Liberty Insider

Christ in the Middle East

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reed


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000237B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:07 Before the break with guest Melissa Reid
00:10 we were talking about really something
00:13 that should be causing outrage
00:15 in the western world and in the United State.
00:17 The Christians in not-- that is the Christians country
00:20 but the Christian society Of the United States
00:23 that in the Middle East we witnessing a huge problem,
00:27 persecution genocide against Christians.
00:30 Right, it's terrible.
00:32 And its just I would like to be able to do more
00:36 as I mentioned on another segment.
00:39 As part of the North American Religious Liberty Association
00:42 we've written letters to the secretary of state
00:46 urging the state department to become more involved
00:49 in stopping this kind of violence,
00:52 this atrocity really but yeah we were talking about
00:56 what more as individuals you know can we do.
00:59 I think bringing awareness and saying you know
01:01 much as we have with individual cases of individual's
01:06 whether those Christian pastors or just church members
01:10 in Iran and Pakistan that have been thrown in prison.
01:13 We've talked about those in previous issues.
01:16 Not letting those, the attentions go away
01:21 from the individuals.
01:22 So I think, you know, may be that's what
01:24 we're called to do here in this situation
01:26 is continuing to speak about what's happening
01:29 and not letting it die down--
01:30 As I tried to point out before
01:32 I think just speaking about it has value for us. Yeah.
01:35 Even if we can't change the international dynamic much,
01:40 you know, we got to face it.
01:41 The US keeps reminding itself it's a superpower
01:43 but the superpower doesn't mean you can
01:46 snap your fingers and change societies
01:48 and we learn with Iraq you can't regime change it
01:52 will without consequences. Right.
01:55 So, this is not necessarily
01:57 a huge amount that the US can do
01:58 but it has a moral responsibility
02:00 to be a moral voice.
02:02 So, I do believe Kerry is secretary of state
02:08 can speak out were aggressively
02:10 about what's happening in Syria.
02:12 Man, you know
02:13 there is two-and-half million Christians there.
02:16 And as I said you know good proportion already are refugees.
02:21 Right, right.
02:22 Now we need to, we need to say something about this.
02:25 Before the break I was about to give
02:27 an example of Richard Nixon who said many things
02:29 that we can roll arise at his bigotry.
02:34 So, I'm gonna tell this but please I hope
02:36 our viewer thinks that its what I think
02:38 or even what the US thinks now.
02:40 Okay. But during the civil war between East and West Pakistan
02:45 which related in the formation of Bangladesh
02:48 he said to Henry Kissinger,
02:50 its nothing but a bunch of brown Muslims,
02:52 he says nobody in the US cares.
02:54 It's just an incredible state.
02:56 Yeah. And I'm afraid that I really kept to the integrity.
03:00 I tried to say things that in my view
03:04 get to the real issue here.
03:06 I am afraid that even for many western US Christians
03:11 this same construct is that work in the Middle East.
03:14 They're Christians? Yes, but they're not us.
03:16 Right. They are other people.
03:18 May be they are brown Christians.
03:19 Right. And it comes naturally to human beings.
03:23 Right. But we should fight it and--
03:26 Well. You know John Donne in that poem
03:28 "If any one is affected, I'm part of that island."
03:30 Absolutely. What affects that person affects me.
03:31 Yeah. If someone dies there I'm minimized and hurt too.
03:36 Well, not only we are brothers and sisters
03:38 in Christ regardless of manmade borders
03:41 or you know our countries or institutions.
03:45 We are all, you know, creatures created by our,
03:49 you know, by our God whether,
03:50 you know, even if you'll take away the same,
03:53 you know, faith group we should care about,
03:56 you know, things that are happening
03:58 to two individuals regardless of if we worship the same God
04:03 or if, you know, they're next to our neighbor
04:05 or in they are in other continent.
04:07 We should speak out on behalf of,
04:09 you know, on their half and hopefully
04:11 you know not that we do things for self preservation but,
04:15 you know, if the situation is reversed
04:17 I certainly help that individual.
04:18 So we'd speak out on our behalf. Yeah.
04:22 I lately have been reading and watching
04:26 a lot of Christopher Hitchens,
04:27 the late Christopher Hitchens comments.
04:29 And he has a book that I have an author
04:31 just write an article for Liberty on.
04:34 You know the main title is "God Is Not Great"
04:37 which I think it's a very wrong title.
04:39 But then he subtitled as "Why Religion Poisons Everything"
04:42 or "How Religion Poisons Everything."
04:45 Religious shouldn't poison everything it often does
04:49 but if there's any value to religion
04:51 it's a sensibility that creates
04:53 a common bond between peoples.
04:56 But since there is a poisonous religious attitude
04:59 in the religious in the Middle East
05:01 what I think is most important in North America
05:04 or in the United States it's not just for Christians
05:07 to raise the voice against them.
05:09 It's for the Muslim community.
05:10 I don't hear it very much.
05:12 I'm not saying they don't but they then I would hope
05:15 there be louder voices is because in doing so
05:18 they will be openly committing in the United States
05:22 to the values that United States exemplified.
05:25 And so we have an educative responsibility
05:27 with other religious groups within our country
05:30 to not hold them to a camp
05:32 because they've done it but to raise their sensibility.
05:36 Right, right a sort of an act of good faith.
05:39 Yeah, which will change people?
05:42 You change-- I think it was William
05:46 what we get the James Strait.
05:47 I think it was William Jones but it might be Henry Jones.
05:51 He made the statement he says "while it is--
05:53 it's true that thought precedes action."
05:57 Yeah. You change your thoughts your actions change.
05:59 Absolutely. And so ideas matter greatly.
06:02 Yes, now I think that--
06:03 And to make someone express something
06:07 is part of that process of moderating and in a view.
06:12 It really is you know you see these images
06:15 and its just breaks your heart and I feel like--
06:18 first of all we know, you know, as Christians
06:20 the God is the ultimate protector
06:22 and we know that here and His angles are down there
06:26 and they are doing all that you know
06:28 they are watching after these individuals
06:30 and they're comforting families that have lost loved ones
06:33 and we certainly want to remember
06:35 these individuals in our prayers
06:37 and be grateful that they have the comfort.
06:40 Absolutely. Of a second coming of--
06:42 you know, but their immediate reality
06:45 is just senseless and tragic.
06:48 You mentioned the second coming
06:50 in Seventh-day Adventist our belief is premised
06:53 on that Seventh-day, that's the law of God
06:56 and honoring God through the Saturday Sabbath.
07:00 Seventh-day Adventist we expect that the coming of Christ.
07:04 Praise the Lord. We need to keep that in mind.
07:07 Hitchens and others make a lot and they're partly right
07:11 that the major will face Christianity, Islam
07:15 in particular have a sort of death wish
07:18 is the way that secular see it
07:20 that we can't wait till the end of the world
07:23 and some radical religions
07:26 and those fractions particularly currently now Islam,
07:28 they want to hurry it loud.
07:29 Right--we get that question frequently,
07:33 you know, why should we advocate
07:34 on behalf of the religious freedom?
07:35 Absolutely, thank you. You picked up an angle.
07:36 Yes. Say that again if so that our listeners
07:40 really get the important what you're saying.
07:41 Right-- well, you know,
07:42 we as a local churches frequently
07:44 and lot of times we're asked by members
07:45 you know, why would we advocate for religious freedom?
07:49 Don't we want the Sunday laws to come?
07:51 Yeah, why are we delaying the inevitable?
07:53 Why are we delaying, yes?
07:54 Lets get there quick
07:55 and it just misses the whole point I think.
07:57 It does absolutely I'm I thinking of council
07:59 from Sister White it says that "if we don't do any thing
08:05 on behalf of those voiceless and if we don't advocate
08:09 for religious freedom while we have the opportunity
08:14 you know that's not what we're suppose to do."
08:16 We're not suppose to sit quietly
08:18 and doing things it's actually you know--
08:20 Well, it'll come it will--
08:21 the persecution will come quickly
08:23 and that we have an obligation to hold it back.
08:25 Absolutely. And this is what I tell our own church members.
08:28 The reason way to hold it back is not to save ourselves
08:31 because yes, you could make a logic,
08:33 well, Christ is coming the quicker
08:35 we can be with the Lord--
08:36 Yes. Paul said something that affect,
08:38 you know I want to be with the Lord.
08:39 But we are here for a purpose
08:41 we hear to share with other people
08:44 and give them something that we think is important
08:47 and we and if we're concerned about our fellowmen
08:49 we want them to be with us.
08:51 Right and-- But it's very--selfish we--
08:54 and more than selfish when someone say that
08:56 it tells me that they haven't really understood Christianity.
08:59 Right, well and you know though I feel like
09:02 we are effective in our jobs there is no way in the world
09:06 that we can hold back this--
09:08 Well, that's what I tell people but of course not.
09:11 But we can be the part of the dynamic
09:12 that has that is it's in.
09:14 Yes.
09:15 And another part of what
09:16 we told the Seventh-day Adventist
09:17 that if we truly do what we are called to do it
09:20 will on one level precipitate conflict.
09:24 And like Martin Luther one of the prime reformers
09:28 in the great reformation he felt and others felt
09:31 that they brought it upon themselves.
09:33 Well, it's isn't true because there was an era there
09:35 that wouldn't broke any opposition.
09:37 Yeah, yeah.
09:38 And I need to qualify one thing even though
09:41 3ABN regular viewers know what you're talk about.
09:43 Ellen White was a pioneer of the Adventist Church
09:48 who we believe it's plenty of evidence
09:51 that she was given direct communication
09:53 from God in a pseudo prophetic manner.
09:56 And so when she says that you know what the idea
09:59 is that God had showed her
10:00 this was a dynamic that we need to be careful of.
10:03 Absolutely, absolutely.
10:05 I mean, our whole goal as Christians
10:08 is to share the love of Christ with others.
10:10 And, and we are just anxious to have the opportunity
10:13 to do that for as long as possible.
10:15 So we suddenly want to lift up
10:17 those individuals in the Middle East
10:19 that are going through these terrific times.
10:22 We want, you know Christ love and His peace
10:24 and His comfort to wrap there His, you know,
10:26 its arms around them and give them courage
10:30 in this time of trouble-- this literal time of trouble
10:32 that they're experiencing.
10:34 I remember sitting on the beach with my feet
10:38 in the beautiful warm tropical sand
10:41 and waves lapping up against this as I spoke to gentleman
10:46 and his wife and daughter from Lebanon not to long ago.
10:52 Wonderful environment, I couldn't really sense
10:55 any religious threat there
10:56 but they told me about life in Lebanon.
10:58 How as Christians when he was growing out
11:01 whenever they got on the bus
11:03 the driver would ask them their name.
11:05 And of course their name signals their religious affiliation.
11:08 And he said his parents were horrified,
11:11 terrified that before they reach the school
11:14 they might be dragged off by some religious faction
11:16 and harassed and perhaps even killed
11:19 as was often the case.
11:22 The Middle East currently is a killing ground for Christians.
11:26 It's not even so good for Muslim Minorities.
11:30 The spirit of Satan is aboard, persecution, murder, mayhem,
11:37 civil war all of it is swirling around those people
11:41 and we need to pray fervently
11:43 not just that religious liberty
11:45 will win the day but that charity,
11:48 human interaction will be restored to the level
11:50 where all faiths can it at least coexist
11:53 and people can seek truth for themselves.
11:56 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17