Liberty Insider

Picking Peas

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reed


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000238B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 Before the break with guest Melissa Reid
00:10 we were, we were talk about Liberty Magazine
00:12 which is a favorite topic of mine
00:13 and I think of her's too.
00:15 But it comes up naturally because right now
00:19 we're in the beginning phase of Northern American wide
00:24 awareness campaign more than awareness,
00:26 fundraising campaign to enable the magazine for one more year.
00:30 Right, right. So we put together a theme.
00:33 We come up with the theme or a concept
00:35 for each campaign and our 2014 campaign.
00:38 So religious liberty Sabbath
00:39 for in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:40 is always the fourth Sabbath in January.
00:43 So that will be January 25 in 2014.
00:45 But our promotional period is a quite a bit longer,
00:48 so at least first three or four months of the year.
00:50 First three yes, yes.
00:51 Because we certainly don't want limit a church
00:54 or congregation to only promoting
00:57 liberty on that Sabbath.
00:58 A lot of times there is event scheduled.
01:01 And also we want, you know, we would,
01:04 would love for promotion
01:05 throughout that campaign period as we call it.
01:08 So yes, our campaign season
01:09 we consider January through March.
01:11 But so our theme that we came up with 2014 is Trust
01:15 and Obey which is one of my favorite songs.
01:18 And it highlights-- There is another way, right?
01:19 Absolutely there is no other way.
01:22 So we highlight the story of John Sproad.
01:26 Dr. John Sproad.
01:27 Exactly, yes. As he became.
01:29 As he became and we actually profile him
01:33 and tell the story of actually when he was young man
01:36 I believe as when he was in college
01:39 he grew up in an agricultural area of United States
01:42 and would come home in the summers
01:45 in order to earn money for tuition
01:46 for the following school year.
01:48 He would work in harvesting.
01:51 And one of the jobs that he worked one summer
01:54 was in harvesting peace and he was--
02:00 That was peace works.
02:02 Peace work yes, yes. It's like farmer.
02:07 And his story was very interesting to us
02:10 and I think really caught your attention
02:12 because a lot of times the stories
02:14 that we will profile in the religious
02:18 liberty campaign is how the Seventh-day
02:20 Adventist Church is been able to.
02:21 To intervene in so much--
02:23 To intervene in some way with someone
02:24 who's had Sabbath work place accommodation issue
02:27 or something like that.
02:28 And of course where, you know,
02:31 those are important stories to highlight
02:32 and we, you know, will continue to do so.
02:35 But the thing about Dr. Sproad story
02:38 that was very interesting was he was working the nightshift
02:44 I think its call the swing shift during the summer.
02:48 And so that you know and it was a very good job
02:53 there was limited jobs in the small community
02:55 and it was a good one a coveted one among the young man
02:59 that were there in the community.
03:01 And so here came his Friday shift or Saturday shift
03:05 and he was unable to work because of his--
03:09 Throughout sunset Friday night until sunset Saturday night.
03:12 Right. This is Sabbath 24 hours Sabbath period.
03:13 Exactly that is 24 hours Sabbath period.
03:17 And so when he showed backup
03:19 when he came back to work on Saturday evening
03:21 a couple hours after Sunday
03:23 and he actually showed up to work a few hours late.
03:26 The foreman says "you don't have job here."
03:29 You know, and he said "if you want you can wait."
03:36 You know all the slots have been filled
03:38 as far as on the shift and he says if you want.
03:40 They've been filled because he'd opted out.
03:42 He had been there. He lost his continuity.
03:44 Exactly, exactly.
03:47 And so the foreman said "if you like even wait
03:49 till lunch break and if somebody leave's
03:51 or something which was rare then you can pickup your shift."
03:56 Well, that is exactly what happened.
03:58 Every time, every week.
04:00 For the entirety of that position for the entirety
04:03 of that summer every week that exact situation happened.
04:07 And so because of his faithfulness for keeping
04:09 the Sabbath the church didn't need to get involved.
04:13 God did it.
04:14 God made, you know, impressed this young man
04:17 and it was interesting the conversations
04:19 that we had with he and his wife Arlene were just so inspiring
04:22 because it really affected who he became.
04:25 Well, and you and I were there
04:27 and I can see adorning on him to a larger degree.
04:31 Yes.
04:32 Yes, my faithfulness here really affected the rest of my live.
04:36 Yes. That set a pattern.
04:38 And I-- yeah, I saw that when I first spoke to him.
04:40 But I didn't realize till then that he hadn't quite
04:43 seen the cause in affect.
04:44 Yes.
04:45 So he actually-- their family committed themselves
04:49 to mission work, a life of service to others
04:55 and that, the way that God intervened in his life,
05:01 you know, on behalf of this teenager
05:03 who honestly wasn't expecting that in anyway.
05:06 He wasn't looking for it anyway.
05:09 Really, really stuck with him and shaped who he was
05:12 and he wanted to remain faithful to someone who looked at.
05:15 You know, to his Creator
05:17 who looked out from him in that manner.
05:18 All right, good summary
05:19 because you know I've been convinced
05:21 from the beginning that religious liberty
05:23 is not just a structural add on to Christian faith.
05:27 Yeah. It's integral to it.
05:28 Absolutely.
05:29 And he showed through his life that he-- Well,
05:32 what Jesus says you know, "He that is faithful in that
05:35 which is least is faithful in the most."
05:38 Yeah.
05:39 It seemed the small thing doing them
05:40 but he was establishing his creditability his integrity.
05:45 Yes. That shaped his future life.
05:47 Right.
05:48 A successful career in as a medical doctor,
05:52 a missionary doctor in Korea and then now in semiretirement
05:57 well, I think he's technically retire
05:58 but he started his semiretirement.
06:00 He and his wife going to Laos
06:01 and Cambodia and countries like that.
06:03 Right. Its pattern it's integral.
06:05 It's become who they are.
06:06 Because they're concerned about other people living
06:08 their faith to the fullest in even difficult situations.
06:10 Absolutely and I remember him sharing with us
06:13 that when he first started out in the summer
06:16 he was only taking off
06:17 "Friday night and Sabbath" because he was suppose to.
06:20 He was a minor child, he was,
06:22 you know, living under his parent's roof.
06:24 He didn't have that conviction for the Sabbath hours
06:27 that he absolutely developed then over the summer
06:31 once he saw God intervening and it was illustrative to him
06:35 of just how important it was to his Creator
06:39 for that time to be spend in that manner so.
06:41 I think the-- I think
06:43 it's the incredible story to me.
06:45 Absolutely and I think
06:46 within their own Adventist church
06:49 there will be a special role for the story
06:51 because currently there is a special emphasis
06:54 starting from top legislator,
06:55 top administrator not legislator
06:58 for evangelism and renew,
07:02 revival, renewal and so on.
07:04 And I am hoping that this will sort to click
07:08 rather than yes he is a legal thing we do.
07:11 This is integrated with spirituality
07:13 in the Christian walk and increasing dedication
07:16 to higher purpose that will produce a revival
07:19 I think if it's seemed for what it is.
07:22 Oh, I certainly hope so.
07:24 Yeah, it was just an incredible conversation
07:26 to have with these individuals.
07:28 It's certainly strengthened my resolve
07:30 and my faith and my commitment.
07:32 And I just, I am excited for the rest
07:34 of our church members to be able to share that story as well.
07:36 And we hope that they're excited enough to say
07:40 "here's some more money let's get this story out
07:42 to many more people."
07:43 And again to the viewers its Liberty Magazine
07:48 which began by the Adventist church
07:49 we still have a proprietary senses as far as funding it
07:53 but why not other people.
07:55 Any viewer can join with us.
07:57 There's people with means
07:58 and you don't need to lot of means.
07:59 You know, one subscription what is now $6.
08:04 I was shocked the other day at the airport
08:06 I want to get an ice cream and I don't think
08:08 there was anything less than $6 a little tiny cone.
08:11 And I remember at one point I was looking for an ice cream
08:13 and I noticed there hundred and something calories.
08:16 I am thinking that sounds very healthy
08:17 but that must mean that it's incredibly small serving.
08:21 And people don't think anything of that. Yes.
08:22 But for $5 or $6 you can send this all the year
08:26 to a legislator or lawyer the 300,000 lawyers in the US.
08:29 Yeah.
08:30 We're not covering most of them. Right.
08:32 These people need Liberty Magazine. Absolutely.
08:35 And yes, they all discover a little bit
08:37 of that Seventh-day Adventism but primarily they will discover
08:40 about this broad wonderful uplifting principal
08:43 of individual freedom of the integrity
08:46 of someone standing for what they believe in.
08:50 And I can't guarantee that what they believe in
08:53 as long as they're under conscience conviction
08:56 I think that's a good thing in the United States
08:59 in any part of the world.
09:00 Absolutely, now, definitely
09:02 we certainly do encourage you
09:03 please to visit our website
09:06 And if you don't see religious freedom highlighted
09:10 at your local church whether it's Adventist
09:11 or non-Adventist take the initiative
09:13 and be the individual to make you know--
09:16 Any if your local church of any denomination
09:18 needs help, contact us.
09:20 Absolutely, exactly.
09:21 We not have unlimited resources but I am sure
09:24 we have some considerable ability to line up
09:27 somebody in that area to go and present this topic
09:30 and inform people about Liberty Magazine itself.
09:33 Right, and again as we mentioned
09:34 before we make all of our promotional materials
09:36 for this campaign available on our website for download.
09:40 We want to make it as easy as possible
09:42 to highlight liberty in your community.
09:43 Very good.
09:45 It's an annual event
09:46 and it's one that's really important to us
09:47 so I certainly do advocate
09:51 that you all take advantage of this opportunity.
09:53 It really is an opportunity to highlight religious freedom
09:56 both in your church and your community.
09:59 And so let us know, you know, here's what we'd like to do
10:03 and we'll try to facilitate that make that happen.
10:06 So 2014 campaign, Trust and Obey.
10:12 When I lived in Idaho, I remember often driving
10:15 past a certain establishment with blacked out windows
10:19 and it was called Daniel's den.
10:22 And I've often wondered, you know,
10:23 what a person of faith would do in there.
10:26 Let's be honest what would a faith--
10:28 person of faith go in there for.
10:31 When we were thinking
10:33 and when we think about Daniel and his companions
10:35 you know they wouldn't have naturally go on to Babylon.
10:38 They were thrust into an environment
10:40 that forced to examine their faith.
10:44 That's the dynamic we need to keep in mind.
10:46 And John Sproad our example
10:49 for our Liberty campaign this year exemplifies that.
10:52 He was not thinking about standing for his faith
10:55 but someone with a firm faith like his placed
10:59 in an environment that put him to the test
11:01 where his school money, his tuition money
11:03 that he desperately needed
11:05 was threatened by his Sabbath attitude.
11:09 He didn't hesitate for a moment.
11:11 He gave up his job once a week
11:14 and once a week God gave it back to him.
11:17 And I think of religious liberty
11:18 I can't think of a better example then that fact
11:21 that if we have integrity if we have faith in God
11:24 He will honor it so often
11:28 and every time He honors it we need to be reaffirmed
11:32 in our commitment to God religious liberty
11:34 and our love for our fellowman.
11:36 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17