Liberty Insider

Burning Books

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bert Beach, Lincoln Steed


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000200B

00:06 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
00:08 Before the break with guest Bert Beach,
00:10 we were talking about academic freedom.
00:12 And, Bert, you were, without naming anyone,
00:15 remembering a college professor
00:18 who was so out of agreement with what he had been hired
00:22 to teach that he voluntarily left.
00:24 And you admired him for that, didn't you?
00:27 Yeah, he felt that
00:28 he was not comfortable anymore in our setting.
00:32 And he went to another institution
00:35 and had quite a good carrier there.
00:38 And I thought he was a Christian gentleman
00:43 but he was no longer really,
00:45 a fully believing Seventh-day Adventist.
00:48 Yeah, You know, when we talk about educators in particular,
00:54 while they're often dealing with young adults,
00:58 I think in a real as well as a figurative way,
01:01 it's sort of what Jesus was saying about
01:03 the responsibility of a knowing adult
01:06 in dealing with children, I think.
01:07 And what did Jesus say?
01:09 He says, "If you steer one of these young children wrong,
01:13 better that a millstone be put around your neck."
01:15 And I think there's a heavy responsibility
01:18 on an educator more knowing,
01:22 may be more competent to judge ambiguities
01:25 who will sort of disillusion or misdirect
01:28 the younger person, don't you think?
01:30 I think an educator has a great responsibility.
01:35 The parents have a great responsibility
01:37 because they're educators in the home. Right.
01:39 They have a great responsibility.
01:41 Pastor has a great responsibility
01:42 because he educates his congregation.
01:46 On Sabbath morning, he has a sermon.
01:48 They all have to listen if they want to or not
01:50 and he has a responsibility.
01:52 So I think teachers in our institutions,
01:56 and of course, academic freedom really applies,
01:59 I suppose, more to college institutions
02:03 and university level institutions.
02:06 We talk about academic freedom,
02:07 I suppose, also in the high school
02:08 if you want to but it's not really a burning,
02:11 I think, issue there on that level
02:13 because they don't get into very complicated ideological,
02:18 theological discussions too much more on the college level
02:22 where people are trying to discover new truths.
02:26 And, of course, when you discover new truths,
02:28 they should not be too much in opposition
02:30 with the former truths.
02:32 Otherwise, you have a real problem there.
02:33 I don't think they should be in any opposition.
02:35 And so I think our people have to be responsible
02:38 and realize that if a teacher is teaching things
02:43 that are outside of what the institution stands for,
02:48 I mean, if you are in an institution,
02:50 it advocates certain fundamental views on things,
02:55 and the very existence of the institution was established,
02:58 you could have an institution let's say,
03:00 we're having emphasis on whatever it might be.
03:05 I can't think of anything right now to suggest--
03:08 On wearing knickerbockers.
03:09 Okay, whatever, the founders,
03:13 the church, that established that institution,
03:16 wanted that institution
03:17 in order to prepare pastors let's say? Yeah.
03:21 And then somebody-- teacher gets up and says,
03:22 "You know, I don't think
03:24 we need pastors anymore in the church.
03:26 We should have the laypeople lead our church.
03:28 No, we don't need pastors. We don't need that."
03:30 Well, if an institution that is there to prepare pastors
03:35 and then teachers say we don't need pastors,
03:39 well, what is that person doing
03:40 in that institution, you know? Yeah.
03:42 You would think that the person
03:43 wouldn't even think of being there.
03:45 He would say, "Well, it's not my place.
03:46 I don't believe it. I can't sustain it.
03:48 I can't support it. I need to go elsewhere."
03:53 Well, may be that's not the best example,
03:55 because you could say that that's a matter of tactics. Yes.
03:58 And that he could start a dialog within the structure.
04:01 But, certainly, if you have an institution
04:03 that's to advance Christianity and accepts the Trinity
04:09 and you have someone that's got a Unitarian viewpoint,
04:13 I mean, they're undercutting the very spiritual concept
04:15 that that organization stands for.
04:18 But, I think, you agree with me
04:20 and we need to tell our viewers this is worth discussing
04:23 but because of the nature of the church
04:26 and of the free association
04:28 entailed in membership and participation,
04:30 it's not really a religious liberty
04:33 issue in structure, is it?
04:35 Well, it's hard to say. I think it overlaps.
04:40 Well, there's an overlapping there.
04:42 There's elements of it but--
04:43 But it's more-- But it's a matter--
04:45 religious liberty has to be coercion
04:46 if someone's forcing you to believe something.
04:47 Yeah, that's right.
04:49 Punishing you as Luther was under,
04:53 the bull was more than just bad words,
04:55 you know, his very life and liberty was at stake there.
04:57 Of course, there are some people that would go so far to say
05:00 that if a teacher did not believe
05:02 a certain belief of the church
05:05 not because he is not teaching something wrong,
05:08 he's teaching all right,
05:09 but he himself doesn't really believe it
05:11 that he shouldn't be there.
05:13 Well, that's going pretty far.
05:15 Because then you're beginning
05:16 to examine the consciences of individuals.
05:17 Well, yes, I don't have--
05:19 And I think that's going too far.
05:20 I mean, unless that person is freely
05:22 divulging their opinion. Yeah.
05:24 But if it's just someone divining the--
05:28 even though the statements are okay
05:30 behind it all they sort of have a withholding
05:32 of agreement with that and then they go for them,
05:34 no, we don't believe in that.
05:36 Of course, there are so many institutions
05:37 that would go so far as to have loyalty oaths
05:41 and people signing documents
05:42 that I believe this and I support this and all that.
05:46 Now, there are certain churches that do that.
05:48 I don't think our church basically does that.
05:52 There may be a case here and there, rare case.
05:55 But generally speaking, we of course select teachers.
06:00 We interview them.
06:02 So you don't think we need a doctrinal version
06:04 of the conflict of interest statement?
06:06 Well, that's another matter, conflict of interest.
06:09 No, I'm just throwing-- I've had to sign conflict--
06:10 That's sort of an internal--
06:12 I've signed conflict of interest statements
06:14 because as being a leader in the church-- Yeah.
06:16 They expect you not to be involved in other things.
06:20 And that's a reasonable business.
06:21 Yeah, I think, it's a reasonable,
06:23 I don't think it's so much a matter of conscience
06:24 as a matter of-- No, not at all.
06:26 I have a business even in some ways, finance,
06:30 and that you may be wanting to make money on the side.
06:34 Well, it's like, wasn't it, Hophni and Phinehas
06:36 the sons if Eli were selling? Yeah, exactly.
06:40 And we have cases-- And we have cases--
06:41 Someone out in front of the temple with no--
06:43 We have cases for teachers and employees of the church
06:47 have been having some business or something going on
06:50 that's really in contradiction to their work.
06:54 So I think we accept that's reasonable
06:57 and on ideas it would be the same.
07:00 You can't simultaneously be advancing
07:04 what the church stands for and then on your own time,
07:06 advancing something contrary to that.
07:09 So there's where academic freedom stops and just--
07:12 what does the Bible say?
07:13 "Double mindedness." You could have a teacher--
07:15 God's got no time for double mindedness.
07:16 I have a teacher who in his classroom
07:18 doesn't say anything that goes counter
07:21 to the beliefs of the church,
07:22 but then writes books or writes articles which go counter.
07:26 And then of course we have a conflict.
07:28 People say, "But where are you?
07:29 I mean, are you this person?
07:31 Are you that person? You can't be two people."
07:35 Well, it's happened a few times without no names.
07:37 We see it happens--
07:38 Directed that way and I think eventually,
07:40 they'll make a wreck of their faith.
07:42 But I am very confident that the great majority of our teachers
07:46 are Seventh-day Adventists and they believe it.
07:49 That's what I think. I trust our teachers in general.
07:53 I wouldn't say 100% of course.
07:55 Well, we're not just talking about our teachers,
07:56 we're talking theoretically about the whole
07:59 spread of academic freedom as it relates to faith
08:02 and as it relates to religious liberty
08:06 in other words lack of coercion.
08:08 And I just think that that's a very valid litmus test
08:11 to apply to faith issues.
08:14 And of course, as Seventh-day Adventists,
08:15 we know the final test at the end of time will be
08:18 when a global power coerces to faith, that's wrong.
08:22 Even if the coercion is to a correct faith practice,
08:27 the very coerciveness is what's wrong.
08:30 Of course, it is always wrong. Absolutely.
08:32 You can't, you know, human beings have rights.
08:38 And it's very interesting, didn't Benedict quote
08:41 at the beginning of his pontificate
08:42 in that Regensburg address,
08:44 he quoted in relation to Islam he quoted a comment about
08:49 no coercion in matters of faith.
08:54 The Christian church has accepted that for a longtime.
08:56 So coercion is a key litmus test.
08:59 Yeah, coercion is always wrong. Yeah.
09:03 Because the kingdom is either you accept it,
09:11 "Choose Ye this day whom you will serve."
09:14 It's not you have to serve this way. Right.
09:19 So where do you think we go with academic freedom?
09:21 We only got a few more minutes left.
09:24 But can we simultaneously be in favor of academic freedom,
09:30 encouraging it, and yet reserving a scenario
09:34 where sort of this far and no further.
09:36 Well, the problem is always where is the line,
09:42 the red line so to speak? Where is that line?
09:45 I believe in academic freedom but I also believe
09:49 in the freedom of the church to operate. Yeah.
09:53 And if you have people that are you hire
09:56 to do the work that you stand for
09:58 and they're doing something opposite to it,
10:01 it's very hard to say that they're really
10:03 teachers that we can welcome in our setting.
10:06 So I believe as far as possible
10:09 as much academic freedom as possible.
10:12 But as I pointed out to begin with,
10:14 I think there is a kind of a framework
10:17 and after a certain point, that person is actually
10:22 destroying the very institution--
10:24 Well, I think it comes back to integrity.
10:26 That he's trying to serve. Comes back to integrity.
10:28 And as a Christian where you're committed to Christ
10:31 and then buying into a certain church viewpoint,
10:35 you want to carry that on and be true to yourself, right?
10:37 Yeah, You have to be true to yourself, of course.
10:40 You have to be honest.
10:41 You have to be open
10:43 but you have to stand for the institution
10:47 that has selected you and pays you also
10:50 to present its beliefs.
10:53 I think back to my college days
10:55 I'm reminded of studies in Christopher Marlowe's
10:59 "Tragical History of Doctor Faustus."
11:02 That's a most perplexing story
11:05 that's come down from the Middle Ages
11:06 and repeated in music and art by other figures.
11:11 But it wrote us the story of an academic
11:14 that was drawn on so voraciously toward knowledge
11:19 but in the end he was willing to essentially sell his soul
11:23 to the devil for more knowledge.
11:26 There are some who think that academics on occasion
11:29 are ready to do that even in the modern world
11:31 to gain if not knowledge then a line of inquiry
11:36 that might be otherwise forbidden to them.
11:39 But we know, that in the Christian economy
11:42 as well as in the civil field, all things are not allowed.
11:47 There is a matter of responsibility.
11:49 There is a matter of reverence toward God
11:52 and respect for what He has laid out.
11:54 For example, it would not be proper for someone that
11:58 buys into the biblical record of creation
12:00 to then fancifully project some totally false view of creation
12:06 and an evolution creation synthesis and say,
12:10 "Well, may be this was so.
12:13 May be it could be so for a secular scientist."
12:16 But such an academic freedom
12:18 is not appropriate to someone trusting God.
12:21 We need to keep our freedom within God's constraints.
12:26 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17