Liberty Insider

Witness From Prison

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Graz


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000255A

00:14 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:17 This is the program that brings you news,
00:19 views, discussion, up to date information
00:21 on religious liberty.
00:23 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:27 and my guest on this program,
00:28 Dr. John Graz, Secretary General
00:31 of the International Religious Liberty Association or EARLA.
00:35 Yeah, pleasure to be with you, Lincoln.
00:39 You know, we've talked over
00:40 many things in the years gone by and on this program,
00:45 but I want to talk about something
00:46 that's of immediate interest to us.
00:49 You and I are on a committee for persecuted members
00:52 and I know many times we have met troubling ourselves
00:56 and trying to find a solution
00:57 to a very immediate and real problem,
01:00 a Seventh-day Adventist minister in jail,
01:02 it seemed indefinite at one point.
01:05 Not directly because of his faith.
01:08 There was a criminal charge that we thought was not correct
01:14 but as it developed very quickly,
01:16 his faith came into play.
01:19 In some ways the prejudice against the church
01:22 in the area came into play
01:25 and yet it's turned out wonderfully.
01:27 Tell us a little bit about the story of Pastor Monteiro.
01:30 Pastor Monteiro, you know, the good news
01:32 is just a few weeks ago we were together
01:35 and now he is free with his family
01:37 and he is speaking in many churches
01:39 to explain his extraordinary story,
01:41 but very sad in some ways
01:43 because you have still people in prison there.
01:46 And it happened, you know, he wanted to help someone,
01:49 someone who has been baptized in prison.
01:52 Now we better say where this is.
01:53 This was in Togo.
01:54 A very little country on the west coast of Africa.
01:58 Close to Ghana. Next to Ghana.
02:00 It's a country of only six million people.
02:02 Yeah, and...
02:04 Half of them animist still, then a mixture of Islam,
02:06 Christianity and so on.
02:08 Yeah, and a strong power there and he wanted to help someone
02:13 who has been arrested several times
02:16 and this guy who has been arrested was arrested again
02:20 and he was accused of raping
02:21 and after he was accused of being part of a kind of gang
02:26 who kidnapped young girl.
02:28 Killing and draining the blood of young women.
02:30 I think nine young women were involved.
02:32 Yeah, but you know that's a very, very difficult thing.
02:34 A bizarre thing. Bizarre, bizarre 'cause...
02:35 Zero evidence.
02:36 Yeah, no evidence at all.
02:37 Nothing whatsoever at any point up to the arrest, trial.
02:42 There was never any, any evidence,
02:44 not even circumstantial evidence.
02:46 Even this person that he contacted him
02:48 come to the church for help.
02:50 When he was arrested,
02:51 I think they probably tortured him
02:53 and he named some people he knew
02:54 and he mentioned Pastor Monteiro,
02:55 and then religious prejudice kicked in.
02:58 That's how I see it.
02:59 Yeah, because they have to justify
03:00 what you are doing with the blood.
03:02 And you know the guy said that the blood,
03:05 and the blood and the rumors
03:07 and so on that entered this church,
03:09 you know, they use the blood for secret ceremony
03:12 that was said, you know, secret ceremony,
03:15 but fortunately it did not last too long.
03:17 People realized, the officials
03:20 and the newspaper realized that that doesn't work.
03:24 But you know in the context of the country,
03:27 that's not something which is totally stranded.
03:30 It mean it can happen and it's not something
03:32 which is, no, it cannot happen.
03:34 No, it's tied up to the animist ceremony.
03:37 Yeah, many things and he was arrested you can imagine.
03:41 You have nothing to do
03:42 with what you're accused, you're arrested,
03:45 you don't even know why you are arrested.
03:47 Put in jail during 15 days
03:49 he was into cell, he was beaten.
03:52 That was terrible.
03:53 Then he was transferred to the prison.
03:56 I met him three times.
03:57 I went to the prison
03:59 and I preached him even in a prison.
04:01 And he was there for almost two years
04:04 and he was declared
04:05 just at the beginning of January, 2014.
04:09 He was declared by the court as totally innocent.
04:14 And fortunately now he is free,
04:15 but some other people are still in prison
04:18 and we try to do our best to help them
04:21 but they have been sentenced for a life in prison.
04:25 It is very important that we remember
04:29 not just Pastor Monteiro who it's turned out
04:31 well for him, but there are others.
04:33 This is an ongoing challenge for us to vindicate people.
04:37 In several countries including Pakistan
04:39 and somewhere people are in prison
04:40 and they did nothing, really nothing.
04:43 There is no proof but for one reason
04:45 and another one, they are in prison.
04:47 And they may stay years and years.
04:50 But you know it also led us to imagine
04:55 what could happen to us one day or another.
04:58 You never, you cannot say, well,
05:01 I will be protected from this kind of thing.
05:04 We are living in an imperfect non perfect world.
05:07 And you can imagine the suffering of people
05:11 being arrested putting you in jail with other people.
05:14 The hygiene is very, very poor.
05:17 Everything is poor. You can be sick at any moment.
05:20 You can be killed in a prison.
05:22 And for what? For nothing.
05:24 You don't know why you are in prison.
05:25 You were in that prison in Togo of all that I've heard
05:28 from you and others
05:29 is the prison is not a place you want to be,
05:32 but it's a structure that's guarded
05:35 on the outside by the guards.
05:36 But when you go in the door, it's run by the prisoners,
05:40 they feed themselves with food handed them
05:42 from relatives and so on.
05:43 But it's pretty much a self governing
05:46 little criminal world.
05:47 Yeah, and of course you have to pay
05:49 for almost everything but you know that's
05:52 the positive side I should say that.
05:53 Well, they try to be negative if the prisoners don't like.
05:57 But one positive side is your wife can come everyday
06:01 and give you food because if not you die.
06:04 And the negative side is that the hygiene is so poor
06:08 that you can die at any moment.
06:09 And if you are sick, the chance for you to be
06:13 to recover are really, really very small.
06:17 No, that's not the good way but there are countries
06:20 where if you talk about what you believe,
06:24 it could be interpreted as an insult
06:27 against the national religion
06:29 or the leader of the national religion...
06:31 Or national security. On national security.
06:34 And this is the law on blasphemy
06:37 and the law on apostasy.
06:39 If you talk, you share what you believe,
06:41 someone follow what you believe, they can be arrested.
06:44 Well, you're not just talking theoretically,
06:46 what you're saying now applies to Canada--
06:47 Sentenced to death.
06:49 Not to Canada, to Pakistan.
06:52 Pakistan it's the death sentence
06:56 typically to malign Islam,
06:58 which off course is acquitted with the state?
07:00 Yeah, exactly.
07:01 And maligning it can be very mild
07:04 and implied insult like there were these--
07:09 I've mentioned on this program before.
07:10 Two brothers in Pakistan
07:12 buying ice cream from a street vendor
07:14 and they wanted to use the plate
07:15 that other Muslims would use and of course they were refused
07:18 and they said you've insulted Islam.
07:20 They got 25 years for that.
07:22 Oh, yeah, that's many, many example like that
07:25 where you know you have a beautiful house.
07:28 You are Christian or you have another religion
07:31 which is not the state religion
07:33 and people want to take your house
07:35 and they will say that you have insulted our religion.
07:39 Now the time it will take to prove that it's not true.
07:42 You may be arrested or you may be assassinated by radicals.
07:47 And which is also a problem in some countries that
07:50 it's so much integrated in the culture
07:53 that 90 percent of the population
07:55 are in favor of such a law.
07:57 And you know when they kill in Pakistan,
08:00 when they kill the Muslim leader
08:02 or the governor of Punjab you know they killed them.
08:06 Thousand and thousand people
08:07 demonstrated saying that they did well,
08:09 the one who did that that the bodyguard did well.
08:13 Thank you for the bodyguard to kill this people.
08:16 Yeah. He was applauded for Islam.
08:18 Yeah, applauded and you can imagine now
08:20 the life of the religious minorities there.
08:22 You have to think about,
08:24 be careful about what I talk about,
08:26 be careful about what I do.
08:28 And it's true.
08:29 Religious minorities on this program
08:31 had an Ahmadiyya Muslim cleric,
08:34 who points out that in Pakistan the Ahmadiyya Muslims
08:37 even perhaps more than Christians
08:39 in Pakistan are persecuted, fined, imprisoned
08:43 and sometimes executed just because of their faith.
08:46 They don't even have to do anything with it.
08:48 And it is in the law.
08:49 You know, they are not recognizing the law
08:51 and they are persecuted according to the law.
08:53 Not even citizenship rights in America.
08:55 Yeah that's incredible.
08:56 Well, this is what happened in our world today.
08:58 Now, I don't want to throw something in
08:59 and you know perhaps it's overreached
09:01 but I think not as a solitary example.
09:04 Even in the United States whether it's practical
09:07 religious liberty on ongoing basis.
09:09 President Obama not to long ago
09:12 in the ongoing efforts against terrorism announced
09:15 that he said that this way, the government has people
09:18 that they believe are involved with terrorism,
09:23 antigovernment activities.
09:24 But they have no evidence.
09:25 Not enough evidence to try them.
09:27 And they will be now detained indefinitely.
09:30 I don't believe he meant anything bad about
09:32 but that sort of dynamic easily translates
09:37 into whoever the government of today
09:39 thinks is an enemy or is antithetical
09:41 to their purposes, they round them up.
09:42 And in many countries that translates
09:45 very easily to religious out there.
09:47 They're seen as dangerous, so with that sort of a law.
09:51 Not now but that easily could translate
09:53 into people with the divergent
09:55 religious view could be cast as terrorists,
09:59 enemies of the state.
10:00 This is why, you know, when we pass a law,
10:03 this kind of restrictive law which as you said the intension
10:06 is really to protect citizen in the country,
10:09 but we have always to think about the consequences
10:12 and how the law will be implemented
10:15 and who will implement it, because you know
10:18 a law can be manipulated and you can use the law against
10:22 and you can use the law against your enemy.
10:24 To one degree or another all political factions
10:27 in any country manipulate it.
10:29 Hopefully not illegally but I mean there's a bias.
10:33 They want to keep their faction in power.
10:35 They have an inherent bias because they stand
10:38 for this political viewpoint
10:40 and they look differently at the other.
10:42 So when you have a law that enables them to act on that,
10:45 it can be very troublesome.
10:46 And coming back to Monteiro.
10:48 You know, we organized a big, we organized a big campaign.
10:52 We ask the people around the world
10:54 to send cards for Christmas.
10:58 And we send prayer, you know, people were asked
11:02 to pray and so on and finally you receive
11:04 thousand and thousand letter and he said that was so happy.
11:07 They actually arrived in bags at the prison.
11:10 Yes, they arrived in bag at the prison.
11:12 Its a wonderful thing.
11:13 And then all people say that it's incredible,
11:15 you know, why you are receiving all these letter?
11:17 You know the message we wanted to show that,
11:20 you know, when a brother is in prison,
11:22 yeah, he has million and million
11:24 brothers and sisters around the world
11:27 who are praying for them
11:29 and doing their best to help them.
11:30 Prayers are not inconsequential.
11:32 We have to believe the Bible says,
11:34 "A God, He is the prayer of the righteous man."
11:36 And you know the story that I thought
11:38 of on their committing before and that was you say it again.
11:40 Remember, Peter was imprisoned
11:42 and the believers gathered to pray for his release.
11:44 Even when he was released they didn't quite believe it,
11:47 but God does providentially release.
11:50 And I think while we work through the legal system,
11:52 I think these elements of Monteiro's eventual release
11:55 that show God's providence.
11:57 Yeah, and you know that was-- you need to be patient
12:00 and Monteiro did such a beautiful work in the prison.
12:04 His testimony was fabulous.
12:06 You know, he gave every, almost every day Bible studies.
12:09 He reached even the former minister
12:10 of the government to give Bible studies to them.
12:13 He was respected by all prisoner.
12:16 He said that when he had to go to the shower
12:18 which was almost a luxury to go there.
12:21 He was protected by five prisoners.
12:23 They say, no, we don't want something happen to you.
12:27 He was-- you know, when he spoke,
12:30 he has people coming.
12:31 A prisoner came in to listen to him,
12:33 that was a fabulous and I think he will let
12:36 such a beautiful testimony in prison but still you know
12:38 you have to be patient because when we visited him,
12:44 you know, the lawyers said to us
12:46 in two days he will be free,
12:48 then after in three days he will be free.
12:50 Oh, next week and next month
12:53 and that next year and it was so long, so long.
12:57 And eventually you have to be very strong,
12:59 but Monteiro said he never, never felt he was alone.
13:03 He had always the presence of God with him.
13:06 And that is an awareness that we need to pass
13:08 on through this program.
13:10 Around the world there are others Seventh-day Adventists
13:13 but just as importantly there are the Christians,
13:15 there are the people of deeply held faith
13:18 who are suffering and imprisoned for their faith.
13:20 We need to keep that in mind
13:21 and even in a country as free as United States
13:24 or Australia where I'm from, not a good dynamic
13:28 to just rest on your hands, well, we are free.
13:29 But there's always someone suffering
13:32 and we need to keep them in mind.
13:34 And that is important to remember
13:35 that there are places around the world
13:37 where just because people are different,
13:40 they have another belief and they are persecuted.
13:43 That would be easy for them
13:44 to say, okay, you know, I recant.
13:47 Why these people especially in some country
13:49 Christian are poor people?
13:51 Why they just said, okay, you know,
13:53 I want to be like other people?
13:55 Why my life should become miserable because of my faith
14:00 but they are strong in their faith.
14:01 That's true and I think in the west
14:03 we are sometimes guilty of saying you come,
14:05 take up this faith become Seventh-day Adventist,
14:08 become a Christian and life will improve for you,
14:10 not always not here in now.
14:12 It spiritually improves
14:13 and the promise of the future is wonderful.
14:15 We'll be back after a short break
14:17 to continue this discussion
14:18 of the great experience of Pastor Monteiro,
14:21 but we'll talk a little bit more broadly about
14:23 what it means to stand for your faith.


Revised 2015-01-01