Liberty Insider

Let's Be Realistic

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Orlan Johnson


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000262B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:09 Before the break with guest Orlan Johnson
00:12 I was almost set box
00:14 talking about possible scenario among many
00:18 but just one that I was sort of extrapolating on security
00:21 where it's not really stretched in fact, in some ways
00:24 we saw to live through it after 9/11.
00:27 In very, don't you think--
00:28 Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.
00:29 You put succession at least president's
00:31 on basic rules and freedom's,
00:33 were set that most troubling
00:36 and we so held easy that the--
00:38 Absolutely we ended up creating new agencies,
00:42 homeland security that started grabbing all the organization
00:46 and placing them underneath themselves
00:48 and still to this day at airports
00:50 there's almost though you're living
00:52 in a different country completely
00:54 because of that regulations that are there as well.
00:57 And even as you say homeland security
00:59 I mean, the concept is great.
01:01 But the language, I mean that sounds
01:03 very so wired to hear to me
01:05 I mean just it's ominous it seems to me.
01:10 I have told on this program
01:11 but this is a good context to repeat it
01:13 then I don't think that I have told you
01:14 but blew me away.
01:15 Years ago I saw Jerry Falwell
01:22 well I was trying to think of second name
01:23 and the reverend Sharpton on TV
01:26 talking about abortion I think it was.
01:30 And it was fine they were both on the same wavelength
01:32 but then Sharpton started to get on to
01:37 the financial plot of the inner city and so on--
01:40 just about the Sharpton--
01:41 about the late Jerry Falwell because this was off message.
01:45 And he got offended and he turned to him I--
01:48 this is exactly what I saw
01:50 there was no-- I'm not extracting.
01:52 This is the dialogue he turned to him and he said
01:54 if you believe that he says you are not Christian,
01:59 you are not an American,
02:01 you are a terrorist sympathizer.
02:03 Wow, wow.
02:05 And it's a shame that we seem to find ourselves
02:08 sometimes taken things through the extreme and,
02:11 and well, we have to be concerned with is that
02:13 it will be the view point as Christian
02:15 that you are not in this particular box
02:18 then not only you on another box
02:20 but you are in the absolutely worst box
02:22 that any of us could ever imagine.
02:24 Well, you know, during the French revolution
02:27 that's the sort of thing will get you to the
02:28 you think quick just to be denounced by some one.
02:31 Right now, I think most people would say this is you know,
02:34 a rather vitriolic angry statement by regard
02:39 they wouldn't act on it.
02:40 Although I did work on constructional during college
02:43 and there are people
02:44 in that environment would do it.
02:46 They will get in they pick up with the flag in person
02:49 and act on it.
02:50 Well, I mean we're seeing every day I mean,
02:52 it's not a day that you pick up newspaper
02:54 or read something where you see people get up and do
02:57 some of the craziest things whether it's
02:59 you know, the silent come in and shoot up in the school
03:02 or going to some place else where innocent people
03:05 are taking lives and then there come back
03:07 that there is some "valid reason"
03:10 for their activities.
03:11 I mean, we have to just be cautious and be critical
03:14 that all the time and understanding that
03:16 the persecutions and the trials that will come our way
03:19 they are not gonna be deemed to be you know,
03:22 reasonable or why would anybody come to those conclusions.
03:25 Why would reasonable people-- I believe that really
03:29 it's gonna create some type of
03:30 almost like a chemical imbalance in the minds of those
03:33 who decide that you either with us or you're against us.
03:36 And we thought in large part they were at something
03:39 that really can't happen, especially
03:41 in the country like America.
03:42 But I think that's gonna be the shocking result
03:44 when we see that that's exactly was gonna be the outcome.
03:46 Well, the reason that can happen in America
03:48 as human beings are human beings.
03:49 Absolutely.
03:50 And the pattern of history is very plain
03:52 that times of stress
03:54 people they don't so much active rationally but
03:56 well, who was it, Abraham Lincoln
03:58 they turned to not to better angels
04:01 or evil angels that related to.
04:03 We're capable of wonderful things
04:06 and very evil things.
04:07 And crowd mentality reinforces one or the other.
04:11 Well, I think--
04:12 It's very obviously the people do things in a crowd
04:14 that they wouldn't do individual.
04:15 Absolutely.
04:16 And I was reading something not to long ago
04:18 on the Howard Business review
04:20 where was talking about, why do people do what they do
04:22 or why do leaders act the way they act and,
04:25 and they torment their action logic you know
04:27 and its this action logic you engage in,
04:30 when you believe that your safety
04:32 or your powers is in jeopardy.
04:34 And when those two things happen
04:36 there was a certain innate action logic that kicks in
04:39 has nothing to do with personality,
04:41 has nothing to do management style
04:43 it really has more to do with what your core is
04:47 and when your safety is feeling like its imperiled
04:49 or when you believe you're get ready
04:51 to loose your power that kicks in.
04:54 And I think that's where we will probably see
04:56 more and near the time when it gets to really move forward,
04:59 it's the action logic within individuals
05:02 they're gonna cause and do something different.
05:04 And we can't change human nature
05:06 and that dynamically would probably work.
05:08 But I think the more inculcated to society is
05:13 with the principles of religious liberty.
05:15 The more aware it is of certain group of
05:18 what they believe, that will counter act to some degree
05:21 at least clarify
05:23 just like with the prosecution of the Jewish
05:26 in Europe under Hitler.
05:28 They were people to defend them but that shelter them
05:33 and they could have been more I think
05:34 if there be more positive information
05:37 before Hitler's counter information.
05:39 Yeah. Am I right?
05:40 No. Yeah, I think that is the case--
05:42 We can't stop it. No.
05:44 But we should never, you know, he would make the statement.
05:46 We should never be reconciled that the life dying out.
05:49 Absolutely.
05:50 And that's what the gospel message is about.
05:52 We know that, that before it gets great,
05:54 it's gonna get very bad, Satan is gonna relieve himself.
05:57 But our job is to fight for good and right
05:59 and openness and freedom
06:01 and even if we know that the hard time
06:04 is coming more reason to up the game--
06:07 Right.
06:08 Well, I think you have to be willing to do,
06:10 what right in the name and what wrong at all times
06:12 and that's what God is called us to do.
06:14 He hasn't called us to "get along"
06:16 or whatever the circumstance in front of us are gonna be.
06:20 And the idea is this place is not our home.
06:23 Well, this is not what we are striving to be
06:25 we've to figure out how to live here peacefully.
06:27 Well, it's to be able to one day live peacefully,
06:29 for the rest our lives in Jesus.
06:30 You didn't realize but you've told about
06:31 homeland security that this place that I have--
06:33 Absolutely.
06:34 Homeland security is eternal security.
06:36 Absolutely.
06:37 I mean we're not-- nobody would want to be
06:39 against homeland security, what the government is doing.
06:42 We want a safe society obviously.
06:44 But in the absolute sense,
06:46 the security is with God, isn't it?
06:47 Absolutely.
06:48 And we need to keep true principles.
06:51 And I do believe that at times of stress
06:53 country start to act the little irrationally.
06:56 And clearly the US acted
06:57 some what irrationally after 9/11.
07:01 I've even got up and said,
07:02 I don't know if you will agree with me
07:04 that I love history and in lunch time
07:07 you and I were talking about World War II.
07:09 Think about German Air Force came night after night.
07:11 Everything they had dropped on London.
07:13 I see no evidence and everything I read
07:16 any thing I read that London or England
07:18 was at any danger of collapsing at that point.
07:21 9/11 was not a mortal threat
07:24 to the United Sates in the slightest.
07:27 We could probably have absorbed one of those a month forever
07:30 but it was existential threat to people's peace of mind.
07:35 Right, right.
07:36 I mean, there was a need to keep a clear mind,
07:39 put it into perspective, obviously not brush it off,
07:41 thousands of people dying is a horrific thing.
07:43 Right.
07:44 More people die of traffic accidents
07:47 and lung cancer arrest
07:48 and most people are not moved by that.
07:50 But this was in front of us.
07:51 Well, I think that from our stand point and even the--
07:55 an American action logic per say
07:58 our reaction to when we think our safety
08:00 is on the verge of being taken away
08:02 causes you too really-- I think go beyond,
08:05 maybe what you would normally do.
08:06 And I think that's probably what we saw lot of after 9/11
08:09 and I think also the fear of wondering,
08:12 what's gonna happen next.
08:14 And I think in my mind a lot of the things we do,
08:17 a lot of the actions that we engage in
08:19 is one we don't believe that
08:20 the Lord is really able to protect us
08:22 and two you have to be in a position to understand
08:25 that our security will never be in anything
08:27 that you and I will be able to do.
08:29 That was the great Adventist
08:31 radio announcer H. M. S. Richards,
08:33 he would always used to finish his program
08:35 with this warm deep voice saying,
08:37 have faith in God dear friend, have faith.
08:40 Well, I think at the end of the day
08:41 when you think about really what goes on
08:43 in the final analysis there is nothing that any of us can do
08:48 to stop politicians from being who they want to be,
08:51 or we can do to remind them they were already free in Jesus
08:53 because he who the sunsets free, is free indeed.
08:58 Homeland security is not really just a term
09:03 that we have learned since 9/11.
09:06 Put from the point of religious liberty
09:08 and from the point of Christian commitment
09:11 homeland security should be all about
09:14 preparing for our final home land.
09:16 The Christians hope is the land of eternal bliss
09:20 in heaven and with our Lord.
09:23 But with such a mindset we live here
09:26 and we to prepare our world for that coming world.
09:31 And homeland security should mean
09:34 working for love and fellowship
09:37 with our fellow society and our fellow citizens.
09:41 Homeland security should mean witnessing for the Lord
09:45 and master that we serve.
09:47 Homeland security should mean preparing our characters
09:51 and our lives both to be fit citizens here
09:55 and fit citizens for eternity.
09:57 Homeland security is not insecurity
10:01 and fear of what's coming on the world.
10:04 Homeland security is the joy of knowing God
10:09 and knowing that in our lives we are living up to His ideals
10:13 and witnessing to Him before the world.
10:18 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17