Liberty Insider

Wheels on the Bus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Orlan Johnson


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000257B

00:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with guest Orlan Johnson,
00:10 we were reminiscing about,
00:12 you know, really a life changing experience
00:15 with 22 other religious liberty leaders
00:18 and a few relatives and interested people,
00:23 but by and large we were people involved in religious liberty
00:27 touring through three countries of western Europe,
00:31 but looking particularly for evidence of faith
00:34 and persecution I guess,
00:36 but persecution showed the faith
00:38 and you'd mentioned the highlight for you
00:40 was that second Sabbath in...
00:43 Yeah, the church of-- Museum of the Desert.
00:45 Museum of the Desert. Yes.
00:47 And this was Albigenses as I remember.
00:49 Absolutely.
00:50 Which is another phase of the reform movement
00:53 that was represented in Northern Italy
00:55 by the Walt Denzy's.
00:58 This was in southern France not to far from Montpellier.
01:02 Yeah.
01:04 So, tell me more about those because...
01:05 Well.... It was a rich experience...
01:08 It really was and when I first heard
01:10 we gonna be having church under the trees,
01:12 I didn't know exactly what that meant.
01:13 Yeah.
01:14 And actually it was probably my wife's favorite as well
01:17 and when we got there and to see just the--
01:20 just the set up, it just felt like
01:22 you were in this kind of Shangri-La environment.
01:25 You know, the breeze was blowing nicely.
01:27 All the chairs were set up,
01:29 but then that was juxtaposed against having a little burst
01:32 with the radio board in there,
01:35 so you kind of had a chance to take a look
01:36 at the past and the present,
01:38 all combined into one and just the idea
01:41 that the people they were just so happy to have us there.
01:44 And there were, how many would you think maybe 80, 90?
01:48 I think about 80 or 90 were there.
01:49 A French seventh-day Adventist from several churches
01:52 who'd gather together to hear
01:55 some of the religious liberty leaders,
01:57 but to share food.
02:00 The food was something... Yeah.
02:01 We had what I would call the French version of potluck
02:06 which I thought was quite interesting.
02:08 We just had all kinds of things to eat just quiches
02:12 from every walk of life you could imagine.
02:14 Yeah, it wasn't quite your bean stew
02:16 and your scalloped potato.
02:18 No, it's very different and but what I also enjoy
02:22 just the salad and the fruits everything was so fresh,
02:25 and I was speaking with one of the ladies there
02:27 and she said, "Well, did you enjoy the cucumber."
02:28 I said, "They were fabulous."
02:29 She said, "Well, I grew all of them in my backyard."
02:32 And, you know, you just had these view
02:34 of just a different lifestyle completely.
02:37 It was idyllic.
02:38 And of course made more idyllic
02:40 by the fact that it was a Seventh-day Sabbath
02:42 and it was a sacred moment
02:44 and I'm sure like me you're impressed
02:46 that first it seemed sort of odd,
02:48 they had a one of a better word, a raised lectern.
02:52 Yeah.
02:53 That Dr. Graz stood up there with Gilbert Wari,
02:57 division president from one of the African divisions.
03:00 The eastern division. He used to preach.
03:01 Yeah.
03:03 And wasn't really meant for two people
03:05 but they stood up so high and I'm thinking sort of odd,
03:07 you know, a little group
03:08 but then they said that this was an actual lectern
03:10 I think that would have been used.
03:11 Absolutely.
03:13 Some hundreds of years ago
03:14 by people worshipping in the same place.
03:17 Well, you know, it was the old vintage soup box look.
03:19 Yeah.
03:20 Where they were much higher than us
03:22 and actually I found it kind of intriguing.
03:24 It's always interesting when you're hearing
03:25 multiple languages in one sermons
03:27 well, and you go back and forth and someone like myself
03:30 who I spend time in Collonges and I learned to speak French
03:33 and I hadn't really practiced in a long time.
03:35 My mind was kind of getting confused,
03:37 almost going back and forth
03:38 as to which one I should really be listening to
03:40 but it was quite a powerful sermon by Gilbert Wari.
03:43 I'll make a joke with about John because,
03:47 you know, I appreciate him to the limit,
03:49 he's been on this program many times
03:51 and he is a fluent French speaker,
03:53 that's his language and he does pretty good in English,
03:57 but I can tell he gets his mind tied up in knots
04:00 going between English and French
04:02 and sometimes I'll tease him
04:03 because he will mispronounce a French word because...
04:06 That's right. That's right.
04:09 In his mind he is moved from French to English
04:11 so he's in English and trying to say a French word to you
04:14 but he thinks it's an English word
04:17 so he'd give a English spin.
04:19 Sometime while Dr. Wari was preaching,
04:22 John's interpretation might be slightly off
04:24 and then he would say it in French
04:25 and then John would say in English.
04:26 Well, we all had that experience.
04:27 And we were going back and forth a bit but...
04:29 It's not uncommon
04:30 and some of our viewers may not have seen this,
04:32 but different church leaders traveling around the world
04:34 often have to have translators.
04:35 Absolutely.
04:37 And almost for that exception
04:38 as the translation is preceding,
04:40 someone in the audience will yell out.
04:42 No, it's this.
04:44 That was quite a-- that was quite powerful,
04:46 but the sermon was powerful. It was.
04:48 It's one of the best sermons I've heard.
04:50 The opportunity was just great to be there
04:51 and I found that to be really
04:53 one of the highlights of the tour for me.
04:54 In fact I need to tell our viewers the topic.
04:57 I remember very clearly or the title it was not why.
05:03 Like we're always asking, you know, why Lord?
05:05 Why this is happening to me? Well, why should I do this?
05:07 He says not why, ask why not? Why not?
05:11 Why shouldn't I live for you? Why shouldn't I witness?
05:14 Why shouldn't I put my life on the line for faith?
05:16 Right.
05:17 To me that was an inspiring tilt rum
05:21 what we all struggle with putting it on the upside.
05:23 Well, I think his sermon was almost
05:25 a combination of our whole tour.
05:28 Absolutely.
05:29 That's the whole purpose of why people did
05:31 what they did, they came to the conclusion that why not.
05:34 I mean this is not the mainstream.
05:35 This is not what everyone wants to do,
05:37 but we believe it's important for us to be different.
05:39 Yeah.
05:42 You went at the very beginning
05:43 but I need to link it
05:45 with something, not the reformation.
05:46 In some way the tour was two parts,
05:48 because when we were in Rome, there was no reformation.
05:50 Right. Right.
05:51 We were talking about beginning of pre-Christian history
05:54 and then picking it up
05:55 with the Christians in the Colosseum.
05:59 We went to the Colosseum
06:00 and there is not strong evidence
06:02 that was a common practice there
06:03 as it was in other places
06:04 but some gave their lives in the Colosseum.
06:10 And I remember being taken by something
06:12 I've seen several times before
06:13 but never noticed what was carved on it.
06:15 The arch of Titus just near the Colosseum.
06:18 Okay. You been to Rome before.
06:19 I have but I don't remember the arch of Titus.
06:21 You're like me. Okay.
06:22 I knew about it and I remember
06:24 walking under it but until this tour--
06:26 this is the value of this tour
06:27 sort of made us pose and think on this topic
06:31 where a tourist normally
06:32 in those places wouldn't see it.
06:35 And they are carved on the arch of Titus
06:36 which was celebrating
06:38 the victory of Rome over Jerusalem.
06:42 He got a carving of the soldiers
06:44 brining the golden candlesticks and the other furniture's.
06:47 Well, the other items of furniture
06:49 from the temple in Jerusalem.
06:50 You know, its kind of-- Hebrew slaves.
06:52 It's really interesting that you mentioned
06:54 that because I remember reading one of the incidents
06:56 that have to victory in Rome
06:58 that whenever the general came in
07:00 that they always had a slave that was actually inside the--
07:04 his chariot with him
07:05 and the idea was to be a reminder
07:08 that you know, today you are victorious
07:09 but tomorrow you might be at the bottom here.
07:12 And it was means of making sure
07:14 that you understood that no matter,
07:15 how great your empire is
07:17 there's somebody waiting right behind the corner
07:20 to take you off the ledge as well.
07:21 Well, Rome discovered that
07:22 even though in many ways was still living under the echo
07:27 and the ghosts of the Roman Empire
07:28 certainly is a empire loss since it's gone.
07:32 It exists on best definition in the rump form
07:35 through the continuation of the Roman Catholic Church
07:37 because they, as they will themselves tell you
07:39 they inherited the political mantle from the Roman Empire.
07:43 Absolutely. Absolutely.
07:45 Which is a more legitimate claims
07:46 on the donation of Constantine,
07:50 you know, they were given their land per say.
07:52 They inherited the power and so more legitimate than
07:56 and even the gift of Jesus to Peter, you know.
07:59 Right.
08:00 He was definitely taping him for leadership
08:02 but did he give away all his power
08:04 or purgatives I don't think so.
08:06 I don't think so either.
08:07 But to me that was a good introduction.
08:09 We saw that Christianity was nurtured
08:11 in sacrifice and persecution
08:14 and then we jump forward where you picked it up
08:17 clearly in Italy and France and Switzerland
08:22 on the great reformers a long way down the story
08:25 where faith had been carried on but not a true faith.
08:28 Right. Right.
08:30 And of course, you know, we all have that problem,
08:32 I don't know about your life.
08:33 You know, I go through a lot of the motions of faith
08:35 and I mean well but its pretty easy
08:37 for the sort of deteriorate
08:38 but you need to go back to the Bible
08:40 and Great Controversy and sharpen yourself.
08:42 And I think most Christians if you ask them
08:44 if they have faith they would tell you absolutely
08:46 but truth be told most Christians hope
08:48 they never have to exhibit that
08:49 and they hope they never have
08:50 to really live the life of faith.
08:52 And I think in particular when I came a board
08:54 and we got to Geneva and you start to go
08:56 and see that reformation wall and--
08:59 That's what I was wanting to bring up
09:00 in the little time left.
09:01 And so-- Didn't that impress you--
09:04 in a better relief there larger than life?
09:08 These great figures and I guess
09:09 there was an arbitrary in the sub
09:10 which has great figures the reformation.
09:11 Absolutely.
09:12 Martin Luther and Oliver Cromwell
09:15 one of my heroes hated by many but great people.
09:18 You see Huss, you see Knox, you see--
09:20 Calvin.
09:21 Yeah, Calvin and it was just the means of letting, you know,
09:26 the individuals have put their real lives on the line.
09:29 This was not just a matter of something
09:31 where they were playing games,
09:32 this was life and death every time.
09:34 And more than just their lives
09:35 and we can talk about this another program
09:37 but very often that was their families lives
09:39 that were threatened.
09:40 Absolutely. Absolutely.
09:41 So its one thing if you're gonna self him a like
09:44 but if that means that your wife or your children suffer
09:47 and prison or harmed that could be even much worse.
09:50 Well, I think in reality what we are looking for
09:52 is trying to always find those moments
09:54 where we can move towards doing God's will.
09:57 When you get a chance to see the reformation
09:59 and all the individuals there and their lives
10:02 that they put on the line,
10:03 their families lives were put on the line
10:05 you realize that they had to have a special faith in God.
10:08 The ability to want to put everything
10:10 on the line is just something
10:12 that most of us never really have to understand.
10:14 And I could still remember thinking about
10:16 can you imagine not being able to have your Bible
10:18 or having to hide of things of that nature.
10:21 But if you put everything in God's hands
10:22 and trust Him with all
10:24 and be willing to have the faith to follow Him
10:26 it just shows that God will always protect us all the way.
10:30 The religious liberty bus tour have focused my mind
10:34 in ways that I never imagined.
10:36 As the wheels on the bus went round and round
10:39 as the children's story goes
10:42 we moved from one location to another where we saw
10:45 undeniable physical evidence of people's faithfulness.
10:50 It was amazing to account
10:52 the words of the Great Controversy
10:54 written a hundred plus years ago
10:57 writing about events hundreds of years ago
10:59 and to be in those places and see written on the walls,
11:03 scroll on the stones of the floor,
11:06 written in the geography
11:09 as we accounted those locations.
11:11 The stories of people of faith
11:14 at any cost to worship God
11:17 to share and read His holy word
11:20 to give if necessary their lives
11:23 to tackle the proclamation of the truth.
11:25 The wheels on the bus went round and round
11:28 but the wheels in my mind went round and round
11:30 and memory was over whelming.
11:33 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17