Liberty Insider

Religion & Politics

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), J. Brent Walker


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000245B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 Before the break with guest Brent Walker
00:11 we were talking about ceremonial deism
00:14 basically we were heading toward more political religion.
00:19 You know, how does that work in the United States?
00:22 We sort to see it stirring down in particularly
00:26 during presidential elections
00:28 but it's not something you can globally dismiss.
00:30 There is a strong undercurrent of religious sensibility
00:36 even in the most political movements
00:38 here in the United States.
00:39 Well, well you know in a country as religious is ours
00:44 it shouldn't surprise us that, you know,
00:46 deities name will bubble up from time to time
00:49 in our public ceremonies, in our rituals,
00:52 our slogans and in our songs.
00:54 I mean its just part of our heritage, our tradition.
00:58 You know its going to, its going to be there
01:00 and so sometimes its called civil religion
01:05 there are spring course fancy name ceremonial deism
01:08 and kind of a clearly a derogatory.
01:11 Well, I mean is religion removed of its meaning.
01:13 Yeah, exactly, exactly.
01:15 It's a forum, it's a public forum.
01:17 If its vitality in heart religion,
01:19 head religion instead of heart religion kind of thing.
01:22 So but, you know,
01:24 so I think some of that is to be inspected.
01:27 And not all of our acknowledgments
01:31 of our religious heritages are bad I mean, you know,
01:35 it sort of a bond that makes us feel good about
01:37 where we come from.
01:38 And you know the fact that we can talk
01:40 about religion in public comfortably
01:42 to me it's a plus not a minus or a place in Europe
01:45 where you just don't do that.
01:47 So I think that that's good but it does worry me
01:51 when I feel like a politician
01:53 or candidate that is using that God talk
01:56 to advance a party line or a political campaign.
02:04 It seems like there is its some kind of abusive
02:08 of the process to play on that.
02:12 And you know it can turn into a real diminishment of
02:16 the importance of religion in our life's and in our country.
02:19 Well, these two things I can think of on this abortion issue
02:22 and then this is very real moral issues that play there.
02:26 But it bothers me that the moral issue
02:28 that many churches have taken a clear stance on that's fine
02:35 but that becomes just a litmus test
02:37 and as long as you are on the right side of that
02:40 everything else doesn't matter it goes with it.
02:43 And that's just cover I mean, it's happened in
02:45 many, many countries and many, many times
02:47 that can be covered for a horrible agenda
02:49 far worse perhaps then the moral issue at hand
02:53 rather than looking at the spread issues
02:55 as you say compromise is the stuff of politics
02:59 and even a person of faith looking at secular politics
03:03 might really logically submerge that one view a bit
03:07 if they see this politicians is better than in the country.
03:09 But I see religious forces have been raving up the troops.
03:13 You know, therefore this, therefore abortion,
03:15 therefore they're fine you know and then they might be just
03:17 the till of the hammer on the public good.
03:20 Yeah, yeah absolutely.
03:23 Barbara Jordan wonderful member of Congress
03:27 and Baptist preachers' daughter was very much
03:33 influenced by her religious background
03:35 and sort of made that known as she served in Congress
03:40 and as professor of law at the University of Texas.
03:43 But, you know, one time she was asked actually
03:47 at a meeting of the Baptist Joint Committee
03:48 how she went about squaring her civic responsibilities with her,
03:53 her religious beliefs and how that was balanced out.
03:57 And she said you know here is how I think about it.
04:00 You ought to pursue your cause with vigor
04:03 going right at and boy, she can do it.
04:06 But remember that you are a servant of God
04:09 not a spokesperson for God.
04:12 A servant of God not a spokesperson for God.
04:15 And to remember that God may have revealed himself
04:21 in another way to somebody else
04:22 that has not yet been revealed to you.
04:24 So, the call for some humility in servant
04:29 who'd in our philosophy about public service
04:32 I think is a point well taken.
04:34 That's a very good point for religious liberty in general.
04:37 Yes.
04:38 Now, you know, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist
04:40 protestant Christian and I'm convinced in myself that
04:43 and I can look at any other denomination I could figure
04:46 they're wrong on some doctrinal points that's fine.
04:49 But looking back from all of that
04:51 I need to understand that perhaps in the larger picture
04:54 I might not so much be wrong
04:56 but other person thinks same as me.
04:58 Exactly, yeah.
04:59 And we're all before God with our conscience
05:02 not before each other.
05:03 So we should have a little humility.
05:05 Yeah, yeah, like humility is absolutely essential.
05:08 It doesn't mean, it doesn't mean you can't be bowled
05:12 and pursue your cause but just little think
05:15 and interesting that you might
05:17 God may have revealed something to somebody else
05:18 he hadn't told you about yet.
05:19 And the trick is I don't know if we can resolve it
05:23 but I think we need to mention it empassing.
05:26 We don't want crusaders
05:32 hacking back to the crusades,
05:34 you know, moving in the government
05:35 and trying to hack their way through
05:37 and Christianize whole country
05:41 you know by force of law or of arms
05:45 but do we also need to fear sort of a generic religiosity
05:52 that ultimately is the enemy for all particular religious faith.
05:56 But, you know, I think in a way in a backdoor way
06:00 where were groping in the United States
06:02 to a sort of a breadbasket or a basket full of
06:07 semi acceptable or acceptable religious
06:10 sensibilities and organizations
06:12 and that will be equated which to be an American.
06:15 Yeah.
06:17 I don't think it's even possible as the way
06:19 I understand the history of the country that ever
06:21 and it never was possible from the day one that you could say
06:24 Baptist or Methodist this is the state religion.
06:27 But it is hardly far from, you know,
06:30 its not a long short to say that, you know,
06:33 the warm center of coalition of Bible believing perhaps
06:40 flag waving religionist that these we have a people
06:44 and ones on the fringes are not American.
06:46 Right, right.
06:47 I have said it on this program before but it just burned
06:50 its way into my consciousness I saw Jerry Falwell
06:53 just before he died with reverend Sharpton.
06:58 They were on TV and they were discussing, you know,
07:02 generally they were on the same side
07:04 and they were discussing abortion.
07:06 Now everything was fine.
07:07 Well, they were on the same side.
07:08 Right.
07:09 And then in the middle of the discussion
07:11 Sharpton tried to throw in
07:13 some social consciences within the city.
07:16 And whether or not Falwell agreed with that per se
07:20 but he didn't like getting off message.
07:21 And he turned to him and with this is hardly a word
07:26 or two different of what he said no pause he said,
07:28 if you believe he said you are not a Christian
07:32 you're not an American you're a terrorist sympathizer.
07:34 Wow.
07:36 And it's just incredible that it just devolved that quickly.
07:40 But isn't that fun we started out talking about religious test
07:44 but in a sense you're now talking about a patriotic test.
07:47 Well, I think--
07:48 From here you are jumping out the other way out.
07:50 It goes both ways. Yeah.
07:53 But it's another way to say that I think
07:55 that deserve a powerful little insertion in the constitution
07:59 and it needs to be taken to heart.
08:00 Now I'm glad we've got on to that
08:01 because we spend a lot of time on the first amendment.
08:04 But that little almost a clause isn't that there
08:08 well, a little sentence.
08:10 No religious test for public office,
08:11 it's a great protective mechanism
08:13 but it should be read large.
08:14 Right and it does strictly speaking govern
08:17 our relationship with the state what the state can insist upon
08:20 as a qualification but it also has there horizontal component
08:24 that says how, how you're gonna treat one and another
08:26 in the political realm.
08:28 And I forget who it was Alec Guinness and Charles Hynes
08:33 and others have talked about the three hours
08:36 of civic life rights.
08:40 You know, treasure the rights that you have been given
08:42 and then are ensured by our constitution,
08:47 responsibility exercise those rights responsibly
08:51 not always might be mine but how can that be used.
08:54 Of course, that was coming what's the third one?
08:56 Yeah, the third one is respect.
08:57 So rights exercising then responsibly
09:00 and respecting those with whom who disagree?
09:03 You know, let's agree with him or--
09:05 Well, in religious liberty because I have heard it said
09:07 I have even said it to other people, you know,
09:10 if I believe in religious liberty I can differ from you
09:12 but I should be willing to die
09:14 to defend your act to believe that.
09:16 That's the ultimate respect I believe.
09:18 I mean I might think what you believe is plural
09:20 but the principle is so important
09:22 that I would go to the wall for
09:25 and hopefully we don't have to go to the wall
09:27 but if we have that readiness I think religious freedom
09:30 and individual expression as safe, isn't it.
09:32 Yeah I think so.
09:34 I think there are very, very wise to put that in there.
09:37 Yeah.
09:38 And it was debated.
09:39 You know, we were talking about who was there.
09:41 Yeah, who was it that came forward.
09:42 I can't, I can't put it in.
09:43 Anyhow but there was some debate in this passage.
09:46 Well, the-- yeah, yeah
09:49 it was not just slipped in there by accident
09:51 and there was actually debated
09:53 because it had been so prevalent in the colonies
09:57 that it was something of a revolutionary concept
09:59 and saying no religious test but it was important
10:01 to have it there to ensure religious liberty for all.
10:07 Years ago I remember being mightily impressed
10:09 by the actor Laurence Olivier playing the Mahdi
10:13 in Khartoum for the Mahdi that rose up in the area there
10:18 and eventually captured Khartoum put it to the sword
10:21 and killed General Gordon the hero of the British Empire.
10:25 The Mahdi claimed to be a religious leader
10:28 melding politics and religion in one rather blood thirsty vision.
10:34 Its worth remembering that when Jesus was before Pilate
10:37 the representative of rather blood thirsty empire
10:40 and the charge against Jesus was that
10:43 He was pretender to the throne.
10:45 He said to Pilate by way of gentle reminder
10:48 He says "My kingdom is not of this earth."
10:53 And today when we talk about politicians and religion,
10:56 politics and religion whether they should mix
10:59 we need to remember yes,
11:01 the Christians are in this world,
11:02 people of faith are in this world,
11:05 but when we meld those two rows politics and religion
11:09 we want to steer clear of anything that will
11:12 result in this dangerous in outcome
11:14 as the man Mahdi or many other pretenders
11:18 to religio political path through the ages.
11:22 For liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17