Liberty Insider

Two Horns

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Allen Reinach


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000229A

00:23 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:25 This is the program that brings you discussion,
00:27 analysis, news and in-depth reporting on religious liberty
00:32 in the United States and around the world.
00:35 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:38 and my guest is Attorney Allen Reinach,
00:43 Executive Director of the Church State Council.
00:46 Glad to be with you, Lincoln.
00:47 I titled this program "Two Horns."
00:49 Yes, indeed.
00:51 Now, we are on the horns of a dilemma as a nation
00:55 internationally, as we record this program
00:58 the president of the United States
01:00 as he had already drawn a line in the sand on Syria
01:03 and someone stepped across it
01:05 and it look like something is going to happen.
01:07 As that looms I know many people in the United States,
01:11 many Christians are thinking prophecy.
01:14 The whole Middle East is so highly charged
01:17 and many evangelical Christians see prophetic significance
01:22 in the existence of Israel
01:23 and now necessity to support Israel.
01:27 What I think many of them miss
01:29 and you and I need to talk about this is well
01:31 they see American exceptionalism and God's favor on it.
01:35 They don't so easily see the role
01:37 of the United States itself in prophecy.
01:40 The Bible has a lot to say
01:41 about the United States doesn't it?
01:43 Once you accept the bit
01:46 particular based fitting this nation.
01:48 We as Seventh-day Adventists have uniquely I think
01:51 identified the second beast of Revelation 13
01:56 as the United States.
01:57 And there's a lot of good biblical reasons for that
02:00 which I don't think we have time to focus on this program.
02:04 Now there are many beasts in Daniel and Revelation.
02:07 But final--the final power, you know, this is the passage
02:11 it's this beast that brings the world
02:14 the infamous mark of the beast and 666
02:17 and a final round of persecution.
02:19 But there are things about the character of this nation
02:24 that are identified in this prophecy
02:26 and even I think most Seventh-day Adventists
02:28 who recognize America in prophecy here
02:31 fail to really consider the significance
02:35 of how its described in the passage.
02:38 Before you go into that significance
02:40 but let's revisit the beast
02:42 because people that are not particularly well,
02:45 literate is one word I could use them
02:47 Bible things but nor interested.
02:49 Who haven't studied the prophecies.
02:50 Yep, might not realize the, you know,
02:53 the link we make as Daniel 2 where there was an image
02:56 given in a dream to Nebuchadnezzar
02:58 divided by metals in that case not beasts
03:02 and Daniel was then told
03:04 what those kingdoms were.
03:06 And the kingdoms were then centralized
03:08 by beasts in other prophecies.
03:11 Then elsewhere he gives the succession of beasts
03:14 and their interpretation is essentially given.
03:17 Babylon, Greece, Persia, Greece, Rome,
03:20 all symbolized by ferocious beasts of different kinds.
03:24 Lion, bear--
03:25 It's not a false interpretation to assign kingdoms to beasts.
03:29 Correct.
03:30 Then at the end of all of that sequence,
03:32 where presenter says another beast
03:34 remember rises out of the--of the land
03:40 which ironically is to be easily linked
03:44 to an un-people there because the sea is out of people.
03:46 Sea is a symbol for people. Sea is a symbol of peoples.
03:48 So, it talks of that-- about this beast
03:50 this two horned beast
03:51 a lamb like or a initially peaceful beast
03:55 that then becomes aggressive and it's relatively easy
03:58 in the sequence 'cause you know, one kingdom follows another
04:02 to see that this is the timeframe
04:04 for the rise of the United States
04:06 and then once you see that
04:07 It's very nature's describe very plainly in this prophecy.
04:11 So it's hardly it's not that everyone would
04:14 necessarily agree with us but it's hardly a stretch
04:17 to apply this beast to the United States.
04:20 Fair enough, but the thing I disagree with is the sequence
04:26 that the lamb describes are founding
04:29 Christ like peaceful, meek, mild etcetera.,
04:33 protective of our rights
04:35 and the dragon describes something future.
04:38 The text of the passage and I have opened to it.
04:43 Then I saw, Revelation 13:11,
04:46 "Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth.
04:49 It had two horns like a lamb,"
04:51 so that's in the past tense "and it spoke like a dragon."
04:55 Now the theologians tell me
04:57 that is a type of a perfect tense
05:00 that describes action that was not completed in the past.
05:03 It begun in the past
05:05 but it's continuing into the present.
05:08 And so what we have is this description is this tension
05:12 which I think if we start to think about it
05:15 in American history we have these wonderful ideals
05:19 of civil and religious freedom
05:22 very fitting description two horns like a lamb.
05:26 In the Bible the horn is a symbol of power.
05:29 And so we have we talked
05:31 about the separation of powers in our last show.
05:34 The separation of powers,
05:36 the protection for civil and religious freedom
05:38 because we protect against power becoming accumulated
05:43 in the tyranny of power.
05:44 Some other observers who tried to see in these two horns
05:47 the separation of church and state.
05:49 That's another part of the protection.
05:50 It's all reasonable analogies to draw.
05:52 Religious freedom, absolutely.
05:54 So it's these and if you think about it those who are familiar
05:59 with prophecy in the prophesies of Daniel Chapter 7 and 8
06:03 the power that dominated the west during the middle ages
06:07 was pictured as a single little horn
06:10 that consolidated civil and religious authority
06:14 and became a persecuting power I think the inquisition.
06:17 Here we have a separation
06:19 between civil and religious authority
06:22 protection for civil and religious freedom,
06:24 we have these marvelous principles of freedom
06:27 that have made the United States
06:28 a beacon of freedom to the world.
06:30 Underlying aggression from the beginning.
06:32 At the same time, can you think of any ethnic group
06:37 that has not been mistreated at some point
06:41 or another beginning with Native Americans
06:43 but there was a terrible Anti-Catholicism
06:47 going back to the early days
06:49 of course we had African slavery,
06:52 so we've had a problem there.
06:54 You know, I'm from-- I'm living in California,
06:57 we imported Chinese labors
06:58 who died by the thousands building the rail roads.
07:02 And we interned
07:03 we interned the Japanese during World War II.
07:06 This is and you're right
07:08 what American exceptionalism blinds people to is that,
07:12 that--this country or no country
07:15 is an exception to human nature
07:17 and human beings have the same tendencies.
07:20 The United States exemplified attitudes
07:23 at the times of its founding and the peoples that came in.
07:27 What I believe is the unique thing
07:28 and it's really the load star of Americanism
07:32 or the American state is the constitution. Right.
07:35 Which of course, was informed by progressive thinkers
07:37 religious and secular at that time
07:39 and so this stands up there as a guiding star
07:42 and we haven't yet blanked it out totally
07:45 but if you look just at the history of the United States
07:48 It's as imperfect as any country.
07:50 It's what we say is the United States
07:53 why should it be the policeman of the world,
07:54 we are a peaceful country,
07:56 this isolationist, this never been true.
07:58 The United States has never
08:00 practically speaking been isolationist.
08:02 It's always been expansionist.
08:04 You know, there are 50 states
08:05 so they spread over half the world.
08:09 You know, that's the nature of empowers
08:11 as it's become a latter day empower
08:13 but it still has this unique
08:15 universal aspect of freedom and rights
08:18 and of course bury within that
08:20 wonderful religious liberty sentiments
08:22 and we need to cling to that.
08:23 Well, and I think one of the key things
08:27 to think about in seeing the tension in our history
08:31 between the lamb and the dragon
08:33 between the wonderful values and principles that we espouse
08:37 and our failure to live up to them
08:40 is this whole concept of American civil religion
08:44 and what you mentioned American exceptionalism,
08:47 we have a blind spot as Americans.
08:50 We tend to have this idea
08:53 that God blesses America that God is on our side.
08:57 Automatically regardless of what we do.
08:58 And then we justify being the world's policeman
09:03 which sometimes becomes being the world's bully.
09:08 You know, projecting our power,
09:10 throwing our weight around internationally
09:12 and we are uncritical about whether that's really essential.
09:19 Now, Congress is going to debate
09:21 whether we should project American power into Syria.
09:25 And I don't have the answer to that question
09:27 but I'm glad that there is at least
09:28 going to be some discussion about it.
09:31 Which is the way it should operate, you know,
09:32 so often we hear about it on the news
09:34 and Congress lament that they had no part in it,
09:37 so the system at least is working.
09:39 but even the system is on some predicates
09:42 as you say from its very founding
09:46 there were some principles embedded in the Untied States
09:50 that can easily be used to be enforcing and dictatorial power
09:54 particularly on religious matters.
09:56 But I want to talk a little more about American exceptionalism
09:59 because I think that-- Some books written on that.
10:02 Of course, look, it's a given that we are exceptional
10:06 in our commitment to the wonderful values
10:09 of civil and religious freedom.
10:10 That's what makes us exceptional.
10:13 We are not exceptional when we fail to live up to them
10:17 but there is an inherent danger
10:20 and that is a danger from our civil religion
10:26 that we turn God into a tribal deity of the United States.
10:30 I like that.
10:31 And what I mean by a tribal deity,
10:34 all true religion whatever you call--
10:36 Or a national icon.
10:38 All true religion is based on the premise
10:41 that God is sovereign and we as the creatures
10:45 as the created beings are in humble submission
10:48 to the will of the sovereign Creator God.
10:52 You know, there is a hierarchy, God is on top
10:55 and we are--you know, we are on the bottom.
10:58 All right, we are the creatures, He is the Creator.
11:02 Civil religion turns that formula upside down
11:05 and God becomes the instrument of national policy.
11:11 God as the, you know,
11:12 as the tribal deity of the United States
11:15 is invoked--you know politicians invoke His name
11:19 to bless their political aspirations to elected at office
11:25 and also to bless our national aspirations
11:28 as we project power into the global community.
11:32 Well, it's a little example that illustrates where this leads.
11:35 Couple of years ago it turned out that--
11:37 that all of the gun sites
11:39 used in Afghanistan and Iraq had a Bible text.
11:42 John 3:16 on the Bible.
11:44 Next to the serial number,
11:45 well, it was told to the soldiers
11:47 who found out about it that these were holy weapons.
11:51 In extension of the state is religious thinking
11:53 and this just gets so muddled together.
11:56 But of course the structure you are describing
11:58 really existed in the Middle Ages
12:00 and in some ways that's what perhaps lies ahead of us.
12:04 This merging of church and state but in a more modern,
12:11 Well, I'm trying to avoid some of the words like--
12:12 like some of these totalitarian powers
12:16 we saw at World War II.
12:17 But really technology is handing
12:19 that sort of statism to any dominant entity today.
12:23 Abraham Lincoln I think had a healthy attitude.
12:27 He was asked--
12:28 Oh, nobody God didn't favor either.
12:30 He was asked whether God was on the side of the north
12:34 and his answer was you know
12:36 I don't know, I hope that we are on God's side. Yeah.
12:40 Well, elsewhere he said both sides
12:41 pray to God, he couldn't be on both sides.
12:43 Well, that was his second Inaugural Address
12:45 and if there is one thing I would comment
12:47 every American to reread regularly.
12:50 It's Lincoln second inaugural it is just a masterpiece.
12:54 Very humble document. Very humble.
12:56 And he had it absolutely--
12:57 And biblically and prophetically dead on right.
13:02 Although he was not
13:03 a conventional Christian in any form.
13:07 No. in fact he was well read.
13:08 And I think he had his moral compass well sort out.
13:12 So the two horns--
13:14 what this the latter activity of this entity do though.
13:19 Okay, so it says that we have these two horns
13:23 but then it says that it will exercise
13:26 or it exercises all the authority
13:29 of the first beast in its presence
13:32 and when it does that it says it makes the earth
13:36 and its inhabitance worship the first beast
13:41 whose mortal wound was healed.
13:43 So the time is coming when in repudiation
13:47 of the principles of the civil and religious freedom,
13:51 the two horns become one.
13:53 We exercise both civil and religious authority
13:56 and we enforce religious obligations.
14:00 We enforce worship,
14:03 that's the whole mark of the beast
14:05 I have the word worship underlined
14:07 repeatedly in this passage.
14:09 Those who would not worship
14:11 the image of the beast are to be slain.
14:14 So there is persecution and death penalty
14:17 for those who do not conform to the popular worship.
14:23 We need to take a break, we'll be right back
14:25 to continue this discussion of the two horn beast.


Revised 2014-12-17