Liberty Insider


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Imam Shamshad A. Nasir


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000218B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 Before the break with Imam Shamshad
00:10 we had started by talking Imam that jihad
00:15 and I think you gave a good explanation
00:17 as to the spiritual component of the word
00:20 that scares a lot of people since 9/11.
00:22 If I can summarize it to that
00:23 we have three kinds of jihad. Yes.
00:25 Number one that you have first self-reformation,
00:29 follow the teaching of Islam.
00:31 The second is that you have to propagate
00:34 the religion of Islam
00:36 as Quran explains the teaching of the Quran.
00:38 And the third is that if any one attack upon on you,
00:45 Islam allows you to defend yourself. Yeah.
00:47 And the Quran does have a lot to say about something
00:51 that is also in the Old and the New Testaments
00:54 for Christians and Jews.
00:56 The idea that matter some one that dies defending the faith
01:01 and gives their life up.
01:02 You know, this is admirable, it's not unique to Islam.
01:07 Yeah even Revelation it says the souls of the martyrs
01:10 and it is figurative it's not literal
01:12 because I certainly don't believe
01:14 you know the dead or dead and gone
01:17 to come back at the last day.
01:19 But it says that the martyrs cry out under the throne of God.
01:23 So it's a great thing to be so loyal to God
01:28 that you give your life for Him.
01:29 That is not unique to Islam.
01:33 Many religion and their found they were persecuted
01:36 and they gave life for God, that's true.
01:39 Do you remember Pope Benedict?
01:42 He got into lot of trouble
01:44 when he gave a speech at Regensburg.
01:46 It was the first speech of his pontificate
01:49 and he quoted the historic discussion
01:54 between a Persians Muslim attacker
01:57 of Constantinople one of the emperor
01:59 and they were discussing violence in religion.
02:03 Do you remember that?
02:04 Yeah, the thing is that
02:06 what Ahmadiyya Muslim Community presents that
02:10 we are responsible to answer any wrong thing raised
02:15 or any question raised against the teaching of Quran,
02:18 life of Prophet Muhammad is the example,
02:20 and the forth successor.
02:21 After that whatever Muslim king's did
02:25 they have done their own God,
02:27 we are not responsible.
02:28 Well, I'm taking it in a different direction
02:30 that you might realize.
02:32 That was an interesting speech
02:33 and I have given talks on that a lot
02:38 and I read his speech very closely.
02:40 And the Islamic world were startled by what he said
02:44 because they took it is an attack.
02:47 But his speech really was directed at Christians
02:51 and he said something that I don't agree with.
02:55 He said that the early Christians
02:57 were also violent accepting that there was Islamic violence.
03:02 But he said that what took away the violence
03:05 was Greek rationality and I think that's just silly.
03:12 The early Christians when to the lines
03:15 the Roman Empire was very cruel
03:19 prosecuted them and prosecuted others--
03:21 In fact in Holy Quran has that
03:23 that early Christian were prosecuted-- Absolutely.
03:25 For many, many centuries. So, they didn't react violently.
03:28 And Quran mentioned that one.
03:29 They didn't react violently. Yeah. Yeah.
03:30 That what's I'm getting now.
03:31 And so I think the pope unfortunately had it wrong,
03:35 that in the early days martyrs were seen as faithful people
03:40 that God will one day reward
03:41 but they were not violent martyrs.
03:45 They took the consequence of their faith.
03:47 What I want to say-- In fact, that was their jihad
03:50 that they defend themselves
03:51 and they continue to hold the faith
03:55 and matter of faith very fast for that.
03:58 So this is their jihad.
03:59 So jihad is done by all religious leaders
04:03 and their people but again I want to remove
04:06 this misunderstanding that the Islamic jihad
04:09 doesn't mean that one should go
04:12 and fight and kill innocent people.
04:15 Well, no the key that you're right.
04:18 Even the-- I have read Hadith on jihad
04:23 I mean on military jihad,
04:25 but it never says to be out and kill innocents,
04:27 you're right and of course that the sort of thing
04:30 that religious phonetic they make their own rationalization.
04:34 They told not to kill innocents
04:37 but as I think Al-Qaeda said and it's theologically wrong.
04:43 Well, these people by being part of that system,
04:45 they are participating in the evil.
04:47 But still the facts are they hurt innocent people.
04:49 My dear friend, Steed Lincoln,
04:53 then in the western society or American society,
04:58 whenever where ever the word jihad is mentioned
05:02 immediately their mind goes oh oh.
05:04 For only one reason I know.
05:07 It is meaning, go and kill people, innocent people.
05:10 This is Islamic jihad.
05:12 This is the reason repeatedly
05:13 I'm saying Islamic jihad means self-reformation.
05:17 Become godly person, become closer to him,
05:22 worship him, become righteous person.
05:24 You should have attributes of god,
05:26 attributes of the prophet Muhammad
05:28 and follow his path of peace. Absolutely.
05:31 You know in the Christian New Testament
05:34 Paul says something similar.
05:36 He says even if I give up my body to be burned
05:40 and I haven't faith, haven't charity
05:43 other words don't have the spiritual correctness,
05:46 I have got nothing, and at the end of the day
05:48 that's what it has to be
05:49 the spiritual purity and dedication.
05:52 Not whether you go and do great deeds,
05:55 violent or otherwise, that doesn't praise godliness.
05:58 And I think, I think Jesus Christ
06:01 may godly please with him.
06:02 Also taught this thing that worship God
06:06 and be kind to the people
06:09 and the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him.
06:11 When he brought the Holy Quran
06:12 which I have shown you,
06:14 as many hundreds of commandments
06:16 in the Holy Quran, not a single will say
06:19 that go and act in a manner
06:22 which was not the act of Prophet Muhammad
06:24 or teaching of Quran.
06:26 No, I think it's a convenient twisting
06:30 of even the Quran to agitate for violent jihad.
06:35 I do know whether you have
06:36 the translation of the Holy Quran
06:38 made by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community or not.
06:40 Not your translation.
06:41 The one that I have read--
06:42 my father got it in Saudi Arabia.
06:44 Okay, one I'll provide you a copy of the Holy Quran
06:47 with English translation
06:48 and it will be very good to know by the our viewers
06:53 that Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has done
06:57 the translation of the Holy Quran
06:59 major 70 languages of the world.
07:02 In African languages, Indian languages,
07:04 Pakistan and American and West African country,
07:10 East African country, Indonesian.
07:12 All these 70 major languages of the world
07:15 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has made available the translation.
07:16 Oh, so realistic those words are. Yeah.
07:19 You said something earlier
07:21 that is the holding of your believe system
07:29 that there will be a revelation
07:30 at the end of time of a holy leader, right?
07:33 Yeah, coming of the--
07:36 Mark the Great leader, great teacher.
07:38 Now that is not unique in a way to as we said to Islam.
07:43 Obviously Christianity believes
07:44 in the appearing of God Jesus at the end of time.
07:47 And I have read in number of belief systems,
07:50 I think even in Hinduism they have a similar idea,
07:54 that sort of an end of days
07:55 where the divine person will just come.
07:59 In the New Testament Book of Revelation
08:03 there is some reference there I know Paul talks about
08:06 a false appearing at the end of time,
08:09 that--what's the word in the Quran for Satan, evil?
08:16 Shaitan, Iblis. Iblis.
08:18 Oh, Iblis. Yeah.
08:20 That Iblis will come at the end of time
08:22 as an angle from heaven.
08:25 How would you test if you saw a person
08:29 who appeared at a moment of crisis in the world,
08:33 somebody from the sky's appeared,
08:35 how would you as an Ahmadiyya Imam
08:38 how would you judge that
08:39 this was the one you were expecting?
08:41 No, no listen if somebody is coming from the heaven
08:44 and people are watching how they are going to deny him?
08:47 They are not going to deny him.
08:49 That's exactly, what Seventh-day Adventist believes
08:55 there will be something
08:57 that will be deceptive at the end of time.
09:00 Yeah, but nobody can come from heaven like that.
09:04 This is the reason we say nobody will come.
09:08 And if somebody is coming
09:09 believe me nobody will deny that.
09:12 Who has the power to deny, number one.
09:15 Number two it happened in all the times,
09:17 not only this time that there is some science to know
09:22 which is right which is wrong.
09:24 Time of Jesus, time of Moses, time of Abraham,
09:27 they were all science, they mentioned.
09:30 The same thing are mentioned by this time too.
09:32 In The Bible also, in the Quran also,
09:35 Prophet Muhammad also.
09:37 If a person, let's forget the sky,
09:40 if on television you see that the day
09:44 a divine being appeared in New York
09:48 and was shining and spaceship perhaps even,
09:51 and he starts speaking of God,
09:54 Allah in heaven, and said that he was Jesus or whatever.
10:01 You wouldn't just automatically believe in him.
10:03 Yeah, of course.
10:04 You would judge what he says whether it is--
10:06 Of course not what he says.
10:07 And that's the point I'm trying it, right.
10:09 Not only what he says
10:11 but support of God gave him to him.
10:14 Let me come to my point, my point
10:16 because the thing is that
10:19 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani claimed against everybody.
10:24 Because people are waiting someone to come from the heaven
10:26 but he is not from the--
10:28 heaven mean doesn't physically came from the heaven
10:31 but he is a heavenly person.
10:33 So what is it-- how you are going to judge.
10:36 Now I can give you couple of things to understand
10:39 and to judge on that.
10:41 That India and then Qadian
10:45 from where he was raised is a very tiny area, village.
10:49 Even means of communication were not there.
10:51 Even rail was not there at that time,
10:53 no telegram system was there, no post office system was there.
10:56 So there he says the Gods' told me that
10:59 I'm the Messiah of the age, number one.
11:01 Number two, God told him
11:03 I'll give you large party of Islam.
11:06 Today we are tens of millions,
11:08 two hundred two countries of the world.
11:10 Well certainly.
11:11 And then see the support of God to him,
11:15 heavily prosecution community in Pakistan,
11:20 in Bangladesh, in India and in Indonesia.
11:22 Well, I'm sure that these would be
11:24 encouragements to the system
11:25 but the proof is not in the numbers
11:28 as you very well know with Islam.
11:30 Most of Islam is wrong
11:32 because they don't agree with you. Of course.
11:34 But we do need to be true to our inner spiritual calling.
11:39 Yeah, so how would you summarize that just briefly?
11:44 You see that the matter of fact
11:46 that the trust is that God raised the founder
11:49 of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
11:50 this time to bring all people together
11:53 with peace, justice, harmony
11:56 and understanding to each other
11:58 and that is the reason we say that
12:00 Messiah has come in this age.
12:05 Few words today are as loaded as is the word jihad
12:09 of course it's connotations of 9/11 and religious violence.
12:14 When I think of religious violence,
12:16 you know, I can get back to the Old Testament
12:17 and think of a similar sounding name Jehu,
12:21 one of the judges when he received the word
12:24 that the Lord was with him
12:25 and that he was the Lord's agent.
12:27 He took of at break neck speed with his sword in hand
12:30 and murder and mayhem followed.
12:32 I don't think you can say that
12:33 what he did then was the will of God
12:35 even though God had a work to do.
12:38 Similarly, I think its self evident
12:41 that in the Islamic world and Islamic theology
12:45 the modern violent political jihad
12:47 has a very little to do with what should be
12:50 the true expression of religious faith
12:52 in Islam and as Christians
12:54 we should look and realize that all of us should be
12:57 struggling mightily and internally
13:00 to resolve our besetting sins and clarify our behavior
13:05 and our minds to be more like God to be more God like,
13:08 Christ like and more religious.
13:12 For, Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17