Liberty Insider

On The Beach!!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Graz


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000182B

00:06 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider
00:08 before the break with guest, Dr. John Graz.
00:10 I was talking about the Seventh International
00:13 Religious Liberty Conference of Congress
00:15 in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic,
00:18 fantastic event 900 participants.
00:23 Participants. Yeah.
00:24 I was trying to think how to characterize them
00:26 because they were government leaders,
00:28 they were church leaders, they were--
00:31 N.G.O.'s, experts. N.G.O.'s.
00:33 University Professors. Procumbent of activists
00:36 and people that are involved in religious liberty.
00:39 Some people might ask not just why we,
00:43 we were on beach there.
00:45 Yeah, yeah. Beautiful environment but--
00:46 You know, I want to answer
00:48 the question about the beach.
00:49 You know, when you organize a congress
00:52 you have to find a place where you can
00:54 have minimum cost of transportation]
00:57 it means if you can find a place where the hotels
01:00 are very closed to the center, to the conference center,
01:04 that's a very good.
01:05 And you don't find easily that.
01:07 If you go to the-- we went to capital city
01:10 and you know people who'd have to walk or take the bus,
01:13 the metro to go the meeting,
01:16 but they are we had everything on the same place.
01:18 And beautiful convention center. Everything.
01:20 And beautiful convention center.
01:21 And to hold out all of these people you don't...
01:23 And the price was fabulous too,
01:24 it means you know, when you have
01:26 all these factors together you don't hesitate.
01:29 Yeah, no, no, it was perfect.
01:31 But lets talk about not just why on the beach,
01:34 and why such a nice environment.
01:36 Some people might ask even why such a conference?
01:39 Yeah, that's good a question.
01:41 I know one person made a comment that I thought
01:43 was interesting they said, you know,
01:45 what is it really accomplished.
01:46 There is no one really going out doing something
01:49 at a local level as result and I think
01:51 that misses the point of a global conference.
01:54 Absolutely, you know-- you know every time
01:56 we can see that, every time we have a congress,
01:58 we have an increasing of activities about
02:02 religious freedom after the Congress.
02:05 It means even if you don't have a decision
02:08 we had a decision during the festival of
02:10 religious freedom which was just after the Congress
02:14 where everyone present about 2000 people you know take,
02:18 took a commitment to be an ambassador of religious freedom.
02:23 It means you prepare really the ground
02:25 and many-many people you know after came to me
02:27 and they say can you visit us because
02:29 we want to have a regional congress.
02:31 We want to have a local congress they show
02:35 something they can duplicate to organize.
02:38 It's a catalyst, an international catalyst
02:40 that works its way up in a local region may be
02:44 through localized training session where people
02:48 then go out and contact legislators
02:49 or local community in different ways.
02:52 We can't expect a global event to do that,
02:55 but it has an incredible potential to catalyze and--
02:58 Absolutely, we had more than the seven, yeah,
03:01 we have seven division or regional president.
03:06 They have to set-- Set a first time seven.
03:08 And the Adventist several leader,
03:09 we are all though we had also all the leader you know
03:12 when they came back to the, you know, what most of them
03:15 you know came to me know and say we want to do
03:17 something like that you know, you know region,
03:20 we want to have exposure, we want because they saw
03:23 that might its an event where you can put together
03:27 religious people and people from government
03:30 and they can talk.
03:31 Or you can put together people from the government
03:33 and university teacher or professor and they can talk
03:38 about what about what, about religious freedom
03:40 which is a very important opportunity.
03:43 The congress create an opportunity, you know,
03:45 to increase the work about religious freedom
03:49 and of course to promote the concept
03:51 at the level of government.
03:53 When government officials come they see
03:57 they are welcome and they have to explain
04:00 what they are doing in their country
04:02 and they are listening to the other people.
04:05 And they are listening religious leader talking about
04:07 the problem of religious freedom.
04:08 So self reinforcing, isn't it?
04:09 You know it gives something-- something new for them.
04:13 They don't have a lot of opportunity
04:16 to attend such a meeting.
04:17 You can read in the news how many congress
04:20 about religious freedom with these dimension
04:24 have been organized in the world in 2012.
04:28 Your right. There--there are reasonable members
04:30 of localized ones but I think internationally not many.
04:34 Even-- even between--
04:35 Probably on--on one hand you could number them I know.
04:38 And not these dimension, you know,
04:40 I have never seen and when I ask you know,
04:42 I have friend with many religious leader.
04:45 I said, to them why you did not organize such a big event
04:49 for religious freedom because you are in favor.
04:51 Why do you-- you don't plan to have,
04:54 they smile and they say, hey, it's not so easy to do
04:57 even if they are represent million and million of people.
05:00 They have million members.
05:01 They don't do that, of course, you know,
05:04 next year the catholic church will organize big meeting.
05:06 We will see that it will be interesting in commemoration
05:11 of the "Edict of Milan" and they will have,
05:14 they plan to have five or six huge meeting.
05:17 "Edict of Milan" Yeah, Edict of Milan.
05:18 yeah, that was the first document
05:21 and the first Edict about religious freedom.
05:24 And they plan to have huge--concert,
05:27 we will talk about probably one day but you know,
05:31 they may, they have the potential to do
05:33 even with may be 100 or 200 or may be one million people
05:37 and we will be very happy.
05:39 You know, if you had one million people
05:42 saying we love religious freedom.
05:44 We want to definite to keep it,
05:46 but the congress is different than the festival.
05:49 Festival is a mass meeting the congress
05:51 is a selected group of parties.
05:54 It's a specialist, government and religious.
05:56 And we had from almost every countries of Inter
06:01 and the Central America represented by
06:05 the minister of religious affairs from the government.
06:09 Now there was putting them together.
06:11 You can imagine after you visit the countries
06:14 and you talk with the government
06:16 and they remember the congress you organize
06:19 they look at you in the different way.
06:21 This connection stay with you and this is jumping a little bit
06:23 in another program I would like to talk about
06:25 liberty dinner that we recently had,
06:27 and I noticed there for the third time,
06:30 I think it was the second time.
06:32 We had the ambassador from East Timor, you remember.
06:37 Yeah, we visited East Timor.
06:38 We visited the president and--and then leadership.
06:41 The ambassador form Libya to this time.
06:43 But--but because of that visit some years ago,
06:46 now the ambassador keeps up in contact with us.
06:48 And so I am sure with this conference
06:50 when this governmental representative are there,
06:52 now we are in they radar, they are in our circle.
06:55 And you know, already people talk about
06:56 the next congress and the next congress because
06:59 every five years we have congress, you know,
07:02 and have also to say that we have a little budget to do that,
07:05 its not you know million coming from gift and so no, no,
07:10 we do that with a very small amount of money.
07:16 We try to do our best fortunately
07:18 the general conference help us and sometime we have
07:21 some help but not a lot-- not a lot.
07:23 It means already having such a big event.
07:26 It's already in itself a miracle.
07:29 Well, money is necessary, but I think
07:31 what really makes it happen, motivated activsts
07:34 at all levels and we need to work with this network.
07:37 And, you know, now we talk about
07:38 the Adventist church is involved.
07:42 They are supporting with, you know,
07:43 the association and some other,
07:45 you know it give another image about the Adventist church.
07:51 You know people use to see the Adventist church
07:53 as a proselytizing specially in Latin America doing that also,
07:58 of course, building school and building hospital,
08:00 but they don't really expect the Adventist church
08:04 on the field of human rights and religious freedom.
08:08 They believe that we are weak on that and suddenly
08:10 they discover that we are able as a church as, you know,
08:14 someone say that we are small church
08:16 and some we are able to become to be the champion
08:21 on defending values a Christian values
08:23 but the human right values for all not just for us for all.
08:29 And you can be sure that it makes a difference
08:32 and I remember one of my good friend
08:35 who was a leader in France and in Europe
08:37 in Christian leader was a president of
08:39 the European conference of Christian churches
08:43 and he wrote a book, no a book was written about him.
08:48 It was interview and he said, in the book, he said,
08:51 you know I admire the Adventist church because
08:55 they are defending religious freedom for all.
08:58 Saying that writing that in Europe, you don't know
09:02 European contacts were, if you're small church
09:07 you're very often assimilated or confused
09:11 with cult and sect, that's a fabulous.
09:14 Well, we need to be recognized as defenders not because
09:18 we're Adventist but because we believe in the Bible,
09:20 it's just thoroughly biblical.
09:22 Yeah, yeah exactly when people ask us why are you
09:25 defending religious freedom.
09:26 You know I take the Bible and I said,
09:28 yes of course, you have humanistic
09:31 tradition but we're defending religious freedom
09:34 for all not because there is humanistic tradition
09:38 but because it's a gift from God.
09:40 It's a gift from God from the beginning
09:43 and you open the book of the Bible
09:45 the first pages of the Bible and you have the freedom
09:49 of choice as a gift of God.
09:51 And we believe that this gift is not just for us
09:53 that it's a gift for everyone.
09:56 And one thing that, two things that impress me
09:58 with this conference as it began
10:00 you had Denton Lotz,
10:02 he is the president of the IRLA.
10:04 Right? Yeah.
10:06 He gave a presentation and then ambassador Cipal.
10:09 The first U.S. ambassador for religious freedom,
10:13 now there's been two after him.
10:15 In their presentation they both emphasized
10:18 what you and I've just been talking about
10:19 the spiritual religious motivation that lies behind
10:23 the religious liberty initiative and I thought
10:25 that was very appropriate for the conference.
10:28 Yeah, because you know, very often we think that
10:31 human right has nothing to do with religion
10:34 and we portray the religious organization are against
10:38 human rights but we have to show that,
10:40 that's not true and we have a long tradition and for us,
10:44 I often say that you know, religious freedom is a gift
10:48 from God but also it's a prophetic mission
10:50 from the Advent for the Adventist church.
10:53 We receive the banner of religious freedom,
10:56 you know Ellen White say,
10:57 From the pioneers, from the reformers.
11:00 From the reformers and from-- she said that
11:02 the pioneer of the gospel church,
11:05 you know, the banner, and on the banner you have
11:08 the truths but not only the truths,
11:11 the truths and religiously liberty.
11:14 And there is no other, I think there is no other,
11:17 church or religious organization
11:19 who can which have such commitment for religion.
11:24 We may forget time to time
11:26 but really the commitment, the tradition.
11:28 And it's the interrelated.
11:29 Tied up with there, prophetic view point but
11:31 The origins of the church, the experience that are...
11:34 And we'll do that until the end. Until the end.
11:37 Yes it's important for us to have meeting
11:40 like a congress of religious freedom.
11:42 And we have that every five years
11:45 and we have to continue and this is why we plan
11:47 already and know the congress for 2015,
11:52 no, no, exactly 2017.
11:54 And I just would like you to think about us
11:57 and to pray for these big events.
12:02 There's something that I want to share with anyone
12:04 that's ever traveled or wanted to travel.
12:07 The beach at Punta Cana,
12:08 Dominican Republic is exemplary.
12:11 The water is so crystal clear and inviting,
12:14 it would take a stronger will in yours or mine
12:17 to stay away from it, but let me also share
12:20 with you the fact that the biggest yet ever
12:24 Religious Liberty Congress run by
12:26 the International Religious Liberty Association
12:28 held at Punta Cana was almost exclusively
12:32 conducted indoors and I never saw any of our
12:35 attendees swimming in that beach.
12:39 I'm sure many of them wish too but all of them
12:42 were compelled to come and join in those meetings,
12:45 to participate in other discussion and to find skills
12:49 that they could use to go back to their
12:51 different countries and to spread the word
12:53 that religious liberty is God's way.
12:56 Religious liberty is the way of human progress,
13:00 that religious liberty is the way to protect
13:02 the dignity of human kind.
13:05 It was a privilege to participate in such an event.
13:08 It wasn't immaterial that the beach was wonderful
13:11 and adverting but it was central that
13:13 the principles of religious freedom
13:15 were inspiring and encouraging to all.
13:19 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17