Liberty Insider

To Go or Not to Go

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Todd McFarland


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000206B

00:06 Welcome back to "The Liberty Insider",
00:08 with my guest Todd McFarland, lawyer--
00:12 Yeah, Still.
00:14 And associate on Liberty Magazine.
00:17 We worked very closely together
00:19 and so we know each others weaknesses. Yeah.
00:20 This is getting in the way here of talking about things.
00:23 But we're talking about a very serious topic. Right.
00:26 Pastor Monteiro,
00:28 the Seventh-day Adventist Minister
00:30 imprisoned for a year now on a strange charge,
00:34 which we you know we're quite confident
00:35 it will turn out it's not at all what it's seems.
00:39 But along the way his faith is being tested personally
00:41 and the church is being molined.
00:44 I know it was before your tenure
00:47 as general council at the general conference.
00:50 But there was a similar case in some ways,
00:53 a pastor Anthony Alexander,
00:55 you remember hearing about that? Right.
00:56 I'm sure you well aware of it.
00:59 But your predecessor Mitch Tyner also flew a quite a few miles.
01:04 He probably got his one case status just--
01:08 And you're going to Sri Lanka you know.
01:10 Yeah, going Sri Lanka which at that time
01:12 was involved in a bitter civil war,
01:16 very much divided the whole country
01:17 and it only ended in 2009
01:19 with the total extermination of the Tamil Tiger gorillas.
01:23 But in the middle of all of this a Seventh-day Adventist pastor,
01:26 teacher at the school was accused of being
01:29 at the terrorist sympathizer.
01:30 This was before 9/11 and put in jail for two years
01:34 on trial for his life under terrorism charges.
01:37 And here again, you know, this Pastor Monteiro case
01:41 is not to be trivialize but terrorism,
01:44 you know, capital offense this was a huge issue
01:48 and what really impressed me
01:51 was something about his imprisonment
01:53 and I tried to extrapolate this across to Monteiro.
01:57 Pastor Alexander at no point by out figuring
02:01 was going to get out. Do you remember that?
02:03 Do you remember any of the discussion
02:05 what we didn't have any legal magic bullet to get him out--
02:09 No I think that was it was probably
02:11 trying to put political pressure on.
02:12 And really the same in Togo even knowing the law
02:16 what--it's very hard, you know, in another country
02:18 this sort off--
02:19 Well, the thing about Togo is when we have lawyers,
02:22 the thing is this is in the international rights
02:25 Dakin--and so forth.
02:26 They don't have a independent judiciary.
02:28 You know, we talk about, you know, brings us back to,
02:31 you know, religious liberty issues
02:33 and especially even in the United States.
02:34 You know often times, you know, we talk about,
02:36 you know, political process.
02:38 Unlike the judges making decisions
02:39 and obsess people and they make decision
02:41 that they don't like.
02:42 What they forget is,
02:44 you know, that's a consequence of having a judiciary
02:45 that's independent, you know.
02:48 I mean, if President Obama calls up a judge
02:51 he cannot call up a district court judge
02:53 and tell him to, you know, to release someone
02:55 or interfere and he could pardon so forth
02:56 but--I mean we really have an independent judiciary
02:59 and that is so important in Togo.
03:02 It is really up to the judges there
03:04 it's up to the executive branch and what they want to do
03:07 and, you know, that is the problem
03:09 with having a weak judiciaries.
03:12 Since we've headed back on to that
03:15 and it's good to discuss.
03:18 I think apart of the issue there
03:20 and I've been seen your comment
03:22 I think Togo is under-- was French Colonial influence.
03:25 Yes, yes French Colonial influence.
03:26 And the French legal system is more you're guilty
03:30 until you can prove yourself innocent.
03:32 A presumed guilty on the charge
03:35 until you can prove your innocence
03:36 where we're innocence until proven guilty.
03:39 It's the difference between the British
03:40 and the French system.
03:41 Theirs is not a presumption in the--Togo legal system
03:44 though interestingly when speaking with Togo
03:46 legal officials down there
03:49 they all sort of made their way of corsis--
03:50 innocently proven guilty
03:52 and they said which I thought was interesting
03:54 given that's not the legal presumptions.
03:55 So but it's again it's not about illegal presumptions
03:59 it's not about the process
04:01 it's not about the falling the way emotions,
04:02 it was up to that he would been released a long time ago.
04:05 It is unfortunately, you know, turns into a political process.
04:09 You know it's a very small country ran by for--
04:12 you know, after independence by a dictator for long time.
04:16 It is now non-democratic and had open elections
04:20 that--non-opened this is up this is up for debate
04:22 the opposition doesn't think they're too open but,
04:24 you know, then Secretary of State
04:26 Hillary Clinton visited that sort of encourages
04:28 democratic aspirations and so, you know,
04:31 but they are early in that process.
04:33 It's a reminder that United States and some other--
04:37 mostly western countries have admirable legal systems
04:40 to defend your religious purgatives.
04:43 That's not the case in many, many countries
04:46 and so defending religious freedom
04:49 ultimately is a matter--I love this term hearts in minds.
04:54 It's a matter of working with him in the community,
04:56 working against the prejudice and of course for lot of faith.
05:00 What I want to bring out on Pastor Alexander though
05:02 and I don't know what's happening
05:04 in the prison with Monteiro
05:06 but we know as you explained that situation.
05:10 Pastor Alexander was providentially was released
05:13 after two years.
05:14 There's was no legal magic bullet we knew off
05:16 but without warning
05:18 he was suddenly released pending retrial
05:20 but he was physically released
05:22 he was speeded out of the country's in Canada now.
05:25 I spoke to him and asked him about the whole situation
05:28 and amazingly he told me that he believed that
05:31 it was Gods will that he be imprisoned. Right.
05:33 That's what blew me away.
05:35 Even as he told me a great lengths
05:37 about being tortured, tie his ankles together,
05:42 hang him upside down, beat on his feet,
05:45 hit on his head with a book to stop the marks
05:47 but it causes brain damage real things.
05:51 And yet he said it was Gods will
05:54 that's a part of the whole religious liberty dynamic
05:57 we're not used to in the western world.
05:59 Yeah, you know, and I met Pastor Alexander
06:01 and that's his view of--
06:03 you know I mean for him that maybe. And then if I--
06:05 Oh, I'm not saying it was not just severely God's will.
06:08 Right, yeah, and I think you know,
06:09 I think Pastor Monteiro is the one
06:10 with good voice in prison.
06:12 I mean you got to understand the meaning--
06:13 you know when I was in Togo
06:15 I actually preached in Pastor Monteiro church
06:17 the one he attends there.
06:18 Is that was on the pulpit, on the platform
06:20 it turned out that there was kid maybe 19
06:22 or 11-years-old sitting next to me doing scripture reading.
06:25 It was Pastor Monteiro's son
06:27 and he has all older children two
06:29 and a wife and you know his son
06:31 his wife his older kids need him.
06:34 Absolutely, there's no tragedy--
06:36 And, you know, and that is and he has job as a father
06:39 and as a husband and needs to be home.
06:41 You know even if he's doing there good there in prison
06:43 and you know people say God's will always done
06:47 and I don't know that I mean I think God makes the best
06:49 out of situation but God's will in this--
06:52 Gods purposes, it's not Gods will--
06:53 Yes, right, right.
06:54 His purpose is to witness and to change any situation
06:58 and we can do that with this--
06:59 And you know it's God's will is rarely done.
07:01 I don't think God's will the people die
07:03 it's not God's will that sin happen,
07:05 it's not God's will that people be torched.
07:07 None of that's God's will deceased,
07:09 illness none of that's His will.
07:11 But it doesn't mean, you know, all things were together
07:13 for those who serving him
07:14 and ultimately I think this will be something
07:16 that reinforces pastor Monteiro's faith
07:19 and works for it good but it doesn't mean
07:21 it was God's will and this was a good thing that happened.
07:23 So well, I want to go to two directions from what you said
07:28 as far as Pastor Alexander he was imprisoned
07:32 and the reason he felt that that was God's will
07:34 that he be imprisoned not that all of that happen. Right.
07:36 Now God doesn't wish ill on any of us.
07:40 But given that the charge was made in prison
07:42 he was able to draw together by witness
07:46 they were the Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists
07:48 and so on a few lapse--Christians.
07:51 He was able to form a church group of 60 men
07:54 meeting every Sabbath and he was the pastor of that group.
07:58 And when time came for his release
08:00 he didn't initially want to be released,
08:02 because he was afraid that he left in there
08:04 and then he says amazingly another pastor was imprisoned
08:08 right at the moment he was released,
08:09 so he could continue it.
08:11 No, I don't think it's God's will to cause problem
08:14 but even though we're in a, you know, world
08:18 with a horrible situations
08:19 and we trust into these challenges all the time.
08:22 God will work it to good.
08:23 But-- No it is, in fact you know going back
08:27 you know this as we talked about an earlier show
08:29 about Ben Allison of liberty campaign
08:30 and if you watch this year's liberty campaign
08:32 that you have been talked about this to me,
08:33 he said you know I'm going to--
08:35 you know if I get thrown in prison
08:36 I'm going to witness the people in the prison
08:38 who otherwise wouldn't hear what I heard I had the--
08:39 And that's the historic what I have--
08:41 that we run again of time but the thing
08:43 I want to remind of you as all
08:45 because I think I've mentioned it long time ago.
08:48 James Standen who used to work
08:50 as the legislative flays-- on the General Conference.
08:54 He went to India at one point of the province where
08:58 the untouchables were being prosecuted for many of them
09:01 becoming Christians and a Seventh-day Adventist pastor
09:04 was hunted down and by a mob.
09:06 This man killed, dismembered, his church burned
09:10 and James went to the church on the Sabbath,
09:13 the way it was smoldering ruins
09:15 but under a tree near by the people who worshiping
09:17 and the 12-year-old son of the pastor was there
09:20 and the widow.
09:22 Of course they were horribly distorted
09:24 at the loss of their father.
09:26 But the young boy told James,
09:28 he said that he wanted to be a pastor like his father.
09:30 And you know that's sort of thing
09:32 and I'm sure it's affecting due to see Monteiro's son
09:35 you know that's adverbial to in a family to see a parent
09:42 yes sacrificing for their faith
09:44 but being faithful in that situation.
09:45 Then again young person can be inspired to say
09:48 I want to be like my dad.
09:50 That's wonderful. Yeah it is.
09:51 I mean it you know I guess you think God
09:53 and making the best out of you know the situation
09:57 and that is you know but I don't think
09:59 it's God's will at the pastor died.
10:00 No I'm glad you're saying that I would never say that,
10:02 we should never think that.
10:04 God where as in the Bible says,
10:06 you know, Gods wishes to us a good that's all that God have,
10:10 I know my thought's showed you there you were a good--
10:11 Right, you know, yeah by--
10:13 Absolutely. If you--
10:16 No we have to believe that God doesn't bring evil upon anybody,
10:19 even the evil.
10:21 Evil comes upon by their actions. Right.
10:24 But within the dynamic often a very bad situation
10:28 I believe God can use it powerfully
10:31 and so religious liberty is not always
10:33 getting out of the problem.
10:34 This is what I'm trying to make the application
10:36 Some one has the Sabbath accommodation issue
10:38 we would like to resolve it quickly.
10:40 But sometimes, when it gets more complicated
10:42 it's actually a better witness. All right it is.
10:44 You know and that's the difficult thing
10:46 that people have to understand is that,
10:47 you know, God promises to be with us
10:50 and take care of us but it doesn't mean
10:51 things are going to work out the way that we want.
10:54 God's promise is to support us.
10:56 It is not the things and we'll have an easy life.
10:59 Our reward is in heaven not on this earth.
11:01 And in defending people in religious liberty
11:03 that's an important thing to remind people
11:06 is God will be with you and He'll sustain you.
11:09 But that doesn't mean there aren't going be difficult times
11:11 and it doesn't mean you won't have to rely
11:13 upon His saving grace and His ability support us.
11:16 And as we have been talking about religious liberty
11:18 I think that's important to remember.
11:23 It was the Apostle Paul that made a statement
11:25 to the effect that whatever situation
11:28 I find myself in, I'm determined to be content.
11:32 Well, as I read this story of Paul
11:34 and his missionary journeys he was stoned,
11:36 he was imprisoned, he was harassed,
11:39 hounded out of town after town and yet he was content.
11:44 In this program we've discussed couple of specific cases
11:47 of Seventh-day Adventist in a prison
11:50 if not directly for their faith
11:52 but essentially in prisons an extended time
11:55 because of their faith.
11:57 It's worth remembering
11:59 that we have promised many things from God
12:01 and one of them is especifically
12:04 all who lived a Godly life, will suffer prosecution.
12:09 We can't solve that and what we can do though
12:12 as individuals is when we find ourselves in these situations
12:15 of course we can expect our fellow members,
12:18 our legal council if you like will help us as best they can.
12:23 But in that situation we must be determined to give things
12:27 because as we're seeing with Pastor Alexander
12:30 and perhaps seen with Pastor Monteiro.
12:33 God can work powerfully through even these desperate situations
12:38 to bring good out of it.
12:41 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17