Liberty Insider

A Matter of Meaning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Grace Mackintosh


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000225A

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:25 This is a program that brings you news,
00:27 views, discussion, analysis of religious liberty events
00:31 around the world.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:36 And my guest on the program is Grace Mackintosh,
00:40 Director of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty
00:43 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada.
00:45 That's her status but we'll leave
00:46 at that for the program.
00:47 Thank you. You're a lawyer.
00:50 And you're, I worked with you
00:53 and different regional directors around the United States
00:56 and Canada regularly on religious liberty events.
00:59 Great to have you on the program.
01:00 Thank you.
01:01 Religious liberty, we're dealing with it all the time.
01:04 But what does it mean?
01:07 Have you ever thought about that
01:09 we take it for granted?
01:10 And yet I know a lot of what you do
01:12 relates to legal interjections over this problem
01:16 with members or some others
01:18 that come to us from time to time.
01:20 You try to solve their legal problem
01:21 to practice their faith using the laws.
01:24 Other times, I know even our church
01:27 in essence lobbies its religious viewpoints
01:30 to the authorities.
01:32 Other times religious liberty is expressed
01:36 in the negative in different countries
01:37 that someone is persecuted by their neighbors
01:41 or their society, they stopped.
01:44 I hear every church talking about it.
01:46 I haven't yet visited a country
01:48 where they said they were against with religious liberty.
01:50 I remember sitting with Dr. John Graz
01:55 our world religious liberty leader.
01:58 And he and I were in Laos, communist country little,
02:03 quite a rigorous communist country.
02:04 And we sat and spoke with the minister
02:06 or the director of education for the country.
02:09 Oh, they're for religious freedom.
02:12 No problem he gave us a good assertion
02:15 of how they look for it.
02:16 And then he launched into
02:18 but we'll not allow naughty behavior,
02:21 that undercuts the government.
02:24 No suggestion.
02:25 Yes.
02:26 And this isn't to be very broad umbrella or roof brick.
02:28 And it turned out in Laos to give out
02:30 Christian literature in a village.
02:33 And if anyone reported you.
02:34 That's all it took.
02:35 If you were giving out literature
02:36 it was an offense against the state.
02:38 You go to jail for up to 25 years.
02:42 So you know, what does religious liberty mean.
02:43 Let's start it off.
02:45 How would you describe religious liberty
02:47 because I have come to believe it's a word
02:49 and a concept nobody is against.
02:51 It's like mom and apple pie.
02:53 All right.
02:54 Bur people mean many different things by it.
02:57 And sometimes-- I don't think that will happen today.
03:01 But you know, sometimes they're in the same
03:02 podium simultaneously and agreeing with each other
03:06 but they mean different things.
03:07 They mean different things and there is a conversation.
03:09 You know, there is dialog taking place globally.
03:11 Yeah.
03:12 And if you don't know what the words mean,
03:15 that are being used to outside the conversation,
03:19 and so I would say and answer to a question
03:23 that my definition of religious liberty
03:27 comes from the dissenters.
03:29 They dissented from the medieval church
03:32 and they are --
03:34 It's with the-- of the reformation.
03:36 Of the reformation. Leaders of the reformation.
03:38 And their definition was freedom to seek truth
03:42 and the right to private interpretation
03:45 of the scriptures or you know their worldview
03:48 with respect to their relationship with God,
03:50 even if there's no relationship, if you're an atheist.
03:53 So it's the freedom to seek truth
03:56 and with no interference from the church or the state.
04:00 Those last two are very good points.
04:04 I don't know if you remember as a Canadian
04:06 but you watch you're pretty close to the US
04:09 and Canada and they are peering over the border.
04:11 Yes.
04:12 And early on in the Obama presidency
04:14 the president himself and a number of his cabinet
04:19 and other functionaries started using the term freedom
04:22 of worship.
04:23 Yes.
04:24 Instead of freedom of religion.
04:25 And it concerned many people.
04:27 And we don't really know even at this late point
04:28 whether they meant much by it.
04:30 But there's no question that one term versus
04:33 the other is very different.
04:36 Like freedom of religion covers those things
04:38 you would talk about.
04:39 The right to be free from restriction
04:42 from the state, from other churches, from society,
04:44 the right to worship, the right to practice,
04:48 the right to think and act.
04:49 But the freedom of worship can be as simple as that.
04:51 The communists were the keen ones on freedom of worship.
04:54 Yeah, we'll provide you with church from 9 to 10.
04:57 You know, Sunday or Saturday morning
04:59 whichever your proclivity.
05:00 You have this church we provide it for you.
05:02 You meet in there.
05:03 And you come there and do what you want.
05:05 You leave and you keep quite.
05:06 You know nothing beyond that.
05:08 Yes, no room for religion in the public square.
05:10 Yes, you can worship but you can't act on it.
05:12 You can't advance that with your children
05:14 or anyone else.
05:15 And you'll be penalized probably in your work
05:18 and so on but you can worship.
05:19 Yeah.
05:20 And then hopefully you will get tired of it
05:22 and you will die of and your children and others
05:24 would then live a religion free environment.
05:28 When seeking truth I think requires
05:31 airing ideas in the marketplace of ideas.
05:35 You know a term coined by
05:37 some of the enlightenment thinkers.
05:40 There's many reasons why I think we need
05:41 to redefine or not so much redefine but reexamine
05:44 our definition of religious liberty.
05:46 But I see in some of the development since 9/11.
05:50 Some very real restrictions on freedom
05:53 of conscience and freedom of religion.
05:55 In the war on terror and the way it's being pursued
05:57 and try to anticipate events and identify ahead of time
06:01 who might be danger to the state.
06:04 We're coming perilously close to thought crime
06:06 in my view where just to hold certain views
06:10 is seen as potentially dangerous.
06:14 Yes.
06:15 And of course they're usually religious views.
06:20 And the problem is that when you ask the state
06:25 or the church to interfere with differences
06:30 of opinion with respect to worldview.
06:33 Instead of creating tolerance,
06:35 it's the opposite.
06:36 It creates oppression and tyranny.
06:38 Yeah, now I see you leaving your iPad around there.
06:41 You've got something you want to share.
06:42 I do.
06:44 It's a quote by Madison
06:49 in his Memorial and Remonstrance,
06:52 but I have to tell you that--
06:54 He was a Canadian.
06:57 Yeah, tell us about his past.
06:59 We've got people all over the world watching.
07:00 James Madison was one of the founding
07:04 fathers of the United States.
07:08 But more than that he was a vigorous exponent
07:11 of the separation of church and state.
07:13 He was involved with all of the other principles
07:16 in forming the government and so on.
07:18 But most particularly he was charged with
07:22 adding the amendments to the US Constitution,
07:25 the first ten I believe, yes
07:26 first ten amendments, the Bill of Right.
07:28 Those fundamental freedoms that are enumerated
07:31 at the end of the constitution which is a little more
07:33 obtuse than most people imagine.
07:35 But a wonderful exponent of religious liberty
07:38 in separation of church and state.
07:40 Yes.
07:42 So the quote all those, you were mentioning
07:43 Madison at the beginning.
07:44 Yes.
07:45 He says if all men are by natural
07:47 or by nature equally free and independent.
07:50 All men are to be considered as entering
07:52 into society on equal conditions.
07:54 As relinquishing no more and therefore retaining
07:57 no less one and other of their natural rights.
08:00 And above all they are to be considered as retaining
08:03 and equal titled to the free exercise of religion
08:06 according to the dictates of conscience.
08:09 And he goes on to say that historically
08:11 we have seen you know government
08:14 try to interfere by making
08:16 everybody believe one thing as a way
08:18 of lessening the conflict of different worldviews
08:23 and that is under the oppression and tyranny.
08:26 Yeah.
08:27 No, he was a powerful exponent for religious
08:30 freedom and not everything he said was fully taken to
08:34 heart in the United States.
08:35 Just one thing that strikes me,
08:36 he was against public money
08:41 used to pay teachers.
08:44 And you know we're on the edges of that one now.
08:47 Yes, we are with the voucher system.
08:49 Right and he was against chaplains in the senate,
08:53 in the congress which is well ensconced now.
08:57 And the Supreme Court kindly has said
08:59 that this sort of thing is ceremonial deism.
09:02 In other words religion deist but not much
09:04 significance to it anymore.
09:06 But I think he was very jealous
09:08 of the distinction.
09:10 And if you've been listening to him more
09:11 we'd a sharper line of separation.
09:13 Yes.
09:14 Ironically which many religionists
09:16 in the United States now say it's an unfortunate distinction.
09:19 They don't like that that divide.
09:21 But the divide had led to freedom.
09:24 Dissenting Protestants saw separation of church and state
09:28 as inseparable from the concept of religious freedom.
09:31 Absolutely.
09:34 While you were reading the other,
09:36 I noticed that you have more quotes
09:38 by Madison and now I'll read one.
09:40 Thank you. I need my glasses.
09:42 Madison wrote so much powerful stuff
09:44 on the separation of church and state
09:46 as well as religious liberty in general.
09:49 But this is what he writes here
09:51 and you can't say no to this.
09:52 I think he says, "Because experience."
09:54 Experience will teach us "witnesses
09:57 that ecclesiastical establishments."
10:01 And that's what they'd known in the old world.
10:03 That's a state church.
10:04 "Eccelsiastical establishments,
10:06 instead of maintaining the purity
10:08 and efficacy of Religion, have had a contrary operation.
10:13 During almost fifteen centuries
10:15 has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial.
10:18 What have been its fruits?
10:19 More or less in all places,
10:21 pride and indolence of the Clergy,
10:23 ignorance and servility in the laity,
10:25 in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.
10:28 Enquire of the Teachers of Christianity
10:30 for the ages in which it appeared in its greatest lustre
10:34 those of every sect, point to the ages
10:36 prior to its incorporation with Civil policy.
10:40 Propose a restoration in this primitive State
10:42 in which its Teachers depended on the voluntary
10:45 rewards of their flocks."
10:47 And I'm sure he was writing here
10:49 about paying the teachers.
10:51 Yes.
10:52 That was one of his burden.
10:54 "Many of them predict its downfall.
10:56 On which Side ought their testimony to have
10:58 greatest weight, when for or when against their interest?
11:02 Exactly.
11:04 So you know now I mean he wasn't listen too
11:06 on that point.
11:08 But his statement of history is undeniable.
11:10 It is and I have heard it said that Catholics
11:14 and Protestants could say with the straight face
11:18 that they believed in religious liberty
11:20 that it was perfectly fine for the state
11:23 to legislate ceremonial ritual or religion,
11:27 because of their understanding of the natural law.
11:30 Everybody's conscience reveals to them
11:32 the same thing, so if you go against your conscience
11:35 you know it's wrong to do.
11:37 So the state can punish you.
11:39 Where as the dissenting Protestants
11:41 or the dissenters from the church
11:43 said yes there is a natural law, but because we're individuals
11:48 it's revealed.
11:49 That's what I was about to. I'm glad you got the point.
11:51 In each person and you can't legislate it
11:53 and you can't punish it.
11:54 My idea of what natural law requires
11:57 or expects that gonna be from different from yours.
11:59 Yes.
12:00 And we're all in different stages
12:02 in our spiritual growth.
12:03 A good point to get to it.
12:06 Many people are confused as they read in the Bible
12:08 in the Old Testament, where there is a theocracy
12:10 and God was directly ruling
12:12 and it wasn't separation of church and state.
12:15 The Bible is not against the society being directed
12:20 by religious mandate.
12:22 It's just against man deciding that.
12:24 Yes.
12:25 It was safe when the deities doing it
12:27 directly but God doesn't speak so directly now.
12:30 Exactly.
12:31 I mean and we know that there's many complicated
12:34 theological reasons for that.
12:35 But you can't allow some person whether
12:38 he is a president or a priest to tell you what God thinks.
12:43 Exactly.
12:45 That's the whole point of the Bible
12:46 and the reformation brought out to the floor.
12:48 That spiritual things are spiritually determined
12:50 and I have to search the scriptures to find
12:52 them for myself, not allow the state or even a church
12:56 with the state power to mandate it to me.
12:58 And I'm accountable as an individual before God
13:01 and what happens when the interpreter interprets
13:05 and legislates in the church and for the state
13:10 is that the interpreter becomes more powerful
13:14 than the original document.
13:16 And what did Wycliffe say "The boy be air long,
13:19 the boy behind the plough will know more."
13:22 He want it--you know the idea is that the Bible
13:25 is a document for everyone.
13:29 And who is John Wycliffe?
13:31 You can tell us.
13:32 He is the morning star of the reformation.
13:34 A great leader in England and really led the way
13:41 for the reformation
13:42 and true study of the Bible in England.
13:44 And of course his Wycliffe's translation
13:47 that was a big part of the reformation.
13:48 It's worth remembering.
13:50 The reformation, sociologically there were
13:52 things going on.
13:53 But as far as the reformation
13:54 that was purely and simply the availability
13:56 of the Bible in the common language.
13:57 Yes.
13:58 But that started things going.
14:00 As people read for themselves
14:02 what God expected.
14:03 And these are the roots of the theory
14:06 of the private interpretation.
14:09 You've the right to private interpretation
14:11 of the scriptures, you have the right
14:12 to private interpretation of the truth.
14:14 Absolutely.
14:15 We'll be back after a short break
14:16 to continue this discussion of what is religious liberty.
14:19 Why is it so important?
14:20 Stay with us.


Revised 2014-12-17