Liberty Insider

Religious Freedom Within The Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Clifford Goldstein


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000180A

00:22 Welcome to the "Liberty insider."
00:24 This is the program bringing you up-to-date,
00:26 news, views, discussion,
00:27 and information on religious liberty,
00:30 developments around the world
00:31 and of course particularly in the United States.
00:34 I am Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:37 And my guest on the program is Clifford Goldstein.
00:41 Once upon a time, an editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:44 but for the last 13 or 14 years Editor
00:46 of the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School Lessons
00:49 that go out around the whole world membership.
00:53 Now you never have anybody differ from you
00:55 or what you edit in put together--
00:57 I have never, never, ever.
00:59 And I wish I can say that about
01:01 what goes to liberty even though
01:03 it's a consistent with the historic
01:07 Adventist view on religious liberty.
01:09 But within a church there is often dissidence,
01:12 questioning, argumentation, can even get further a field than
01:15 that but because they denies
01:17 the common claim to be worshipping a God,
01:22 and honoring and respecting each other.
01:24 But is at the bite within a church,
01:27 can you legitimately say that a religious liberty question?
01:30 Well I think generally, I can remember
01:32 when I was in your job and every now and then,
01:35 I would get an e-mail or complaints
01:37 somebody's favorite dissidence.
01:39 They didn't let him speak in a church
01:41 or got this fellow or something and they called me up
01:44 in the religious liberty department.
01:47 And I'd say, "I am sorry
01:48 but this is nothing, to do with us."
01:52 You know, this is a see the main thing,
01:55 see the genius I think of that.
01:57 The whole concept of separation of church
01:59 and state is I obey the Laws of the Land.
02:02 Why I do because I am so in love with government
02:05 that I obey the laws, pay the taxes
02:08 and do and follow those, no.
02:09 I do it because they have the force of law.
02:14 The force, they can force me.
02:15 And in fact-- They coarse me.
02:17 You don't even need to put the law in. They control force.
02:20 In fact, the surfer said the state
02:21 has the monopoly on force.
02:22 Yes, yes, so the point is,
02:24 the point is and it has to be that way. It has to be that way.
02:26 No government is gonna work unless, you know.
02:29 what could of the laws, unless there is the power
02:33 to force them, the force, the threat of jail,
02:35 and, you know, fines. That had a church in forces--
02:38 Well, that but I'm not there.
02:40 Let me get to the point, but the point is,
02:42 the point is when...and that's the way government should work.
02:45 But when you deal with religious issues,
02:49 you know, the whole point of the Gospel,
02:50 the whole point is we worship God freely.
02:54 We worship God, I mean a force to worship the--
02:57 That's the force, that's a biblical viewpoint
02:59 that may not necessarily be a Quranic viewpoint--
03:02 Yeah, yeah, but I'm just dealing from our perspective.
03:04 I'm dealing from our perspective right know.
03:06 We, we deal with that, that and the whole point is God
03:10 doesn't want forced worship.
03:11 He could have coarse us if He wanted to,
03:13 He didn't and so on. Now that's the difference
03:17 so you got the realm, the civil realm. Uses force.
03:21 You've got the religious realm which does use force, okay.
03:26 That's the idea with God.
03:27 And so the genius of church and states separation
03:31 is to try to keep them separate now to get to your question.
03:35 You are working inside a church.
03:38 It is a voluntary organization.
03:41 That is the key. You are right.
03:42 It's voluntary. There is no force of law telling you,
03:47 If you don't do this, your going to get a fine.
03:50 You know, you don't do this, you're gonna go to jail.
03:52 So you are in a voluntary or relations,
03:54 so I think, I remember
03:55 when I first became editor of Liberty.
03:57 There was an article about some dissident nuns,
04:01 some dissident nuns who had posted...
04:04 you know, wrote it-- A cover illustration.
04:06 It was a cover illustration,
04:07 but we got a lot of trouble over that, but that's another issue.
04:09 I don't think I want to go into that.
04:10 We won awards for that, but we also got.
04:12 And funny things is I had nothing to do with the cover.
04:14 I wasn't there at the meeting,
04:16 at the editorial layout meeting,
04:17 but because it was my article I was one that got shoot out.
04:20 But the point is these nuns have written an art,
04:23 or published an ad or something,
04:24 the fine the pope on abortion a birth cum nuns birth control,
04:28 I don't know what that's all about but--
04:30 But sure of us. Yeah.
04:31 Well, they do abortion or whatever
04:33 and then they were getting in discipline,
04:35 they were getting disciplined
04:37 and we basically the article was.
04:39 I defended the Roman Catholic Church.
04:42 It was like hey, it's their church.
04:43 They have the right. These are the rules, you know.
04:45 They maintained their own. Yeah, yeah,
04:46 and these women wanted to go there.
04:48 You know, they get to the state of all
04:49 that and then we hadn't had.
04:51 It was not a religious liberty issue.
04:54 It was an eternal issue with the church,
04:58 in of itself, it didn't deal with laws of the land.
05:01 Now there were cases too I remember too early on.
05:03 It's funny the stuff comes back. We did a case where,
05:07 I think some armies or something in Canada.
05:11 And there was some fight.
05:13 I remember that. Yeah, and the people split up,
05:16 but see then the government got involve because there was,
05:20 there were property rights.
05:22 There was property that was involved.
05:24 Then these people with this fellowship
05:25 and kick out that, well, they say, well,
05:26 we pay for this building. We did that so.
05:29 So in principle and internal church dispute
05:33 doesn't really have and I think the basic...
05:35 but there is really no recourse of the government
05:38 as long as the church follows the establish procedures
05:41 that it has for dealing with these kind of thing.
05:44 But in short in most cases,
05:47 it's not a religious liberty issue.
05:49 You are actually giving and I agree with you,
05:51 but display the devil advocate here.
05:54 You're in a way giving the backdoor
05:57 I given for Sharia law within the certain community
06:01 as long as that doesn't impinge on civil law.
06:04 Well, you know, often, you know,
06:07 if it doesn't I supposed it doesn't.
06:08 If you have a Muslim and their mosque,
06:13 and they want to, I mean, enforce certain things
06:15 and they want use their Sharia law--
06:17 But because we also had article in liberty magazine
06:19 about Orthodox Jewish Law for one of the better term
06:23 where within that community,
06:25 they have had their prescriptions for,
06:27 in fact we had an article recently went out of bounce
06:30 because it was the led the divorce decree. The Get.
06:35 The Get. The Get wasn't been granted
06:38 and was being used prejudicially against this woman
06:41 to restrict her options in civil life,
06:46 but within the normal bounce,
06:47 they had the community
06:48 had been allow to watch it though.
06:50 And I think the courts for the most part,
06:52 the courts wisely so as I said,
06:56 I've been out of the stuff for a longtime
06:57 but I remember lot of the principles
06:59 but not the details, but the courts as much as possible
07:03 they want to stay out of religious disputes.
07:07 Yeah, and... Stay out as much as they can't.
07:09 They leave it to the people to deal with it on their own.
07:11 And we've been very gratify then the religious liberty community,
07:15 the very recent supreme court case in Hosanna-Tabor case.
07:18 Don't know. We got a whole program on it,
07:20 but just to refresh those viewers who didn't seen it.
07:23 There was a case in a Lutheran school
07:25 where a teacher who mostly taught secular topics, but--
07:30 But did take chapel now and then,
07:33 she was laid off. She says because of her disability.
07:38 She had narcolepsy. The Lutheran school said
07:42 they didn't need give a reason, as a church institution
07:45 they were within their rights.
07:47 Went to the supreme court and the supreme court said
07:50 that in matters of employment
07:52 and all of these issues doesn't matter
07:54 if it's the church operating its program,
07:56 the state is out of the business. Well.
07:59 And that might allow some very unfair things
08:02 to happen within the structure.
08:03 But it gives a safety environment
08:06 for the church to operate within its chatter.
08:08 Of course, now, you want a play the devil's advocate here.
08:12 I was just putting myself in the mind
08:14 to somebody like Richard Dawkins.
08:16 Oh, he would find this very convention.
08:18 Yeah, 'cause it suddenly,
08:20 you wrap something in the matter of religion and suddenly
08:24 all these protections, you know,
08:26 are given through that they claim it's a religious things
08:29 and suddenly they wrapped around all these protections
08:31 and the argument would be well,
08:33 they are sure there might be some people
08:35 who are dishonest with it,
08:37 disgenuine with it and abusing it
08:40 but it's a nature of our country.
08:42 It's a nature of the government that we have.
08:45 We go out of our way to protect even the most absurd,
08:49 ludicrous religious views. I mean,
08:51 I remember we used to, we find ourselves time and again
08:56 allied with the scientologists.
08:58 Yeah. What we gonna do?
08:59 That I like the religion, no, but that I even think it.
09:04 I don't know I mean that was but whatever was.
09:06 They weren't breaking the law.
09:08 Yeah, they have to be respected.
09:09 So they have, we would go to bad form.
09:12 But I am afraid. And I mean I was happy
09:15 with that Supreme Court action, but the logic
09:17 and you mentioned too that's the logic
09:21 of thought development within our present society,
09:23 I think is arguing against this old blanket respect
09:27 and accommodation for everything that the church does. Yeah.
09:30 President Obama when he came into office said
09:34 that on the faith-based initiative
09:35 which is improbable compromise
09:39 I think where the states is funding
09:42 church affiliated programs,
09:43 but he said the money would continue
09:45 but when I took the state money
09:47 that would be required to abide
09:49 by these is non discriminations standards.
09:50 Sure. Well, that's the main problem.
09:51 And I think that's where it's heading.
09:53 The state is loathed to do
09:54 that because then almost by definition
09:59 they are paddling about in church concerns
10:01 even as they untangled probably real cases
10:04 of discrimination on gender and disability.
10:07 Well, that's always been the issue.
10:09 You want to get government money,
10:10 you got to get the rules. And that was since
10:13 when I remember in the early days again
10:15 that stuff is still faint early days
10:17 when they were disestablishing
10:19 the churches from the government.
10:22 There was one got I thought there was gonna be a disaster.
10:24 You know, it was gonna,
10:25 the state needed to help the churches,
10:27 needed to and then they ended up disestablish
10:30 and this guy years later was a best thing
10:32 that ever happen to him. Yeah.
10:34 When you get their money, they help the play.
10:36 They help the write rules. And I don't want some,
10:38 I think it be very lurid to have some bureaucrat
10:42 in Washington D.C. writing the rules for your,
10:45 how your churches gonna go.
10:47 But to a certain degree there was some of it,
10:49 but there was certain degree because we,
10:52 religion is everywhere the government is everywhere,
10:54 it's not, James Madison remember
10:56 he talked about and we used
10:58 the metaphor "Wall" which came from--
11:00 Not from Madison that was Jefferson,
11:01 we use the term. From Jefferson,
11:03 but Madison talked about a line of separation.
11:07 He talked about a line. And in many ways
11:09 as you know Madison was more specific
11:13 about maintaining that line of the separation.
11:16 Yeah, yeah, well. Jefferson was more conceptual Madison
11:19 really even argued against
11:21 paying teachers against Chaplains--
11:23 He was against the Chaplain.
11:25 And technically, technically how can you,
11:28 you know but I think whatever the court said
11:30 there was one of the early court cases years ago
11:33 where somebody fraud against chaplain
11:34 and there was a court case with it.
11:36 The supreme court voted, upheld it
11:40 and siding precedents and so on--
11:42 So usually that's sort thing is ceremonial deals--
11:46 Yeah, yeah. Something had a sort of religious--
11:48 Well, that's the money.
11:49 Been around so long, it's meaningless.
11:50 Yeah, yeah. that in God we trust the people
11:53 that thought that as well. But I think the point is
11:56 we want separation of church and state,
11:58 but it's not this clear cut.
12:01 The concept of absolute separation
12:04 of church and state is ludicrous.
12:06 It's not, you know, won it so you got absolute your church
12:10 is burning to the ground. Well, they don't pay taxes.
12:13 Well separation of church and state
12:15 why to have tax payer money come in help
12:17 put out the fire in your church
12:19 when you don't support you know
12:21 the government with tax payer money?
12:24 So it's not a clear cut thing either way around,
12:27 but when internal church disputes unless there is some,
12:32 you know, legal or civil or financial issue pretty much
12:37 the courts stay out which is the way other support.
12:39 Absolutely that's the safest way.
12:40 We will be back after a short break
12:42 to continue this discussion.
12:44 I think you will find it very interesting and I hope,
12:47 but often I hope not, but often very reminiscent to perhaps
12:50 what you have experienced in your church. We will be back.


Revised 2014-12-17