group
08:16 and there were many Christians in Mosul
08:18 and many other religious minorities other than Muslims
08:21 and all of them were rounded up,
08:25 all of them were threatened.
08:26 Christians immediately were told that they must wear,
08:30 it was a funny letter and I don't know why?
08:31 I think it was an "M" like the star
08:33 of David in Hitler's Germany.
08:36 They had to wear that.
08:37 They were told that, that they had a choice initially
08:40 of convert to Islam
08:41 or pay the demi, the religious tax
08:44 but within a few hours not have been the same day
08:47 then it was harden to, you become a Muslim or you die.
08:53 And those that didn't immediately flee were killed
08:57 and many thousands of Christians were killed.
08:59 There are no Christian in Mosul anymore, none.
09:02 There is the points you covered there
09:04 it's so reminiscent like the middle ages
09:06 where those who were dissenting with the main church
09:11 were actually had to wear a yellow cross on their clothes
09:15 and were sometimes outright killed
09:18 if they didn't get and run.
09:20 And I've said this on this program before
09:22 and I don't think this program can be accused
09:25 of being of excusing these sort of things,
09:29 particularly at the moment with Jihadi's
09:31 and so called radical of fundamentalists Islamism
09:36 but in the bigger context we know that many religions
09:40 and certainly Christianity
09:42 in the middle ages of acted similarly.
09:46 This is why we need Liberty Magazine and religious freedom
09:48 because the natural tendency of monolithic religious society
09:54 is to persecute the opposition.
09:57 Yeah, I'm always proud of Liberty that it functions
10:01 or like to keep that in our minds,
10:04 you know, a sort of like you may say,
10:06 well, we don't really need police
10:07 because everyone in my neighborhood is nice.
10:09 But there is always this sort of this reminder
10:13 that there is this standard that we need to be aware of
10:16 and that needs to be-- we need to be reminded of it,
10:19 protect it even though right now
10:22 sometimes it doesn't--it seems like are long way from ISIL
10:25 right now in that situation.
10:27 Well, this is turning into a discussion of ISIL.
10:29 So I will tell you but I wrote an editorial
10:33 and that's just come out in our current issue
10:37 for the beginning of 2015
10:40 and I had to comment on it.
10:43 You can turn on your TV almost any day now
10:46 and there will be something on ISIL.
10:48 It's the talk of the town.
10:49 Yes.
10:51 But an aspect that I thought needed to be brought out
10:54 and it is discussed now but at that time it was latent.
10:58 Was the idea that here is a group in coming from Syria
11:04 or into Iraq they call the Islamic State of Syria
11:11 and Iraq or the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant
11:17 which is the area between Turkey and Egypt
11:22 or as the Bible puts it the glorious land,
11:25 that's the holy land.
11:26 So that's their claim but there is lot of discussion
11:30 and dismay about it.
11:31 I noticed the Pope of Rome even deviated a little
11:35 from the calls for peace
11:37 and restraint and he said
11:40 that they needed to be attacked which is interesting.
11:43 And I thought in a curious way, no ones much remarked on it,
11:45 that's not dissimilar
11:47 from I think Pope Urban
11:49 declaring the crusades, you know.
11:52 Heaven demands it said, Urban, you know, go there.
11:57 So there whole civilized,
11:58 quite civilized world is confronted by this
12:00 but what I believe is the real danger.
12:02 It's not what they're doing there
12:04 which is just stabilizing to the error
12:06 and probably never has a chance of becoming
12:11 the global caliphate that they demand.
12:13 But it can change the map of the Middle East.
12:16 But the real danger is the young men and women
12:20 who are fighting there,
12:23 they come from your neighborhood
12:24 and my neighborhood.
12:25 They might even be someone from Hagerstown there.
12:28 Are you sure?
12:29 I'm not sure about Hagerstown but it's not impossible.
12:33 It's already been noted that these beheading videos,
12:37 so far there are nearly always a person
12:39 with an English accent.
12:41 They seem like they come from booming endless of world.
12:43 Yes.
12:44 They are not locals,
12:46 these are Islamic fundamentalist adventurers,
12:51 young people usually from Australia,
12:53 from Canada, from England, from the US, Germany,
12:59 all throughout Europe.
13:01 They've been recruited from allover.
13:03 Now I went and looked online
13:05 and did some research on ISIL
13:07 and they don't really know the number
13:10 but it's a time they were gathering figures,
13:12 they were guessing maybe 15,000 of them
13:14 and 7,000 of them were Saudi Arabians
13:17 which should tell something
13:19 but the overwhelming this is the largest group
13:23 but beyond that there were a couple of hundred,
13:26 five of six hundred from the US I think,
13:28 from all over the major countries.
13:31 Now they are there now
13:34 and unless the bombing kills all of them
13:36 they will come back just as soldiers
13:38 come back from all wars.
13:40 They will come back with clearly a very radical agenda.
13:44 They will come back with military training.
13:45 They will come back with unresolved antagonisms
13:49 toward the west and the religions of the west
13:53 something will happen.
13:55 Not to mention the appeals that are being put out
13:58 on the internet too our neighborhoods
14:00 and many of those young people can't or won't go
14:04 but they share those attitudes
14:06 and so I wrote this.
14:07 I said, this is the danger.
14:09 It will put religious liberty under severe stress.
14:12 How the authorities going to deal
14:14 with this up bubbling of violence in our community
14:18 from these Jihadi's?
14:21 Is my neighborhood
14:23 and are the so called civilized countries
14:26 going to have the patience to root them out one at a time
14:31 or will there be some blanket
14:33 prohibition of the whole class of people
14:35 or a class of religious thinking?
14:38 Because there has been a shift since 9/11
14:42 to saying fundamentalism is dangerous
14:45 whether it's Christianity or Islam.
14:46 It's called extremism
14:48 as how so is referred to, extremism.
14:50 Extremism.
14:51 So if you're religious but you don't--
14:55 not too serious about it
14:56 you are okay but if your religion
14:59 is central to your life,
15:00 you are seen as potentially dangerous.
15:01 Exactly, that seems to be
15:03 that to the picture that's been painted here,
15:04 if you care about religion you are somehow dangerous
15:08 and if you just don't take it too seriously
15:11 then you are welcome in our area.
15:14 Yeah, so how would you communicate this
15:16 if you had to do a video of this sort of thing?
15:19 What's the image that we should,
15:21 that we should seize upon?
15:24 Sorry, I'll give you a moment to think about it.
15:26 Let's-- we'll come back after a break
15:29 and continue this program.
15:30 So stay with us for this discussion.


Revised 2015-09-03