Liberty Insider

Vatican 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Ed Cook


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000194A

00:22 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is a program bringing you
00:25 discussion, news, views and up to date information
00:28 on Religious Liberty events around the world.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:36 And my guest on this program is Dr. Ed Cook.
00:41 A good friend and contributed to Liberty magazine
00:44 for quite some years now.
00:45 But you are new in one sense, you are newly minted doctor.
00:49 Yeah, that's true.
00:50 Just graduated from Baylor University
00:51 with church-state studies and new with you
00:55 is your doctorate, your doctoral thesis.
00:58 Yeah, that's correct I worked--
01:00 the title of it is "Roman Catholic
01:01 hit Germany and religious freedom--
01:03 In Germany, I mean, I lived through the Cold War,
01:06 I seem to remember that word-- was it the Soviet Union
01:10 or the United States or both?
01:11 They were hegemons. Yes.
01:13 And that the term actually refers
01:15 to that is the aspect of territorialism,
01:18 trying to maintain or establish their territory.
01:20 Their control. Correct.
01:21 An element of over lordship or control, isn't it?
01:25 And in the-- my dissertation,
01:27 which is now becoming a book forthcoming in
01:29 about a month it will be published.
01:31 But basically its dealing
01:32 with the idea of religious freedom
01:34 and how the Catholic church does advocate that today,
01:37 but, you know, something that I think all of us recognizes it,
01:40 its not just any religious group advocating religious freedom.
01:44 It's how they define it that is the important thing.
01:45 Absolutely, because before the program
01:49 we were casting about,
01:50 is there any religion or state for that matter?
01:54 But is anybody against religious liberty.
01:56 I don't know, of anyone that's ever spoken against it.
01:59 Well, I take that back, one of the Popes, was it Pius...?
02:03 The XII. The XII.
02:05 He spoke about that pernicious,
02:06 I think, wasn't it pernicious concept?
02:07 Yeah, correct, and of separation of churches
02:10 and state of freedom of conscience in essence.
02:12 And thereby hangs the tail called Vatican II.
02:16 Something big happened
02:18 in the Roman Catholic Church starting in 1962,
02:21 and when did it end?
02:22 1965. So was this a three-year long church council?
02:29 Only one of 21 by some numerations
02:33 of the Christian Church from its beginning,
02:35 getting together to decide major things,
02:37 but, you know, I think some of those are up for grabs,
02:41 you know, why they were called or what they--
02:43 whether they were a huge council.
02:44 But importantly this is only
02:46 the second one held in the Vatican. Correct.
02:50 And Vatican I being in roughly 1870's in that time 1871.
02:53 Yeah, and it didn't deal with such matters
02:55 of big importance as I remember.
02:56 Actually, in 1871 Vatican I, actually one of the issues
03:00 that they ended up dealing with was
03:02 the infallibility of their Pope.
03:03 It's true. I tell that is a big issue.
03:05 And they did establish it, yeah. Right, you've gotten that.
03:06 But it was sort of introspective. Correct.
03:09 Yeah, it was more within. That was I got it.
03:10 It was an internal doctrinal thing where--
03:13 although it did go to the reasons
03:15 for the ecumenical council because Vatican's I and II
03:19 claimed to be ecumenical council,
03:21 Which is an interesting claim because
03:23 by the time we get to the Vatican's,
03:25 this is Catholicism, which is not all of Christianity.
03:28 And yet they call an ecumenical council.
03:31 In other words, its determinations
03:33 were to apply to all of Christendom.
03:34 Correct. Which is not enforceable,
03:39 but, yes the issue of papal infallibility
03:42 is very big for Protestants.
03:44 And yet doesn't go back as far as we imagine. Correct.
03:47 Now, you know, I think the assumption
03:50 of the power of the papacy was always along those lines
03:53 but it wasn't formally spelled out
03:55 till that First Vatican Council. Correct.
03:57 And that was something that at the time
03:59 in Vatican Council I in 1871,
04:02 being that the council dealt with the issue in the years
04:06 and in fact, I could say even the centuries preceding that,
04:09 there had been a counter argument
04:11 within the church called conciliarism
04:14 where basically, they understood that the Pope
04:16 did not have the complete authority as infallible,
04:19 but he had to be among acolyte, peers in other words,
04:23 other bishops and archbishops and they in a council
04:26 they would come to decisions regarding the church.
04:28 But in a Vatican Council I 1871,
04:31 they ended up making the decision
04:32 and advocating the idea of people and fallibility.
04:36 I was listening to a BBC program
04:38 a couple nights ago on Vatican II actually.
04:41 And they had a Roman Catholic nun there,
04:44 who said she was a loyal Catholic and then
04:46 there was a conservative Catholic theologian
04:49 on the program with her.
04:50 So they got to debating
04:51 what the significance of Vatican II
04:54 and she said she was loyal to the church
05:00 and she accepted Vatican II and the authority of the church.
05:05 And then at one point she said,
05:07 but, you know-- the interviewer said
05:09 but the Pope has said so and so.
05:10 And she says, well, you know,
05:12 I think the Holy Father is wrong,
05:14 and theologian says, there we have it.
05:19 Yeah.
05:20 And see, that I think that ultimately within Catholicism,
05:23 one can recognize by asking questions like that
05:27 what's the final-- the bottom root issue is that,
05:30 you know, if they are certain,
05:31 the tradition of the church can be explained in study
05:34 through the writings of the fathers,
05:35 the Nicene Fathers, the Ante-Nicene Fathers,
05:38 the tradition of the church and councils
05:40 that have been-- have met since that time--
05:41 You dropped some toes turfs there,
05:43 Nicene Fathers, Ante-Nicene.
05:44 You really need to fledge that out for our viewers.
05:48 The council of Nicaea, historically--
05:50 Denice, right. Yes, correct.
05:51 Modern Denice, France.
05:52 Yes, the Nicene Fathers are those that are recognized
05:57 as during that time period--
06:00 writings of theologians for us that are non-Catholics,
06:03 we would look at it maybe as commentary.
06:04 But for Catholics, they look at that as something
06:06 that is authoritative in the tradition of the church.
06:09 So you have the Ante-Nicene fathers
06:12 which were those that wrote prior to that time.
06:14 They were looked on many times as the Early Christian Fathers
06:17 of the first couple of centuries.
06:19 And we're now getting to a major theological holding
06:26 in Roman Catholicism, I think pre and post Vatican II.
06:30 That yes, they hold the Holy Scriptures,
06:33 but certainly an equal authority
06:36 is what the Church Fathers held through the ages, right?
06:39 Correct. So there's a huge dependence,
06:42 to use another term on tradition--
06:44 what the leaders thought at different points
06:48 becomes determinative.
06:49 Yes. And you know, that's--
06:51 I would say one of the crux issues within Catholicism,
06:55 in Chapter 2 of my book I deal a little bit with this,
06:58 is basically can one as a Roman Catholic,
07:01 if I were a Roman Catholic,
07:02 could I say that Vatican II represents
07:05 the historical tradition of the church,
07:07 or the writings of the fathers and cyclicals of the Popes,
07:10 and the crux-- the central one of the fact is
07:13 I can't say that--the most hardly debated document
07:16 coming forth from Vatican II was "Dignitatis Humanae"
07:19 dealing with religious freedom and--
07:21 Now what is "Dignitatis Humanae" mean?
07:23 "Dignitatis Humanae" is the Latin term meaning
07:26 "the dignity of the human person."
07:27 Dignity of man.
07:28 Yes, correct, and so based on that
07:30 the Catholic Church argues that religious freedom
07:32 needs to recognize the dignity of the human person
07:35 just as in "Humanae Vitae,"
07:37 the church was saying the human person,
07:39 the human life is something that's sacred.
07:42 So they would say that the dignity
07:43 of the human person is what should define religious freedom.
07:46 And that's how they developed this document
07:48 that has about 17 different main article with sections--
07:51 That's an important document.
07:53 And overall, I think it's an admirable
07:56 not a restatement for them
07:58 but a restatement for many people
08:00 on the huge general principle of religious liberty.
08:05 Was it easily adopted? No, it was not.
08:08 There was a lot of debate it went through.
08:10 Actually, eight different drafts leading up
08:12 to the final one that was voted.
08:14 When it was voted they had more than
08:16 2,000 of the bishops that actually voted it,
08:19 and they were only like around 72 that were against it.
08:23 When it settled, but as I remember
08:26 it was nip and tuck for years even. Correct.
08:29 And once-- better remember my history.
08:32 Was it that the-- some leading figure,
08:36 was it even the Pope when they tilted
08:37 that they might accept, then suddenly
08:39 the works on fell in the line, but until the last--
08:40 That was John XXIII, the Pope that--
08:44 Most of the preliminary votes were at best equally divided.
08:47 Correct. End result is a little misleading I think,
08:51 but it was at the end voted overwhelmingly in favor.
08:55 Correct. And that's why I mentioned
08:57 that there were eight different drafts of it,
08:58 as it went through those drafts,
09:00 there was debate across the spectrum
09:02 and groups were divided against--
09:04 where the bishops were divided against one another.
09:06 And the final end product is that when John XXIII
09:09 stepped in and gave moral support for it,
09:12 then you found the bishops going ahead
09:13 and lining up and more than 2,000 voting to support it.
09:16 Yeah, I can't remember if it was him
09:17 personally or one of the curia,
09:19 but I know that there was huge signal
09:21 from the leadership and then the vote suddenly polarized.
09:23 Yeah.
09:26 And you've most recently studied this,
09:28 but it seems to me that an American prelate
09:32 I think it was-- Jesuit John Courtney Murray.
09:34 Yes, he was central to this--
09:37 He actually had drafted the main document. Correct.
09:41 And John Courtney Murray Jesuit theologian in America,
09:44 Woodstock College is founded through his influence.
09:48 But back in the 50's,
09:50 he was involved in actually defending the Catholic position,
09:54 traditional Catholic position which basically argues
09:57 that the Catholic Church as the true faith has the right
10:01 to be the established religion in the state,
10:03 and other groups can be granted toleration,
10:06 if it is something that basically
10:07 is in harmony with a common good.
10:09 In other words, if there's more benefit
10:11 by granting them toleration
10:12 do so to maintain societal peace.
10:15 Now Courtney Murray had maintained
10:17 that position through the early 50's,
10:19 as he started studying more about the topic
10:21 from an American perspective and the influence
10:23 of the founding fathers, the first amendment.
10:25 He started developing some ideas
10:27 and looking into the tradition of the Catholic Church,
10:29 their historical tradition to find out
10:31 if there was something that would harmonize
10:33 with what he believed
10:35 was more of an American position on the freedom of religion.
10:38 So it's not illegitimate, is it to then describe
10:42 Vatican II as far as religious liberty
10:44 is really being a by-product
10:46 of American views on religious liberty
10:48 making their way in to the--
10:50 I would say to some extent
10:52 but there again one needs to be cautious
10:53 because for example, the founding fathers
10:57 like Jefferson who influenced medicine
10:59 in the writing of the first amendment.
11:01 You have an enlightenment philosophy
11:02 that under girded the law.
11:04 Oh, no, it's with them. Yeah.
11:07 But Vatican II was sort of synthesizing that existing
11:09 American concept of what personal freedom was
11:13 that's when it was picked up by a Catholic understanding.
11:17 No, I don't think they-- in fact, they probably
11:20 run a mile if they thought it was a secular backdrop.
11:23 But I wouldn't say that there is a lot of confusion
11:27 in this area of church and state here in America,
11:29 among not only constitutional scholars
11:32 but others that study the field.
11:34 And they tend to equate the document
11:37 "Dignitatis Humanae" for the catholic position
11:39 as basically being exactly a harmony hand in glove fit
11:44 with the founding fathers concept of religious freedom
11:47 as annunciated in the first amendment.
11:49 There's some parallels
11:51 but there's some very distinct foundational differences.
11:53 Absolutely, and that's really
11:55 what I want to bring out in this program.
11:57 You're thinking exactly like me.
11:59 We need to-- it was a positive move
12:01 as far as Roman Catholicism because in many countries,
12:05 you know, they never had the whip hand
12:06 in the United States, but in Latin America
12:08 they were actively inciting the states to persecute people
12:13 who differed from the religious freedom
12:15 and Vatican II, I think put an end to that.
12:17 Well, I shouldn't say put an end to it.
12:19 There were social changes in those countries,
12:21 working against it but Vatican II confirmed that shift.
12:25 And so Roman Catholic Church could not only live with it,
12:29 they could proclaim as they do in the United States
12:31 full religious freedom for all people.
12:33 This would be my way of explaining,
12:35 kind of you know, in a short synopsis is that--
12:38 you know, I shared that churches and state involve
12:40 so many different branches philosophy, religion, history,
12:43 constitutional law, political science.
12:45 I would say that at Vatican II
12:46 what the Catholic Church simply did through the document
12:49 "Dignitatis Humanae" is they took the shift
12:52 from more of the theological church historical position
12:56 and looked at it more from a philosophical
12:58 civil perspective, so it's not so much
13:00 that they are denying the previous history
13:01 'cause they were just shifting their focus.
13:03 No, they wouldn't accept it, you know.
13:04 Well, as you can tell,
13:06 we are in to some heavy stuff here.
13:07 And if you will stay with us
13:09 and then come back after the break,
13:11 we may even be handing out diplomas.
13:13 Stay with us for this discussion of Vatican II
13:16 and the implications for religious freedom.


Revised 2014-12-17