Liberty Insider

One God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Imam Shamshad A. Nasir


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000217B

00:06 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:08 Before the break, I was talking with Imam Shamshad.
00:12 In fact, I'd asked you, a leading question to explain
00:16 the origin and some of the beliefs
00:18 of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
00:22 Ah, thank you, very much.
00:23 This is very important and valid question
00:26 and because our existence is in 202 countries
00:29 in the world right now, and still many people
00:33 they don't know what Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is.
00:36 So I'll explain and I'd thankful to you to asking this question.
00:39 But you gave the starting point.
00:41 What was the year again that it was, the timeframe?
00:43 Yes, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
00:44 started 23rd of March, 1889 from India.
00:49 A remote area of India called Qadian,
00:53 where the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community
00:55 claimed that he is the promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi.
00:59 And let me clear a more point here,
01:03 so that people can understand what I am talking.
01:06 Because when we say promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi,
01:08 it is terminology used by the Muslims.
01:11 You know, in the later days,
01:13 these are the great prophecy by each religion.
01:16 Jews are also waiting for someone to come from the heaven.
01:20 Christian friends are also waiting someone,
01:22 who'll come in the later days.
01:24 Muslims also waiting someone to come
01:26 in the great-- in the later days--
01:28 a great teacher who will revive the faith.
01:30 So Ahmadiyya Community believe that all signs
01:34 mentioned in the Bible and the Quran
01:36 are the prophet Muhammad has come to pass.
01:39 And there should be a great teacher
01:41 or whatever name you give to him,
01:44 Messiah, Imam Mahdi or whatever he has come.
01:48 So you're an end time group.
01:51 Right. You know, Seventh-day Adventist
01:53 out of the protestant Christian background
01:57 came about because from Revelation Chapter 14,
01:59 particularly we believed that it's all about to happen.
02:01 God's judgment and His reconciliation is in process.
02:05 So in some ways you're parallel within Islam.
02:07 Yeah. What we say the person was to come, he has come.
02:13 No more is coming.
02:15 He was your founder. Right.
02:17 Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
02:19 His name Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, Peace be on him.
02:22 He claimed to be a Messiah of the age--
02:26 a second advent of the Messiah and the Imam Mahdi.
02:29 Now what is the meaning of Imam Mahdi?
02:31 Imam means leader.
02:33 Mahdi means guided one from God.
02:36 So the one who will come,
02:37 he will be guided by God then he will guide people.
02:41 And to us there is another thing that which Muslim
02:46 blame and raise objection against
02:49 the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community or look
02:51 to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community people,
02:53 and look to their founder that they have believed prophet
02:57 after prophet Muhammad and there is no prophet
03:00 after prophet Muhammad.
03:02 In other sense, they're going away from their own belief.
03:05 They believe somebody will come.
03:08 And the one who will come from God--
03:10 God will give him the title not the people.
03:13 Well, that isn't the standard mainline Islamic belief
03:18 that the Mahdi is the twelfth Imam.
03:21 Oh, it is from the Shia people,
03:23 not all Muslim believe like that.
03:26 It is from Shia--
03:28 And Shias believe in the twelfth Imam?
03:30 Yeah, it's Shia belief.
03:32 But all Muslims, other Muslims,
03:34 all they believe Imam Mahdi and promise Messiah,
03:39 Jesus son of Mary, Isa ibn Maryam,
03:41 which is mentioned in Holy Quran,
03:43 he will come, he will appear.
03:44 So the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslims Community,
03:48 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, peace be on him,
03:51 He said, I am the Messiah of the age.
03:53 I am that great teacher whose coming was foretold by Quran,
03:58 by Bible, by everybody by Prophet Muhammad.
04:01 So I am that person.
04:02 So this is the difference between
04:04 the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and rest of the Muslims.
04:07 Yeah, and you put your finger on it from all of picked up
04:10 that's offensive to too many Muslims
04:13 because it seems to put Muhammad as just one among
04:16 as succession of and not the last of the prophets, right?
04:21 Yeah, they considered
04:22 that Prophet Muhammad is last prophet.
04:24 We also believe, but we believe that as Prophet Muhammad
04:28 has mentioned, Peace be on Him,
04:29 that someone coming after me and who will come to revive
04:33 the religion of Islam, we say that person has come.
04:36 So belief is the same,
04:38 there is a disagreement on the personality.
04:41 They are waiting someone to come.
04:42 There's another thing difference,
04:44 if your time permit me, I can mentioned that one.
04:48 Okay, few minutes. Yeah, so that I can mention
04:50 that they're waiting for Jesus,
04:52 Son of Mary to appear from the heaven.
04:54 Yeah. We say nobody is in the heaven.
04:57 Nobody will come from the heaven.
04:59 The one who'll come, who'll be among the follower
05:01 of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be on Him.
05:04 And he will be his subordinate.
05:06 Not independent at all.
05:08 So that is our point of belief,
05:10 a point of view which we are presenting before you.
05:13 But you have some inclusion of the biblical Jesus
05:19 in your understanding don't you.
05:22 Yeah, in the Quran, the Jesus Son of Mary,
05:25 to whom people say Jesus he is mentioned in the Holy Quran
05:28 in many places, many chapters, verses of the Holy Quran.
05:32 Although, He is seen as a messenger from God,
05:33 not the Son of God, not as part of deity.
05:37 Yeah. So you have continued that.
05:41 I got the idea from reading some histories
05:44 of the Ahmadiyya Movement that it was partly as a reaction
05:50 to a perceived vulnerability, perhaps even from some Muslims
05:55 to the Christian expression of Jesus.
05:58 They wanted to fill up the gap so that Islam
06:02 could encompass Jesus without, of course moving away
06:06 from an Islamic understanding.
06:08 You know, you wouldn't put it that way.
06:10 No, we have very simple thing to say.
06:13 We believe that all prophets were righteous
06:16 and they came from God.
06:17 Including Jesus Christ, May God be pleased with Him.
06:20 So this is very simple belief,
06:22 and which everybody accepts among the Muslim.
06:25 And we believe Jesus also, we call him son of Mary,
06:29 not Son of God because he's mentioned in the Holy Quran,
06:32 Isa ibn Maryam, that He is the son of Mary.
06:36 So we believe in Him as a Prophet of God.
06:38 He was a righteous person and he led
06:41 the children of Israel to the right path,
06:43 means towards one God Almighty.
06:45 Now I saw a very interesting program
06:47 from the BBC not along ago.
06:50 They picked up some legends, well legend is the wrong word,
06:54 some anecdotal remembrances in India that are great teacher
07:00 that they tried to identify with Jesus perhaps ended his life
07:05 in that part of the world.
07:06 Do you know this? You know,
07:07 this is very interesting thing when you said India,
07:09 what the research by the founder Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
07:16 is that Jesus Son of Mary who claimed to be a Messiah
07:19 and he was the Prophet to the children of Israel,
07:24 2000 years back and he died natural death.
07:29 He didn't go to the heaven. And he--
07:31 Now this is a very standard Islamic view.
07:33 Right. No standard Ahmadiyya Muslim view.
07:36 Not other Muslims.
07:38 I do understand that it's not clear in the Quran
07:42 as I've read it, now I have understand
07:43 that it's ambiguously seen in Islam
07:45 but the thought is that Jesus escape
07:48 the cross and lived out in Islam.
07:50 Right well, what Quran says. That you're more particular
07:52 about what happened to Him.
07:53 Right. What Quran says that he was put on the cross,
07:57 but he did not die on the cross.
07:59 Then he brought down from the cross
08:01 and he was handed over to his disciple.
08:03 He was put in the grave in the ground and for 3 days
08:06 they put ointment on him
08:08 and his injury were healed and he migrated.
08:11 And what Quran says, (speaking in Arabic)
08:16 "that he migrated to the place where hilly area
08:19 and very green area and very fountain area.
08:24 So we search his, we traced paths from that area
08:31 to the India, Kashmir, Srinagar.
08:34 I thought that it was Kashmir.
08:35 Right. Thank you brought that up,
08:36 which fatly explains about such a disputed
08:39 territory between India and Pakistan.
08:41 Yeah, between India and Pakistan. Yeah.
08:42 It's a great significance from many of the--
08:44 So the founder Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
08:47 Mirza Ghulam Muhammad, peace be on him,
08:49 he wrote a book "Jesus in India"
08:51 and we have made translation available of this book
08:54 in many other languages of the world.
08:55 I think I will send that book also to you.
08:59 So you can see the trace, how Jesus migrated
09:04 from one area to other area,
09:05 and it is also with all the prophets of God.
09:08 Because when they're persecuted
09:10 by the hand of their own people, they migrated.
09:13 Prophet Muhammad also migrated
09:14 from his own people, from Mecca to Medina.
09:17 It's a very reasonable response.
09:18 Obviously, you know, thatscenario of Jesus doesn't,
09:24 you know, Christians would have trouble with that.
09:26 But I think it's worth explaining
09:28 that people need to know this understanding and,
09:32 you know, you have to your beliefs.
09:34 I mean I can't say enough, you cannot hold such a view.
09:39 But we need the information.
09:40 It's a good explanation.
09:41 And as you say respect, respect is more important.
09:45 Everybody has the way of respect,
09:47 differently maybe.
09:48 Now the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community respect Jesus,
09:52 son of Mary in a manner because
09:54 it is mentioned in the Old Testament,
09:56 the one who is hanged is cursed to God.
09:58 Yeah. So if he died on the--
10:00 That's in Isaiah. Right.
10:01 If he died on the cross,
10:03 to us it is disgrace, dishonor for him.
10:05 How God will dishonor, disgrace his own person.
10:08 So therefore, we say--
10:10 That's the Christian conundrum what the Bible says that's the--
10:12 Right. So what we say here--
10:14 It's an amazing development.
10:15 What we say here that when he was praying to God,
10:18 "Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani" or "Oh My Father,
10:21 Oh My Father why you've forsaken me."
10:23 God accepted His prayer.
10:25 And he brought him down conscious.
10:27 He was conscious.
10:28 And he was brought down and he was handed over to his disciple,
10:32 they gave him the ointment.
10:34 He ate food and things with his disciple.
10:37 Then he migrated and told his disciples,
10:38 don't tell about me to anyone.
10:40 So therefore, we say that he was brought down live.
10:45 And he didn't die on the cross.
10:46 If he died on the cross then Antipas was right,
10:49 to die a curse death we don't accept for a prophet of God.
10:53 So that is respect which give to Jesus son of Mary.
10:55 It's a very significant
10:57 theological distinction that you have made.
11:00 Now it's very interesting information.
11:02 And now I am sure that most of our viewers have never heard
11:05 that before or never even thought of that.
11:08 And need to know that it's central to what you believe.
11:11 We're starting to run off time and thank you for sharing,
11:15 but just very briefly in a few moments left,
11:19 perhaps you could explain you know,
11:21 what is the role of Ahmadiyya Community
11:25 not just within Islam, but within the world?
11:27 What do you say?
11:28 Well, our message is the message of Islam
11:31 and message of peace and we're trying to convey
11:34 this message to each and everyone.
11:36 Our slogan is "love for all hatred for none."
11:39 Our present head of the Ahamdiyya Muslim Community,
11:42 Mirza Masroor Ahmed, who is fifth successor
11:45 of the Community is announcing all over the world
11:49 that Islam is the religion of peace,
11:51 Prophet Muhammad is the religion of peace.
11:56 I sometimes think of the scene of Moses,
12:00 80 years old, 40 years in the wilderness
12:03 but come out of Egypt where they were many Gods,
12:06 descended from desert dwellers where Abraham
12:11 who went into the desert and had heard a voice saying I am God.
12:14 And here in the desert Moses
12:16 sees a burning bush and a voice says, "I am."
12:20 What is God?
12:22 It's a question that really perplexes many people today
12:25 until they find particulars in holy writings.
12:29 The Islamic world refers to Allah that same God.
12:33 The Christian world talks about God represented through Jesus.
12:38 The Jewish economy speaks of Yahweh.
12:41 But in reality, all are reaching
12:44 towards the same transcendent being.
12:46 And while there are clearly truths and errors implicit
12:51 in some of the particular beliefs systems,
12:53 we have to accept that all men lead to reach toward God.
12:57 And in a religious liberty context,
12:59 encourage them to that, empower to them to that end,
13:03 and protect people in any country,
13:05 in any situation as they open their minds
13:08 to see the great Elohim.
13:11 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17