Liberty Insider

Where Are Our Children?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Orlan Johnson


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000259B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 Before the break with guest Orlan Johnson,
00:11 we were riffing on about
00:13 some of the problems initially with Islam,
00:15 but it's really a greater problem with Christianity,
00:18 not so much that the Christians are radical
00:21 or extreme or revolutionary, the reverse.
00:25 Too many Christians are milk toast,
00:27 quiet or even worse than that, perhaps going to church
00:32 and then living totally different during the week.
00:35 Yeah, I think to me
00:37 one of the most important things
00:38 that we can do is really just understand,
00:41 you can't hide your Christianity.
00:42 I think you have to be upfront about it
00:44 because if people know that you are supposedly a Christian
00:47 and you don't act that way
00:48 or you are supposedly Seventh-day Adventist,
00:50 you don't act that way.
00:51 Then what it does in my opinion,
00:52 it ends up confusing them to understand
00:55 what your real principles are,
00:56 I mean there's nothing worse
00:57 than living an unprincipled life,
00:59 whether you go in one direction or another.
01:02 You know, and I think that's why the Bible talks about,
01:04 you know, lukewarm is about as bad as it gets.
01:08 The important things that we do in the North American Division,
01:11 mostly at the union level
01:12 but it often comes up to the General Conference
01:14 or NAD level is defending Seventh-day Adventists
01:18 in the workplace.
01:19 And I'm sure you've noticed it,
01:21 well before you came into this present job,
01:24 that the people that are living their life
01:27 and making a clear witness through everything
01:30 they do in the workplace.
01:31 When a conflict arises,
01:33 where they're asked to work on a Saturday
01:35 or something like that.
01:38 Then there's no question, it's well known.
01:40 'Cause these persons, they've got integrity
01:42 and they're more likely to get it.
01:43 It's when they are hidden Adventist
01:46 or, I remember one case,
01:48 the employer discovered that person on Saturday,
01:51 I think it was a local race track,
01:53 well, he says why should
01:54 I give him Sabbath off, you know.
01:55 That's tough part.
01:57 You want your prisoners
01:58 and your members to live the consistent life,
02:01 and I think one of the strongest things
02:03 we do in the Adventist church
02:04 is to protect the Sabbath accommodation,
02:06 I think we've done that extremely well over the years
02:09 and I think that's probably given us more of a recognition
02:13 as a church than anything else and--
02:16 And it's really interesting because specially nowadays
02:19 you have Adventists that are in church every week,
02:21 but they seem to come from all different walks of life
02:24 and the ability to tell them, that we would like
02:27 for you to continue to live a consistent life
02:29 and then but also understand that when you fall off,
02:31 that Christ still loves you and you can come back.
02:34 Trying to find their appropriate balance
02:36 is always been a tough part of the job there.
02:38 Well, it's a balance of witness that you give me an opening,
02:43 that will link nicely with what we opened the program,
02:45 was talking about fanatical extremist of another religion
02:50 and of course religious liberty
02:51 we defend the right of anyone to believe anything.
02:53 Absolutely.
02:54 There is truth and error but for religious freedom,
02:56 it's the right to follow your conscience,
02:59 but how do we as Christians
03:05 and particularly a Seventh-day Adventist,
03:06 how do we rejuvenate not just ourselves
03:09 but the whole-- a group thing,
03:13 it's like we become active and vibrant
03:16 and, you know, not people
03:18 that will grab school girls out of a environment like that,
03:22 but people that make a difference in society
03:24 that we are catalyst for change.
03:26 I mean, the word that comes to mind is revival.
03:28 How do we get there?
03:29 I think part of what we have to-- in my opinion do
03:32 is go back to the basics of understanding that,
03:35 trying to make an impact in your own concentric circle
03:38 wherever it is it's key.
03:40 I think sometimes we as Adventist think that
03:43 unless you're making an impact
03:44 at the highest level as possible
03:46 that it's really not worth your time and energy,
03:49 but I think it goes back to the grassroots
03:51 of touching your community first,
03:53 touching your neighbors first,
03:54 you know making an impact there and when you do that,
03:58 I think that's where the revival begins.
04:00 I don't think it begins with a huge
04:02 ten and thousands of people.
04:03 I think it begins by your neighbor
04:05 seeing you every Sabbath go to church
04:07 and one day wondering,
04:09 you know, what are you doing?
04:10 And then you being able to tell.
04:12 I'll tell you a perfect example.
04:13 When I was out of the country one time,
04:15 I had a flood in my house
04:17 and I was not able to get there.
04:19 And I called some friends of mine from church,
04:21 and they were able to come by and they kind of,
04:23 you know, got out the carpet called groups
04:26 that would come in and help out
04:27 and I had this big bin outside, we were throwing away things.
04:30 And one day somebody drove up
04:32 while I was throwing something out
04:33 and said hey, I saw some people
04:35 at your house a couple of days ago.
04:36 Who were those guys? People watched them.
04:38 Yeah, and I said, well, they were
04:39 just guys in my church, and he said
04:42 and they were here on Super Bowl Sunday
04:44 to help to clean out your basement
04:46 because of this, and I said yeah,
04:48 and he said what church do you go to?
04:50 And it caused us to have a little bit of a conversation
04:53 and I wasn't looking for this individual,
04:55 I didn't get up that morning with the idea,
04:57 I'm gonna throw out some trash and witness.
04:59 But sometimes just living a life
05:01 where you are able to be able
05:03 to just give somebody something,
05:05 and it caused me to think about it little bit,
05:07 definitely to me is where revival really begins.
05:10 Absolutely, so it's-- I wish I could remember a hymn
05:13 but a musical song comes-- Cinderella comes to mind
05:17 in my own little corner of the world.
05:19 Yeah. Yeah.
05:20 Joe Lowes Dean actually has a nice phrase.
05:23 We say just bloom where you plant it.
05:25 Stop worrying about being able to make a difference in places
05:28 where you don't exist,
05:29 but if you can make an impact in whatever circle you're in,
05:32 to me that's when revival begins.
05:34 Well, I'll turn it on its head.
05:36 Sometimes with the religious liberty or public affairs,
05:39 and religious liberty week meet and contact movers
05:43 and shakers in the government or in society.
05:46 And we think that's good and it's better than not.
05:48 But it seems to me that,
05:49 that moment will be more significant
05:51 if they have an image from word of mouth
05:55 and perhaps their own life come in contact with Adventist.
05:58 So just for some functionary to shake their hand,
06:01 you know, I'm this and that and the other in the church.
06:04 They're doing that all day long.
06:05 But for to really resonate
06:07 there has to be something back of it.
06:09 Something positive. Yeah.
06:11 I mean, you know in the name of Adventism in my opinion
06:15 it starts out with being Christian.
06:16 You have to be Christ like first.
06:18 Because once you can impact somebody
06:20 with the love of Jesus Christ,
06:22 then I think they want to ask you more about the life
06:24 that you live and want to know about your doctrines,
06:27 want to know about your health message,
06:28 want to know about things of that nature.
06:30 And that's why to me it's still important
06:32 to give someone Jesus
06:34 and not because you think you're gonna save them,
06:36 but because maybe one day
06:38 you may need that person to give Jesus back to you.
06:40 And I think what's the plus
06:41 with their religious liberty messages
06:42 that I laid it to you before,
06:43 we are not or shouldn't be just pushing
06:46 for religious liberty to help ourselves.
06:48 Absolutely not.
06:49 To make life easier for our operation,
06:51 or our institutions, that is a byproduct
06:54 but we should be promoting all people.
06:58 And I'm really happy to see that
06:59 we're doing more of that in our church.
07:01 We're doing it at the NAD where we're actually
07:04 sending in briefs and support for example,
07:07 you know, a young lady who...
07:08 'Amicus Brief' friend of the court is here.
07:09 Yeah, that she could not,
07:11 you know, where you have job, on the job
07:13 because of certain, you know,
07:15 style issues and things of that nature
07:17 and although that has nothing to do
07:18 with Seventh-day Adventism,
07:19 we as a church have come and said that's wrong.
07:21 Well, it has a lot to do with their principles.
07:23 Absolutely. Yeah.
07:24 And that to me is really the key.
07:26 Coming in and being consistent with who you are,
07:29 it's not about simply being self serving,
07:31 but it's a lot more just doing what Christ would do.
07:34 When you think about when He was on this earth,
07:36 He'd mingled with everyone.
07:37 He put Himself in a position
07:39 where people would question Him,
07:40 but that's what life is really all about.
07:43 Didn't it says that He went about seeking people's good?
07:46 That's true.
07:48 And I think that was the power of Jesus
07:50 that someone could inherently recognize
07:52 this person's here to help me.
07:54 And we've got to be careful,
07:55 we don't condemn people by our godliness.
07:59 Which we don't usually have. Right.
08:02 But I think we can help
08:03 and religious liberty has been a great help
08:06 and I think more and more
08:07 with some of their contacts in Washington and so on.
08:09 We're seen as people that have an interest way
08:13 outside our sectarian organizational
08:17 and it's-- that's good.
08:18 And I know you're making a strong lead on that already.
08:20 Oh, I think we're moving in the right direction.
08:22 I think we have a strong team
08:24 that really is looking forward to making a difference.
08:27 But I believe that if we can just simply go out
08:30 and be consistent and be Christian
08:32 in everything that we do,
08:34 I think everything else starts to take care of itself.
08:36 I mean, I'd love that anybody would say,
08:38 oh, Seventh-day Adventist,
08:40 I mean, we know about our health message,
08:42 we know about the Sabbath
08:43 but it'd be great if someone says,
08:44 you know, those are the kindest people
08:45 I've ever met.
08:46 And in case with that love that you impact people
08:49 that they really want to know more about who you are
08:52 and the God that you serve
08:53 because when they first meet you,
08:55 it doesn't hit you.
08:56 It reminds me of when Paul,
08:58 you know, when he came out of his blindness,
09:00 he saw Ananias.
09:02 First person that he sees- He didn't want to be there.
09:04 Yeah. He didn't want to be there.
09:05 But suppose Ananias went about the wrong way
09:08 and the first interaction
09:09 Paul had with Christianity was a bad one.
09:12 Who knows where things would have gone?
09:13 Yeah, it's true.
09:14 So it's interesting to think about your life
09:16 as treating somebody supposedly
09:19 you may be the only Christian they ever see.
09:21 And what impact have you made in their life
09:24 to want to draw them close to the God.
09:25 Yeah.
09:26 It's a heavy responsibility we all have that sometimes
09:30 we might be the only face of truth that they will see.
09:34 And the truth exists a little beyond this.
09:37 But how we present that is vital.
09:39 And unfortunately back to the beginning
09:41 I think Islam is being poorly represented at the moment.
09:46 And we need to somehow help it if anything,
09:50 the word comes to mind, give it a reformation.
09:53 Well, I think in terms of reformation
09:55 that any extremist views are always gonna be
09:58 considered to be something
10:00 that's taking people in the wrong direction.
10:02 It's so important as we as Christians understand
10:04 that it's never gonna be about us,
10:06 that it's always gonna be about God.
10:08 And if we can get to the point in our lives
10:09 where we realize it's about elevating Him
10:12 and drawing more men and women close to Him.
10:14 That to me is the powerful aspect of religious liberty
10:17 we can engage in and hopefully as Christians
10:19 we'll continue to do so.
10:23 There can be no greater loss for a parent
10:26 than to lose their child.
10:28 So it's no mystery that much of the world
10:31 is stirred over the very public abduction in Nigeria
10:37 of 2 or 300 young women from their school
10:40 to parts unknown
10:42 but it's indicated by the leader of Boko Haram,
10:45 the Islamist revolutionary organization there
10:49 that has taken them,
10:50 they may well be sold into slavery
10:53 or sold into forced marriages and along with that
10:58 as many of those girls were Christian
11:00 forced into a new religion, in this case, Islam.
11:03 We live in a strange world where in this case Islam
11:07 but different times and places, other religions have decided
11:11 that they can force someone in their community
11:15 or another community nearby, forced them to believing
11:19 as they believe at the edge of the sword,
11:22 it used to be that Islam symbol was conversion by the sword,
11:26 not by sword's loud clashing,
11:28 but by deeds of love and mercy says the hymn.
11:32 We too should be working toward deeds of love and mercy.
11:37 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2015-02-12