Liberty Insider

Turn Your Radio On

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Charles Mills


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000268B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with guest Charles Mills
00:09 we were sort of riffing on about everything
00:12 starting with really the linchpin idea
00:15 of this program is that you and I worked together
00:17 on a regular radio program.
00:19 Yes. Yes.
00:20 Used to be one hour long
00:21 and those were the good old days where we talked--
00:23 It was live. Forever it was live.
00:25 Yeah. We had call-ins and so on.
00:27 Then I think it went to half-an-hour for a while,
00:29 now it's a 15 minute program which is invigorating
00:33 because it goes at the speed of light.
00:34 Have to be very focused on a 15 minute program.
00:36 But you know, we've had a long,
00:38 long history of talking together
00:41 and covered many, many topics
00:43 and so we ended up before the break
00:46 sort of setting a scene for the world.
00:48 Why is it in such turmoil?
00:49 Why is religion becoming such a contentious issue?
00:53 Yeah.
00:54 And-- am I on the right track?
00:56 You are. We are on the right track?
00:57 We are talking about some of these social and economic
01:00 and historic divisions from the great powers and so on.
01:05 All of these things have contributed
01:06 I think to a current crazy miss.
01:09 I don't know if you heard it or read it but
01:12 there was a comic came out of the White House the other day
01:15 and trying to be cool and calm with things
01:17 that according to the Congress
01:18 the White House is not managing correctly.
01:20 And somebody there said, well, you know,
01:23 we've always got our eye on events
01:26 and there's usually a couple of hotspots
01:28 or things lighting up on the board.
01:31 But they said at the moment the whole board's lighting up.
01:33 Yes. Yes.
01:35 And I think that's so
01:36 but it was interesting that they have that feeling.
01:40 We've established that it is this
01:43 tremendous stress that the world is under,
01:47 if people understood what religious liberty really is,
01:52 this stress would serve to bring people together
01:56 not tear them apart.
01:58 Yeah. It's just the opposite.
02:00 So we have to know that
02:01 if stress is tearing the world apart,
02:03 there is a misunderstanding what religious liberty is.
02:05 And another thing is happening that I noticed
02:09 and we talked about this in the radio program as well.
02:12 People are using religious liberty as a scapegoat.
02:15 They are using it as a means for war.
02:17 Well, because you don't agree with me--
02:19 Wanting their liberty.
02:20 It is their liberty because you--
02:21 because I want my liberty
02:23 and you want to take my liberty away,
02:24 I'm gonna attack you
02:25 and I'm gonna go to war with you,
02:27 I'm gonna kill you because you are a threat to me
02:31 so I'm gonna get you first.
02:32 That's what happening in the Middle East.
02:33 Well, I agree with you
02:34 but let's really put you to the stretch.
02:37 Why, how in this context or what explains
02:40 why the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria
02:47 is so set on destroying the Yazidis.
02:51 Well, you have to help me on that one.
02:52 You know the history, so this man is a history man.
02:55 He knows history so you tell me.
02:58 Well, on the face of it I don't think its quite so obvious
03:01 because the Yazidis are very insular community,
03:04 an ancient religious group in Iraq
03:07 and I think they are also through into Iran,
03:11 they're Zoroastrians, you know,
03:13 an ancient religion that predates Christianity
03:18 and I think in its origins predates Judaism.
03:23 But they are not very active.
03:25 So on the face of it they don't present a threat to Islam
03:30 but what's happened and I think this is that
03:33 what we need to understand about Islam in this case
03:35 but even Christianity in other cases,
03:37 it's been stirred to intolerance,
03:42 it's been stirred to hatred
03:43 and it just reflexly doesn't want to abide
03:47 any other religion, any other faith other than its own.
03:50 But there's not an inherit conflict
03:52 between the Yazidis and Islam that I can say.
03:56 That's something we've talked about as well.
03:58 You could have two religions,
04:00 two established ancient religions
04:04 whose platform is peace fighting each other.
04:08 Who come at each other with knives and guns and bombs
04:12 and one of the establishing foundation doctrines
04:15 of their religion is peace and tolerance
04:18 and love for their neighbor.
04:19 How is that possible?
04:21 And that opens the door also to another reason
04:24 why we have religious intolerance
04:26 and lost religious freedom around the world.
04:29 People aren't living the religion they believe.
04:33 They are living something else. What are they living?
04:34 Well, you've been a good pupil of mine because what I--
04:37 Absolutely.
04:38 What I come back to all the time on this
04:41 in fact, for shock I've said it in religious liberty meetings,
04:45 I've said there's way too much religion in the world,
04:48 way too much and I believe that
04:50 from point of just a historian looking at events
04:53 and you can easily make a claim
04:55 as did the late Christopher Hitchens
04:58 that religion is the cause of the lot of problems
04:59 if not all of them.
05:00 He was a little incline to say all of them.
05:03 But religion is at the root
05:05 but isn't good religion it's bad religion,
05:09 and good religion is made good by faith,
05:11 personal spirituality.
05:13 And I believe and this is what you're fishing for.
05:16 There's too few people that are living their faith
05:19 in a personal, spiritual way.
05:23 And yes, I do believe that some religions doctrinally
05:26 are little more incline to lash out
05:29 and punish others that think differently.
05:32 But even those ones are made more benign
05:35 if the individual is more concerned
05:37 with personal spirituality and involved with their faith
05:40 rather than using it as a weapon against someone else.
05:42 Yes, yes, absolutely.
05:44 Didn't you tell me the story once of the Prophet Muhammad
05:47 and dealing with people who are not of the faith.
05:50 There was something that happened in Egypt or some place
05:53 you told me a story about how some people helped him--
05:57 Well, I know the story, I don't remember telling you.
05:59 Yes, and thus the people helped him and he says,
06:01 well, we need to be friendly to these people from now on
06:04 and they're doing anything but that
06:06 in the Middle East right now. Yeah.
06:08 Well, the Islam is very complex and I don't want to--
06:13 we don't get callers on this program
06:15 but we might get fire bombings.
06:17 Not really. Silly.
06:19 But you know we don't want to
06:20 when we talk about religious liberty
06:22 gratuitously attack another faith.
06:26 But that faith is not acting like it is supposed to be.
06:29 It is better than its acting.
06:31 In many places in the world at the moment
06:34 Islam needs to be rebut in my view.
06:37 It's not acting well
06:40 in the interest of humanity in general
06:44 and it's not really acting always
06:46 in the interest of its own state at times,
06:50 but what it is doing and this is what I'm fishing for
06:53 when you look at the history of Islam,
06:56 Muhammad personally,
06:58 he had a great battle to even survive
07:01 and the whole concept began
07:03 with the flight from Mecca, wasn't it?
07:08 Yeah.
07:09 But you know, he was between Mecca and Medina
07:11 and at one time he was fleeing for his life,
07:13 another time he comes back to conquer them
07:16 and like it or not the warfare
07:21 that accompanied those early days
07:23 is implanted in the thinking of how Islam will expand.
07:28 It's written into the Quran and as I say that I know
07:32 that it was given by the Angel Gabriel to Muhammad,
07:36 it's a bit dangerous to suggest that
07:38 it was his views that were written large there
07:42 but whatever within the Quran there are many statements
07:45 about the value of Jihad
07:48 and advancing it by the sword and so on
07:50 and the history extenuates that.
07:53 So it's not very hard in a country like Iraq
07:56 where there are severe ethnic, historical and military issues.
08:03 When you have all of that and then the religion
08:06 sort of encourages people to do it they get a license.
08:10 It goes wrong very quickly.
08:12 Christianity has got a bad history too in the Middle Ages
08:15 and the crusades and the inquisition.
08:19 You know, we can't really excuse that
08:21 but I think you can more easily in Christianity say that
08:24 it was an aberration from its founding principles.
08:27 With Judaism it's a little bit more difficult
08:31 'cause there's some things in the Old Testament very--
08:33 Yes if we look at the Old Testament--
08:35 Very similar to the Quran. If we-- yeah exactly.
08:38 If we use the Old Testament as our guide
08:41 of how to deal with people who do not believe the way we are,
08:44 look at what we turn into. Right.
08:47 Without Christ what do we have?
08:49 That's right and so whether its--
08:51 Well, Christ for a Christian. We got to be careful.
08:54 I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
08:56 I believe that Christ as He said, I'm the way.
08:59 No other name given among men where by you'll be saved.
09:02 But when you are talking about religious liberty
09:04 and the dynamic that protects it,
09:06 I think it's not good enough to say as I jokingly say,
09:10 religion is the problem.
09:11 We need spiritual religion where people need to be
09:15 seriously spiritually involved with their faith,
09:18 then we need the allowance of other human beings
09:22 to find their way to God through their system
09:25 and we need to denature
09:26 this violent tendency in all religions.
09:29 And part of it is to accept it. It's embedded in Islam.
09:33 It's embedded to a lesser degree I think,
09:35 but that arguable it's embedded in the Old Testament, Judaism.
09:39 It's historically explainable
09:42 but it's there if you want to pluck it out.
09:44 Hard to get in Christianity but easy for Christians
09:48 who think in violent ways and convenience to get into it.
09:53 But one way or another, we need to work for all faiths
09:58 to work together not to accept the other as truth.
10:01 I'm never going to accept the Quran
10:03 or the Book of Mormon as God's word.
10:06 No, I accept the Bible.
10:08 But I still should guarantee there's other people
10:11 the right to believe that and this has been said
10:13 be ready to die to defend their right to think differently.
10:17 That is so important to each one of us
10:19 that we come to a realization that religious liberty
10:25 is our freedom to love God, to do what we feel is right
10:32 and then we share that type of feeling,
10:35 that type of realization with the world.
10:38 Until we do that we will not have religious liberty.
10:41 Until we do that none of us will ever be free.
10:46 I remember hearing a song on the radio
10:49 with the words turn your radio on.
10:53 There is television today as any 3ABN viewer knows
10:57 but it's been a privilege of mine
10:59 to work on radio as well for a long time
11:01 and with Charles Mills the guest
11:04 and at first we were talking for an hour.
11:06 When you talk for an hour on a topic
11:07 you better know what you are talking about.
11:09 By the end of the time you know the topic pretty well.
11:13 There's a lot to share and talk can do it
11:16 as the truck drivers and many people driving to work
11:20 all across the country now they need to hear things
11:24 and to have a social interaction.
11:26 Radio does it.
11:27 It reminds me a little bit of God's spirit
11:29 reaching out to our minds.
11:31 I've noticed many public speakers
11:33 as they are talking
11:34 appeared to be also having an inside conversation.
11:38 Radio has done that and I believe that we use--
11:42 need to use all the mediums radio, television, print.
11:47 I also was an editor of books as well as Liberty Magazine.
11:52 We need to use all of these devices
11:55 to communicate moral truths
11:58 and in this case religious liberty
12:01 'cause at the end of the day the gospel of liberty
12:05 as Paul put it is preeminent.
12:08 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-01-08