Liberty Insider

As God Wills

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Ed Cook


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000197A

00:22 Welcome to "The Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is a program that brings you
00:26 news, views, discussion,
00:27 opinion on religious liberty events in the United States
00:31 and around the world.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:35 a religious liberty journal
00:37 that's been around now for about 106 years.
00:40 And the guest on this program is Dr. Cook--
00:46 Glad to be here with you.
00:47 A good friend and an author in Liberty magazine
00:50 articles over the years.
00:53 You're an expert on church state studies,
00:55 we'll push the limits of that.
00:57 But starting from the known
00:58 and going to the unknown Secretary Rumsfeld
01:01 used to say there are unknowns
01:04 and things that we don't know that we don't know.
01:07 So we'll see where we go.
01:09 It impressed on me that early on his pontificate,
01:12 Pope Benedict gave a poorly receive speech
01:18 in Regensburg, Germany.
01:20 And I've spoken about it on this program before.
01:23 He was really slapping around Protestants
01:26 for tending toward violence, he said.
01:29 But he started off by quoting a historical dialogue
01:33 between a Muslim and a Byzantine Emperor,
01:38 and the Islamic world bananas.
01:41 Even though he only repeated the record
01:43 that there was some tendency
01:45 to violence in Islam, he thought.
01:47 You know, that seems to me a discussible point.
01:50 Whether you're definitive on it that's--
01:52 everything hinges on it. But we are living in an era
01:56 where there's a need apart from doctrinal truth,
02:00 there is an imperative,
02:03 a need for religions to get along with each other.
02:06 Not to give away their beliefs to each other,
02:08 that would be wrong to us.
02:11 How do you think the Christian world,
02:13 as well as Roman Catholicism,
02:15 how can we reach some sort of datum with Islam?
02:19 You know, I think that the first thing
02:21 that one needs to doing in analyzing that question
02:25 is look at the historical record of Islam
02:27 because obviously that's something that just
02:29 as people studying Catholicism
02:32 and asking that question prior to Vatican II,
02:35 the question was,
02:36 how can Catholicism bridge the gap of modernity
02:40 and stay in touch with the modern world?
02:42 Then of course at Vatican II
02:44 is where they hammered out
02:45 and reformulated a lot of their positions
02:47 and views in the documents
02:49 that were enunciated then through Vatican II.
02:51 You get ironically, it's the very modernity
02:53 that that's causing a rethink of Vatican II.
02:56 Correct. Pope Benedict is preoccupied
02:59 with the threat from secularism
03:00 which may not be as real as he thinks.
03:03 But that's causing a unfreezing--
03:06 Yes, a reevaluation of Vatican II.
03:09 And so based on that,
03:11 I think that when one looks at Islam
03:13 and the question of church and state
03:14 and how can Islam relate to other religions,
03:17 one needs to look at the historical background
03:19 and recognize that, you know,
03:21 through the time period of the crusades
03:22 in the 7th and the 12th centuries,
03:25 the reaction or response of Christianity,
03:27 Catholicism to that, and in the modern world
03:31 what we're-- we need to understand
03:33 is the bigger picture you've got--
03:34 it's a democracy now rather than
03:36 a formalized confessional state.
03:39 And so that is another dynamic
03:40 that would regulate interaction between
03:43 Islam and other religions.
03:45 In fact, I would say that's one of the central issues
03:48 that Islam scholars are taking the time
03:50 to discuss and debate,
03:52 looking into their own historical tradition--
03:54 To see if they can move away from the confessional state.
03:56 Yes, more towards a modern democracy basically.
04:00 How can Islam relate to democracy, in essence.
04:03 And the scholars, that you've read,
04:06 are they doing with this with the reference to the Quran?
04:09 They claim, and I've read,
04:11 you know, through their statements,
04:12 their books, their writings
04:13 as well as how they refer back to the Quran,
04:16 they claim that there are statements in the Quran
04:18 that would-- they contain the principle,
04:21 in other words, of religious plurality.
04:23 And there are statements that I would have to state--
04:25 to refer to that for example,
04:27 there are two statements that may--
04:30 that refers to if the creator God
04:32 had wanted all to be of Allah,
04:35 in other words, believers in Allah,
04:36 would not he have made them that way.
04:39 Basically, contain the idea that they recognize
04:41 that in the world of today, there's going to be people
04:44 that believe in other religions other than in Allah.
04:46 Yes, you're right.
04:48 You know, I've read the Quran--not enough,
04:50 I've read it twice.
04:52 Well, once through formally and methodically
04:55 and another times sort of reviewing it
04:57 and then I refer to it now and then.
04:59 But like the Bible, I don't think,
05:01 you can read this complex holy books often enough
05:04 'cause there's layers of meaning.
05:05 But yeah, I know what you're talking about
05:08 because Muhammad, speaking as a non believer,
05:12 If you're a Muslim,
05:14 you have a totally different view of Muhammad
05:16 and the dictation from the Angel Gabriel.
05:19 But looking at as Muhammad writing this
05:23 and feeling he was on inspiration.
05:24 But Mohammad clearly accepted the inevitable
05:27 that there were non-Islamic communities.
05:30 And as long as they acknowledged Islam
05:33 and that's a key, you can't leave them alone
05:36 when they're rejecting or even harassing the UMMAH,
05:41 the body of believers.
05:43 But if there were sort of a truce
05:44 and they acknowledged,
05:46 "Yes, you are Muslims we are Christians."
05:47 They would leave you alone
05:49 as long as there was sort of an acceptance that Islam
05:52 is a preeminent religion.
05:54 But I don't believe you can find in the Quran
05:56 any prophetic acceptance
06:02 that the Muslim community used to have a secular rulership
06:07 or any sort of rulership separate from the religious
06:10 dictates of the community. It's so specific.
06:14 And I don't know how they'll get around it.
06:16 But I think myself the only way around it is--
06:19 and it sort of a dangerous path,
06:21 to encourage within Islam what Christianity has done
06:24 and you and I would to decry treating the holy writings
06:29 as less than literal.
06:32 You know, there's one Catholic scholar,
06:35 a theologian by the name of John Esposito.
06:38 And basically--and he edited a three volume work
06:41 on Islam from a Catholic prospective.
06:44 And basically he has fostered relations with Muslims,
06:48 Muslim scholars.
06:50 And basically what Esposito argues
06:52 is that just as Catholicism prior to Vatican II
06:56 was out of touch with the modern world
06:58 and now through Vatican II
06:59 has attempted to bridge that gap.
07:01 He argues that Islam needs to go through
07:04 that same transitionary period as the Catholic Church
07:07 did in Vatican II and therefore be able
07:09 to bridge a lot of that gap.
07:11 Now obviously I think some of the challenges
07:13 that one would see in that picture,
07:15 as you pointed out,
07:17 is that within the Muslim community,
07:20 the Ummah, the body of believers,
07:21 you don't have a central figurehead
07:24 as the religious leader like in the Catholicism,
07:26 you've got the pope.
07:27 So based on the Islamic concept,
07:30 it is more of an integrationist approach.
07:33 They believe that their religion needs to be
07:34 interwoven in the fabric of society.
07:37 They don't see a separation of church and state.
07:39 For Catholicism, when they have the leader,
07:42 the figure head, the episcopacy with the pope at the top.
07:45 The pope through a council, like Vatican II,
07:48 can basically lead the different groups
07:51 that are in charge of formulating these documents
07:53 to try to conceptualize of a way
07:56 by which Catholicism can exist
07:58 and flourish within a modern democracy.
08:01 The contrast of that is that within the Muslim community
08:04 among the Ummah,
08:05 you've just got a mass of people that are--
08:07 they adhere to their beliefs and they integrate into society
08:11 and they don't have somebody that call
08:13 a general council to meet among all of them.
08:15 Yeah, you're right. No central authority.
08:18 It's--in fact, in a way, it' a certain way,
08:25 it's really what Christianity should have been.
08:27 I think it'll be very hard line to argue the crust
08:33 and the early church-- the very early church leaders
08:37 ever envisioned a higher denominational structure.
08:44 And even within our church,
08:45 the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
08:46 Ellen White, who was a pioneer of Adventism
08:48 and I'm satisfied that she spoke under some inspiration.
08:55 She was quite apposed to structure itself.
08:59 She saw it as necessary as a group
09:01 come to a certain size.
09:03 So, you know, we're apparently
09:06 criticizing or critiquing Islam.
09:09 But in some ways that it's strength,
09:10 not it's weakness.
09:12 But it's a weakness when you're dealing
09:13 with bringing the whole group
09:15 into a new more benign point of view.
09:18 Correct.
09:20 And I don't really have the west could
09:21 or the Christian west or the Christianity per say
09:25 could influence Islam in that direction.
09:28 You know, there is another scholar that recently,
09:31 it was in just a few years ago,
09:33 published a book, an Islamic scholar,
09:36 that's titled "Redefining Church and State,
09:38 the influence of Muslims in western society."
09:41 Yeah, let's read that. That's a good title.
09:43 Maybe some of our viewers
09:44 will look up something about that.
09:45 And what he's arguing basically
09:47 is that the traditionally concept of church and state
09:49 as it was-- the history of Europe shows--
09:53 It's a very new concept for us.
09:55 Yes, the struggles between the Catholic Church
09:58 and the state at the time--
10:00 different empires existing during European history.
10:03 That interaction between the two
10:04 is something that was the given norm.
10:06 And then we move into the modern era
10:08 with the enlightenment philosophy,
10:10 influence in America,
10:12 the idea of separation of church and state
10:14 through the first amendment,
10:16 the vision of the founding fathers,
10:17 and as democracy began to birth here
10:20 and then flourish throughout the world,
10:22 so that now it's became more of the dominant
10:24 political structure in the world,
10:26 you find that based on that Catholicism said,
10:29 "Okay, we need to reposition ourselves in relation
10:32 to that modern construct."
10:34 So in the same way, this Islamic scholar is arguing
10:36 that now with Islam dominating
10:38 much of the global field it is forcing
10:41 western society to rethink the church-state concept--
10:44 Well, not in the right way either.
10:46 It's more of an argument for the western society
10:51 in essence to recognize that religion should not be
10:54 distinct and separate from society.
10:55 Yeah. And even as you outline
10:57 what is true because in "Liberty Magazine"
11:00 we speak of it and have articles on it all the time
11:03 about the separation of church and state
11:05 in the U.S. informed by the enlightenment
11:07 and we drop that enlightenment very frequently.
11:10 But really when I look at history,
11:11 from my knowledge of it,
11:13 while it was informed by the enlightenment,
11:16 it was really only the American experiment
11:18 that truly took it to its logical conclusion.
11:22 And you mentioned the western world,
11:24 most of the rest of the western world
11:25 doesn't have the strict separationism
11:27 that the U.S. aspires to. Correct.
11:29 Like in Canada just north of the border.
11:31 There it's really equal treatment of religions.
11:34 And there's some heavy state subsidy of Catholicism,
11:38 for example, in Quebec and that area.
11:40 And so the goal of the government
11:42 and those working with that is to make sure
11:44 that they equally favor other religions.
11:47 But it's not church-state.
11:49 And in England where arguably
11:53 the American experiment began today in England.
11:55 You know, they haven't established state-church.
11:57 Then don't meddle in the private lives of people.
11:59 That's--but I wouldn't really call that,
12:02 you know, a bright line between church and state.
12:04 Correct. And you can go pretty much
12:06 all around the world looking at that way.
12:09 So I can see as you say that it could--
12:12 the stress of dealing with a total religious other
12:15 and trying to reach some accommodation
12:17 could lead us to rethink negatively
12:20 at separation of church and state.
12:22 You know, what's interesting though as far as,
12:24 I guess, kind of flipping the scenario around
12:27 and looking at it from a Catholic perspective
12:30 would argue more along the lines of wanting
12:32 to recognize that government
12:34 has an obligation to support religion
12:37 and not have a vacuum in essence
12:39 or a neutral position of government and--
12:41 And that's not a bad position.
12:43 I wish in the U.S., there was more thinking like
12:45 that because groups like
12:46 the Freedom of Religion Foundation
12:48 are playing on the constitution
12:49 with a state of desire to drive it out of existence--
12:52 religion out of existence.
12:53 We'll be back after a short break.
12:55 So please come back and rejoin us
12:56 on our discussion of the challenges of Islam
13:00 and the separation of church and state.


Revised 2014-12-17