Liberty Insider

Trial By Fire

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reid


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000191B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
00:08 This is Lincoln Steed again with my guest, Melissa Reid.
00:11 Before the break with Melissa we were probably antagonizing
00:14 a few people, but hopefully clarifying an issue
00:17 by giving as example or exhibit political involvement
00:22 by Churches around the catholic ad.
00:25 Right, right.
00:26 The--the, you know, I understand where they're coming from.
00:29 They have been trouble by this health care issue with--
00:33 they made I think, bigger than the government made
00:35 and there's sort of concerns issue,
00:37 But now there's clearly all that effort
00:40 to encourage Catholics to vote against this administration.
00:44 Right, right. No, I think
00:45 we're bringing that up because we do so value
00:48 the instruction of our faith leaders, you know,
00:51 and so we feel like it should really be done
00:54 with the best interests of Church members and properly.
00:57 We're just saying that it should be done properly.
00:58 Now but that raises the question in my mind,
01:01 political involvement by the Church.
01:06 But there is another side to it.
01:10 Theological thinking by the state,
01:13 which can also involve the Church and--and as I look
01:18 at United States and its foreign policy
01:22 certainly since the early 70s
01:27 more and more I see mixed in with the
01:31 assumptions that characterize
01:32 some of the Evangelicals in United States,
01:34 their in-time scenarios and the role of Israel. Right.
01:38 And the rest of the world sees that and often
01:42 I think they write it larger than it is.
01:44 It's not the only reason, but I think it's muddied in there.
01:47 I remember Ronald Reagan getting up and told about
01:51 the evil empire which is not anything to do with Israel.
01:53 But, you know, he applied the evil empire
01:55 to the Soviet Union and he spoke of apocalypse now,
01:59 and well, you know, what's happening.
02:01 And more and more I think Christians in United States
02:04 think that it's a sort of religious duty
02:06 to support Israel, might be-- I would hope
02:09 that it's a moral duty to support any country that's--
02:13 that's at the risk of being overrun by enemies.
02:16 But like a religious duty to support them because
02:19 it's part of us sort of manifest destiny and as Christians
02:23 we gonna be the novelist to certain events that
02:26 suppose to happen in the Middle-East.
02:28 That's a very troublesome.
02:30 I think that--it's very dangerous.
02:32 First of all as we mentioned before,
02:34 we live in a pluralistic society.
02:36 And we certainly shouldn't look to our government
02:39 to bring forth, you know, our religious and as far as our,
02:42 you know, our prophetic view.
02:44 But it really is interesting it's very common
02:47 with in the Evangelical community to see Israel as,
02:53 you know, being very prominent in the end-time scenario.
02:57 And also I've heard it said, you know, they look back
03:00 to the Old Testament and they say, you know, that those who
03:04 blessed Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel
03:06 will be cursed, and so they see it really as America's
03:09 role to bless Israel.
03:12 It's true. And you know, there are reasonable texts,
03:16 like you can take any text out of context,
03:18 and I do think that there's a residual
03:21 favor of God upon northern nation state of Israel.
03:25 This people forget it's not a religious state.
03:27 In fact it's a secular socialist state.
03:31 But the fact that the people of the promise as Paul said,
03:36 speaking in his day, that they're there,
03:38 he says, you know, the gifts
03:40 and the calling of God are irrevocable.
03:41 So for all time they are the descendents
03:44 of the people of that God bestowed His favor on them.
03:46 I think Satan, until the end of time,
03:48 the evil force will victimize them.
03:50 But to have The United States is a matter of public policy,
03:55 not always so blatantly expressed
03:56 but often it seeps through.
03:59 You can see that's sort of a rational.
04:02 The very least that's leading towards--it could lead
04:04 toward a modern day crusade of morality. Right.
04:07 Well, you know, I think on the show before we spoken about
04:10 Islamic countries and ruling by religious laws, sharia law.
04:14 Well it seems like, you know, we certainly as
04:17 religious freedom advocates speak against that.
04:21 So it seems like for us to use, at you know, religious beliefs.
04:25 I was gonna say our, but I don't believe
04:28 those particular issues, but you know
04:30 for Evangelicals to sort of push for those religious beliefs
04:33 as legislation of the country that they live in.
04:36 Well, you're getting close to what
04:38 I was going to say on Islam.
04:42 I mentioned President Regan when he expressed
04:44 in apocalyptic terms at tip of this theological aspect,
04:49 and we've seen President Bush made some slips of the tongue.
04:53 On one occasion for example, I read an article where he
04:57 called up the French President and asked for their help.
05:00 And he says we need to defeat Gog and Magog.
05:04 And the guy called for his advisors,
05:06 what's he talking about? Right. who were--
05:09 So this was all cast in Old Testament terms
05:12 and here we were going in to save biblical people.
05:18 But I can remember watching the President Ahmadinejad
05:22 of Iran, spoke to The United Nations
05:24 and he indulged himself for on one occasion,
05:27 for about 20 minutes talking about
05:29 the coming of the Mahdi. Yes.
05:32 And most people didn't understand at the media,
05:34 just sort of said, you know, a religious fanatic
05:35 what was he talking about.
05:37 He said you have one last chance.
05:38 He said to the world to do, you know,
05:41 come with the order and then the Mahdi is coming.
05:44 He was basically threatening the over apocalypse.
05:47 Well, if you have that sort of thinking there,
05:50 and then you have-- in the West
05:52 is epitomized by the United States
05:54 and administration is sort of bind the idea, yeah,
05:57 the nations will all come against Israel
05:58 and this is the apocalyptic movement.
06:01 You basically got two secular entities,
06:04 because Iran has a secular mindset.
06:06 It was just been hijacked by religious fanatics
06:09 and the United States has separation of Church and state.
06:11 But a number of religions indulge
06:15 themselves in public office.
06:17 You could have two states going together
06:19 in the war to end of worlds
06:21 over nothing, but religious differences
06:23 and misunderstandings and not things, that are not even held
06:26 by the men in the street. Right, right.
06:28 there's been no plebiscite that I know of in United States.
06:32 And, you know, are we are going to support
06:34 Israel or any other country for religious reason? Right.
06:37 You would like to think on separation
06:40 of the Church and state, when you're looking at the state
06:41 that they ally with Israel, or Egypt,
06:44 or whoever for national interest
06:46 and doing it, yes, because it's right,
06:50 but primarily countries operate in national interest.
06:53 Right. So now is it the responsibility
06:56 of the federal government to say, you know,
07:00 to the lobbying organizations or churches that are trying
07:04 to influence and, you know, this prophetic view of theirs.
07:07 And to say, No, we're not. You know, we're gonna blew in
07:10 our particular way or is it our responsibility as citizens
07:15 to not elect individuals who-- You're getting close
07:20 to that what I think. Okay.
07:23 When I was in school it just really impressed me
07:25 when I was studying history and sociology and that
07:28 we basically exist under a social contract.
07:33 All sorts of things from the local police force
07:36 to the federal government
07:37 You know, they can pass fugitive laws
07:40 and they can have the police force and all that,
07:41 but none of it can be upheld
07:43 unless you agree to abide by the rules of society.
07:47 Basically it's a social conflict.
07:49 Up and down. And everyone knows
07:50 the ground rules you're abide by.
07:52 Now and then there's a revolutionary
07:54 or a criminal that droves out,
07:57 but they dealt with.
07:59 And I think this aberration that's more and more getting
08:03 a hold of, you know, even our foreign policy.
08:06 It can't be stopped by any legislation
08:08 or any one person taken out of the equation.
08:11 It just has to be a consciousness
08:13 by people at last that this is not right.
08:16 And it will mean in little voice, yes.
08:18 They would be troubled by someone that express
08:20 that publicly and may not be elective.
08:22 It could mean that that the public views
08:25 expressed in ways that would damp down someone
08:27 that has those tendencies, but I think we need to work
08:30 against the tide to stop what is clearly a bad development.
08:33 Right. Now, I am curious.
08:35 Individual Jews that are living there in Israel,
08:37 what is their reaction to the-- Well, I've read articles.
08:40 I know that those representing the state of Israel
08:46 they're happy for the military support, but they feel vaguely
08:49 insulted that this is all predicated
08:51 and then becoming Christian. Right.
08:53 So it's not really at root leading
08:58 to an anonymous relationship. And I think myself, and I am
09:02 going red and livid, but this is my personal opinion.
09:05 I think this is what explains why even the weak,
09:10 the closest allies with Israel on occasion like we find
09:12 they're spying on us, and they work
09:15 at counter points because they know
09:17 that America is in for the long hold with them.
09:19 But that it's rational for doing so is not an agreement
09:22 with their sense of self. Yeah.
09:25 So they--it's a sort of trust and verify approach
09:28 rather than just an amicable buddy buddies. Yeah.
09:31 I think it illustrates both about what we started
09:34 the conversation with electioneering
09:37 and improperness of Churches being involved,
09:39 and then going onto this, and foreign policy
09:42 and Churches being involved this.
09:44 It really reemphasizes to me, our beliefs are meant,
09:48 you know, the beliefs that are magazine,
09:49 Liberty magazine espouse in beliefs of, you know,
09:52 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
09:54 which we get from the Holy Bible
09:56 of just that separation between the Jew organizations.
09:59 Absolutely, particularly--
10:00 It just really emphasizes that to me.
10:02 Separation of Churches say there's a founding principle.
10:05 You can go back in the Old Testament,
10:07 not need a discussion. But I think it can be explained,
10:10 because there's theocracy and God is not
10:12 present personally to mandate it.
10:14 But what is abundantly obvious is as you read the Bible
10:17 and Book of Revolution, there is a conflict coming
10:20 and it's all over the matter of state coercion
10:23 on religious matters. Yeah.
10:25 So, the best protection against that is to keep
10:28 religious powers separate from state powers.
10:31 Religious agenda with the church and the state
10:34 to have a secular agenda that does not inhibit faith practice,
10:38 but the state is not the faith. It's not a vehicle of our faith.
10:43 Yeah, I agree and it really is interesting to me.
10:47 You know, we had talked about having this conversation on,
10:50 you know, or discussion and I really was not very familiar
10:54 at all with the Evangelicals interest in religious
10:57 in the state of Israel and so I did some studying
11:01 beforehand, I really--
11:02 It's quite startling, isn't it?
11:03 It's quite startling. It's very out in the open.
11:07 And so it was just really interesting to me,
11:09 I'm glad we had the conversation.
11:11 Hopefully our viewers appreciate it as well. Yeah.
11:13 And may be down the line we'll have an article on Liberty.
11:16 But I have to treat it carefully
11:17 because it's a descriptive thing,
11:19 but it's not itself a religious liberty.
11:22 It's not inhibiting someone religious liberty,
11:24 but it's creating a dynamic that could skew
11:28 the practice of religion in dangerous voice I think.
11:30 Yeah. Well, as I said before this conversation really
11:33 reemphasize to me the separation of the churches
11:36 and state and the importance,
11:38 the intricateness of that principle.
11:43 Really, you know, keeping those two interests separate distinct,
11:47 and most of all keeping the Bible
11:51 as a very highest goal in our authority.
11:56 Few years ago, I remember watching on television,
11:58 I think it was Laugh-in was the program.
12:01 They did a take-off on a weather report
12:03 from Old testament times and the Egyptian
12:07 with the forecast came on, and he said
12:09 the weather forecasts is very interesting
12:11 he says it's going to be water turning to blood,
12:14 and storms and then he says and get these frogs.
12:19 It was a funny moment. But to me it illustrated
12:23 where we are heading now.
12:24 The secular world is living in a biblical apocalypse.
12:30 It doesn't help things at all that countries
12:33 such as The United States and then working with other
12:35 countries such as Israel, and churches such as
12:39 the Roman Catholic Church are inclined to stir
12:42 the apocalypse for their own self interest.
12:45 It doesn't help anything that a secular government can speak
12:48 on religious matters in apocalyptic way.
12:51 It's incumbent on everybody of faith and integrity to keep
12:56 the two separate and to keep things in perspective
12:58 and realize that there is good, there is evil,
13:01 and there is a coming of Christ.
13:06 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17