Liberty Insider


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Imam Shamshad A. Nasir


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000218A

00:22 Welcome to "The Liberty Insider".
00:24 This is the program bringing you discussion,
00:27 news and information you may not have heard on
00:29 religious liberty affairs in the United States
00:32 and around the world.
00:33 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:37 And my guest on the program is
00:39 Imam Shamshad, Ahmadiyya Community Leader
00:45 from Chino, California
00:47 and a good friend of mine.
00:48 We've already quite a lot of discussion
00:50 over several years.
00:53 Let's talk about something
00:56 that sets a lot of people's teeth on edge
00:58 under the title of Jihad. Okay.
01:01 But allow me, just indulge for a minute.
01:07 I--I'll tell you a story and our viewers
01:08 can listen to this.
01:09 As I travel around, I bump into people
01:12 who watch the program.
01:13 It is very gratifying they say, I saw you on TV.
01:17 And so there will be many thousands, perhaps
01:19 hundreds of thousands of people that will see
01:21 this program and know about your work.
01:25 And one person the other day they said when
01:27 they met me, "Oh, I know that watch."
01:29 I had a watch that I usually wear.
01:31 It's pretty big and I realize that people are
01:33 watching lot of details.
01:34 Well, I want to show the watch that I have today.
01:38 And I was explaining it to you before the program.
01:41 I got this from my father.
01:43 He is now dead now, but he received it directly
01:46 from Old King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
01:50 Saud Faisal.
01:51 He was the older brother of all the current
01:54 or recent kings and will be of all the kings
01:57 'cause the succession is through the sons of,
02:00 what's it, Ibn Saud, wasn't it?
02:03 And he had great contacts there in Saudi Arabia.
02:06 But today, I think the Jihad, the violent Jihad
02:11 and the dangerous terrorist tendencies
02:14 that we've seen, in my view come from
02:17 a religious viewpoint that emanates most often
02:19 from Saudi Arabia, a harsh sort of an application of Islam.
02:24 You see that is a reason the founder of
02:26 the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is raised by God Almighty,
02:30 because there are some errors that are taking
02:32 place among the Muslims and other faiths.
02:34 He came to crack that errors also.
02:37 One error is about jihad.
02:39 Islam allow jihad, but jihad does not mean
02:42 to go and kill the innocent people.
02:44 Jihad has--it is Arabic word, which has meaning,
02:47 "to strive very hard, to reach to your goal."
02:51 And the goal of Islam or goal of God Almighty
02:56 mentioned in the Holy Quran are the message
02:59 which the Prophet Muhammad gave to the people
03:02 is message of peace, love, understand--understanding,
03:06 respect to other people.
03:08 And moreover, the fundamental thing in Islam
03:13 which for the person who follow
03:15 the religion of Islam is self reformation
03:17 that is more important.
03:20 So therefore, the first jihad is self reformation.
03:23 That person should reform and come closer to God
03:26 clean as-- Yeah.
03:28 Now I've read the Quran through and it's true.
03:30 That is a very reasonable and consistent application
03:33 of the term, jihad.
03:35 But it seems to me that in Saudi Arabia,
03:39 the Wahhabist view point it's parallel in Christianity
03:43 or the Christian militia type people.
03:47 You know, in this country there are people that take
03:50 very hard things from the Old Testament usually
03:53 and some from the New Testament,
03:54 but mostly the Old Testament.
03:56 And they put militarism on it and they are going to
03:59 get a sword and go out and defend the faith
04:02 and advance the faith.
04:04 And I--I do believe that in the Wahhabist
04:08 viewpoint, well, it's a perversion.
04:12 They've also picked up on a parallel usage of jihad.
04:16 I mean it usually means spiritual battle,
04:19 but it from Muhammad's time on, I see some evidence
04:22 that jihad was contending for the faith.
04:25 You know, the Bible is contending for the faith
04:27 and opposing wickedness and sometimes
04:30 they literally took our palms.
04:32 And so I think yes, it's a perversion,
04:34 but it's not, not a fabrication
04:37 I think it exists there, but they made it
04:39 the main application of jihad.
04:42 As I mentioned in the beginning,
04:43 I started that this is the reason that the founder
04:46 of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
04:47 was raised this time as Imam Mahdi
04:50 and a promised Messiah, to correct the errors
04:52 taking place among the Muslims as well,
04:54 so one is jihad also.
04:56 As I mentioned jihad is three types of jihad.
04:59 One is self-reformation.
05:00 This is number one.
05:02 First you have to reform come closer to God,
05:04 clean yourself, your soul, your heart, your mind,
05:07 your thoughts, everything this is number one.
05:10 Number two, when you have done this thing,
05:12 second to jihad is to convey this message of peace, love,
05:16 understanding, harmony to other people.
05:18 Quran mentioned that.
05:20 (Speaking in Arabic) Three time jihad.
05:23 That you have to make jihad with the Quran.
05:25 What Quran says, go and kill the people?
05:28 It is--this is the Holy Quran, whole,
05:30 this is book, Holy Quran.
05:31 Does it says go and kill
05:33 the innocent people like that?
05:34 No, no, no. That is not a jihad.
05:36 Correct.
05:37 So jihad means that convey the teaching
05:40 of the Holy Quran to the people,
05:41 this is second kind of jihad.
05:43 The third of jihad is defensive.
05:46 In case, in case, that somebody attack upon you.
05:50 So you are granted permission only to defend yourself,
05:54 no aggression at all in any kind of things.
05:57 You're right.
05:58 I'm glad you brought this up.
06:00 Because I had forgot.
06:01 And I hadn't mentioned this,
06:02 but I did hear a long discussion once
06:06 with several Imams of, not Ahmadiyya,
06:10 Ahmadiyya community, but from Shias
06:12 and Sunnis and they were discussing jihad.
06:16 And they made a comment that I know
06:18 is in the Quran and it's a very clear distinction
06:20 between at least the sayings of Jesus
06:22 in the New Testament.
06:24 Jesus said to turn your cheek.
06:26 Yeah.
06:28 And to forgive, you know, someone takes
06:30 something get one coat, you give them another piece
06:32 of clothing.
06:33 And most Christians have great trouble doing that.
06:37 But these Imams said that in Islam if you hit me
06:41 once I hit twice. You know, I--
06:43 This is also not a teaching of the Quran.
06:45 Well, but--
06:47 The Quran says--
06:49 But Muhammad does say when you're attacked you--you
06:53 respond strongly.
06:54 No, no.
06:55 What--let me what Quran says,
06:57 what Prophet Muhammad says is matched to each other.
07:00 It does not clash, otherwise there will be
07:02 no clue for anything at all.
07:04 Muhammad is, peace be on Him,
07:05 he was the first person to follow
07:07 the teaching of the Quran.
07:08 Then his followers are going to.
07:09 What Quran says that first is forgiveness,
07:13 if somebody transgressing against you, forgive.
07:17 If you're forgiveness increases
07:18 in his transgression then take the revenge,
07:23 but not exceed the limit.
07:25 It is same manner, same amount, same manner,
07:30 not double, not anything at all.
07:32 Now it doesn't use the term double.
07:34 They did in this discussion. Right, right.
07:36 But it does say to resist strongly
07:38 if you are attacked then in--
07:40 Defense is allowed.
07:41 And that's why you were saying this is,
07:43 but the language is--
07:45 Yeah. Of course.
07:46 It gives some encouragement to people
07:50 like Al-Qaeda, who are incorrect theologians,
07:54 but they see it there and they're running with it.
07:57 Yeah.
07:59 So Quran says, "first thing is forgiveness."
08:02 Even somebody transgress against you,
08:05 if somebody beat you.
08:06 So first thing in Quran and Islam
08:08 and Prophet Muhammad say forgiveness.
08:11 If your forgiveness--
08:13 If the world could follow throughout that principle
08:16 life would be wonderful Yeah.
08:17 Of course.
08:18 As Christians, Muslims and other beliefs.
08:20 Of course.
08:21 No religion teaches tolerance, ah, sorry,
08:23 no religion teaches the transgression
08:25 and terrorist activities, no religion.
08:27 So we believe all religion came from God.
08:30 All messengers came from God.
08:32 They were all holy.
08:33 They were all divine personality
08:35 and they delivered the message, wonderful manner
08:38 and that love God, God is one.
08:41 And respect the humanity.
08:43 This is the message.
08:46 All religions or at least most religions can easily,
08:51 they will turn into the situation
08:53 where a believer seen the faith rejected
08:57 or insulted or challenged
09:00 can feel that they are the agent of God
09:03 to execute some, action on them, and I think
09:06 that's false 'cause we can't know like God knows
09:10 and we should forgive, but the Quran and the Bible,
09:14 the Old Testament particularly, if someone is unbalanced,
09:17 they sometimes can believe they are the agent of God
09:19 to visit judgment on someone.
09:21 That you know, as we mentioned earlier
09:23 that they're different belief people are holding
09:26 and their action also sometime does not--do not match
09:30 with the teaching of their own faith.
09:32 So it is what is happening in this world.
09:34 And that is the reason that this is the end of
09:37 the world coming closer and there should be
09:39 reformer from God who will come and unite
09:42 all the people together.
09:43 Yeah, yeah.
09:45 Well, we certainly need the spirit of tolerance,
09:47 which is from God, but at the same time holding
09:52 to particular beliefs.
09:55 I need to throw this in for our TV program
09:56 and for the discussion here.
09:59 As the Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
10:00 who studied prophecy, I think one of the great risks
10:04 of the end of the time is that people will become
10:07 so frightened by violence and evil
10:10 and all the rest of that they will join together
10:13 in sort of a false religious alliance,
10:15 where they put aside all of their understandings
10:19 of God and just sort of, you know,
10:21 is the term that we use "kumbaya," sort of
10:24 I'm okay, you're okay, God loves us all.
10:27 I think as a Muslim and as a Christian
10:29 we can understand and agree that God has very particular
10:33 requirements for us, doesn't He?
10:35 We wants us to live a certain way.
10:38 It's not unimportant.
10:39 We need to keep to these beliefs.
10:41 Of course.
10:42 We are in this civilized age this time
10:45 and we know how the world is heading towards destruction.
10:50 And it is the duty of the religious leaders
10:53 that they have to protect people from destruction.
10:57 And unfortunately it is not happening.
11:00 And Christian believe, Jewish believe,
11:03 Muslim believe, all believe that we are coming closer
11:06 to the end of the world.
11:07 But where is that divine reformer?
11:09 Where is the Messiah?
11:11 Where is that they're expecting great teacher?
11:13 When He is coming?
11:15 Because this is the time if He still not coming
11:19 why, why He is--what He is waiting then for?
11:24 We have to see that point.
11:25 That's the reason we want to convey
11:27 this message also.
11:28 I thank--I'm very thankful to you again.
11:30 That Liberty magazine is doing wonderful job
11:33 and you are bringing the different ideology
11:38 and viewpoint of the other faiths in your magazine
11:42 like my two, three articles that are
11:44 published already on that.
11:46 Yeah, on that.
11:47 So my point is that
11:49 the people are heading towards destruction.
11:52 And we have not to save them
11:53 physically also, spiritually also.
11:56 Absolutely.
11:57 And for that person people are waiting for
11:59 the great teacher, reformer to come,
12:01 a divine person should come.
12:03 And my question is only to the world
12:06 that when He is coming?
12:07 When we all die in the same state?
12:10 Then what time He will be coming then?
12:13 Well, we'll see that.
12:18 We can theology here, I hope our viewers
12:20 understand on religious liberty
12:21 and as I reiterated, it's not necessary to agree
12:26 the same. Of course.
12:27 It's to fend your right to belief something even
12:30 that I might find totally incorrect
12:33 and personally offensive.
12:35 But as someone that believes in religious liberty,
12:38 I have to be prepared if necessary
12:40 to die to defend your right to believe something
12:43 that I don't. Of course.
12:44 We've run out of time on our first half,
12:47 but please viewers stay with us.
12:49 We will be back after a short break to continue
12:51 this discussion with Imam Shamshad.


Revised 2014-12-17