Liberty Insider

Burn Baby Burn

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Imam Shamshad A. Nasir


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000221B

00:06 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:09 Before the break with my guest, Imam Shamshad,
00:14 I must be getting tired of it, it's not popping up.
00:18 We were talking about many things and ended up
00:20 with blasphemy.
00:22 Which is become a very flashpoint issue
00:26 in the Islamic world, that I think I stir into mix
00:29 that the Christian world had a long run with this
00:32 in medieval Europe where the church was
00:35 hyposensitive to blasphemy
00:37 which is a thoroughly biblical model
00:40 and I know the Quran says much on it.
00:42 But I think in the modern world it's not given to us,
00:45 is it to take matters into our own hands
00:48 and execute judgment on the blasphemy.
00:50 They risk their eternal destiny to make
00:54 lot of spiritual things.
00:56 Quran explain this thing that even you should not
01:00 abuse the idols of those who worship the idols.
01:06 And Quran does not say that if somebody comment
01:10 the blasphemy you take revenge from him.
01:13 And rather it is a matter of God.
01:16 God will take care of that person.
01:19 Your duty is to provide freedom
01:22 and it is the time for jihad and jihad means,
01:27 what Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that with pen.
01:30 If people are writing the books and you want to
01:32 cut their head, it does not match anything with that.
01:37 Well, it's out of proportion and nothing else.
01:39 Right, so what Ahmadiyya Muslim Community mean
01:43 is that, if somebody is writing against you,
01:46 pages and pages, hundreds of pages
01:49 and you say okay I want to cut your throat,
01:52 does it match any where with the Islamic teaching?
01:55 I would hurt not. Right, that what I mean.
01:58 So it means this is time for pen, jihad with pen.
02:02 So you write if they are writing the books
02:05 you also write the books.
02:06 That is the Promised Messiah the founder of
02:08 the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has mentioned that,
02:15 it is the poem and the word it means,
02:18 that the work which--was shown by sword this time
02:22 we have shown it by pen.
02:25 That means shining argumentation
02:28 from the Quran and the example of the prophet of Islam--
02:31 Let me ask you a question and it's just popped that
02:33 in my head under the blue, but I heard a program
02:35 the other day put on by an Islamic--
02:38 collation of Islamic Organizations
02:41 and they were trying
02:42 to untangle the puzzle of why lately so many young
02:48 Islamic men are attracted to--you know, the wrong
02:52 sort of jihad what often turns out to be violent.
02:56 And they made a comment and now just,
02:58 you just sitting your--
02:59 My comments.
03:00 Comment on what they said, they said that most times
03:05 that was the end result of the family breakup
03:08 or disillusionment with their own life experience
03:11 or they were felt alienated in they were in
03:16 another country, the culture they are not fitting in
03:18 that it was a personal dislocation
03:21 that then fitted in nicely.
03:23 Someone else suggested well, the religion says
03:25 now you can do this.
03:27 But they were using religion to act on,
03:30 on what was really a personal grudge.
03:32 I think if they are saying and they are doing maybe
03:35 that is right for them
03:36 because our Ahmadiyya Muslim Community--
03:39 You don't have that--
03:40 Right, right, that if they have this problem--
03:42 The Ahmadiyya worldview or doctrinal worldview
03:45 would not lend itself to this anyhow. Right.
03:47 If this is their problem and because of
03:49 that they are doing this thing.
03:51 They know better their own home.
03:52 That's a very good response from Ahmadiyya.
03:54 They know their home better than me.
03:55 But I just thought that was an interesting analysis.
03:57 Yeah.
03:58 And of course, I could take it further
04:00 and it just whatever the reason it means that the person
04:04 is not thinking spiritually they're
04:05 applying human biases in this case frustration
04:10 and using religion to justify.
04:12 That is true, this can be, this can be.
04:16 But this is not our point of view and we don't
04:19 and we don't teach anything violence against anybody
04:23 even at our homes. Yeah.
04:25 At our homes because these are the people
04:28 who are learning from home then to the Madrassas
04:31 and other places.
04:32 By the grace of God in our community,
04:34 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, we have missionary college also,
04:37 where I went for after my high school graduation
04:40 for seven years I read the-- I went through
04:43 the comparative study of the religion, Quran,
04:46 Hadees another faith religion we learned there
04:48 and by the grace of God we are learning so much
04:52 so that we can preach to the world, peace, love,
04:56 respect, understanding and tolerance.
04:59 Most things that certainly needed and they should
05:01 exist no matter what to believe system is
05:03 because they're attributes of all high minded
05:09 spiritual commitment.
05:10 They're not specific to an understating
05:12 of this God or where you are when you dead and so on.
05:15 Those should be high ideals
05:17 that should be in common.
05:18 In fact, let me say it further, more detail
05:25 that not only we are in our education we are learning
05:30 tolerance and love, understating, respect
05:33 and because of that our slogan is love for all
05:35 and hated for none.
05:36 Our present khalifa, present successor,
05:39 fifth successor of the Promised Messiah,
05:41 I will say, he is the champion of peace this time.
05:44 He wrote letter to the president of Obama,
05:48 president of Israel, Prime Minister of Israel
05:50 or President of Iran, and other even pope
05:54 and he asked them that look, look to the time
05:59 where we are going.
06:01 The world is heading to the destruction
06:03 and it is your responsibility all of you to save it otherwise
06:08 the III world war is clouds are there.
06:12 Yes, and that's probably true.
06:16 God needs--man needs to discover God before is too late
06:19 the world is on a self destruction course.
06:21 Last year--last year in June his holiness,
06:24 Mirza Masood Ahmed the fifth successor
06:26 of our founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
06:29 Mirza Masood he visited Capitol Hill and--
06:33 Yeah, I read the report. You read the report.
06:35 He made, it's a very good context.
06:36 Yes, he said very good things for peace.
06:38 And of course, we would hope that all religious leaders
06:43 could be so moved the Dalai Lama is often
06:45 quoted as he does go around and speaking
06:48 well for peace.
06:50 I think all people of good faith or not all people,
06:53 many people of good faith or able to see
06:56 that the will is on self destructive course.
06:58 And cynics, I'm sure you've heard,
07:01 say that religion is part of the problem
07:04 that but we people that I'm at the highest spirituality
07:07 of the law we can see that it could be part of the--
07:11 well, not just part it might be the only solution.
07:13 Oh yeah, that what I want to say
07:15 that religion is the only solution this time.
07:17 Yes.
07:18 For the--to bring the peace in the world.
07:20 They are missed understood the religion when they say
07:24 that is the problem.
07:25 No, religion did not bring any problem,
07:27 it is the understanding of the people brought
07:30 and it is not the religion.
07:31 So they have to get to know the real knowledge,
07:34 correct knowledge of the religion
07:36 What I said, once at the Religious Liberty Conference
07:38 to shock people but I believe it.
07:40 I got up and I said there is way too much religion
07:43 in this world.
07:44 Way too much religion but not enough spirituality.
07:48 Because religion in a structural sense
07:51 and the some people will fight to jihad and other people
07:55 will bomb an abortion clinic.
07:57 That is a very destructive application
08:00 of religious identity.
08:01 The true religion doesn't lead to that sort of thing.
08:03 You know, sometime people don't understand
08:05 what is the meaning of true spirituality.
08:08 In Ahmadiyya point of view, there are two terminology
08:11 are used one is spirituality, one is morality.
08:15 Spirituality means you have strong relationship with God.
08:18 When you have strong relation with God
08:20 where is the violence then?
08:22 Yeah. The God teaches the violence then?
08:25 No. Then that's all.
08:27 So when spiritually you're closer to God
08:30 then you cannot commit the crime,
08:32 you cannot commit the violence at all.
08:35 And morality mean, that you have good relation
08:38 with human being, you respect them.
08:40 In both terminology there is no violence at all.
08:43 Absolutely, and it's a great tragedy of old time
08:46 but particularly the modern age,
08:49 the religion is so much associated with violence
08:51 and conflict and it's really a contradiction.
08:54 It's not--it's not connected to its real
08:57 value and gold and true expression, isn't it?
09:02 You know, the people become more worldly
09:04 then the godly.
09:07 It's a good quote because that's all I could
09:08 almost think of some Bible quotes would parallel.
09:11 It--if they become more worldly then the godly.
09:14 Jesus says, something about the people
09:18 of this world are wise in their own ways.
09:21 Yeah, so in my own opinion as I read the Quran
09:25 or the Bible or the history of the prophets
09:28 and the Prophet of Islam, I don't see any where at all,
09:33 violence.
09:35 Only the people for their own interest
09:38 they create the violence.
09:41 Then they are not closer to God,
09:43 then they don't consider the interest of the human being,
09:46 interest of the people.
09:49 Then such a things are happening and taking place
09:53 in the world.
09:54 Very good, very good statement.
09:56 We're getting close to the end of this the last
09:59 and I don't know which order our shows will be shown
10:02 but this is the last of our discussions
10:05 and it's been a pleasure to talk to you about these,
10:08 these issues and I think we'll do it again sometime.
10:12 But you know, how would you sum up the need
10:15 today in the United States.
10:16 Well, let's we put it in another way.
10:18 Your community is quite numerous
10:21 in the United States, are you finding success
10:24 in rising above all of the prejudices
10:27 and the panic of now post 9/11,
10:31 are you able to practice your faith
10:35 clearly and without obstruction.
10:37 Of course there is no doubt at after 9/11
10:40 we will--we were all subject of the--
10:43 this prejudice and other things
10:45 but we do not mind it.
10:47 Because it was natural reaction of the people,
10:49 natural reaction of the people but--
10:53 And really people look very panicked.
10:54 Yeah.
10:55 They didn't know what is happening.
10:56 And what we did that all our area,
11:00 all our missionaries and the people of the community
11:04 they went all around to see people to talk
11:07 with them, to remove their misunderstating,
11:09 misconception, telling that although it was
11:11 very difficult, it was very challenging for us to do.
11:15 But we were, we are successful by the grace
11:18 of God and we are still doing that one
11:21 and I think that--
11:22 So you believe that good is come out--
11:24 Of course, of course it is good is coming
11:28 and it will continue to come.
11:30 Our message will be to the people this time,
11:32 first of all I want to thank you, inviting me
11:34 to this program which is very important
11:37 and which provide the liberty and the freedom of faith
11:41 to exercise and I think it is the hallmark
11:44 and theme should be of our all faith and religion.
11:47 And my point is that let us maintain respect
11:52 of others.
11:53 Let us come closer to each other so that
11:56 we should understand each other.
11:58 Let us we should not to remain and living
12:01 ignorance so that we don't know our neighbor,
12:04 we don't know the faith of other people
12:05 what they're doing.
12:07 I think may God bless you all
12:09 and love for all hated for none.
12:15 On one occasion some of the disciples of Jesus
12:17 offended at the local reaction said to the Lord,
12:21 you know, shouldn't we bring the fire of God down
12:23 from heaven and destroy these people.
12:26 Jesus said, no.
12:28 And I think the replies same today.
12:30 Nobody whether they're Christian certainly Muslim
12:33 or any body of faith is justify in bringing down
12:37 destruction and calling upon a hate reaction
12:40 for spiritual situation.
12:45 Our world has too much violence today,
12:47 we need dialogue between religions.
12:50 We need understanding.
12:52 We certainly don't need to syncretistic response
12:55 but we need people of faith to realize that violence,
12:58 corrosion is inimical to true faith
13:02 and certainly antagonistic to any sort of the concept
13:05 of religious liberty for all people.
13:10 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17