Liberty Insider

Planet In Distress, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Scott Christiansen


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000172A

00:23 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:25 This is the program bringing you discussion,
00:27 news, views, and updates on religious liberty events
00:31 around the world and of course in the United States
00:33 where we are based. My name Lincoln Stead,
00:36 editor of Liberty Magazine, and my guest of the program is
00:39 Scott Christiansen, author of a very provocative book.
00:43 Now, before I start you off-- it doesn't take much
00:46 for an author to talk about his book.
00:47 That's true. Before I starts you off,
00:49 I need to tell you and the viewers
00:52 that years and years ago when I was in Australia
00:54 and working on a division paper that came out weekly,
00:57 we used to get a lot of letters from the constituency.
00:59 And for-- I'd say three-four months,
01:03 no, maybe even as much long as a year, we had people writing in
01:06 and letters built on other letters,
01:08 all debating whether or not we should move
01:10 out of this city into the country.
01:13 Ellen White writing to early Adventists
01:16 recommended that has become to the end of times.
01:18 The collapse of systems, which you wrote about,
01:21 that we should perhaps be thinking about retiring from
01:24 the city environment to homes in the country
01:27 where the most self-sufficient and beyond the troubles.
01:32 What do you think about that? Oh, well---
01:33 Hypothetically. Well, not, not, not hypothetically.
01:37 I pointed this in the book. I think, with all due respect,
01:40 I think you self-pedaled a bit. Because she said,
01:44 we should begin to remove ourselves from the cities,
01:47 And this is over 100 years ago. Right.
01:49 And we should begin to leave the cities. And you know,
01:52 The interesting thing is-- I'll interrupt to you.
01:54 Yeah, The reason I'm self-pedaling it
01:55 and I talk about these often as I travel around
01:58 and after the meetings. I have a radical view on this.
02:02 I think it's almost too late for the average person.
02:04 Well, we're the average person,
02:07 if you talk about getting up and leaving,
02:11 which means upsetting economically,
02:13 upsetting the economic basis, trying to reestablish oneself,
02:17 trying to live a simpler life, trying to, you know,
02:20 can you do that, maybe you can do it if you're debt free,
02:23 which is one more reason we've been counseled
02:25 to be debt free. Absolutely.
02:26 It gets more and more difficult everyday.
02:28 But here is the thing. We've been talking about
02:32 the collapse, the declining collapse of global system.
02:35 This is what your books about. This is what the books about,
02:37 "Planet in Distress." It's what the book is about.
02:39 And we've been talking about how the systems
02:45 that God created that really keep the planet operating.
02:50 The oceanic system, the atmospheric system,
02:52 the fresh water system, our food production system,
02:57 how all of these to the effects of sin-
02:59 And there all interconnected. Interconnected and becoming--
03:01 It was like Disney on the Lion King,
03:04 the web of life or whatever, God did that.
03:07 And it's a one thing, nothing exits to itself,
03:10 every system it relates. And if one is attracted from it,
03:15 it pulls another down, doesn't it?
03:17 And as they, and what we see then
03:18 is an exhilarating decline in all of these systems.
03:22 You know, we've lived upto this point in an era
03:26 of increasing goods, increasing abundance.
03:28 Since World War II. Since World War II.
03:30 Well, when I say, you know, in our time
03:32 I'm talking about my lifetime. Yeah.
03:33 And maybe my father's lifetime but you know,
03:35 we've reached the peak in a going over and--
03:38 and this as tremendous implications. And one of the--
03:44 to speak to what you were just saying,
03:46 one of the implications is, if the people
03:48 who live in cities, in an era of declining resources,
03:53 what you get is people who cannot create
03:59 any of their resources. They can't grow their own food.
04:02 They can't create their own energy.
04:03 They can't chop a tree down.
04:04 And the trouble has been greatly about
04:06 the United States, to be honest,
04:08 and this is where I'm living now,
04:09 even though I'm originally from Australia.
04:11 The climate is severe in places like Maine.
04:14 In Maine? From where I hailed from.
04:16 That was a lifeline. Well, you know,
04:19 when I left to come to this program, it was four degrees.
04:22 So...yes, it's a severe climate. But, you know
04:24 there is fairly severe so assured of growing season
04:29 as well as, you know, the firewood season.
04:33 But what-- I thought what will happen and you don't even
04:36 have to think of the end of time to be in this monsoon.
04:39 What would happen in a huge dislocation,
04:41 if there was another World War? The international trade
04:44 would suffer and the things like computers and that might
04:48 not be so reliable and you'd be on your own resources.
04:51 Well, you look at power grid to get down. How do you survive?
04:54 I don't think we'll set up to that but it's
04:57 the salutary listed to be, when I traveled to Europe,
05:00 I can remember in German cities, in Geneva,
05:07 going to an area like a city park where they divided
05:11 the area up into the little plots about 40x40 and anyone
05:17 that owned the home, had to access
05:19 to that little plot. They can grow the gardens.
05:21 And I've read a lot about World War II.
05:23 Many people survived World War II
05:27 in those cities in Germany and England for that matter,
05:30 because they were able to grow
05:31 their own little personal garden.
05:33 And in the U.S, there were Victory Gardens so called.
05:35 Yes. But I think we've passed that level in the U.S
05:38 that's not set up for it. But, you know,
05:40 it's easy to get from where we're now, from our discussion
05:42 with the point of our discussion now to fanaticism.
05:44 And it's easy to loose the focus and say,
05:47 my primary goal is to survive. Absolutely.
05:50 I'm glad you brought that thing because
05:51 I was gonna hit that next. Well, you know,
05:54 We-- it's we've been given advice for more than 100 years
05:58 to leave the cities but we need to focus on
06:00 the fact that the reason we were given
06:02 that advice was so that we could
06:04 be continue to be an effective witness
06:06 and not get caught up in the chaos. A city -
06:09 And now we can create our own chaos by living precipitously.
06:12 Don't you believe that? Well, not so much that.
06:14 It could be a personal disaster. It must be prayerful.
06:18 I mean, we should all be let of God in everything that we do.
06:22 And we should absolutely take this up in prayer.
06:24 Any big move should not be made on what appears to be.
06:27 You know, my great grandmother was convinced
06:29 Christ was coming in her lifetime.
06:31 My grandmother the same. They're both dead and buried.
06:33 I believe Christis coming in my lifetime on the basis of
06:36 different evidence. The evidence we see now.
06:38 Yeah, I agree. But time may go on and I could be wrong.
06:41 The moves that we make, should be made prayerfully.
06:44 We should be led by God. Absolutely.
06:46 I do tell people that I think it's too late,
06:50 not too late in very case, but I think too late
06:52 for general encouragement because that could be
06:56 socially disruptive in this case for people to
06:59 people to following that biblical advice. Right.
07:02 I was impressed some years ago, before 9/11,
07:09 in the United States whereas there was a law
07:11 that if you sold your house you had to buy one of equal
07:15 or greater value or else you be taxed on the difference
07:18 and only when you retire do you get one time,
07:21 I think it was 125,000 dollar tax-free profit.
07:24 So it was very difficult until the time of retirement
07:28 to sort of uptakes and take your list
07:30 and dig and to use part of it
07:31 to buy that home and to live in the country.
07:34 But then in one fell sweep the law was changed.
07:39 It said you could turn your house into money.
07:41 House was selling at a historic level.
07:43 The prices were higher than ever.
07:46 The sale of building was there, The economy was good.
07:48 I don't believe in, no matter how long time goes on,
07:51 in our lifetime it will never be like that again.
07:53 That was the little golden moment.
07:55 And I likened that privately to sort of,
07:58 The armies pulling back from Jerusalem.
08:00 That little golden moment for those that were in
08:02 the besiege city to get out before the Rome was destroyed.
08:05 Right. But that doesn't mean that you're personally
08:08 Or spiritually lost, It just means life gets a little harder
08:11 than it might have been if you hadn't acted on
08:15 before warning. You know, in my book, I spent time.
08:19 first part of the book is looking at the science
08:22 of the collapse of these systems
08:24 and looking then at the social impacts.
08:26 What's coming and how it alliance with prophecy.
08:30 And towards the end of the book,
08:31 I say, well here's what we can do?
08:33 Well, the very first thing that I list that we can do
08:37 is to get know Jesus Christ as a friend. Absolutely
08:39 You know, Lee Venden says, it's not what you know
08:43 it's who you know, that gets you into heaven.
08:45 And I list a number of things that we should be doing.
08:48 And almost aside from planting a garden
08:51 and getting out of the cities, none of it has to do with
08:54 self preservation because that's not the point.
08:57 I glad you bring that because Ellen White also writing to
09:01 Adventists pointed out that at the very end of time,
09:03 she must've been reading a history if not listening
09:06 to the angels that she said, people come and take your God.
09:10 They do. Yeah. And that's gonna be case,
09:12 When it's every man for himself without the protection
09:15 of angels, you pretty much at the mercy of whatever
09:17 marauding neighbor or faction might come through you area.
09:22 So these are just--the advice I think to move to the country
09:27 These are just sort of logical steps to remove yourself from
09:31 the immediate trauma But for absolute protection,
09:34 it has to be a divine origin and even then,
09:37 what's this all about? we're turning this into more
09:40 of a theological discussion. We are. But really,
09:42 it's not about whether you or I are safe from trouble,
09:45 whether we're able to live comfortably verses
09:47 under some distress. The whole point of what
09:51 we called to do by God is to witness to his name,
09:53 talk about, and now we are back to your book.
09:56 Seventh Adventists says, the three angel's message
09:59 is on the first one, concerns proclamation
10:02 of the creator, God. We had to represent God
10:04 correctly here to facilitate His coming kingdom.
10:08 But it is not about us, it's about God.
10:09 You know, if our expectation of God
10:12 is that he will give us a comfortable life.
10:14 He never promised that. He never promised that.
10:17 And if that's our expectation then as times become more
10:19 difficult and they already are certainly in my lifetime,
10:22 then we will fall way from God. Now God,
10:25 how dare you give me inconvenience in my life?
10:29 And so being forewarned is being forearmed.
10:32 In this case, it's the matter of withdrawing from the world.
10:36 When you take a look at the collapse of the global systems
10:39 and how we are having much less food production
10:43 or will have much less food production and all of these
10:45 other converging problems, which we may wanna talk about
10:48 some more but when you take a look at all of those things,
10:51 the point then is to withdraw from the world and withdraw
10:56 spiritually and certainly from the world but to the extent
10:59 you can't withdraw from being relied on the world.
11:01 Who would want to strap themselves
11:03 to the railing of the Titanic? Absolutely.
11:06 Get away. Absolutely. Get away.
11:07 And even talking about food production.
11:09 You and I and others Seventh Adventists particularly
11:14 being blessed by some advised given hundred plus years ago
11:18 on health reform and natural foods and the Bible-based diet
11:24 But when I look up what's happening especially in the U.S
11:27 But the West exemplifies it generally.
11:29 The food on the shelves is sort of artificial food.
11:33 Yeah. And I believe that's covered in some ways
11:36 for a shortage of real food. Yeah. I mean things are
11:39 with fillers and emulsifier Every, all of them.
11:43 Who knows what's in there? you know the ingredients.
11:45 I remember being stattled once when I was living back
11:49 In Australia a few decades ago to read in the news that
11:52 The Peter's ice-cream, which was the largest ice-cream maker
11:55 of that time in Australia, had struck at deal with
11:58 the abattoirs or the slaughterhouses
12:00 to buy all their blood. The way of the--
12:05 sorry the serum, the white part of the blood
12:10 and they were using that to thicken the ice-cream.
12:12 Oh! Who knows what's in it. And my wife did-
12:17 You just put me off ice-cream, by the way.
12:19 My wife did marketing studies and they had a food expert
12:22 come and lectured them once and he pointed out
12:24 that the hotdogs in the U.S, have a certain
12:26 percentage of earthworms. It's another name for it,
12:29 but not just that they happened to be there.
12:31 They put them in there to raise the protein content.
12:33 So who knows what we're eating? Who knows?
12:36 And I think some of it is not just to make money. It's to--
12:39 it's to make up the short fall from the existence of real,
12:43 Nutritious, old-fashioned food You know, you could laugh,
12:48 I hope we laugh about it but at base this is sign of
12:51 a system collapse of food production.
12:54 We'll be back after this break to discuss further with aurthor
12:56 Scott Christensen, his book on global system collapse,
13:01 "Planet in Distress," is it's title. Stay with us.


Revised 2014-12-17