Liberty Insider

International Trends

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Tina Ramirez


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000216A

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:24 This is the program that's bringing you discussion,
00:27 news, analysis and up to date information
00:31 about religious liberty developments
00:33 in the United States and indeed around the world.
00:36 For this program, I'd like to welcome you to a discussion
00:39 with my guest Tina Ramirez.
00:42 Hesitating on your name, I'm sorry.
00:44 That's okay. But I know
00:46 you have a lot to share,
00:48 in particularly for this discussion.
00:50 You can fill in so many gaps,
00:52 because I want to talk about religious freedom
00:54 around the world, in the United States
00:58 even though I was born in Australia,
00:59 I've really got into it because we talk about
01:01 the constitution in U.S. history,
01:03 it's--of course it's unique in some way
01:06 but it's so tied up to religious freedom,
01:08 because of the constitution, pilgrim fathers,
01:11 you know, that whole thing,
01:12 but when you go global, it's a mixed bag, isn't it.
01:15 Oh, absolutely, yeah.
01:17 And religious freedom is not to be taken
01:19 for granted in many, many countries.
01:21 No, no. For most people their faith
01:23 is a matter of life and death.
01:25 It's interesting about 74% of the world's population
01:28 of 5.1 billion people live under governments
01:31 that severely restrict their religious freedom.
01:34 So it's, that's a lot of people to be oppressed.
01:38 Because of many of them don't know it.
01:41 They are in whatever state to found themselves
01:43 but if they chose to change
01:45 their religion in Saudi Arabia, their life is at stake.
01:47 Yeah or like North Korea for instance is a great example
01:50 because they're so brain washed by the government
01:52 that they think that's normal, but it' just horrifying
01:56 what they do to people out there
01:57 in order to stamp out religion.
01:58 Give me your reaction to something
02:00 I've told people at meetings, talking about
02:02 this I've said, just because everyone around you says,
02:04 you live in a free country, does it mean and so I said,
02:07 most countries unless you're political dissident
02:09 or having actual religious freedom problems.
02:13 You judge yourself by your peers, and if that echo--
02:16 into that echo chamber everyone is saying,
02:18 this is the--most countries do, this is the greatest country,
02:20 the freest country, its self reinforcing.
02:23 Oh, absolutely and the problem is that you can
02:26 tell the status or the litmus test for religious freedom
02:30 in any country is really how do you treat the minorities,
02:32 and the people that dissent from majority faith.
02:35 And so whether it's in the United States
02:36 with small percentage of the population,
02:40 very small population that want to object
02:42 to the new health care mandate over the contraceptive
02:46 and abortifacient drug issue or if its,
02:49 in a country like Saudi Arabia where you have
02:52 small percentage that worship privately in homes
02:54 because they are not allowed to do anything publicly.
02:59 Those minorities are the ones you can judge
03:02 the freedom for the broader public by.
03:05 That's the interesting point, yeah.
03:07 I mean it's not a strange point to me but I've never
03:11 really narrowly expressed it that way
03:12 and at the end of the day that's probably it.
03:14 I remember Hillary Clinton, talking at our liberty dinner
03:17 once said that you can judge general civil liberties,
03:20 by how a country treats religious liberties. So I think
03:23 that statement is true. Oh, absolutely.
03:25 And then on religious liberty, yes.
03:26 It's how the smallest minority,
03:29 the minor issues that are treated,
03:31 if there's no diligence there likely extends on a broad front.
03:36 Well, on religious freedom isn't just about the freedom
03:38 of a religious person to go to church.
03:42 It's really about the freedom of every individual in society
03:46 to seek the transcendent in whatever form
03:50 that might be and to exist
03:52 as a spiritual and a rational being.
03:54 And it's act of freedom.
03:56 It is, it has to be active, it's not just inside
03:58 of our heads to express it. In religious liberty
03:59 here we actually horrified when someone talks about toleration.
04:04 Because what a lot of people think
04:05 of as religious liberty is only toleration.
04:07 No, it's absolutely not. Just to allow
04:09 someone to exist with the divergent opinion,
04:11 that's no freedom at all.
04:13 When a test comes and that minority view
04:16 challenges the majority, you aren't allowed,
04:18 because you're just merely tolerating them.
04:20 If you hold as a deep, deeply held viewpoint
04:24 that this person has innate rights as a human being,
04:27 you're going to go to great lengths to insure
04:29 that they have those rights. Oh, absolutely
04:31 and when you have religious freedom,
04:33 when you have the freedom to have an internal forum,
04:37 where you are communicating with an eternal,
04:40 you know with God.
04:42 And to think through moral absolutes and moral decisions
04:45 right and wrong, when you're able to judge what is true,
04:48 that affects how you express it and live it out, you know,
04:52 who you associate with, and where you go and travel to,
04:56 how you train your community, your children, your leaders.
05:00 Who you can marry and how you marry them.
05:02 It affects every aspect of your life from cradle to grave.
05:06 It's not just something internal;
05:08 it's an external form as well.
05:10 And one of the important things to understand
05:13 with religious freedom and coming back
05:15 to that idea of litmus test and well,
05:17 you've mentioned about secretary Clinton's
05:18 comment about it, get tying into the civil rights,
05:20 is that religious freedom is inextricably intertwined
05:23 with every other human right that we have,
05:26 and so you can't just say, a religious freedom
05:29 is just for religious people.
05:30 No, it's a matter of how societies
05:32 and communities operate civilly and have a public discourse
05:36 that debates truth, whether it's political truth
05:39 or religious truth or any other kind of truth,
05:41 that aspect of family and how families
05:43 should exist or marriage or anything.
05:46 You used the word before transcendent.
05:48 Clearly it's the society
05:50 that's thinking on a transcendent level.
05:52 In absent of that what if you are just a collection
05:54 of beings could be, I mean we're not animals
05:58 but it's tending towards just the animal, human,
06:00 a humanism on an animal level, and all societies
06:04 aim higher than that. Oh, absolutely.
06:06 Even if they don't state it as religion.
06:08 The human spirit yearns for something high,
06:11 so religion is the highest sensibility of humans
06:14 and we should grant that to others of our species.
06:17 Yeah, so I wouldn't just say that how you treat a minority
06:20 is indicative of the larger freedom in society,
06:24 but how you treat religious freedom is indicative
06:26 of larger freedom in your society as well.
06:29 And we, I just mentioned talking about,
06:31 kind of globally what's happening around the world.
06:33 Yeah, picking a few places,
06:34 I know you've been to many, many places,
06:36 where as, and I've thought of this before
06:39 as we were doing this program.
06:41 Unfortunately, religious freedom usually
06:43 is expressed in the negative.
06:45 Because we are finding places where it's struggling
06:47 or it's restricted, but I don't think
06:50 there's any way around that, but we need to acknowledge
06:51 there are many places, I wish there were more
06:55 where there is religious freedom but we generally
06:57 talk about problem areas.
06:58 What are some of the areas that you've seen recently
07:00 and think it's worth bringing to people's attention?
07:04 Well, I like to think of it more as a global struggle
07:07 against religious oppression.
07:08 And the reason that I like to think
07:09 of it like this is because, religious freedom sometimes
07:13 has the connotation that we're just dealing
07:15 with religious people but we're not.
07:17 We are dealing with individuals that are fighting for truth
07:20 and for the freedom to coexist with other religious people.
07:23 I mean, there's and to live in a way
07:26 that's free from the imposition of the particular religion
07:30 which in most of the world we're dealing
07:32 with Hindu extremism in India, which I mean,
07:34 it's one of the largest population in the world.
07:36 I think it's nearly a billion people in India,
07:38 so nearly like seventh of the world's population
07:43 in one country where most of the religious
07:46 persecution in the world is happening.
07:47 And it's directed against Muslims and Christians.
07:50 It's Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, everybody, Sikhs.
07:54 I mean they're all attacked and some Hindu seculars
07:58 are attacked as well, but there is this idea
08:01 in Hindu for extremism that if you're born in India,
08:05 you're born Hindu, and that's what you are
08:07 and so they forcibly reconvert people back to Hinduism.
08:11 But it's a mentality that if you're--
08:14 it's a nationalist mentality, it's very destructive
08:16 of individuals and their freedom,
08:20 whether they're Muslim or Christian, whatever they are.
08:22 And so yeah, I mean, that's India is just one example.
08:27 Well, I'm going to hesitate,
08:30 you know make a risk, take a risk her.
08:32 On this program even I've said several times that I believe,
08:36 we're witnessing global shifts and the major shift
08:39 is taking place is the old isms are disappearing.
08:42 Communism is by and large discredited, disappearing,
08:46 and Chinese communism is a very hybrid thing,
08:50 and capitalism I believe is not seen as well.
08:54 Imperialism is long gone.
08:57 Nationalism is not really that alive and well.
09:00 And what I see all around the world is groupings
09:03 of people either and it's usually either or somewhat
09:06 both ethnicity and religion, there are religious groupings.
09:11 Well, there is no doubt that religion and ethnicity
09:14 are very prominent but I would say that communism
09:17 and nationalism are still on the rise,
09:22 they're so vibrant taking place.
09:23 Oh, they are still around but they are not the major model.
09:27 And so when religious sensibility rises to the floor,
09:32 it's recipe for some comfort.
09:34 Yeah, I mean religion is definitely
09:36 been used more and more,
09:38 but what you see is that religion,
09:41 religion and ethnicity are being
09:43 intertwined with national identity.
09:45 Well, it's national identity, that's not throughout
09:46 the same as nationalism.
09:48 Well, it's similar but so in Turkey and in India,
09:51 and let's say Burma even with the Buddhists
09:54 have a culture there, in Sri Lanka.
09:56 You do see this movement towards,
10:00 if you are of this country, then you are this ethnicity
10:05 and this religion and if you're not and if you're not,
10:08 then you're not-they're not part of the country.
10:10 Is Sri Lanka. Oh, absolutely.
10:12 And that's what I see development,
10:13 that whole civil war was a religious on a group in--
10:17 And this is very dangerous because what it does then,
10:19 is if you're not in the majority in that country,
10:22 then you're automatically ostracized, marginalized.
10:26 And so then that gets back to what we originally said,
10:28 which is the minorities, you can tell the status
10:30 of freedom by how they treat the minorities.
10:32 Something you gave me a cue on before and I know
10:35 we need to discuss it.
10:37 Since religion is rearing its head all over the world
10:41 in alliance with sort of national interest.
10:44 Where do you see this movement, through the UN,
10:47 I know particularly on the defamation of religion.
10:50 This is, I don't think many Americans
10:52 in particular are aware of this.
10:54 But it has huge ramifications for just a day to day operation,
11:00 you know, an easy coexistence of religious forces.
11:04 Yeah, I mean essentially what is that issue,
11:06 in this movement at the United Nations
11:09 to make this idea of defamation of religion a universal concept.
11:15 And it's taken a number of forms,
11:19 since the defeat of those resolutions
11:20 a couple of years ago.
11:21 But essentially what's happened is that it's for the intention
11:25 of the countries like Egypt, Pakistan and a number
11:28 of other dictatorial regimes, to restrict
11:33 freedom of speech and expression,
11:34 particularly on religious issues.
11:37 And particularly to provide legal justifications
11:40 for blasphemy laws in their countries,
11:42 so this is really the problem at hand.
11:44 And what you see right now at the United Nations is that,
11:46 a couple of years ago, the U.S. and the organizations,
11:50 Islamic Conference got together
11:51 with some other western countries and they negotiated
11:54 a new resolution that took out the defamation language
11:58 and tried to basically appealed to this a new movement
12:05 and discrimination of religion.
12:07 Well, behind all of it was the same thing and so.
12:11 That's right. Though I see countries
12:12 still have their opinions and the western countries
12:14 have their opinions but what started
12:16 was secretary Clinton in Istanbul and I think 2011,
12:21 launched this initiative called the 'Istanbul Process',
12:27 and that brought several different countries together
12:30 to begin to think through how can we implement
12:31 this new resolution and religious discrimination
12:35 and it really focused on religious discrimination.
12:37 However, at the same time there was a parallel process
12:41 that was initiated by some officials from Egypt
12:45 and other countries called that has ended most recently
12:48 in about February they announced a declaration
12:51 called the Rabat Declaration or Rabat process.
12:53 And this declaration clearly condemns blasphemy
12:56 but it tries to continue to move it into
12:58 these restrictions on speech codes.
13:01 The restrictions on speech
13:03 and the caution against blasphemy,
13:05 I think the flash point of all of this is a desire
13:09 to restrict people from changing their religion.
13:12 Oh, absolutely. To protect their religion
13:13 from an outside influence.
13:15 We've reached our mid point
13:17 and we do need to take a break.
13:19 And so I'd ask you to wait by and come back
13:23 and hear more of this discussion
13:24 on religious freedom around the world.


Revised 2014-12-17