Liberty Insider

Islam and Women

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Imam Shamshad A. Nasir


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000219A

00:22 Welcome, to the Liberty Insider.
00:25 This is a program bringing you news
00:27 and discussion and information
00:29 and up-to-date facts and figures about
00:31 religious liberty events in the United States
00:34 and around the world.
00:35 My name is Lincoln Steed the Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:39 And my guest on this program
00:41 is Imam Shamshad from Chino California.
00:45 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
00:46 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community there.
00:49 And you once were leading
00:51 a similar mosque in the-- Maryland.
00:54 Maryland, near the General Conference head quarters
00:57 where I work. Right.
00:58 And I remember you came in and you told me that
01:00 the contact point was you read Liberty Magazine. Right.
01:04 And that just warms my heart today
01:05 that you wanted to talk to me because--
01:07 Thank you, very much inviting me in our program. And it's been.
01:09 And I am glad to be here. Thank you.
01:11 It's been a pleasure that apart from the program
01:14 to talk about common concern
01:16 for religious freedom for all people
01:18 and then to discuss elements of Christianity and Islam.
01:23 I really appreciate to this your effort
01:25 and we have to raise this more what we're doing right now,
01:30 more than that there should be freedom of faith and religion,
01:34 freedom of conscious, freedom of speech
01:36 and freedom of exercising the faith
01:39 of each and everyone without any discrimination
01:42 of race and color and creed
01:44 and in all over the world
01:45 not only one country but all over the world.
01:48 And once-- as you say that
01:50 that's a wonderful reiteration of the common principles
01:53 that we hold our religious freedom.
01:55 I think one of the biggest threats
01:57 that we need to speak against
02:01 is that even at the Untied Nations level
02:03 there is move Islam is involved with it
02:07 but there's also Christian elements and so on
02:10 who are trying to get sort of international agreements
02:12 that would make it some sort of civil offence
02:15 to offend a person's faith
02:17 by speaking badly about your religion.
02:20 And at first blush people say, yes, that's right.
02:24 Why should some one insult my religion?
02:26 You know you'll be surprised as what you have said right now.
02:30 Quran forbid this thing
02:32 to say any negative against any other faith and religion.
02:36 Quran explains that you should not say any harsh word
02:41 or wrong or abuse even the--
02:44 to those people who worship idols.
02:47 Well, yes and I think the Bible has similar comments
02:51 that in the civil environment
02:53 where you're dealing with unbelievers
02:55 I don't think that we should be free to punish people
03:00 who speak in ignorance. It is truth.
03:04 So and also I don't know what offends you.
03:08 Sometimes to just say what I--
03:10 like for example as an Ahmadiyya Muslim
03:13 you know that just for you to speak without any comments
03:17 some of your beliefs even another Muslim
03:19 they might find it offensive they'll see you as the sick.
03:21 Of course, of course.
03:22 So I think to pass an international law
03:26 where there's penalties against insulting another religion
03:30 we don't want insulting religion
03:32 but to just do that lays the groundwork
03:34 for me to stop any discussion.
03:38 The one things which I will,
03:40 I will like to express my feeling
03:43 that personally myself and Ahmadiyya Muslims
03:48 in this country we are very proud.
03:51 We are proud that we're Ahmadiyya Muslim
03:53 and we're living in America
03:55 because America provides freedom of faith,
03:59 freedom of religion, freedom of conscious,
04:02 freedom of exercise the faith.
04:04 While Islam is the champion of all this freedom
04:08 but unfortunately most of the Muslim countries
04:11 they do not allow people
04:13 to exercise their faith in freely.
04:16 The big example is Pakistan
04:19 where Ahmadiyya Muslims are persecuted,
04:21 where Shia persecuted, where Christian are persecuted.
04:24 And falsely blasphemy case
04:28 are registered against them in the police
04:30 and police arrest them and persecute them.
04:33 And some time even people have taken the law
04:36 in their own hand
04:37 and they kill the people in the street. Yeah.
04:39 I can give several example
04:41 what is happen-- I know in Pakistan.
04:42 In Pakistan. Even recent there is a case.
04:43 India, Bangladesh, Indonesia,
04:46 these countries are very doing wrong
04:49 against the teaching of the Quran
04:50 and example of the prophet of Islam.
04:53 You know, you're originally were from Pakistan. Pakistan, yeah.
04:55 In fact a few decades ago and it's always difficult
05:01 to be objective about your own country.
05:03 I know when I talk about Australia I have rosy glasses.
05:07 I think very good things of Australia
05:09 where I am from originally.
05:11 But is there a-- why is Pakistan at the moment
05:15 having such problems within Islam
05:18 and of course relating to Christians within Pakistan.
05:22 Why is there such intolerance?
05:24 What started this do you think?
05:26 I think this is ignorance from the teaching of Quran
05:30 and teaching and example and the tradition
05:32 of the Prophet Mohammed, peace be with him.
05:34 All though they claim those terrorist
05:36 or those extremists, radical
05:39 all though they claim that they're Muslim
05:40 we don't have any problem with that
05:42 but when they say
05:44 they're following the teaching of Quran,
05:46 they're following the teaching of Prophet Mohammed
05:48 that is the problem.
05:49 Because as I have little knowledge of the Quran,
05:52 little knowledge of the holy prophets life
05:54 and his practice and the tradition
05:57 there's no simple one example like that
06:01 with these people are doing today.
06:02 Well, that's true.
06:03 The terrorist and violent people usually
06:07 with the political agenda as well. Of course.
06:10 But there's something more on
06:11 as you say people are being killed in the streets,
06:14 often it's a mob that do something.
06:17 I don't think they're particularly terrorists.
06:19 Why would they--why do we see so much of it in Pakistan
06:23 and it's not only one country
06:24 but there seems to be many recent or in my lifetime
06:29 I think looking back in my lifetime
06:32 I'd say its within the last 30 years that that's happened.
06:34 You see I think there are two reasons.
06:37 Then Ahmadiyya Muslim are killed
06:39 they are killed because of their faith
06:40 because they differ in their faith
06:43 with the rest of the Muslims.
06:45 Then they kill Ahmadiyya Muslims
06:47 that is one of the reasons they say
06:49 because you believe prophet
06:50 after Prophet Mohammed peace be on him.
06:53 Therefore, you're not a Muslim and for Muslim we're going to--
06:56 for that reason we're going to kill you.
06:58 Number two, the reason they kill us or persecute jihad
07:01 we don't accept the terminology of jihad
07:04 as they accept as they believe.
07:05 We don't. So these are some of the reason they kill.
07:09 What about other innocent people
07:11 because this is a politics then again.
07:13 Why they support the America
07:14 why they support this thing, why?
07:16 Because of all that they are killing that.
07:18 Do you think the politicians
07:20 have stirred up religious animosity
07:23 or do you think some imams for political
07:27 or personal reasons have agitating people?
07:30 I think the politicians also do not have
07:33 any strong base of their knowledge
07:36 in religion, number one.
07:38 Number two, they are in the lap of Mullah,
07:43 these religious scholars.
07:44 And the religious Mullah
07:48 they pressure them to take action against Ahmadiyya
07:51 or against those people
07:53 or thinks like that what is happening.
07:54 So a Mullah is more of a theologian.
07:57 Right. And the imam is the teacher.
07:58 So called--yeah. Or the leader. Yeah.
08:00 So these leader they pressure the government
08:04 and this politicians to persecute either Ahmadis
08:10 or Shia or some of the non Muslim organization
08:15 in the country or minorities. Yeah.
08:18 All though sometime they claim
08:21 the government of Pakistan
08:22 their minister members they claim
08:25 "oh, no we are doing justice with everyone
08:28 and there's no such a persecution going on at all."
08:31 This is exaggeration which is not right.
08:33 They don't give the right statement at all. Yeah.
08:36 People can see what happened 28th of May.
08:37 I think the facts are very planted in certain groups.
08:40 Human Rights Commission reports
08:42 always every year they publish
08:44 and they can see their face over there. Yeah.
08:46 Now our church has a world report
08:49 on religious freedom and problems
08:52 and year after year this has been
08:54 so many incidents in Pakistan and other countries
08:57 but Pakistan is what you talk about. Is number one.
09:00 They're not little things as you say
09:03 a whole group of Ahmadiyya's killed all at once.
09:06 You know that's just not like
09:08 someone speaking badly or losing a job.
09:11 This is extreme violent prejudice.
09:14 And now that there are some journalists too
09:17 and some newspaper are bringing that issue
09:21 in today's Dawn was also that news
09:24 that the Ahmadiyya has persecuted
09:27 without any reason at all.
09:31 This was not the vision
09:32 of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
09:34 who was a founder of the Pakistan.
09:36 So they are going away from his rules
09:38 and regulation he set up the goal.
09:40 Pakistan--he separated Pakistan from India.
09:42 You've said the name quickly
09:43 and our viewers know this is Jinnah.
09:45 Yeah, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
09:46 Yeah, he is a political leader
09:47 but had a religious faith, didn't he?
09:50 No he is a--his once speech is very famous
09:54 and we quote and other people also quote now-a-days
09:58 that he said, in Pakistan everybody will be free.
10:02 There is no nothing that state has to do with church
10:05 or the church state with the mosque or whatsoever.
10:11 So state and church he said it will be separate.
10:14 But he wanted it to be an Islamic homeland.
10:16 Islamic homeland but everybody will be free.
10:19 Then if you want to go synagogue you can go,
10:21 if you want to go to a mosque you can go,
10:23 if you want to go to a mandir you can go.
10:25 He really spelled that all.
10:27 Right, he but the people after that
10:32 did not follow that instruction and guideline.
10:35 Pakistan had a difficult history hasn't it? Right.
10:38 So from partition on
10:40 and of course many people may have forgotten.
10:41 They forget their own sacrifices they did but
10:45 and they are bringing the extremism in Pakistan
10:50 in the name of god in the name of the religion,
10:52 in the name of Islam.
10:54 And the US I don't believe the US is to blame
10:57 but that's the wrong word some people use that.
11:01 But I think it was very unfortunate
11:03 that when the Soviets were in Afghanistan--
11:07 western interest stirred up,
11:10 fundamentalist thinking to get Mujahideen movement
11:15 to go and fight against the Soviets.
11:17 And I think that encouraged back to another discussion
11:20 that you and I had the wrong version of jihad.
11:23 Don't you think for political purpose?
11:24 Yes, of course. Yeah.
11:26 We don't accept that.
11:27 So the Jennie, the Jennie was out of the bottle. Yeah.
11:32 We've got a another half of this program coming
11:34 but before we get to that half let's just introduce a topic
11:37 that I think we could talk about with some value.
11:42 Women have had an interesting place in history.
11:46 It's not just a religious question
11:48 but you go to the middle ages in the Christian western
11:51 and women were not treated so well.
11:54 And in the United States
11:55 I can remember was only like 40 years ago
11:58 or so that the woman's movement took out here.
12:01 Women lived they called it.
12:02 And woman's rights and now in the modern world
12:06 we're very concerned that woman be treated equally
12:11 but how does Islam treat women.
12:12 That's often I think matter of some discussion.
12:18 How would you characterize just briefly
12:20 and then we go to a break?
12:22 I'll say that woman in Islam
12:25 is source of paradise for Muslims.
12:28 She is the source of paradise. Source of paradise.
12:31 Well, of course, the misuse statement about the jihadi's
12:35 they get to have these virgins in heaven
12:37 in paradise. So woman--
12:38 It is source of paradise, source of paradise for Muslims.
12:43 Source. Yes, yes.
12:45 With that provocative statement.
12:47 We'll go to a break and comeback after the break
12:50 and we'll continue this discussion
12:51 of the role of woman in Islam.


Revised 2014-12-17