Liberty Insider

Two Horns

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Allen Reinach


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000229B

00:07 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider program.
00:11 Before the break with guest Allen Reinach,
00:13 we were talking about beast,
00:15 two horn beast in particular
00:16 and relating this biblical prophecy
00:20 to the United States today.
00:22 But there is an antecedent to that,
00:24 and you just read a text that where it says,
00:26 That this new modern two-horned beast power exercises
00:31 an aggressive power in support of another beast.
00:34 Well, all and not so much in support
00:37 it says all the authority of the first beast
00:40 which is a reference to how during the Middle Ages--
00:44 Yeah, during the Middle Ages,
00:46 civil and religious authority were largely
00:49 under the domination of the church.
00:51 So it's the medieval model and the medieval Christian church
00:55 took the poison pill and became itself
00:58 the enemy of true religion.
00:59 Now, ironically, you know,
01:02 those who think about this
01:04 in the modern American context
01:06 often suggest that there is
01:11 a part of the religious pride
01:14 that is theocratic, that wants to impose--
01:17 Not offensible suggestion.
01:20 A religious rule.
01:21 But the reality is that both were left and the right
01:26 in America today have devalued liberty of conscience
01:30 and are seeking to impose their own moral
01:33 and spiritual agenda on the nation.
01:37 To be sure they are very different competing
01:40 moral agendas from the left and the right.
01:43 But neither side is terribly respectful
01:47 of liberty of conscience.
01:49 Absolutely.
01:51 We can see that just sort of formulating before our eyes
01:54 but you know, I've mentioned it
01:57 before on this program.
01:58 But then the politically--
02:01 I shouldn't say, Christian right.
02:02 Because you're right this Christian left Christian right,
02:04 but they're both more and more
02:07 looking to political power to support their agenda.
02:10 And within that whole moment there is the,
02:14 well, the most extreme full Christian reconstructionist.
02:17 Right.
02:18 I mean, they don't mince any words
02:20 they want an Old Testament government
02:22 supported by law.
02:24 And I'm surprised they keep saying it,
02:25 because they're just exactly like the Taliban.
02:27 Death penalty for Sabbath breaking for homosexuality
02:32 for what's one of the adultery.
02:35 North Carolina had a resolution that failed,
02:38 because it was it became known and criticize,
02:41 but they wanted to throw off
02:44 the shackles of the federal constitution's first amendment
02:48 and claim the right to make North Carolina
02:51 an overtly Christian state.
02:53 Yeah, I remember that.
02:55 And they are clutching some historical legal straws
03:00 because, it's really--
03:02 Fighting civil war--
03:03 The staff will raise again,
03:05 that's really what's going on.
03:06 They are going back to fight the lost cause
03:08 and there is no question
03:10 that the constitutional dynamic change,
03:12 where they were initially sovereign states
03:14 where the federal government that had limited powers,
03:17 but that's not the case now and it's good, better,
03:21 I mean might be good, better and different.
03:22 But you can't roll back the history books
03:25 just because you don't like what's going on.
03:27 And undercover of that argument
03:29 they are really trying to bring in the theocratic type regime.
03:32 Right, and you know, having thrown off the civil--
03:36 the voting rights act, they now want to control again
03:40 who can vote and restrict voting.
03:44 Well, this is a very interesting prophecy
03:46 because it has the United States more and more
03:50 forsaking principles of liberty of conscience
03:53 and having the state take an active role
03:57 in enforcing religion and worship.
04:00 And that's a very dangerous situation.
04:05 Read that text again.
04:06 Well, it says, "It exercises all the authority
04:10 of the first beast in its presence,
04:12 and makes the earth and its inhabitants
04:14 worship the first beast,
04:16 whose mortal wound was healed."
04:17 And later it says, "It forms an image of the beast
04:21 that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
04:24 And it gives breath to that image
04:27 and causes that those who would not worship
04:30 the image of the beast to be slain."
04:33 And then there is a passage about,
04:35 "That no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark,
04:40 the name of the beast or the number of its name."
04:42 And that's the infamous 666.
04:45 And that's you know, many Christians
04:48 are confused about 666 and easily frightened.
04:52 666 pops up a lot,
04:54 I see it in all sorts of bar codes and stuff.
04:57 Very much, I even have it
04:58 as the code on one of my credit card.
05:01 You know, three digit code is 666--
05:04 I don't really know, I'm not inclined to think
05:05 that's a literal fulfillment of prophecy
05:07 and it might even be an inside joke by lot of programmers.
05:10 Then I might have the mark of the beast already, Lincoln.
05:12 But the mark of the beast is not essentially a number,
05:15 it's an activity, isn't it?
05:17 It's a stance but what I was getting at
05:21 there is we know that the modern states
05:23 and most personified by the United States
05:26 do control international finance,
05:29 they do control the monetary system
05:32 and have that ability is it says that to say
05:35 that if you don't agree with this policy
05:37 you cannot buy or sell.
05:38 I mean that's hardly beyond the purview of a modern state.
05:42 The United States as you and I were discussing off air
05:44 has been utilizing economic sanctions
05:48 to great effect as a primary tool of war, really.
05:54 And you know--
05:56 There are those even within our church
05:59 who poo, poo this identity of the United States
06:03 and prophecy or the role.
06:04 Today the United States is exercising
06:08 a dominant role in the global economy, in global power
06:13 we have by some estimates
06:16 as many as 750 military bases around the world
06:21 that's more than three bases for every country in the world.
06:25 We are absolutely the dominant military power,
06:30 the dominant economic power,
06:31 we are the world's empire, the world's policemen,
06:34 it remains for there to be the right side of circumstance
06:39 and the Bible doesn't tell us what it is,
06:41 but the right opportunity
06:44 for this kind of global religious coercion
06:49 to come into play.
06:51 Yeah, and it would involve more than just the United States
06:53 but the United States clearly is situated to take the lead.
06:57 It's the world leader.
06:58 Yeah. So you know, we're in interesting dynamic
07:00 and nobody knows the exact
07:04 next development as far as human history is concern
07:08 but prophecy lays out a broad outline
07:10 and it's hardly stretching a point to apply
07:14 that to the United States today.
07:17 No, it's not stretching it at all.
07:20 You know, I've often said the antidote
07:24 to the mark of the beast
07:25 is understanding the character of God
07:28 and understanding the gospel.
07:29 A loving God did not coerce the conscience.
07:34 Well, now you're getting
07:35 to the root point on religious liberty.
07:37 It needs to be for all people and lack coercion.
07:41 And you know many people say, you can't,
07:44 you know, it's gonna be hard to identify,
07:46 you know, the subtleties on it.
07:47 No.
07:49 Any great global deception like
07:51 it's discussed in Revelation will stand out instantly
07:53 because coercion is involved.
07:55 And they will be blaming us,
07:57 this form of religion is held up higher than the others, so.
08:00 I often said you know
08:02 I've got four kids, they were all teenagers at one point.
08:05 Now they're starting to at least being
08:07 numerically beyond teenagers although they still,
08:10 they still act like teenagers.
08:12 And I've often said, you know,
08:13 how easy would it be for God
08:16 to simply reach down alter their brain chemistry
08:19 and make them perfectly healthy,
08:20 happy, holy and obedient.
08:22 And how often as a parent--
08:23 You wish for that. I've prayed for it.
08:25 I've been tempted to pray for that.
08:27 But you know the gospel
08:29 God did not solve the sin problem
08:31 by exercising his omnipotence.
08:34 He didn't, you know, wipe their memories.
08:36 He didn't you know
08:37 reprogram Adam and Eve's brains.
08:40 He offered His own Son to die on the cross
08:44 to restore the broken relationship with us.
08:48 You know, I've heard Christopher Hitchens
08:50 recently deceased going on and on about this.
08:53 And he says, you know, he has no time for a God
08:55 that made us defective
08:56 and then asked us to be obedient
08:58 but he misses the point.
08:59 And we need to mention it here.
09:00 Sin is what's harmed us
09:04 and affected our thinking process
09:06 and God's very charitable.
09:07 He didn't make us defective.
09:09 He's not kind of. No, He didn't make us defective.
09:11 He made us perfect, we screwed up on ourselves.
09:14 We had a fall from grace and power and God's like a parent--
09:17 And we're reaping the consequences.
09:19 You're mentioning parents,
09:21 He's gently nudging us toward the truth,
09:23 but we have to make that choice.
09:25 And we have to stay clear,
09:26 great deceptions yet to come.
09:28 It seems very obvious to us
09:31 but love requires freedom.
09:35 Love is not something that can be commanded or coerced.
09:39 Love has to be free and that's the essence of the gospel
09:42 that Christ was given to us to the human race
09:47 to be our brother, to be our savior,
09:49 because a loving God can't force us,
09:51 won't force us to worship Him.
09:54 He doesn't want the obedience of slaves or congregants.
09:58 He desires a loving response freely given.
10:03 So true worship comes from the heart
10:05 and has to be freely given.
10:08 And the mark of the beast is absolutely repudiation
10:12 of these fundamental principles of the character of God.
10:15 It really is portraying God
10:17 as a tyrant as the devil himself.
10:23 It's worth remembering that the Prophet Daniel
10:25 lived at the epicenter of the global power of his age.
10:30 He dealt with some serious issues,
10:33 his life was on the line many times,
10:35 he was dealing with the super power.
10:37 And yet, when the angel brought him
10:40 prophecies relating to the end of time,
10:42 he said-- at one point,
10:43 he said that he fainted clean away,
10:45 he couldn't-- couldn't deal with it.
10:46 He was shown those great kingdoms throughout history.
10:51 But in Revelation John reveals another kingdom,
10:54 a final kingdom, a final path
10:56 that's characterized as two horns,
10:59 lamb like in aspect to a certain point
11:03 but aggressive and dominant
11:05 like the old dragon powers of the past.
11:08 The United States, I think clearly is that power.
11:12 And it's worth's remembering the wild as the benign side,
11:15 the protection of religious freedom.
11:17 And we wish it will.
11:19 We may well too like Daniel, faint away with shock in awe
11:25 as we see even this great power
11:28 turning against the principles of heaven
11:31 that we do that has it
11:33 just as Nebuchadnezzar did in his era.
11:36 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17