Liberty Insider

A World of Liberty

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Wintley Phipps


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000265B

00:03 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:05 This is a Lincoln Steed again Liberty editor.
00:08 And my guest Wintley Phipps. Yes.
00:11 Good little pose, because I have been thinking
00:12 of something else. Right, right.
00:13 But you're singing has defined these programs. Yes.
00:18 And in many ways it's been the entering wedge
00:20 for the experiences we'll have.
00:22 I want to talk in the second half
00:23 more about global experiences
00:25 and the contacts you have made but.
00:26 Yes, that's right. So we don't get cut short.
00:30 Please share another song with us.
00:32 Oh, sure absolutely and this is song is really
00:36 talks about the truest freedom that we could ever have
00:39 and that is "A relationship with God."
00:41 So listen to that. Okay.
01:00 Amazing love how can it be
01:06 You broke the chains and set me free
01:13 You filled my life with joy untold
01:20 You like my spirit, you feed my soul
01:27 Now I want to let the whole world know
01:34 Of all you've done for me
01:40 I want to praise Your name
01:51 Amazing love How can it be
01:58 You sent your Son to die for me
02:04 He took the blame carrying my shame
02:12 All the way to Cavalry
02:19 When I thought I was forever lost
02:26 You caught my falling soul
02:32 I want to love you more
02:45 Amazing love
02:52 Amazing love
02:59 Amazing, amazing love
03:10 Amazing love how can it be
03:17 You would give your life for me
03:23 You bring such comfort to my soul
03:31 You raise me up and make me hold
03:38 Now I want to let the whole world know
03:45 Of all You've done for me
03:52 I don't think I can ever,
03:59 ever love you more
04:05 Amazing love
04:11 Amazing love
04:20 Amazing love how can it be
04:27 Now I live eternally
04:32 I once was lost but now I'm found
04:40 I was blind but now I see
04:47 And now I'm forever Yours
04:54 Soon I will see Your face
05:00 And I will love You more
05:11 Amazing love
05:18 Amazing love
05:25 Amazing love
05:34 Amazing love
05:45 Wow. Amazing love.
05:48 Thank you for sharing that it's very good. Amen.
05:50 And we're-- you know you have the ability
05:53 through song but all of this I think need to remind us also
05:56 and talk about religious liberty.
05:58 We're spreading that amazing love around the world.
06:00 Absolutely. A world that has not much love.
06:03 It's right and it is His love,
06:06 His amazing love that is made liberty possible.
06:10 Right absolutely.
06:12 Well, not for the fact that He loved us,
06:15 He would not have created us in His image and created us free.
06:20 As free moral agents and when we lost that freedom
06:24 it was His amazing love that came
06:27 and bought that freedom back.
06:28 You took it right back that was very appreciate
06:31 that when I preach about religious liberty
06:34 I tried to include that
06:35 but I nearly always start with Jesus in Nazareth
06:37 at the beginning of His ministry.
06:39 Proclaiming that message of liberation--
06:41 Yes. From sin-- Yeah, absolutely.
06:43 Because that's was the man was enslaved to sin. Yes.
06:46 But you're right it goes back even further to the creation
06:49 and even the planning of the creation of man.
06:51 It was done in love. Yes.
06:53 For us. Absolutely, yeah.
06:55 And that is incomprehensive
06:56 because the Bible says you know,
06:58 "What is man that they are mindful of him."
07:00 Absolutely. But yet yes because we were His special creation.
07:03 Absolutely.
07:05 Again back to some of the countries
07:07 you have been to what about Australia?
07:09 Yeah, yes, yeah, your own--
07:11 I mean it's not a country known for religious persecution
07:14 but what's you take there.
07:16 Well, you know Australia is very
07:18 one of my favorite places to go.
07:19 I think I've been Australia over 10 times you know
07:23 from Perth to Hamilton Island.
07:25 And I think that Australia went through a period
07:30 where the people of faith had to come to grips
07:34 with the fact that their love for God
07:40 near to be manifest in a more humane way in dealing
07:46 with the indigenous population there in Australia.
07:49 That's true.
07:50 And I think at the end of the day
07:55 the faith of the people is what won the day
07:59 or I should say that the kind of relationship
08:03 with Christ that brings justice.
08:07 And that brings harmony and brings healing
08:12 and so for my take of it is Australia
08:16 went through some of those kinds of periods
08:19 that Dr. Stott talked about where people
08:24 used their faith in ways that were not humane.
08:28 But it is now in a place where--
08:31 Yeah, you and I where talking little bit that off camera
08:33 and I don't think Australia you know was up there
08:38 with some of the worst
08:39 but as said like most colonial exercises--
08:42 the convicts were of course mistreated as well.
08:44 Yeah.
08:46 The attitude of the colonizers was
08:48 incredibly dismissive and cruel.
08:49 And they were Christians.
08:50 And genocide, yes, towards the indigenous people.
08:54 Yeah.
08:55 And you know that was the very early days
08:58 I think that drifted away from most people's memory.
09:00 The later, the last problem that which is being
09:03 much documented of like was this relocation of the children
09:07 thinking that the government knew better.
09:10 And I think Australia is had to come to grips with that.
09:12 There is a sense of guilt there is no question. Yes.
09:15 And in fact I seem to remember
09:17 the Australian prime minister apologizing--
09:18 Well, absolutely. Recently for that.
09:20 And that's not a bad thing.
09:21 And some of you haven't seen hear by the way.
09:23 Well, I was going to say I don't like--
09:24 I like America I've lived here a long time
09:26 but it troubles me when I hear them saying
09:27 that no president should ever apologize for this case.
09:29 Yes, yeah.
09:31 That's shows humility and real politic
09:34 for even a president to apologize on occasions.
09:37 Absolutely.
09:38 Well, you had a great career and it's not over yet. Yes.
09:42 But I not envy but I think anybody could wish
09:46 to have the experiences you have had.
09:48 Well they've been ranged. That's been powerful.
09:50 They've been rich, rich experience.
09:51 And I hope it continues a long term.
09:54 Absolutely and I praise God for the opportunity
09:57 and God bless you.
09:58 Its been great being with you today.
10:00 So many of the science fiction confabulations
10:04 that you'll see on movies nowadays
10:06 have all of the world's leaders sometimes they go further
10:09 all of the galactic leaders gathered together
10:12 to address some overwhelming problem.
10:16 It seems science fiction but in reality
10:18 that's sort of how it is.
10:19 The United Nations such as it is meets quite often
10:23 to address major world problems
10:26 and so often most problems are related to religion.
10:29 At the very beginning at the United Nations
10:31 the formation of the nation of Israel
10:34 it's off with religious heaviness associated
10:38 was one of the first things.
10:40 Ahmedijan of Iran spoke of very particular religious issues.
10:45 But its people like Wintley Phipps
10:46 and others who are leading out for freedom,
10:49 intolerance and religious accommodation.
10:52 Those people as they travel the world on jet
10:55 or on other conveyances are able to, what?
10:59 "Sing their way into the hearts
11:02 and the minds of those directing world affairs."
11:04 We need to be emissaries globally or locally
11:08 wherever we are for freedom principles
11:11 for the principles that under guard freedom of religion
11:16 and the integrity of the individual conscience.
11:20 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17