Liberty Insider

PAX Religioso

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reed


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000240B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 We're with guest Melissa Reid.
00:10 We are giving our overview and analysis
00:14 of the current religious liberty situation in the US
00:17 and this might better be like a two or three
00:20 our program but, you know, it's quite sure.
00:22 But I think we can hit some interesting points
00:24 that we already have.
00:25 And I didn't expect it but you threw up the
00:28 example of Justice Scalia, a very erudite justice
00:33 but, but perhaps blinded by his own biases to make statements
00:37 that are just historically not true.
00:39 And this seems to be more and more the problem
00:42 in not so much religious liberty but the proponents of it
00:46 how they define it.
00:47 And there's so many precept positions
00:49 that are getting in the way of plain facts.
00:51 Yeah.
00:52 It's interesting I mean we see a lot of--
00:56 I think as working for a magazine where a journalist
01:00 or you know working in the journalism field
01:02 where it seems such a change in what is reported.
01:09 I think the journalist themselves and the profession
01:13 as a whole held us up to particular level
01:15 of a particular standard.
01:17 You know you have to have your sources, you know,
01:19 your facts and all these sorts of things had to line up
01:21 and you had a particular personal integrity too
01:24 and that might even just sort of the day
01:26 and age that we're living in now.
01:28 But as I have seen that
01:29 the emergence of the electronic communication and media
01:33 you no longer have that level of either personal integrity.
01:38 It seems like people are going more for the ad dollar
01:42 or even on the internet they are not accountable to anyone.
01:45 They are not accountable to an editor
01:47 if you're just writing a blog on your own or whatever
01:49 you can pretty much say anything you want.
01:51 Accountability is going
01:52 but then there is another structural thing
01:53 and then I'm glad you brought it up.
01:55 People seldom remark on it but I think everybody knows it
01:59 or could deduce it like all the traditional print media
02:03 or free full they've been bought up sold off,
02:07 collapsed, moving into online stuff.
02:10 The byproduct of that is there are not so many reporters
02:14 doing what you've said investigative journalism.
02:16 More and more what we read and you can read more of it
02:19 in different places but lot of us derivative.
02:22 It's not primary researched
02:23 they're being fed the information
02:25 by special interest groups
02:27 or even in the case of the government
02:29 by government spokesman.
02:31 They may be fulfilling their duty as they see fit
02:33 but over the long hold American journalism
02:37 might take that story but then go and check on it.
02:39 They're not checking on it anymore.
02:41 Well, I'd been interested you will see on, on you know
02:44 on mainstream news channels
02:46 you will see a now a segment from,
02:49 you know, sponsored by this hospital chain
02:51 or this, you know, health services
02:53 and I think well its not a certainly a bias for them to,
02:56 you know, do health reporting
02:57 and its just interesting to see but its common place.
03:01 So and then you have the fact, you know,
03:04 so either there is not the same level of accountability
03:07 or it doesn't even make it in the news
03:09 because some sensational,
03:12 you know, something is happened with
03:13 something in the entertainment industry
03:15 that's completely irrelevant.
03:17 Well, now you're getting on to a social.
03:18 Yes.
03:19 Cultural bias. Yeah.
03:20 And our cultural is tilted highly toward the frivolous.
03:25 Yes.
03:26 But and it's somewhat to be expected even though
03:28 I'm gonna say something that probably get let us on,
03:31 I don't really think that the US as an-- as an empire,
03:35 it's directly parallel in anyway with Rome.
03:38 We shouldn't say in anyway
03:39 but in any general sense with Rome.
03:41 But there is phenomenon I think that we have in parallel
03:44 probably for the same reason.
03:45 In its decline when Rome had sort of conquered the world
03:48 and got a good standard of living
03:50 the populist descended easily into crowd
03:55 pleasing activities the gladiators and so on.
03:59 It got quite bloody and so on.
04:00 I think we are in the same thing.
04:02 We celebrate much more the football games the,
04:06 you know, the voice and all of these
04:08 reality shows and everything.
04:10 That's become reality of most people and its not that they
04:12 people have no right to be entertained
04:14 but we've gotten to the point
04:16 we have confused that with real news.
04:17 Yes.
04:18 I see many times but that's on the headline
04:22 and you know it's in another program we are talking about
04:25 millions of Christians in Syria
04:27 being directly attacked and killed,
04:29 you know, in large numbers.
04:31 It's a little subtext after this all.
04:33 Yeah, yeah and to bring it back to United States
04:35 you know we have continued to see
04:37 the equal employment opportunity commission.
04:41 Note that year after year
04:43 religious discrimination in the workplace
04:45 continues to grow more than any other category.
04:48 Absolutely.
04:50 You know that the CTEX, you know, that monitors and yet,
04:54 you know, it's a headline that I see once year come out
04:57 when the report is listed
04:58 and that's the only time I see it seen it
05:00 and its only you know a small blurb its not
05:03 no one is crying outrage over it.
05:05 Well, what you've seen there is one example of
05:07 what I believe has happened.
05:08 The change is already in place.
05:11 Why that's suddenly revealing itself
05:13 is we're in another tightening job market
05:17 its stretched out they call it a recovery
05:21 but I call it a stretched out recession.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 And the true recovery hasn't come.
05:25 So the attitudes that shifted a while ago
05:28 are revealing themselves more and more is basically
05:31 an intolerance for religious practice in the workplace
05:34 because it gets in the way of making the money
05:36 that really is not a willing and we know this.
05:38 You know, you know very plainly that the employers
05:41 when they're legally tested
05:43 charter once may give accommodation by and as
05:46 but when it's legally tested
05:47 they are not held to account
05:50 and they don't want to give the accommodation.
05:52 Right and I always think of the individual
05:54 who is asking for the accommodation
05:56 and they know
05:58 what and that is not an equal playing field.
06:01 They know that the employer, you know,
06:03 has ten other people lined up they can do that job
06:06 just as easily or--
06:07 It's perhaps always been that way and, you know,
06:10 I'm not live long after note that I,
06:12 I know now you get the amount of justice you can afford.
06:16 Yeah.
06:17 And we see that in large political cases
06:20 but we don't think about it in all cases including
06:23 a legal challenge to someone who is not granted
06:26 what you are titled under the constitution
06:28 for religious accommodation.
06:29 Right, right absolutely.
06:30 So there has been a shift.
06:32 But I, you know, I wouldn't really like to say
06:35 that open persecution is the norm in the US, its not.
06:38 No.
06:39 But I think structurally attitudes have changed,
06:42 I think precedence have been set that signal
06:46 whether its big business
06:48 or whether its even government itself
06:50 this is not that automatic difference
06:52 to the rights of religious minority.
06:54 The rights of religious majority
06:56 I think are not threatened today.
06:57 Right, I agree with you on that.
06:59 And it's interesting I think you probably
07:01 heard of this term nuns non-catholic
07:04 N-U-N-S but you know N-E-S
07:07 this generation that now doesn't--
07:10 They don't check any of the boxes.
07:11 They don't, they don't spouse to any particular faith group.
07:16 They refer to themselves as spiritual
07:18 and not religious sort of things which
07:22 but it I think as we see our American population
07:27 become less and less committed to a faith group
07:31 or you know a belief system you will see
07:35 our religious freedoms continue to erode.
07:38 If something is not sacred to you
07:39 you're not gonna fight for it.
07:41 For others much less to yourself.
07:43 I mean or excuse me if you have more to guess.
07:44 I'm just thinking to bringing that point.
07:46 I have never really made that here but you know
07:49 Seventh-day Adventist just take the example that
07:51 we you and I know best part of it.
07:53 Seventh-day Adventist to some degree,
07:55 what the US is not as testing an environment
07:58 in a classical sense say as Pakistan
08:01 but to some degree the kickback is going to be
08:05 in greater proportion as say Seventh-day Adventist
08:08 more truly exemplify what they hold.
08:11 When we are a group that while we say
08:13 we believe in the Seventh-day Sabbath
08:15 if a large proportion of the members
08:16 are pretty loosey-goosey they know how to keep it.
08:18 No you don't have persecution. Yeah.
08:20 And so I think we're confusing
08:22 some of the lack of harassment in all the rest
08:25 with a better religious liberty situation when actually
08:28 we are not requiring it as much as we were before.
08:31 Absolutely, that I can really agree with that.
08:33 And Jesus says in the Bible
08:34 "All who live a godly life will suffer persecution."
08:38 Yes.
08:39 And I think that's true whether it's in the west, United States
08:42 or Pakistan or certainly Saudi Arabia or in anyway.
08:47 It's the difference that the same dynamic is at play.
08:50 Yes.
08:51 Yeah, I know I have remembered reading in
08:53 both Spirit of Prophecy writings
08:55 and also in the Bible you'll hear,
08:57 you know, of course,
08:59 first of all you pray for those that persecute,
09:01 you know, that are persecuting you
09:03 but if you are not seeing your faith challenged
09:06 or you're not feeling some sort of adversity
09:08 because of your religious beliefs.
09:11 Not that God deliberately throws things in your path to,
09:15 you know, to make things miserable for you
09:17 but if you don't see-- if life is just,
09:20 you know, a box of chocolates or bowl of cherries
09:23 or whichever in reference you want to use.
09:25 And they're probably soft centers not hard centered faith.
09:27 Then you may want to take a look and see, you know,
09:31 what's going on, why is this because, you know,
09:34 Satan is not gonna test those that don't need to be tested.
09:37 You're right.
09:38 I think a lot of times when we make this parallel between
09:44 the Hebrew boys in Daniel
09:47 and the test that they went through
09:49 the small test of faith before they're sort of large--
09:52 It showed where they would be when the bigger test comes.
09:54 Exactly and it's interesting because they, you know,
09:59 Satan did not put the gigantic test in front of them first
10:04 because that's the obvious test and whenever I hear that story
10:06 as a Seventh-day Adventist I always think of
10:08 you know the Sunday laws sort of practice.
10:11 But that's not the way it happened for these young man
10:14 it was the small test of faith because you just make that
10:17 small compromise one or two times and then
10:21 its that much easier or more natural
10:25 to make that big compromise at the end.
10:30 Not too long ago I watched a video
10:32 a debate between late Christopher Hitchens,
10:36 an apologist for atheism
10:38 and secularism and a Christian leader.
10:42 It's was an interesting debate
10:43 and you'd have to watch it yourself to see who "won."
10:47 But I was very taken with the poem
10:50 that the Christian apologist quoted in
10:52 Matthews Arnolds, "Dover Beach."
10:55 And he quoted the lines there where Arnold says
10:57 the sea of faith too was once at the full
11:01 but now I just hear its lonely melancholy withdrawing roar.
11:07 When I look at the United States
11:10 and you might think I'm misquoting this,
11:13 I see too a withdrawing roar of faith.
11:17 Plenty of religion, plenty of secularism
11:20 and those forces of battling each other after the death
11:23 but what we truly need is more faith.
11:26 I think faith in the goodness
11:28 and idealism of the United States itself
11:30 and will faith in the God
11:33 that we worship those of as Christians
11:35 and I would recommend to others
11:37 but as a Christian faith in God
11:39 to see us and their country through.
11:43 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17