Liberty Insider

Delicate As Porcelain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Scott Christiansen


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000174A

00:22 Welcome to The Liberty Insider.
00:24 This is the program bringing you discussion, news,
00:27 updates and analysis of religious liberty events
00:30 in the United States and around the world.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine.
00:37 And my guest is Scott Christiansen.
00:39 And Scott, I want to talk about a book that you have
00:42 just recently written and is almost printed from
00:45 the Review and Herald Publishing Association
00:47 in Hagerstown, Maryland.
00:49 Not too far down the road from where I live.
00:51 Even I work in Silver Spring, Maryland.
00:54 The book is-- Planet in Distress.
00:56 Planet in Distress. Planet in Distress.
00:58 You're talking about global system decline. Yes, I am.
01:01 From a theological and a scientific
01:03 point of view explaining I think very clearly.
01:06 How man's and natures systems,
01:09 which are very much intertwined, sort of
01:11 spiraling down in what I think
01:14 is a terminal decline, isn't it?
01:16 And fulfilling prophecy while doing so. Absolutely.
01:18 we expect that.
01:19 But Seventh-day Adventists and many other Christians
01:23 see evidence of what the Bible talks about.
01:25 But you're laying it out in a logical fashion
01:28 that relates to scientific and observational analysis
01:33 that a world traveler like you can see.
01:36 Now you've been in different places.
01:38 I know you were based in Mongolia for a while.
01:43 Now you live in Maine.
01:45 We like the cold place-- You see the system
01:47 collapse up in Maine? A little bit, yeah.
01:50 System collapse in Maine is probably when the flu
01:52 blocks up and you can't run
01:54 that far in the winter. It's true.
01:56 Actually, it's literally true.
01:57 You say that jokey, but it's actually true.
01:58 No, I'm serious, it's life and death.
02:01 I wrote a book years and years ago
02:03 about a survivalist who went through a lot of personal
02:07 traumas and ended up as a doctor in Nepal.
02:10 But he told me when he was hiking up
02:11 in your part of the woods up in Canada in the winter.
02:15 He nearly lost his life once.
02:17 His boot got developed a little cut in it
02:20 and I think he got some water in crossing
02:24 a stream but a little chink in your arm or like that,
02:27 you literally can freeze to death.
02:28 Everything starts small. Big things starts small.
02:32 But I'm not really wanting to settle on Maine,
02:34 you also were posted for a while in China. Yes.
02:37 And I know from reading your book
02:38 that China was a huge case study to impress on you.
02:43 How the system declines working on a
02:45 massive scale and just so obvious.
02:48 And with your indulgence, I'll point you toward
02:51 what you said there about flying over a part of China.
02:53 Oh, oh, yeah, in the book, yes.
02:55 Tell us a little bit about that?
02:56 Well, you know, in China, 1.3 billion people and--
03:02 It's a little bit like the national debt.
03:04 It's a number almost too big to get
03:05 your head around, isn't it?
03:06 Yeah, you know, there's a joke in China.
03:09 That's one thousand three hundred million, right.
03:11 It's one thousand three hundred million,
03:12 that's a lot more than we have in the U.S.
03:15 Four times. Approximately four times.
03:17 There's a joke in China that you can make
03:19 the absolute worst product in China.
03:21 And the example that was used for me
03:23 was a when one of my hosts in China on one of my
03:26 many trips, they bought me a popsicle.
03:28 The popsicle was horrible, it was like eating chalk.
03:31 I threw it away and they said well, you know
03:33 that Popsicle maker can sell one Popsicle only one time
03:38 to every one hundred person in China
03:40 and be fantastically successful.
03:42 Yeah, so that's a lot of, that's a lot of people.
03:46 The thing in China is that China is probably
03:49 the foremost example of a country that is
03:51 currently stressed almost to the breaking point.
03:54 Has basically destroyed their environmental
03:58 resources and have engineered their country.
04:02 And that has brought them close to the breaking point.
04:05 One of the interesting things I think it's a story
04:08 that you're referring to.
04:09 But you are with the Chinese official. I was--
04:12 Flying over a farming area of China
04:15 and he was reminiscing about his childhood.
04:17 Well, it was in Northern Province.
04:18 It was in Northern Province and we were flying
04:20 and he was going up to se an ADRA project with me.
04:22 I was the country director for ADRA for China
04:24 at that time and a very wealthy--
04:26 That was the--Adventist Development Relief Agency.
04:29 Thank you, I shorthand and I--
04:31 There's gotta be a few viewers that don't know.
04:33 Okay, all right--It's an International
04:35 Aid Organization that's administered by
04:38 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. that's correct.
04:39 Using combination of church and government money, right.
04:44 And we had -- yes, exactly,
04:46 and we had some fascinating projects in China that dealt
04:49 with basic social needs and environment
04:51 at the same time.
04:52 Fascinating, that's where the needs
04:54 were in China and still are.
04:56 But this--this was a very powerful gentlemen,
04:57 he was a member of the Central Committee
05:00 or the People's Congress anyway,
05:02 very wealthy gentleman.
05:03 And at that time I was maybe 40
05:07 and he was maybe 60. All right.
05:09 And we were flying over a Northern Chinese Province
05:13 and if you look down and it's--
05:15 it's always smoggy, everywhere in China.
05:18 And if you look down you could just see
05:20 that it was all small farm plots.
05:22 And maybe a small stream, but nothing else
05:26 and he was telling me about how--Open fields.
05:28 Open fields. This wasn't country and woods all over.
05:30 No, no, none of that, none of that, none of that.
05:32 You could see to the horizon
05:34 dimly and there wasn't much.
05:36 And he was telling me this wonderful
05:39 and romantic story about how he had been forced
05:43 out of the city during the Cultural Revolution,
05:45 then forced to live with the farmers,
05:47 to whom he was nothing but a burden.
05:49 Because he didn't know how to farm.
05:50 And how a beautiful young woman had also been
05:53 forced out to the same village
05:55 and they would go into the woods at night
05:58 and they would-they would talk and they would cry
06:00 and they grew close, you know,
06:02 but they drew strength from each other
06:04 and they ended up getting married.
06:06 And he said, it's because of those forests
06:08 that my wife and I were able to spend time
06:11 together privately and to grow close together.
06:14 He said, I'll always remember that.
06:16 And he said in fact he was right below us.
06:18 What do you say?
06:19 Well, and I'm listening and I was looking out
06:21 the window again, there was nothing.
06:23 There are farms, you know, but there are no trees.
06:27 And -- and I said to him, I said wait.
06:29 Are you--you are talking about right now,
06:31 right below us. I said, there are no trees.
06:32 And he says, well, yeah, we need food more than
06:35 we need trees and they're all gone.
06:38 It is incredible and the thing is once you
06:41 get rid of the forests, which are meant to absorb
06:44 rainwater that comes in big storms
06:46 and percolated into the soil.
06:48 Once you start-- Plus the trees attract
06:51 the clouds, not smog.
06:52 Well--So it affects the rainfall pattern.
06:54 And they make oxygen and they've got
06:56 a number of tasks.
06:57 Once you thoroughly disrupt that, remember
06:59 this is the size of a couple of states in the U.S.
07:02 and the trees were used to be all trees
07:04 and now they're all were gone.
07:05 Once you do that, you've re-engineered the Earth
07:07 and you messed up the basic.
07:12 You mess up the amount of water
07:13 that's able to go into the Earth.
07:14 You mess up the ability to create topsoil.
07:18 This is a very big deal.
07:19 And probably was in the same part of China, when I saw
07:21 a program fairly recently, that outlined
07:25 how the farmers are growing fruits and stuff.
07:28 There's no breeze in that part of the China anymore.
07:30 And people hand-pollinate everything.
07:33 Every piece of fruit or fruit flower
07:36 on a tree has to be hand pollinated.
07:38 The Chinese are notorious for overusing fertilizers
07:41 and for overusing pesticides.
07:43 And yes, they kill off some, not all the bugs.
07:46 We've developed super bugs.
07:48 But they kill off the bees as well,
07:50 but in the same part of China if I could.
07:54 The farmers after a while they ran out of water
07:58 and they had to drill wells in order to get the water
08:01 that they needed to water their crops.
08:04 And then after a little bit longer they found out
08:06 they had to sink those wells yet deeper.
08:09 By that time I was there 10 years ago and looking
08:13 at the situation and trying to figure out
08:15 what could be done.
08:16 These farmers were being told they absolutely
08:18 had to produce food.
08:19 But their wells were 300 some odd feet deep.
08:22 They were reaching both the technological
08:24 and economical limits for being able to get water out.
08:28 And I asked them what you're going to do
08:29 and they said, well we'll just move
08:31 to the city and find a job and be--We starve together.
08:35 Yeah, this land won't be farmed anymore.
08:37 Yeah, you're mentioning the magic figure almost.
08:40 I lived in Idaho some years ago
08:43 and the Development Bureau had a huge well to service
08:47 probably 30 or 40, 2 to 4 acre lots,
08:51 it was 400 foot deep.
08:52 It impressed on me, that's pretty deep to get water.
08:55 That's--that's, yeah.
08:57 But China has, when it comes to converging catastrophes.
09:03 Here's a country which is one of the most
09:04 powerful on earth.
09:05 Certainly perhaps the most vibrant economy
09:09 at the current. The up and coming.
09:10 Not the largest, but certainly
09:12 the one with the most momentum.
09:14 And yet it's the one that has --
09:16 it's the canary and the coal mine
09:17 when it comes down to collapse,
09:20 actual collapse of systems.
09:22 If we can see it anywhere in the world,
09:23 we can see it in China.
09:24 Well it's really stage 2, because I remember
09:28 with the fall of the Berlin Wall
09:29 and the true opening up of what was behind
09:34 the iron curtain, not the bamboo curtain,
09:36 we discovered that the east--lot of
09:37 Eastern Europe was in the same desperate situation
09:40 and of course Chernobyl, bit of an example of
09:44 things run amuck.
09:46 So that the whole atmosphere is pretty much being
09:48 poisoned in those huge sewers of the world.
09:53 And mind you, I've just comeback
09:54 from New York City and Chicago.
09:56 In my view, they're blotted in their own way.
09:59 So your book resonated with me, yet man is pretty
10:02 much filing his nest in a major ecological way. Yeah.
10:06 And it's more than just sad, more than just even creating
10:11 an immediate desperation.
10:12 It's really dragging the entire infrastructure
10:15 down, doesn't it?
10:16 It is, it is, and you know it's not just,
10:19 it's not just the systems that God created,
10:23 that sustained life on this planet.
10:25 Our food production system, our oceanic system,
10:27 our freshwater system, it's not just those things
10:31 what we're also getting at the same time
10:33 is the failure of an systems.
10:36 Our financial, our global financial system,
10:39 that's a global system that God didn't create.
10:41 Thank goodness for our mailing system,
10:43 but also our oil system.
10:46 And--and financial systems very much tied up
10:48 to the natural system.
10:49 Like the pork belly futures and all the rest.
10:51 Well that's just not a phrase that's tied up
10:53 to farm production.
10:55 And it's man financial betting on the outcome of--
10:59 in that case in an industrial operation--
11:02 an agricultural operation.
11:04 Well, there's a saying, and the person to attribute
11:07 it to escapes my mind at the moment unfortunately.
11:10 But the say it's quoted a lot.
11:12 The saying is that, "our real economy is wholly
11:15 owned subsidiary of our natural economy
11:18 and without the benefits that were--
11:23 that we received for so long from an abundant planet
11:26 that was created by God, we actually don't have any
11:29 basis for industry or anything else."
11:31 Absolutely, we'll probably be reduced for those that
11:34 remembereth, it's in my younger days
11:37 days but there was a movie that I never saw
11:39 which featured Soylent Green.
11:41 Oh, I've heard about that. I've never seen it again.
11:45 People were living on this mysterious green substance
11:48 and it turned out that it was recycled people. Yeah.
11:51 You know, the Bible in prophecy,
11:54 well not a prophecy, it tells stories of desperate
11:57 time in the past where people are reduced to that.
12:00 We might think we're immune but in the reality
12:02 we're already consuming our environment
12:07 in very veracious ways.
12:10 We have enough people that become a commodity
12:12 and this is part of the connection
12:14 I see to religious liberty.
12:15 As this spirals down, the value of a human being
12:18 is being degraded I think. Yes.
12:20 Man's fellows aren't as important,
12:22 in fact we're more and more in competition
12:24 with each other. Yes.
12:25 And the image of God is being erased.
12:29 We need--this is a good time to take a break,
12:31 so we'll move away for a few seconds.
12:34 Please come back after the break and we'll continue
12:36 this discussion of global system degradation
12:39 and looking at China as our prime example.


Revised 2014-12-17