Liberty Insider

Burn Baby Burn

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Imam Shamshad A. Nasir


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000221A

00:22 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:25 This is the program bringing you news, views,
00:27 information, discussion and I believe deep inside
00:30 it's an occasion in to religious liberty events
00:33 in the United States but around the world as well.
00:36 My guest on the program is Imam from Chino, California.
00:43 Welcome. Thank you very much, my friend.
00:46 And I think of you last name Nasir but its--
00:48 Imam Shamshad Nasir. Shamshad Nasir.
00:51 Yes.
00:52 This is a great privilege to talk to you
00:54 and you've got some obviously your expertise is
00:57 Islamic theology particularly the Ahmadiyya Community
01:00 that you belong to. Muslim community, yeah.
01:05 Let's--now look far, far of field,
01:06 you wrote an article for Liberty Magazine,
01:09 well back on a news event where the--
01:14 the head cleric in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
01:17 Mufti. Mufti.
01:18 Yeah.
01:19 Which is the theologian, right? Right.
01:21 The spiritual leader and the theological expert,
01:24 he got up there in the mosque and an incredible diatribe
01:29 said that, all of the non-Muslim,
01:33 Churches or structures should be torn down.
01:35 Wasn't that what he said?
01:37 Some of you did affect. Yes.
01:40 We were the people Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
01:43 also condemned this of his statement
01:48 because although he has a great and grand title
01:53 like Mufti, in Saudi Arabia, Mecca
01:56 but the teaching or the verdict,
02:01 Fatwa in Arabic which he give was not right at all.
02:05 It does not match with the teaching
02:08 of the prophet of Islam, the teaching of the Holy Quran.
02:11 And--the reason is simple reason is,
02:14 Islam is the champion of freedom.
02:17 In the time of the Holy Prophet Peace
02:18 be on him, a delegate from Najran
02:22 came and after the dialogue
02:24 when they wanted to go outside for their prayer,
02:26 worship, the Prophet of Islam
02:29 allowed them to say prayer their own prayer,
02:33 Christian in their own mosque.
02:35 How he can say that all this should be torn down.
02:39 I have with me this chapter of freedom
02:43 granted to all Christians.
02:45 It is the statement of the Prophet of Islam Mohammed
02:48 peace be on him.
02:49 I want to read couple of words from that.
02:51 That's pretty long. Yeah.
02:52 Let's just read a little-- Right.
02:53 Sample from this. Yes.
02:54 I was looking at it earlier.
02:56 It's a long statement. Yes.
02:57 He said I promise that any monk
02:59 or referrer who will seek my help
03:02 on the mountains in forest,
03:04 desert or habitations or in place of worship,
03:08 I will repel his enemies with all my friends
03:12 and helpers.
03:14 And then he says that no bishop will be expelled
03:17 from his bishop nor no monk from his monastery,
03:22 no priest from his place of worship.
03:24 How he can torn down all the places of worship.
03:27 Islam is the one who protect not only mosques,
03:30 places of worship of the Muslims but Synagogue,
03:34 Churches and all places.
03:36 Islam protect them.
03:37 Now in many Muslim countries where they were
03:40 other religions when they came in,
03:43 didn't--was common practice to levy religious tax
03:47 on non-believers, wasn't it?
03:49 No, it was not the--
03:50 Did that start with Mohammed or--
03:52 No, no, it is not religious tax, you know,
03:54 in that--
03:55 Its Demmi--isn't it?
03:57 Yeah, Jizya.
03:58 You know, in that time it was not governments
04:01 like today all organized.
04:03 You have special funds for the military.
04:06 That time to protect the rights of minorities
04:10 or other faith, this was taken from them,
04:13 for their protection.
04:14 For the protection only because to employee
04:19 the soldiers and army things like that it was used
04:23 for them not only money--
04:25 Yeah, I guess protection money but you are right,
04:27 the context can't be directly acquitted with today.
04:31 Now you have to pay tax for everything
04:33 that time there was no.
04:34 The tax is--even you are paying, I am paying,
04:37 children are paying, men are paying, women,
04:39 everybody is paying tax.
04:41 So this was that tax. Yeah.
04:43 I mean, these are agreeable statements
04:45 and I was aware of that.
04:46 That was a good statement.
04:47 So where does that leave the--the Mufti and--
04:51 Room for the Mufti to teach like that.
04:54 He was the recognized authority and he makes
04:56 this pronouncement of Fatwa, I always thought
04:58 of a Fatwa as a--it's a little bit like with the
05:03 pope's speaks like procedure--
05:04 this is a formal religious statement.
05:06 Of course, that is your right, that is authority.
05:09 But I am sorry to say, that this was not right
05:14 and this is not Islam teaching.
05:16 And in that my article you know, I gave some extra example
05:20 also that you know, worship is also very important
05:25 and very important for each and every believer
05:29 have to worship.
05:30 Some of the Mufti given the same kind of verdict
05:34 against those people who do not worship the God.
05:36 They say, you have to teach them
05:38 if they don't understand you kill them.
05:40 I have the books, their verdicts,
05:42 they want to kill even those who--
05:44 So where do they get this from then?
05:46 If its not the--I am not saying its Quran,
05:48 but if it's not the Quran, what--
05:50 God knows the best from where they are getting these.
05:52 This is just deep seeded prejudice
05:54 that no one has corrected them on.
05:58 May be they are but they have their own views,
06:01 points, understanding of the Quranic teaching
06:04 and--but to our Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
06:07 understand that Islam is not like that.
06:10 That even you don't worship God, you just kill them,
06:12 this is not the way.
06:14 I think I will again repeat my statements
06:18 which I have done some other time in the program
06:21 also that these are the errors
06:24 which are getting among the Muslims.
06:26 Yeah.
06:27 So this is the reason Ahmadiyya Muslim stand,
06:29 is founder stand to correct all the errors.
06:32 And I know I do believe that these are distortions
06:36 or exaggerations may be is a bit of--I would be more--
06:40 these are exaggerations of Islamic teaching.
06:45 Yes, they shouldn't be.
06:47 I was amazed even to read that those people
06:52 who are not worshipping you teach them,
06:54 you tell them, if they don't still
06:56 then you are authorized to kill them.
06:59 Now that one thing that is very played in the Quran
07:02 and I would be interested in your comment on it
07:04 and again I'll reiterate, well, this is a religious
07:06 liberty discussion, we have committed to allowing
07:09 all phrases, not allowing its not my right to allow
07:13 but I will defend the right of any one to
07:17 believe anything so I'm--you know,
07:19 you don't have to agree but I have read the Quran
07:23 and I think there is enough calls to a tolerance
07:27 to non believers.
07:29 But there is a very different to those who have
07:33 accepted Islam and then turn against it.
07:36 That can get very, very harsh
07:38 and that particularly is the cause for some edicts
07:46 and Fatwas recently.
07:49 I Think this is the translation of the Holy Quran,
07:51 who is doing--with the one who has done the translation
07:55 of the Quran did he understand
07:57 the meaning of the Quran properly language
07:59 so many things are there.
08:00 But it's the long section as one where--
08:03 the prophet says that you offer them conversion
08:08 and they come and then the brethren
08:09 and you will raise them.
08:11 But then if they turn and then he goes
08:13 in the great detail about the physical punishment
08:18 to be meted out that we kill, that we flawed--
08:21 No, that the thing is when-- of course, when you accept
08:24 their same faith, same religion,
08:27 they are their brother but if they turn away means,
08:29 they have rebellious attitude and they turn against
08:35 the government and they do all these things against
08:39 the policy and the law of the land that time
08:42 then you can way the war over them to defense
08:45 your faith to defense your religion.
08:47 So it is again today if anybody stand against
08:51 the USA, what USA will do?
08:54 Oh, it's a human reaction.
08:56 Then, then. The divine--
08:59 That is in the Quran, I mean he is very direct
09:01 and that's when the punishment and your right to act
09:06 is this Mullah says, you are actually called up on to
09:09 violently eject them.
09:11 No, not like that.
09:12 As I mention earlier in one of the program
09:15 that the first is you forgive them.
09:18 If your forgiveness increases them
09:21 in their wrong attitude and in that they increase
09:25 in their transgressions then you have to take action
09:28 and-- It's true.
09:29 That progression is there.
09:31 It says, you forgive-- Aggression is not there.
09:33 Well, the last resort I think he has a it
09:36 as a last resort, yes.
09:39 What do you think about something that is
09:41 only rarely discussed but in some ways
09:43 that was the beginnings in the west of even hearing
09:46 about Fatwa's.
09:47 Remember the Khomeini issued a Fatwa
09:51 against Salman Rushdie for a very bad book by the way,
09:54 I read, Satanic Verses.
09:56 I didn't think it was that will written
09:59 but it was found offensive and there was a Fatwa
10:01 put against him.
10:02 This is again a very hot issue which many decades
10:09 took place and the Fatwa was issued against him.
10:13 You know, one thing is we should realize
10:16 that when the freedom is granted to you
10:20 there should be limitation of that.
10:21 Freedom does not mean that you abuse
10:24 the other people.
10:25 That is not freedom that is immorality,
10:28 which Salman Rushdie did against
10:29 the Prophet Mohammed and against Muslim
10:32 and against Islamic teaching
10:34 and against our dignity and honor,
10:38 respect of the prophet.
10:39 Well, I believe, I am sure it was offensive.
10:41 Right.
10:42 Where they meant to be, I don't know.
10:43 Then what Muslim did it was also not right.
10:48 Islam does not-- God will take care of him,
10:51 why you are taking care of that.
10:52 Now this is--
10:53 My Bible says, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay."
10:56 Yeah, this time is time of pen.
11:00 We say jihad of sword is done.
11:03 Jihad with pen is this time.
11:05 So you should use pen, you should use
11:08 you own argumentation and you should with argument
11:11 tell them that you are wrong or right.
11:13 In stead of okay, so much reward will we give
11:17 if you kill that person.
11:19 I don't think this is Islamic way also
11:20 we Ahmadiyya Muslim Community does not agree
11:23 with such action or reaction.
11:25 Think you made that plain and that's very good.
11:27 In some ways you're swimming against the tide of Islam.
11:32 The waves, tide.
11:34 No, I mean, you can discuss theology
11:35 but there is a huge tendency in the Islamic world
11:38 to react in these extremist wise and it's--
11:42 This is what unfortunately or wrongly taken
11:46 the action by the Muslims blasphemy.
11:50 They considered this blasphemy and the person
11:52 who commit the blasphemy he should be killed.
11:55 There is no room in Islam, there is no room in Quran,
11:58 there is no room by the action of the Prophet
12:00 of Islam that anybody committed the blasphemy
12:03 against him and the prophet allowed him go
12:06 and kill him, this is also not Islamic teaching
12:08 and Ahmadiyya Muslim Community stand for that.
12:11 We want to correct this error among the Muslim
12:14 that there is no teaching like that.
12:17 Now blasphemy is a very loaded sort of a charge
12:20 to bring against someone.
12:21 It is happening in Pakistan.
12:23 Yes, in the New Testament Jesus was basically
12:26 rush to judgment being called a blasphemy
12:29 but by saying He was God.
12:31 In the Middle Ages the Christian Europe
12:34 that was a common crime.
12:35 You could be executed for blasphemy
12:38 to speak badly of a religion.
12:39 So it's not unique to Islam,
12:41 I think it's the sense it's a standard sense ability
12:45 of those in religious path to restrict
12:48 those who might speak against religious faith.
12:51 We've run out of space
12:52 on our first half of the program
12:54 but please come back join us
12:56 for a further discussion of this very interesting topic.


Revised 2014-12-17