Liberty Insider

DOMA and the Rock

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Grace Mackintosh


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000222A

00:23 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:25 This is a program that brings you news, views and discussion
00:28 on religious liberty events in the United States
00:31 but around the world as well.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:36 And my guest on the program is Grace Macintosh,
00:40 public affairs and religious liberty director
00:42 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada.
00:44 That's for starters. I know you have a few other titles.
00:46 You're a lawyer. Yes.
00:49 And very much upon what's happening on religious liberty
00:52 and legal affairs in Canada, but I know another places.
00:55 You and I have often spoken at great length
00:58 about some of the things that are going on.
01:00 And so I want to test you on this program.
01:03 There's a very important or much discussed Supreme Court case
01:10 that's just recently come out.
01:12 It was action first of all. Well, it's really two cases.
01:15 But first of all on defensive marriage act.
01:19 This was passed back in the Clinton administration.
01:22 And it was part of the efforts by mostly people of faith,
01:26 but people of the different reasons that were objecting
01:28 to the advancement of the gay agenda.
01:31 And so they passed an act called the Defensive Marriage Act
01:34 that was designed to define marriages
01:37 only between a man and woman.
01:39 Do you remember that? Yes.
01:41 And that was fine, but I was felt a little bit uncomfortable
01:46 that it was an attempt by people to sort of
01:49 project their faith view into law quickly
01:54 to stop people of other views from passing other laws.
01:57 So it was sort of an end run rather than
02:00 you and I have talked about this before.
02:02 I think the Seventh-day Adventist church
02:03 years and years ago was very much involved with temperance,
02:06 educating the public against alcohol and tobacco
02:09 and seeking legislation
02:12 to protect people from these things.
02:15 And the result was an amendment of the constitution,
02:20 prohibition amendment.
02:21 I'm not sure, that that's what they all wanted.
02:23 But in this case it's very clearly
02:26 a projection of religious values,
02:28 in fact the doctrinal viewpoint. Right
02:31 And so what did the Supreme Court do?
02:32 I know you seen the action.
02:35 They did something that should have been expected,
02:38 but seems to have shocked people.
02:39 Well, they've repealed DOMA.
02:41 They repealed DOMA. Yeah.
02:44 And, you know, now everybody seems to be upset
02:48 and talk about judicial activism.
02:50 But I'm a little bit mystified
02:52 because by my likes this court under,
02:57 under Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts
03:01 is tilting toward the conservative side.
03:04 So I wouldn't call it a liberal court. No.
03:08 And so they've offended the conservatives
03:12 and yes it's a very close thing.
03:14 It's 5-4. So it's no mandate for any particular view.
03:18 But I think myself they got cautious
03:22 when they looked at legally realizing
03:24 that they were on enchanted ground
03:27 to endorse a law that really had a religious agenda.
03:33 Well, in Canada when we were considering marriage
03:36 and changing it's definition constitutionally,
03:39 there was a discussion amongst the legal council
03:43 that were Christian as well as clergy.
03:46 And the thought was, well, why don't we just
03:49 get out of the marriage business,
03:51 religiously speaking?
03:53 And let to a government deal with the benefits
03:55 flowing from dependant relationship,
03:59 you know, framed as marriage
04:01 and we're not going to have anything to do with it.
04:03 We'll just hand in all our licensing for marriages.
04:07 We'll have this ceremony in the church
04:09 but we're going to get out of the business
04:11 and just let government deal with it,
04:13 which I think wasn't a bad idea.
04:19 Yeah, I'm glad you've said that because I was hearing too.
04:22 To me and we're getting on
04:25 to a larger discussion of marriage here,
04:27 but marriage as the church sees it
04:30 and as it derives from God's institution of marriage in Eden.
04:36 That's a spiritual contract before God.
04:39 That's a sacrament, isn't it? Yeah, it's a sacrament.
04:42 Marriage as the state determines it.
04:44 It's for the propagation of society.
04:48 It's for the smooth running of relationships
04:51 and upbringing of family and so on. But it's-
04:53 Division of assets. Absolutely.
04:56 It's contractual and civil.
04:57 It's not on that spiritual level. Exactly.
05:00 And it can't make a person of faith comfortable
05:04 when they see the state administering these sorts of
05:06 arrangements in ways that confrustrate or even deny
05:12 what we would try to do before God.
05:15 But it's not one and the same. They are in another sphere.
05:18 And as long as the church is able to continue to administer
05:23 and sanctify a relationship that has a spiritual basis.
05:29 Then there is no direct threat to the church
05:31 and we need to pray for the state.
05:33 We need to witness the state.
05:34 We need to work to educate our fellow citizens
05:37 so that they may move closer to a biblical model.
05:41 But I'm very uncomfortable
05:43 as this DOMA thing originally tried to do,
05:45 for Christian who are activated, politically they try to,
05:48 you know, make the knockout punch
05:49 or the end run or whatever to change
05:52 and otherwise unpersuaded civil society.
05:54 But even if they were persuaded
05:57 the best case should have something
05:58 like some of these Islamic countries
06:01 where there is an overwhelming Muslim majority
06:05 and they put in law,
06:07 stuff that comes straight from the Koran.
06:09 That's a total amalgamation of church and state.
06:12 And if you want to look to scriptures for direction-
06:16 when I look at Romans 13, Paul tells me the last Six
06:21 well Five Commandments are in within the authority.
06:27 They are in the realm of the authority of the state.
06:29 If the state wants to decide this is a marriage
06:33 as far as I'm concerned Romans 13
06:35 it says they have the right to do it.
06:37 I mean not be the best decision,
06:39 but that's what I see that they have the authority to do it.
06:43 So why would we, you know
06:45 try to make efforts to go against that. Yeah.
06:50 You know, that's philosophical divide on the Commandments.
06:52 Sometimes I'm not comfortable with it.
06:54 Other times I think it's reasonable
06:55 because what's very plain is those
06:58 First Commandments of the Ten Commandments
07:01 directly relate to an individual's relationship
07:04 and loyalty to God.
07:06 In the Abrahamic context as well.
07:09 And the things like you shall not steal and so on.
07:11 These are human interaction
07:13 which every state has a concern on this sort of things.
07:17 Although again going to the Islamic thing,
07:21 you know, against stealing too,
07:22 but they take straight from the Koran.
07:25 Well, actually not from the Koran,
07:26 from the Sharia law
07:29 and these and other holy writings
07:33 the prescription for cutting of hands and so on.
07:35 Well, that's not a civil law really that's a religious law
07:39 executed through a civil manner
07:41 and quite medieval for some of us looking on.
07:44 But I want to share something
07:46 and this I have never done this before in a program.
07:48 One reason is that I have trouble reading
07:50 without reading glasses.
07:52 But as I told you as we've planning
07:54 so I wanted to share with our viewers
07:57 a few sentences written in a book
08:02 called the Desire of Ages by Ellen White,
08:04 the Seventh-day Adventist pioneer writer
08:07 and she was a visionary.
08:09 Seventh-day Adventist believe, as you know
08:12 and believe that Ellen White on occasion
08:16 was given illumination, heavenly illumination
08:18 in much the same way in Bible prophets.
08:20 And we were all told in the book of Joel
08:23 that God's spirit will move through people
08:25 even up to the end of time. They will see visions.
08:28 But this, she wrote without that sort of authority
08:31 she wrote this is a biblical expositor
08:33 writing about the life of Christ.
08:36 And I'd like to share this very interesting statement.
08:40 She says, "Today in the religious world
08:43 there are multitudes who, as they believe,
08:47 are working for the establishment
08:49 of the kingdom of Christ
08:50 as an earthly and temporal dominion."
08:53 Some of the same people I think were behind DOMA.
08:58 "They desire to make our Lord,
08:59 the ruler of the kingdoms of this world,
09:01 the ruler in its courts and camps,
09:03 its legislative halls, its palaces and market places.
09:07 They expect him to rule through legal enactments,
09:10 enforced by human authority.
09:12 Since Christ is not now here in person,
09:15 they themselves." And this is the catch.
09:17 "They themselves will undertake to act in His stead,
09:20 to execute the laws of His kingdom.
09:23 The establishment of such a kingdom
09:25 is what the Jews desired in the days of Christ.
09:27 They would have received Jesus,
09:29 had He been willing to establish a temporal dominion,
09:33 to enforce what they regarded as the laws of God,
09:35 and to make them the expositors of His will
09:38 and the agents of His authority.
09:40 But He said, of course, and we all know this in John 18:36.
09:43 "My kingdom is not of this world."
09:45 Now this is the real crux of what I want to share here.
09:50 She says the government under which
09:52 Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive.
09:56 On every hand were crying abuses,
09:58 extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty.
10:03 Yet the Savior attempted no civil reforms.
10:06 He attacked no national abuses,
10:08 nor condemned the national enemies.
10:10 He did not interfere with the authority
10:12 or administration of those in power.
10:15 He who was our example kept aloof from earthly governments.
10:19 Not because He was indifferent to the woes of men,
10:22 but because the remedy did not lie
10:25 in merely human and external measures.
10:28 To be efficient," she says and this is very insightful,
10:31 "the cure must reach men individually,
10:34 and must regenerate the heart."
10:36 What's that statement, you know,
10:37 someone persuaded against their will as I'm persuaded to her.
10:43 Legislation of ceremony and ritual creates hypocrites.
10:48 Absolutely, and then I want to give a few more sentences
10:51 and this is the end of the quote
10:52 which comes from page 508 of the book Desire of Ages,
10:56 and part of it goes till 510.
10:59 And she says, "Not by the decisions of courts
11:01 or councils or legislative assemblies,
11:04 not by the patronage of worldly great men,
11:07 is the kingdom of Christ established,
11:09 but by the implanting of Christ's nature in humanity
11:12 through the work of the Holy Spirit."
11:15 It's pretty much what we were just saying.
11:17 The courts and councils, legislative
11:19 not by those measures.
11:20 You can't substitute legislative action from our regeneration.
11:25 And let's clearly what Christians
11:27 and people of other great faiths want in society-
11:30 they want moral regeneration.
11:32 And as we look at as you and I and others of like minders
11:36 we've to look at moves toward empowering
11:39 and even giving some privileges to gay lifestyle.
11:43 You know, we wish the best for those human beings
11:45 but we're affronted by the moral shift that represents.
11:50 But if we care for those people,
11:52 if we care for our fellow men
11:53 we can't force our view on them.
11:55 Can we? No.
11:56 And it's an antithesis of liberty, religiously. Right.
12:02 At the end of the day government is forced
12:04 that's what the civil power is.
12:06 As Paul says "the wield the sword not in vain."
12:09 They are these ones wielding the sword.
12:11 Christians at a wield the sword of the spirit,
12:14 conviction of ideas and of the mind.
12:17 So we really should be careful
12:19 to keep our endeavors on that level.
12:21 And I'm afraid and this is an opinion
12:23 because this is somewhat different.
12:26 But I think DOMA and the proposed amendment,
12:31 marriage amendment that never got off the ground.
12:34 Those sorts of things are ill advised.
12:35 They're really crossing over into
12:38 basically picking up like Peter,
12:40 picking up the sword at that moment of conflict.
12:43 And there's a better way to deal with that in the end.
12:46 It might appear weak as you get into the struggle,
12:49 but as Jesus said you take up that sword
12:52 you'll die by that sword.
12:54 And if we try to push a legislative initiative
12:58 to support our Christianity legislative initiative
13:01 to restrict our Christianity can easily come back.
13:04 It's counterintuitive to what scripture tells us.
13:08 And the directions and what we see here
13:12 that it was a Christ's example. Absolutely.
13:15 I mean we were given directions in Isaiah 58,
13:19 how do we regenerate the human heart.
13:22 You got a text there. I do its.
13:24 "It's to deal your bread to the hungry.
13:26 To bring the poor that are cast out to your house,
13:29 when you see the naked to cover them,
13:31 don't hide yourself from your own flesh
13:33 then shall your life break forth as the morning.
13:36 And your health and your righteousness
13:39 will go before thee."
13:40 This is what she was talking about.
13:42 "The cure must reach man individually.
13:44 And regenerate the heart." Yeah.
13:47 I have often pointed out talking about the United States
13:50 and you're from Canada, I'm originally from the US.
13:53 But we are in the American context so often here.
13:57 And America more than many countries
14:00 since it's a large dominant country at the moment,
14:02 they're most concerned with power
14:04 and energy and blessing
14:06 because religion and civil thinking are often mixed up.
14:11 And they want greatness again.
14:13 And what I believe is greatness comes
14:16 from integrity and the population.
14:19 And if we are able to communicate
14:22 spiritual values to the society,
14:24 it will turn back the natural punishments
14:28 if you like bad actions.
14:30 It can make the nation great again by moral greatness.
14:33 But it comes within not by legislation.
14:36 We'll be back after a short break
14:37 to continue this discussion.
14:39 Stay with us.


Revised 2014-12-17