Liberty Insider

Apple Pie and Religious Liberty, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Robert Seiple


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000250B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 Before the break with guest Ambassador Robert Seiple
00:12 we were talking about religious liberty in the United States
00:15 and of course talking about the history
00:17 and how it came to be.
00:19 And we have given a pretty good grade overall I think.
00:22 Of course, we have many, many programs with ongoing issues
00:26 like Workplace Religious Freedom that initiative
00:30 but its not yet had been passed, show up accommodation
00:33 in the workplace but it can never be
00:34 as you said acquitted with the upright persecution.
00:37 Sometimes a threat of life of laymens in other countries.
00:41 I will tell you something that during the break
00:44 we even thought about what about religious freedom
00:47 in the armed forces.
00:48 Is that just like anywhere else
00:51 that all the rights are given and guaranteed?
00:54 First of all I'm gonna say I saw more Christians
00:57 and I'm using the term in terms of developed people
01:00 who know why they believe what they believe.
01:02 I saw more Christians in the military
01:05 and I have seen in every-- any other segment or society.
01:08 So I think there is a high degree.
01:12 I mean, people who are gonna put the lives on the line
01:15 they better know how the lives are safe.
01:16 There's an old saying not so many atheists of the folksong.
01:19 Well, that's true and I, I say in my 13 months
01:22 in Vietnam I'd learned how to pray.
01:24 I prayed more than anybody ever prayed in my life.
01:28 But it is, it's a difficult subject
01:30 because if someone is in uniform there is certain things
01:35 that we require of that person professionally
01:39 and certain things that we don't allow that person to do
01:42 with the power of the uniform.
01:45 I was in marine there is no more powerful uniform
01:49 than United States.
01:50 Sympathizer right.
01:51 So you have to be careful.
01:52 You have to be careful that you don't get on a soapbox
01:55 and everybody is got to be like, like me.
01:57 And we've situations where people would join the events,
02:01 conferences and so on as keynoters
02:04 or inspirational speakers would wear their uniform,
02:08 wear the weapons.
02:09 Was it marine but was it General Boykin.
02:11 Boykin.
02:12 Very exemplary seem to cross that line, recently.
02:15 Not seem to what I would say but general sense.
02:18 Yeah, yeah but you know if you never push against the line
02:22 you don't know when you have crossed it.
02:23 So someone has got to cross the line somewhere
02:26 to see if to make sure we have gone too far
02:29 and have to pull back.
02:30 We have chaplains that do that.
02:33 We all grew up with two subjects
02:36 that we could not discuss Employee Company.
02:41 Religion and politics you can imagine someone
02:45 coming in from the outside to the state upon.
02:46 So this was in the military?
02:48 Well, well but outside of the military, I mean
02:52 inside of the military it's even because you got,
02:55 you got a command structure
02:56 they can tell you what to do
02:57 but outside you got parents and school teachers
03:00 and everybody else and oh don't,
03:02 don't talk about these subjects.
03:04 Now the problem is 95% of world's problems today
03:09 take place at the intersection of religion in politics.
03:12 Absolutely.
03:14 And we failed to discuss this issue in those terms
03:17 and our considerable call.
03:19 Yeah, you are right.
03:20 By the way this, this program talks about politics a lot.
03:26 And I'm not embarrassed but that it is unavoidable
03:29 but what I try to remind people now and then
03:32 when people say that we should be careful with politics
03:35 really what it is, is partisan political expression
03:38 I think can become toxic and divisive and dangerous.
03:42 But when we are talking about events in the world
03:44 and particularly with religious liberty
03:46 you can't really even get into it without talking
03:48 about political developments, right.
03:50 Here is a major one that's taking place right now
03:54 and it's important to me, my son and I teach a Bible study
03:59 on Monday nights in the community.
04:01 And we are teaching First and Second Samuel.
04:03 And we are looking at this character Saul
04:06 whose been broken by a covenant on theology
04:10 that he doesn't understand.
04:11 What happened on Mount Sinai
04:12 when God puts this high premium on obedience, faithfulness?
04:17 And he and he can't get there.
04:19 And he has to go through Samuel.
04:20 And it just doesn't work out.
04:22 And ultimately he is rejected as a king.
04:24 And we talked about he should have made some compromises.
04:28 He should have understood that he can learn of all this
04:31 and little of that.
04:32 And then someone asked well we compromise
04:35 all over the place, don't we.
04:36 There is a cultural today.
04:37 There is a cultural state of soul
04:38 to obey is better then sacrifice.
04:39 Yes, yes that's it, that's it.
04:41 To obey obedience, faithfulness is better than
04:44 trying to create a religious right
04:46 even if you are not, even if you're not a priest
04:48 which he wasn't.
04:49 Samuel always did the sacrifices
04:51 but you come around today and trying to find an example
04:56 of some group that has never compromised.
04:59 And we get this spurge on newspapers
05:02 the little sisters of the poor and they're going against
05:08 unarguably the most powerful person in the world,
05:12 the president of the United States
05:14 and the Affordable Care Act.
05:16 Now I know this makes people queasy because its--
05:19 we are talking about something that has
05:21 all kind of detractors.
05:22 I only want to make one point.
05:24 I was wondering if you're gonna break up
05:26 the Affordable Care Act.
05:27 Well, I only want to make one point.
05:29 Follow this group whose belief is in obedience
05:34 in faithfulness and no compromise in terms
05:38 of how they feel and what their behavior should look like
05:41 as it relates to the people they feel called to serve.
05:44 Now the optics are terrible for the big powerful people.
05:49 The little sisters of the poor are going to win this.
05:52 They're gonna win this particular thing
05:54 because of their faithfulness and obedience.
05:57 On that personal level yes, it's the right attitude.
06:01 There is a bigger issue on the dynamic of the healthcare thing
06:04 that I have even discussed on this program
06:06 that makes me uncomfortable sometimes.
06:08 I think there is almost a readiness by people of faith
06:13 to use that as leverage
06:15 against the state to an essence project
06:18 their religious viewpoint to the larger population.
06:20 I think we need to be careful of that.
06:22 We are talking about compulsion, and compulsion works two ways.
06:24 That's true.
06:27 I'm taking the other side of the pulse.
06:28 Yeah, so I think your point is, is correct, yeah.
06:32 But we were talking about the military
06:37 which starting to get into the military
06:38 and their how they relate to religious freedom
06:43 and there's been sort of few embarrassments
06:46 slightly at the Air Force Academy
06:48 and so we're supposedly religious hidalgos
06:50 where sort of projecting and our religious viewpoint
06:55 there in a protected environment that was felt wrong.
06:59 What do you think about the dynamic of religion
07:03 in a military environment?
07:05 That's a microcosm of what's happening across society.
07:09 It just happens we don't. That's true, that's true.
07:11 I think you're troubling up
07:12 of what was happening else where yes.
07:14 But there are lots of things that are happening
07:16 into the academies cheating scandals.
07:18 Yeah. Rapes, date rapes.
07:21 There are things that you would say chief,
07:24 I'm up a discipline approach
07:27 a highly geared towards professionalism.
07:31 These things should not be and they shouldn't be
07:34 but they speak I think probably to a larger issue in our society
07:39 where our compromise is put us on the slip of sound.
07:42 Anyway I hear the statistic the other day on womens,
07:45 women in the military being sexually harassed.
07:48 Like I think it was a stronger were that harassed
07:50 and it was something like one in three,
07:53 or it might be one in four
07:54 that is very high percentage about that order.
07:57 And then they said that numerically
07:59 there are more men in the military
08:02 that are sexually harassed.
08:04 Now that's interesting not a higher percentage
08:06 but a higher number of course there's less women.
08:09 But it means that there is a great incidents
08:12 of this sort of problem.
08:13 So you are right, its not just religious impropriety.
08:17 I have a concern as the Seventh-day Adventist
08:19 that with the demise of the volunteer army
08:23 and not the volunteer army
08:24 the draft obligatory service with the volunteer army
08:28 the, the allowances for consciences objection
08:33 and Sabbath and other religious accommodations
08:36 are not as readily granted.
08:40 You think there's a need
08:41 to protect religion in an environment?
08:42 Yes, I do and if someone,
08:45 yeah I think there are many ways you serve in the military
08:48 without putting a gun to your shoulder.
08:51 Well, that one might not to be so hard to insist on
08:53 because it's a choice now whether you go in.
08:55 But certainly a person in the military if they have
08:59 any conscience religious related conscience issue
09:02 I think then there needs to be effort made to accommodate them.
09:05 Not just sort of well it's, you know, you came in
09:08 and you have given it away
09:09 because you give away certain civil rights
09:12 when you enter a military.
09:14 But as you have said right now with a profession army
09:16 not all volunteer army you're making a choice to go in.
09:20 You're making choice with eyes wide open
09:23 and you may change that.
09:25 And that's some cases we have had you could in way
09:27 we have been hrough that in Liberty.
09:30 Yes you could even allow well they made that choice
09:32 but within that entity then they had a change of mind
09:35 they discovered a new faith and now commitment rises up.
09:39 So it can't be sort of, it can't be totally does
09:43 just because they chose to go in.
09:45 I mean, it takes some insight and some discernment.
09:48 I mean, I know there are number of people
09:51 who become consciences objector,
09:54 objectors when the first shot is fired in anger.
09:57 It's not supposed to work that way.
09:58 It supposed to reach this point of your belief system
10:02 when you're putting in the context.
10:03 Well, you're going back to your and my or too
10:06 I just didn't go to Vietnam
10:07 I had a number but there were many people
10:09 the first shot that was fired was at their own foot
10:11 so they can go home, right.
10:13 Well, I think a lot of us felt that.
10:15 Yeah.
10:16 If we can get that $16 million wound let's take it.
10:20 Vietnam was not a good place to be.
10:23 Yeah.
10:24 I went to take the experience for anything.
10:27 And as I say I was 22,
10:30 who had never been asked to do anything for his country.
10:34 And now I'm at the age group
10:35 where my age group younger and some older
10:40 were populating to the tune
10:42 of three-and-half million of military.
10:45 Now people make decisions
10:47 unlike mine they were much more difficult to make.
10:50 But the decision I made was to go in
10:54 and I have to say I have never regretted it.
10:56 You know, I have all the family members
10:58 who have followed suit regretted, regretted it either.
11:05 Years ago when the Soviet Union was intact
11:08 I often saw pictures of the workers
11:11 surging forward with flags and Soviet slogans under them.
11:15 It took me a long time to realize
11:17 that they were invariably saying onward to communism,
11:21 they never arrived.
11:22 When we talk about religious liberty in the United States
11:26 its worth remembering that the call is onward
11:29 and upward in some ways the same.
11:32 You know those words under the Statue of Liberty
11:34 say you know "send me your tired
11:36 and your huddled masses longing to be free."
11:39 But it's worth remembering that the US constitution accepts
11:43 that it is a present reality
11:45 inherent in our status human beings that we are free.
11:49 When you read the Bible
11:50 and Jesus charged there in Nazareth to freedom.
11:55 We are free and its great privilege
11:58 I think to live in a land
12:00 that accepts our inherent state of religious freedom.
12:04 And it's our privilege and our responsibility
12:07 to work toward that end to protect what we already have
12:12 and project it to others in a way
12:14 that will further empower them,
12:16 to participate in this great American freedom.
12:21 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17