Liberty Insider


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Allen Reinach


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000231B

00:07 Welcome back. Before the break we were--
00:09 I was taking with guest Attorney Allen Reinach
00:12 about the DOMA case and the Proposition 8
00:17 determination by the Supreme Court recently.
00:20 Both of them really bearing on the same topic,
00:23 same sex marriage.
00:25 You know, what are some of the implications of--
00:28 well, not just of their decision of the whole process
00:32 gay marriage, you know,
00:34 why are religious people so worried about it.
00:36 I mean the world is full of you know--
00:38 civil society is full of all sorts of activities
00:41 that are biblically aberrant and that we would decry
00:44 even though we have to charitably relate to old people
00:48 and recognize their fellow creatures, right?
00:50 We can't condemn at the people per se.
00:53 As we look at the subject of the implications
00:57 I want to start with a basic premise
01:00 and that is that if we respect the rights of conscience
01:03 then we have to work for a social and a legal system
01:09 where everyone has a right of self determination
01:12 that we can live according to
01:14 our own values, our own beliefs.
01:17 The problem is where we're going
01:20 as a result of the growth of gay rights
01:24 and same sex marriage in particular.
01:26 Right, this is against religious belief and practice.
01:30 We're going to a place where traditional religions
01:34 and their values and teachings about human sexuality
01:38 become illegal and unacceptable
01:42 and our institutions are not permitted to exist
01:47 if we're going to continue with those values.
01:51 Now I give you a simple illustration
01:54 of how this plays out in a bill that as we speak
01:58 is expected to be voted by the California legislature
02:02 and may well be signed into law.
02:04 The Boy Scouts
02:06 that great un-American bastion of discrimination.
02:10 I'm being so caustic, okay.
02:14 The Boy Scouts have been targeted
02:16 by the gay community for a long time.
02:18 Well, they were one of the first organizations
02:20 to make public statements on this,
02:22 their attitude towards gays.
02:23 That was about 10 years ago.
02:25 So, there is an exemption in the law
02:31 for what's called excised taxes
02:33 on the sale of the intermittent sale,
02:38 the occasional sale of goods for fund raising.
02:43 Think the girls scout cookies or think, you know,
02:48 the PTA or the Homan school they bring--
02:52 they go to Casco they buy a bunch of drinks
02:55 and chips and snacks and they sell it
02:57 at the High School football game
02:59 to raise some money for uniforms, okay.
03:01 Now mind you they've already paid tax
03:03 when they brought the stuff
03:05 but they are exempt as a nonprofit as a youth group,
03:09 they are exempt from paying sales taxes
03:12 on the resale of this stuff to raise money.
03:15 So the bill in California would revoke
03:20 the tax exemption of all of these youth groups,
03:23 unless they submit to the taxing authority
03:29 a non-discrimination statement and policy
03:33 that complies with state law.
03:35 And that means that they are not allowed
03:38 to discriminate on the basis of religion
03:40 or the basis of sexual orientation,
03:43 it is thought police stuff.
03:45 So unless these organizations including religious schools
03:50 that have sports teams
03:53 or churches that have youth groups
03:56 unless we submit to the thought police then arguably
04:03 they are going to start trying to collect sales taxes.
04:07 Now are they really gonna be able to collect sales taxes?
04:10 I don't think so.
04:11 And even if they do in itself
04:12 that's not going to destroy the Boy Scouts.
04:16 As a practical matter this is a shot across the bow.
04:19 It's not a real threat, it is an ideological threat
04:25 to use the taxing authority
04:28 to punish any groups that adhere
04:32 to traditional religious values of human sexuality.
04:36 And I say, religious not Christian,
04:37 because the same holds in Judaism,
04:40 the same holds in Islam.
04:42 And I don't know other religions but traditionally,
04:46 you know, human sexuality
04:48 has been regarded across religions
04:51 as restricted to a man and woman.
04:54 Yeah, well, it's sort of Darwinian,
04:57 the survival of the species.
04:59 Well, but this gets to, you know,
05:03 the thing that nobody is really talking about
05:06 is there is a very sound secular reason for society
05:12 and its laws to prefer heterosexual relationships
05:16 over same sex relationships, it is the survive--
05:19 It's not illogical.
05:20 Unless you want to join with those
05:22 who were interested in shrinking the human species
05:27 from seven billion to four billion.
05:28 Well, that's what I said in this editorial.
05:30 Well, not in an editorial, on an online blog.
05:33 I believe the implications to this social and legal change
05:38 will be as great as the population shifts
05:43 and all the flow from that in the industrial revolution
05:46 which led to women working, children, child labor for while
05:51 and so on huge things came from that.
05:53 Now this issue going back, this issue of tax policy,
05:56 there's a case in New Jersey involving a Methodist camp
06:00 along the Jersey shore, they were punished,
06:03 because they refused to allow an outdoor pavilion
06:07 that was used for religious services.
06:09 They refused to allow same sex couple
06:12 to conduct a commitment ceremony there
06:16 and the tax exempts status of that real property
06:19 was revoked as a result and they were,
06:22 they have been prosecuted
06:24 in the New Jersey Human Rights Organization.
06:29 And this case has been ongoing,
06:31 I haven't heard any future developments
06:33 in quite some time.
06:35 There is no question that tax policy
06:40 is at the forefront of the war
06:44 against traditional marriage.
06:45 And I never really thought it through
06:47 even until we were discussing it now,
06:49 even though I knew the Boy Scouts
06:52 is really one of the opening syllabus.
06:54 Churches I think it's easier to argue for an exemption
06:57 because of the deeply held religious moral stands.
07:02 And there are separation of church and state.
07:04 But in organization,
07:05 the Boy Scouts are not religious in any shape or in manner.
07:09 I mean this Baden-Powell an ex-military man said it up,
07:11 he was just exemplifying the moral mores in the
07:16 social idolism of training young people.
07:18 Except an awful lot of Boy Scout troops
07:20 are connected to churches.
07:22 Oh, yes, I know that but I'm just saying
07:25 it's not like our Seventh-day Adventist church
07:28 we have pathfinders, which is structurally modeled after
07:32 but it is tided up to a church organization.
07:34 Boy Scouts are sort of out there by themselves
07:38 and you know, I always think contrarily
07:42 so you could easily make a model
07:45 that they are in the general marketplace
07:47 and there are generally applicable social laws
07:51 It's gonna be a hard battle for them to resist this
07:53 even though there are practical reasons
07:56 why they are taking the stance there.
07:59 You say the implications are going to be enormous
08:02 and I absolutely agree, what we are seeing
08:05 and I'm gonna do big picture.
08:06 I started with a specific tax policy.
08:09 But let me backup to do a big picture.
08:11 In California law, the status of homosexuals
08:18 has achieved the same legal status as race, okay.
08:23 And increasingly throughout the country
08:28 we are legally acquitting the rights of homosexuals
08:33 to be free of discrimination
08:35 with the right to be free of racial discrimination.
08:37 It's a good point because I think that's the poison pill
08:40 of this whole legal thing.
08:41 I mean I have a bit of, before I get hate mail.
08:44 You know, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
08:47 I believe in the Bible
08:48 and I think this is a moral failing of
08:51 our modern society, I'm not in favor of homosexuality
08:54 but we can't use our Christianity to--
08:59 act badly toward anybody that differs from us
09:02 and we need to be careful how we relate to them.
09:04 So in that regard I have no sympathy
09:07 for some religionist like, you know,
09:09 we had an article liberty people,
09:11 military funerals, you know shouting hate stuff because of--
09:14 we can't do that but by the same token
09:19 we need to stand on our rights to defend our faith
09:22 and to practice of when this is used against us.
09:25 We got a conflict is looming huge.
09:29 I think we need to be very clear and very public
09:33 that our protection of religious liberty
09:36 we do not believe comes at the expense
09:38 of the rights of homosexuals.
09:40 And that's what we need to make clear.
09:43 It shouldn't be look the--
09:45 The gospel, Jesus-- Jesus didn't die
09:48 just for straight people.
09:49 Okay, let's, you know, put the cards on the table.
09:53 Jesus died for everybody.
09:55 And we are all sinners and we are not, you know,
09:59 if we are heterosexual
10:00 that doesn't make us morally superior to homosexuals.
10:04 We need to be very clear because anyone these days,
10:09 who is a believer in heterosexual marriage
10:13 is being accused of being homophobic
10:16 of being essentially racist.
10:18 Absolutely, any good Christian Bible believing Christian
10:23 needs to have charity toward all other people
10:25 but this argument exists on a social
10:28 and legal level that we can't ignore.
10:30 Well, and the real threat for religious freedom
10:33 when it comes to the conflict with gay rights
10:36 is not so much the individual rights as it is
10:40 the institutional rights of church institutions.
10:44 For example, Catholic Adoption Agencies
10:48 in Boston, in Illinois and San Francisco
10:52 have been forced to close their doors
10:54 because they could not comply with the regulations
10:58 that required them to offer services to same sex couples.
11:02 And their services were not welcome
11:05 unless they would conform
11:07 and we are going to see more and more of this
11:10 where religious institutions that will not espouse a policy
11:15 that include same sex couples are simply ruled out of border
11:19 and are forced to close, shutdown or put out of business.
11:25 It remains to be seen
11:27 how this is going to be implemented
11:29 but the implications are quite serious.
11:35 Marriage is an institution
11:37 established by Garden Eden for man.
11:41 It's worth remembering today
11:42 in discussions of the Defensive Marriage Act
11:46 and other actions that none of this can affect
11:49 what God has established as a religious institution.
11:54 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17