Liberty Insider

Religious Liberty In The Workplace, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Bruce N. Cameron


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000167B

00:03 Welcome back to Liberty Insider.
00:05 Before the break with Professor Bruce Cameron
00:07 we were really getting into some of
00:10 the nuts and bolts Bruce of the labor union issue
00:15 as far as religious accommodation
00:17 and really whether the dynamic is a correct one,
00:21 whether it's really inhibiting individual choice
00:25 particularly freedom of conscience.
00:28 I need to--I'll throw you something
00:29 up to you just to see you.
00:31 Give me harder time.
00:33 You know, I've--absolutely the Seventh-day Adventist
00:36 believe that there's a problem with unions,
00:40 requiring membership and so on
00:42 and some of the things they stand for,
00:43 and I've no question extrapolating
00:46 from where we're now to a moment of great crisis.
00:49 I could see unions working in a bad way
00:53 to inhibit someone standing for their faith.
00:57 But I've noticed on a number of occasions in cases
01:01 in the last few years where a Seventh-day Adventist
01:04 or someone else's faith is wanting
01:05 in religious accommodation
01:07 and the employers-yeah, employer is objecting
01:13 that there's been cases where
01:15 the union is sympathetic to their case
01:17 and argues on their behalf too.
01:20 They're not a union member.
01:21 Do you think that-- well I put it another way.
01:25 Are the labor unions always the enemy
01:27 to freedom of conscience in the work place?
01:31 Are they sometimes that they could
01:37 at least do some little good.
01:39 Well, if a labor union is helping a person
01:43 obtain a religious accommodation praise them,
01:47 blessings on them.
01:50 I've a number of union lawyers throughout the country
01:54 who cooperate with me on religious accommodation issues.
01:57 I mentioned the NEA before.
01:59 The NEA has official, and they had--
02:02 its not written down anywhere,
02:04 but they made a decision about15 years ago
02:09 that they would not fright me on religious accommodation
02:13 that the NEA itself would cooperate with me
02:15 on the basic accommodation issue.
02:17 We're sitting right here in the State of Illinois,
02:20 the General Council of the NEAFLA in Illinois
02:24 has been extraordinarily cooperative in working out
02:28 religious accommodation issues with me
02:32 and will routinely accommodate teachers
02:36 public school teachers represented by the NEA
02:38 who have religious objections.
02:40 But in general unions are poison
02:43 for religious accommodation and here is the reason why.
02:46 There's a U.S. Supreme Court case
02:47 called TWA versus Hardison.
02:49 Yes, I know that good.
02:50 And Hardison, Title VII says,
02:54 that an employer and union have to attempt
02:57 to accommodate the religious beliefs of an employee
02:59 unless to do so it create undo hardship, all right.
03:02 Well, the defendant in that case was Trans World Airlines.
03:05 What would be a hardship for a multi-million dollar company?
03:10 Trans World is not as big now,
03:12 but then they were the number two airline in the country.
03:14 Would it be a loss of one million, two million?
03:17 You know, if that be a hardship the statute says
03:20 undo hardship and so you think what
03:22 we're talking about more than a million dollars.
03:26 In our day, it's come down to million dollars.
03:28 Well, the Supreme Court lacking a dictionary
03:31 in their building said undo hardship,
03:33 oh that means having to pay overtime,
03:37 it's just an outrage in my view with regard
03:40 to the statutory language.
03:43 Undo hardship means almost nothing
03:45 but undue hardship is always found whether is a breach
03:51 of a collective bargaining agreement.
03:53 That's why if a Christian who seeks an accommodation
03:57 of their faith is working into
03:58 a collective bargaining agreement,
04:00 if that agreement is contrary to the accommodation
04:03 that relieves the employer of any accommodation.
04:06 So if a person who is a Christian is very concerned
04:10 about faith should avoid working in a workplace
04:13 where there is a union,
04:15 because the collective bargaining agreement
04:16 is an absolute barrier to accommodation.
04:20 The law is that you cannot enforce the union
04:23 or the employer to violate
04:24 the collective bargaining agreement.
04:25 It's an interesting point I've never thought,
04:27 I mean the way you explain it is very plain.
04:33 The point I was going to make though
04:34 just a philosophical one in not only a democracy
04:38 but this-- the United States
04:42 where there is a culture of respect for religious faith,
04:47 it's not quite a religious republic, Christian Republic,
04:52 its not even quite Protestant anymore,
04:54 but it certainly overwhelmingly
04:57 a Christian oriented society.
05:02 It would seem that a union should have
05:04 an innate sympathy for the-- that stand of its members.
05:10 Now, the knock against unionism in unless really,
05:13 I'll get myself into trouble,
05:15 because every time someone publicly ventures this,
05:17 but I know in Nazi-Germany, the unions were picked up
05:20 because of the socialist leanings.
05:23 And I know in Australia where I'm from,
05:25 unions have an inordinate affinity
05:29 to socialist viewpoints and antagonism to religion.
05:35 There's reasons that they're when they're like that
05:39 they treated badly.
05:40 But wouldn't you think that unionism in United States
05:44 regardless of collective bargaining
05:46 some would set have inculcated within this respect
05:50 and readiness to uphold its members Christians
05:55 and faith particulars. No.
06:00 I know it's prosily, but-- But here's the--
06:03 That's there's reasonable expectation of this society
06:06 not just the government
06:07 or some organization challenging the unions.
06:12 The reason why I can so flatly say
06:14 no is the strength of organized labor is in the collective,
06:18 not in the individual.
06:19 You're talking about individual rights.
06:21 The entire philosophy of organized labor
06:24 is antithetical to individual rights
06:26 and when you mentioned to me the union
06:30 representing the Adventists who is not a member
06:33 is sounded as if you thought union
06:35 was doing the Adventists a favor.
06:38 No I think its in concurrence of aims
06:41 that they wanted to bring the employer into line
06:45 and say this suited therein.
06:46 Well, it's more than that.
06:48 Unions have an obligation to represent nonmembers.
06:52 Why is that?
06:53 It's because before the union comes to town.
06:56 Every employ can go to their employer and say
06:59 this is the deal I'd like to workout for wages, hours,
07:02 conditions of employment.
07:03 The employer can say no the employee can walk-off
07:05 and so I'm gonna work some place else
07:07 where you've complete freedom to do that.
07:10 Once the union comes to town
07:11 and because the exclusive bargaining representative
07:14 it ousts everyone from being able to represent themselves
07:19 and the union alone speaks for them.
07:22 The law then imposes upon unions
07:24 a duty of fair representation to represent every member
07:27 of the bargaining unit fairly
07:29 because they've disabled them from representing themselves.
07:32 The flip side, I never thought of it.
07:33 Oh, this is a legal requirement. Yeah.
07:35 In every collective bargaining context,
07:38 so that why I say,
07:39 it's not out of the generosity of their heart
07:41 that they are doing this.
07:42 They're doing it because they've a legal obligation
07:44 because they disabled this person
07:46 from representing themselves. Yes.
07:50 Well tell me some more stories of simple cases.
07:53 I tell you a great story.
07:55 You know, we were talking about
07:56 the right of religious accommodation
07:58 and how Seventh-day Adventist have this concern
08:01 because we're teaching at the church
08:02 and I mentioned that my 35 plus years of litigating
08:07 funded by the National Network Foundation
08:10 has broadened the religious accommodation
08:12 to all sincere religious believers.
08:15 And I'll tell you a story that shows the necessity for that.
08:17 A dear lady in Ohio
08:21 applied for a religious accommodation.
08:23 She was a Catholic, she wasn't an Adventist,
08:25 she was denied.
08:27 She called the General Counsel
08:29 of the Ohio Education Association and said,
08:33 I need an accommodation I've been denied
08:36 and the General Counsel of the OEA
08:38 and there's some dispute from the General Counsel's view
08:41 about what was said.
08:42 But my client says that the General Counsel
08:44 told her she had to stop being a Catholic
08:47 and started being I guess Seventh-day Adventist
08:49 or a member of a church that had these teachings.
08:52 And so, this teacher had been teaching for 20 some years.
08:57 She was a devout Catholic. She loved her church.
09:00 She wanted to obey God. And she loved her job.
09:03 She didn't want to retire.
09:05 And she was sitting there
09:06 having to choose between the two.
09:08 It turned out that I was working on another case in Ohio
09:12 where the United States government
09:14 had sued the State of Ohio
09:17 and the EEOC had sued the union.
09:19 And a bunch of papers would come out of this
09:21 and one of the papers was a paper
09:22 that had this lady's name on it and her problem.
09:26 I'm always very reluctant to just call people up,
09:29 I mean start in proper but I'm reluctant to do this,
09:33 but I thought I was-- I thought that I should call her.
09:38 I was just being impressed to call her up.
09:40 I called her up and I called her up
09:42 right after she hung up the phone
09:44 with this Union General Counsel.
09:46 And I said I've got your name here,
09:48 I've got your case, it came into discovery,
09:51 would you like to have me help you.
09:53 And I took her case and we won
09:56 and she got accommodated
09:58 and she didn't have to give up her faith.
10:00 You know this is a good point
10:02 that we need to remind our viewers,
10:03 we're arguing for religious freedom.
10:05 For everyone. As Seventh-day Adventists.
10:07 Right. Just to get it for our group
10:10 is a pyrrhic victory. Right.
10:12 Religious liberty, it's being shown historically
10:14 and I think morally from the biblical point of view.
10:16 Everybody should have, if it's just for you
10:19 that's not freedom, that's special treatment for me.
10:22 That's the violation of church, state separation,
10:26 if one church is the favorite church.
10:28 So you know I definitely on
10:31 more than on the right track.
10:33 You're doing a wonderful work in defending people
10:36 in the context of union threat.
10:41 I wouldn't like to characterize
10:42 that we are opposed to union per se,
10:45 but we're opposed to the dynamic
10:47 that union represent to people of faith in the workplace.
10:49 Right, that's right and the great joy of my life
10:53 has been to help these employees who feel
10:56 that they're faced with the choice between faith and family.
11:00 And I'm able to comment
11:02 and accommodate get them accommodate
11:04 and the great blessing Lincoln is this.
11:06 All the years I've been doing this
11:08 an employee who comes to me and stays with me,
11:11 gets accommodated.
11:12 One hundred percent I've never had anyone
11:14 who is not accommodated.
11:17 Wonderful work that you're doing.
11:18 Oh, it's a blessing,
11:19 its God's blessing on my life and so,
11:23 you know, if there is anyone who is listening
11:25 and says, I've got this problem,
11:27 I've got this concern.
11:28 There is a way out, you cannot be forced
11:31 to choose between your conscience
11:33 and support of a labor union.
11:37 It's always problematic for a Christian
11:39 it seems to me in thinking about union membership,
11:44 but not only it might be union restrict your direct practice
11:49 of your Christian or religious faith.
11:51 But the union may on its own--the advancing
11:55 and standing and recommending policies
11:58 that are direct contradiction.
12:00 For example, the teachers union
12:02 which should be dedicated to pursuing in public policy
12:08 what its members do in their employment.
12:10 Training and up building
12:12 and preparing another generation for service.
12:16 It's very problematic that same union
12:19 is actually advancing pro-abortion
12:23 and other policies that would actually
12:25 restrict the very constituency that they have to teach.
12:31 The Christian I believe
12:33 cannot join with such an organization.
12:36 The Christian needs to be consistent,
12:39 morally consistent with what they're called to do.
12:43 The Christian I believe
12:46 and the Seventh-day Adventist church
12:47 is long held needs to examine very closely,
12:50 how they'll associate with the trade union.
12:54 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17