Liberty Insider

Preacher's Kid and The Middle East

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Charles Mills


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000269B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with fellow philosopher Charles Mills-
00:12 We were, we were getting
00:14 to the very root of what lies behind religious sensibility
00:18 and then how that expresses itself
00:19 in the context of religious liberty.
00:21 And of course,
00:22 this all in the context of the world today
00:25 with this fast forgetting religious liberty
00:27 is more instead of chopping of someone's head
00:29 and saying, I'll act by role, God be praised or you know,
00:34 I shouldn't get into Buddhist,
00:36 but even the Buddhist would burn,
00:37 you know, the Vietnam war they will burn themselves
00:40 or now kill the Rohingyas up in minority
00:46 and in Myanmar Buddhist killing
00:49 religious minorities they are saying--
00:50 They're calling on a God who would say don't do that,
00:53 what you're about to do, don't do that.
00:55 Yes. Exactly, all right.
00:57 So that often they are denying the very religious principle
01:00 but they motivated by religious sentiment.
01:03 Well, then how on earth can you say
01:05 that religion is the answer,
01:07 because before the break I asked you--
01:08 No, religion is not the answers,
01:09 spirituality is the answer.
01:10 There we go, that's what I'm after.
01:11 Yes, religion is not the answer because I was gonna say
01:14 if religion is the answer what religion, whose religion,
01:18 and whose interpretation of religion?
01:20 Organized religion, is nothing
01:22 inherently wrong with organization
01:25 but there's something inherently risky
01:26 with organizing anything,
01:28 because it becomes over arching in our church
01:31 the Seventh-day Adventist church.
01:33 Ellen White who was a prophetic figure
01:36 and one of the pioneer she spoke,
01:39 quite sharply at times against the organization
01:42 that she helped organize.
01:43 Yeah.
01:44 She said it was-- I don't sure she is the word
01:46 but she gave concept there was a necessary evil.
01:51 You will see that written at the General Conference,
01:53 necessary evil, right.
01:55 But you know, I'll go back to history of Henry,
01:59 there is to many Henry's,
02:00 let start the ending with Henry VIII
02:02 and his quest for children and many war
02:06 but I think Henry V or IV with Thomas a Becket
02:10 who was a meddling priest
02:13 and that's what Thomas a Becket--
02:15 what Henry said of him
02:16 well, nobody rid me of this meddling priest
02:19 and priest and religionist have meddled
02:23 with human affairs from time and memorial
02:26 and I think they compromise their faith whenever they do.
02:29 Religion should stay with the inner life
02:32 and motivate people to live
02:35 their secular life in a better way.
02:37 You realize what you're saying here?
02:39 You realize what's happening today
02:40 in this world today that is exactly
02:42 what you're saying, shouldn't happen?
02:44 Well, let me get to something
02:45 that's been playing on my mind for the last day or two.
02:48 I received several books in the mail,
02:51 written by a well known conservative
02:54 quite historian David Barton,
02:57 and he challenges the current legal opinion
03:00 that Thomas Jefferson and the constitution argue
03:04 for a separation of church and state
03:07 and David Barton using history
03:10 or at least his vision of history
03:12 tries to show that this was a Christian,
03:14 the United States was a Christian nation
03:16 from the beginning
03:17 and one of his video shows that godly origins of America.
03:23 Well, I've watched it and it sort of troubles me
03:28 because he is mixing two things,
03:32 evidence of spirit--
03:34 stated evidences of spirituality
03:36 by all in some including some of the religious leaders.
03:39 He uses as evidence that this is a Christian republic.
03:43 When we talk about a Christian republic,
03:45 we're talking about a structure, an organization
03:48 and it is pretty easy to prove
03:50 that America was rather unique for its time,
03:54 that it was a state premised on just secular ideals
03:57 in fact, even antireligious ideals
03:59 as the French Revolution was.
04:02 The thing is that formed that we're not pro-religion at all
04:05 and yet as they did that many of the individuals
04:09 who were part of it had a great personal respect for religion
04:12 and they accomplished almost the unthinkable.
04:14 They set up a secular state that was designed
04:16 to encourage personal spirituality.
04:19 They left the religion at the door
04:20 when they walked in to sign the constitution.
04:21 But they were not antireligious.
04:23 In the slightest, most of them
04:25 were extremely personally religious
04:30 and all of them were deeply respectful
04:32 of the religious tradition
04:33 that their culture had nurtured,
04:37 but David Barton and others sort of take one
04:40 and take it across the fence and try to say
04:43 therefore this is a religious government.
04:46 To me it's a huge misunderstanding
04:49 but reverse engineering that I think
04:51 that's what we need again now,
04:54 and its missing from the world or the poet Matthew Arnold,
04:57 spoke about the lights of the black west vanishing
05:03 and he says "The Sea of Faith was once, too, at the full,"
05:06 but he says I hear its slow melancholy retreating roar.
05:10 That in my view is what's happened
05:12 and because the Bible speaks of it Gods spirit
05:14 even being withdrawn from the world.
05:16 That's what I think is happening.
05:18 As people divest themselves of personal inner spirituality,
05:23 what are you left with?
05:24 You left with the bare burns of religious doctrine,
05:27 of the religious history, of the antagonisms
05:31 that have characterized the centuries
05:32 and that's the devils playground.
05:34 How could you say its withdrawing now,
05:36 it's been that way since Adam and Eve.
05:38 Yes, but I see in area,
05:39 I think something radical happening
05:41 and I see it in a prophetic sense.
05:43 I think in a biblical sense I think literally
05:46 God is pulling back from evil
05:49 but sociologically we can seen many signs,
05:52 you know, the increasing secularization
05:55 and what's the word I'm looking for,
05:59 materialism of the west and the TV games
06:02 and you just go on and on have really divorced
06:05 the newer generations from values like
06:08 religion and spirituality, inner morality and so on,
06:11 very utilitarian very me, me, me oriented.
06:14 They don't see an example to follow.
06:15 No, and I think very clearly
06:17 just this is someone looking at as sociologist,
06:21 they're good reasons to see why violence
06:25 and selfishness and are on the rise
06:29 and altruism is on the decline.
06:31 And that fed into the modern mix
06:34 which includes historical religions means violence.
06:38 You have said this many times
06:39 that it doesn't have to be the way it is,
06:42 we don't have to just sit back
06:44 and say well, okay, its just gonna happen
06:46 there's nothing we can do about it
06:47 because God is withdrawing
06:49 and so we might just get ready for the second coming,
06:52 it doesn't have to be that way.
06:53 We can be active in reversing this.
06:57 We can invite God back again.
06:59 How do we do that?
07:01 And you know this is where I agree with--
07:04 No, I want the Lord to come like anybody else,
07:06 but why force the issue.
07:08 Why don't you just let Him come when He wants to come?
07:10 If they can meet one interesting point
07:11 with only few minutes to go in our program.
07:13 But you know, I used to meet
07:14 a lot with the people in religious right
07:17 and good people most of them,
07:19 I mean I only say most
07:21 because I know most people enough,
07:23 what I mean is not everybody is,
07:25 but they apparently all very good people.
07:27 And one of the things that did impress me invariably
07:30 when they prayed they would pray
07:32 that God would heal this nation.
07:34 Now that's a good pray, I agree with that.
07:37 God can heal it or to put it in another way,
07:40 as we reach toward God and open our lives spiritually,
07:45 and embody the deeper principles of faith
07:48 a change will come.
07:49 There's no question
07:52 whether we be on the tipping point
07:54 that's a philosophical thing but it's never too late.
07:58 And as I read in the Bible when God says to the Nineveh,
08:01 you know, 40 days Nineveh is gonna be destroyed.
08:04 They repented it wasn't destroyed.
08:07 When Jesus said to His disciples,
08:09 you know, things are gonna happen
08:11 some of you still alive, people doubt that.
08:14 Jesus said you will see this, it didn't.
08:19 C. S. Lewis spoke to that
08:20 and he said I'd rather believe in a God
08:22 who didn't know than a God who was wrong.
08:24 Jesus didn't know because he was not privy
08:27 to His father's thoughts at that time.
08:29 He said later He had ascended.
08:32 Now, there's a God is given us a path in his dynamic
08:36 and He is not mandating
08:37 that the world ends at a certain time,
08:39 it ends at a certain time
08:40 because we are declining from Him,
08:43 brings about conditions that require conclusion.
08:47 Interesting. Interesting.
08:48 But we can I believe,
08:49 and specifically talking about religious liberty,
08:52 we can, not in the individual
08:54 but in the aggregate as we changed,
08:56 we can turn back not the hands of time
09:00 but we can turn back
09:01 the vicious violence of religious conflict.
09:04 We can turn back the United States
09:07 to what the David Barton and the others want
09:09 to a godly nation not by mandating it,
09:12 not by restructuring the government,
09:14 not by taking down the wall of separation,
09:18 but by changing the hearts and minds
09:20 which is what I always hearken back to from the Vietnam War.
09:23 Changing the hearts and minds of people
09:25 so that they open to this thinking
09:27 and society will changes it result.
09:29 Move toward a, I hate to use it
09:33 but I always comes up a more tolerant,
09:35 open, forgiving, understanding more human society.
09:42 I find a lot of, a lot of hope in that statement
09:45 that we can affect what God does
09:49 and when He does it to a point of course,
09:51 but we can make that change.
09:53 Of course we can affect that, what about Hezekiah
09:55 God says to him you're gonna die
09:57 but Hezekiah turned his face to the wall
09:58 and wept and said no God, no, God changed his mind.
10:02 That empowers us, as Christians
10:04 that empowers us we can do something,
10:08 we don't have to sit back and just be victims
10:11 of what's happening here we can do something.
10:13 And probably we need to do a show on what can we do
10:15 and we can do a show on that if you'd like,
10:17 that sounds like a good idea.
10:18 But I know one thing that I want to do,
10:20 I want to start making a difference in my church,
10:24 I want to start making a difference in my life
10:26 and in my community.
10:28 I want to start being what God wants us to be
10:32 because, if we start being what God wants us to be
10:35 and enough of us do that,
10:37 God's gonna look down and like He did to Nineveh
10:39 and He says look, hey, they've changed.
10:42 They're not like they are when they used to be,
10:44 there are people there, there are groups there,
10:46 there are church's there, there are individuals there
10:48 who want to be what they should be.
10:52 They want to be My children. They want to live by My rules.
10:55 They want to make sure
10:57 that their lives are reflection of the way
10:59 it supposed to be and when that happens,
11:01 God says, I'm coming back again.
11:06 There's not enough time in our program
11:08 to discuss fully the ramifications
11:10 of being a preachers kid
11:12 but, the best I can say is I remember very well
11:15 as a young man myself flying
11:17 with my family into Kabul, Afghanistan
11:21 and an alien environment for westerner
11:24 and for a Christian
11:25 and we were met there by a very nice family.
11:29 They driven up from Pakistan
11:31 where the father was a Christian missionary,
11:34 they were two beautiful daughters
11:36 whose beauty interested me at the time.
11:38 We had a lovely couple of days there
11:40 going up to Kandahar and looking around
11:43 that ancient country and then we flew off
11:46 and a few months later in the middle of the night
11:50 that family was rouse from their bed
11:51 by banging at the door.
11:53 The father opened the door
11:54 in front of his two daughters and his wife,
11:56 he was killed savagely struck down
11:59 and murdered him in front of them.
12:02 Being a PK in the Middle East
12:03 as Charles have said is quite an assignment
12:08 and it brought with it great privileges
12:10 but also great risks and a great story.
12:13 And I've been so glad to talk to Charles
12:15 and to hear again how that influenced his thinking
12:19 and his views in this case on religious liberty.
12:24 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-01-22