Liberty Insider

Rome's Appeal For World Government

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000157

00:22 Welcome to the "Liberty Insider."
00:24 This is the program that brings you discussion,
00:26 news, views and up-to-date information
00:29 on religious liberty, developments around the world.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:35 and my guest on the program is Greg Hamilton.
00:38 Welcome, Greg. Thank you.
00:42 We could talk about a lot of things
00:44 and I am hesitating because
00:45 I need to present this correctly.
00:47 A Seventh-day Adventist, Protestant Christians,
00:50 you know, we're part of a great heritage.
00:53 As individuals promoting religious freedom,
00:56 we have to respect all belief systems and,
00:59 you know, we believe that, you know,
01:02 we've interpreted the Bible correctly for our times.
01:05 We don't believe that Buddhism and so on
01:07 are valid but we have absolutely,
01:10 we will defend to-- I think you are the same as me.
01:13 I have to defend to my death,
01:15 the right of someone to believe anything
01:18 freely to practice that.
01:21 But when we are talking about religious freedom,
01:22 when we talk about history, prophecy, global developments,
01:26 we can't ignore some of the major players and Rome,
01:31 the Pope of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church
01:33 has a long history, it goes back before the reformation,
01:36 it's made certain claims,
01:38 it's carried on persecutions at certain times,
01:41 it is not a persecuting power now.
01:43 But when we look at prophecy,
01:45 we see intimations that again Rome will play a central role.
01:50 Now you and I, I think could comfortably now discuss
01:53 what's going on now with Rome?
01:54 There is some documents coming out of Rome
01:57 that are very problematic on the future of religious freedom
02:00 and as far as fulfilling predictions against aggressive,
02:05 a dominant world, religious world view
02:07 that may require adherence to those points.
02:10 Well, let me first address Revelation 17,
02:14 let me address a document that just came out
02:16 of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
02:19 Revelation 17 describes this woman riding this beast, okay.
02:25 Seems like the title for a book, doesn't it.
02:27 With ten horns and ten heads essentially,
02:31 and there are ten kings that arise out of this
02:35 which we know as the European Union
02:37 and European powers, and NATO.
02:39 Well, we know that, but this is a point
02:41 that many Christians have gotten way gone,
02:44 because they left behind books and others have taken
02:47 a whole different scenario, you know,
02:50 with the secret rapture and then the system
02:54 that's left behind after that.
02:55 They've got it horribly skewed
02:56 but Protestant Bible explain this,
02:59 it is understood at the way you are explaining now,
03:02 it's not a new idea. Right.
03:03 It's just been ignored for a while.
03:05 Well, it's symbolic the woman,
03:07 the harlot the false church sitting on the beast,
03:10 a symbolic of her influence to the kings of the world
03:13 and how they drink of the wine of her adulteries.
03:16 And the beast, there is always a false system.
03:18 Correct, It ultimately derive from the dragon.
03:20 So there is heavy duty political global influence
03:24 going on dating back to the,
03:26 you know, St. Augustine's period,
03:29 Constantine's period where Rome began its rise
03:33 and so on with Justinian and so on.
03:35 So from 538 A.D., clear to 1260
03:38 and beyond when the wound was or is healing today.
03:42 Can I interject? Yes.
03:44 The fatal flow of Rome's development
03:47 and of today was to laying on the power of the state
03:51 to support its doctrinal viewpoint, right.
03:54 That's where religious liberty becomes vitally important,
03:56 because we believe in the separation
03:59 of church and state that the state
04:01 which is into compelling certain law
04:03 shouldn't be part of a religious equation.
04:05 But the model I am trying to paint here
04:08 is something that I have to elaborate here
04:10 and that is basically the idea that Rome leads from behind,
04:15 it leads never out front as if it's dominant and all powerful.
04:19 Because like Stalin said,
04:23 how many divisions does the Pope have?
04:27 Well, that was actually an accurate statement.
04:29 Yet the Pope and the Vatican and the Popes
04:32 who have been the Popes throughout history
04:35 has always lead through secret diplomacy
04:38 and influence behind the scenes.
04:40 So that's been where it's got this influence.
04:41 So this picture of this harlot riding the beast
04:44 so to speak is a depiction of the church riding the state
04:49 or basically pulling the strings like
04:52 as if the beast were puppet. That's a good point.
04:54 Okay, so, so when you get on to Revelation 17
04:58 and you read verses 12 through 14
04:59 which says the ten horns you saw ten kings
05:02 who have not yet received the kingdom
05:03 but who for one hour will receive the authority
05:05 as kings along with beasts says they have one purpose
05:08 and will give their power and authority to the beast,
05:10 a lamb like beast, Protestant America.
05:12 And it says, they will make a war against the lamb
05:14 and His chosen and faithful people.
05:17 It says the lamb and His chosen faithful people
05:19 will overcome them, okay. That's future, okay.
05:22 We don't know when-- they will spiritually overcome.
05:24 We know that it will be a global western US led alliance
05:30 that brings us about,
05:32 but behind the scenes is always Rome,
05:34 lurking behind the scenes, that's why in verses 17 and 18,
05:39 it says that, it describes the city,
05:42 it describes this prostitute where it sits
05:46 describes it as waters which represent
05:49 many people's multitudes nations and languages,
05:51 represents the whole globe
05:53 essentially it's influence, okay.
05:55 And so its influence has spread throughout,
05:58 it's the largest religion in the world,
06:00 Islam comes close, but not as close in terms of numbers
06:04 what is Roman Catholic Church is something like
06:09 nearly two billion strong and Islam is like 1.2 billion.
06:14 So you have verses 16 and 17 where it says that
06:17 these powers go along with her influence
06:21 or suggest they go along with her influence
06:23 as described by the earlier part of the book
06:26 Chapter 17 of Revelation.
06:28 But then it says they turn on her and eat her flesh,
06:34 they burn her with fire.
06:35 And so it suggests that this global alliance,
06:38 this world alliance comes to a bad end for Rome,
06:42 that they are upset, they regret having followed Rome
06:45 and wonder why did we followed Rome?
06:47 This has let us down a rosy path
06:51 that ended up in taken us to perditions.
06:54 Well, it's the whole point of the Bible
06:55 that showed that compromising sin
06:57 doesn't work out well. Yes.
06:58 I should explain that the point of prophecy
07:01 when John received the Revelation at his time,
07:04 it was very unambiguous to all Christian
07:07 reading this that Rome was Pagan Rome
07:11 was the persecutor of the saints,
07:12 it was the epitome of all that oppose God's system.
07:16 And it meant manipulated kings and emperors.
07:18 Absolutely, yes and it's fairly easy to show historically
07:22 how Pagan Rome morphed into Papal Rome.
07:26 In fact present day Rome themselves,
07:30 the Roman Church themselves likes to trace that lineage.
07:34 And it reached the point with the fall of Rome
07:36 at one point the vicar of Rome comes out there
07:38 and parlays with the barbarians who were destroying the city,
07:41 the civil power so disappeared but here the religious leader
07:45 was essentially the leader of that state.
07:48 I have this abridged version of St. Augustine's city of Gods,
07:52 a little paper back at home and inside the introduction
07:54 is written by the famous philosopher Etienne Gilson.
07:59 And in there he talks about how St. Augustine
08:04 perceived this city of God or looked at the city of God
08:08 and basically what he was talking about
08:10 Etienne Gilson writes is a one world government.
08:13 A one world government that essentially
08:16 was influenced by Rome and of course at that time
08:21 the western power was Europe, okay,
08:23 united especially after the Westphalian pact
08:26 or agreement in 1648 where the-- where each European nation
08:30 would be sovereign but would live peacefully as neighbors
08:34 with each other and promote so called religious freedom
08:39 and human rights which emerged from that.
08:42 Now it's worth mentioning, I think with Augustine
08:45 we can reasonably assume that he didn't see his views
08:48 as leading to persecution and I think that many,
08:51 if not most times during the Papal era
08:54 and even coming through today.
08:57 I don't ascribe the worst motives
09:00 to the Papal plans or to Roman plans.
09:04 It's just that human beings will tend that way
09:07 and whenever you unite church and state or political power
09:10 and religious power, it will come to a bad end.
09:13 And so they've embraced this poison pill
09:16 of using political names to create religious orthodoxy.
09:21 The poison pills I think has been swallowed
09:23 is what we talked about it in our earlier segment
09:25 that we just filmed and that is just war theory.
09:28 It's that's the pill,
09:29 that's the pill because what it is.
09:31 Because they think that they have the right to act
09:34 as governments do.
09:35 You know, ultimately and this is large socially.
09:38 If you are really think about it a civil government
09:40 reserves the right to use force. Yes.
09:43 That's how it maintains itself.
09:44 But even Paul says that they wield not the sword in vain.
09:48 But St. Augustine was the first one
09:50 actually in documented history to come up with this idea
09:52 of just war theory along with Thomas Aquinas
09:55 who actually applied.
09:57 If you look at the historical situation for time
09:59 it was an expedient doctrine that developed.
10:01 St Thomas Aquinas actually came up with
10:05 more of an international formula for it
10:07 which has been followed ever since.
10:09 In the last segment we talked about Barack Obama
10:11 and how he believes in just war theory
10:14 from his upbringing in Catholic,
10:15 mostly Catholic schools during his upbringing.
10:18 But this Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
10:21 came up with a document just a few weeks ago titled...
10:26 Is there a date on it? It just says Vatican City,
10:29 2011 but it was released in October.
10:31 Yeah, around October.
10:33 In October, and in says towards reforming the international,
10:35 financial and monitory systems
10:37 in the context of global public authority.
10:40 And what they are calling for is essentially a global agency
10:45 or a global governing authority to govern
10:49 how money is used and basically you would think that
10:53 they were supporting the occupied Wall Street movement
10:56 saying that there is the poor
11:00 and then there is the few wealthy
11:01 and therefore the rich, the wealthy ought to be
11:05 more just and ought to be more noble
11:08 and ought to distribute that wealth more evenly,
11:11 so that people don't suffer in the name of the common good.
11:15 Now, you know, this document itself
11:17 makes references to the other people pronouncements
11:20 going back several or at least two of the Popes,
11:24 but where I see an immediate antecedent
11:26 to this was in the document in 2009.
11:30 Caritas in Veritates,
11:32 Papal Encyclical given to Barack Obama,
11:36 it lead the bank copy as he went to the G10,
11:38 I think it was at that time. Yes.
11:40 And it lays out there that the plans
11:43 for the new world order and it's not bad reading,
11:45 I am not offended as I read it,
11:47 but you put it all together and it sort of signals exactly
11:51 what they are saying here that the Rome sees itself
11:54 as the God father of the new world order
11:57 that it administered in a blanket application
12:01 of moral principles that created fairness in union
12:06 and labor relations, fairness in financial markets,
12:09 helps the average workers spiritually and so on.
12:13 And John Paul the II, advocated this sort of thing,
12:15 but there is more coming out by different Catholic experts
12:21 so called that are down playing this documents
12:24 saying it's not a particularly important document
12:28 because the Vatican or the Pope didn't give his blessing.
12:32 When he thinks the lady does protest too much.
12:34 When in fact Pope Benedict went to the United Nations in 2009
12:39 and basically stated all of this
12:42 two years in advance of this document.
12:44 Oh now, this is very central to their present planning.
12:47 absolutely, we will be right back after a short break
12:49 to continue this discussion about something very pivotal
12:52 to understanding current world developments.
13:03 One hundred years, a long time to do anything,
13:07 much less publish a magazine, but this year "Liberty,"
13:11 the Seventh-day Adventist voice of religious freedom
13:14 celebrates 100 years of doing what it does best,
13:17 collecting, analyzing, and reporting the ebb and flow
13:21 of religious expression around the world.
13:23 Issue after issue, Liberty has taken on the tough assignments.
13:28 Tracking down threats to religious freedom
13:30 and exposing the work of the devil
13:31 in every corner of the globe.
13:33 Governmental interference, personal attacks,
13:36 corporate assaults, even religious freedom issues
13:39 sequestered within the Church community
13:41 itself have been clearly and honestly exposed.
13:44 Liberty exists for one purpose, to help God's people
13:48 maintain that all important separation of Church and state
13:52 while recognizing the dangers inherent in such a struggle.
13:56 During the past century,
13:57 Liberty has experienced challenges of it's own,
14:00 but it remains on the job.
14:02 Thanks to the inspired leadership
14:03 of a long line of dedicated Adventist editors,
14:06 three of whom represent almost half of the publications'
14:09 existence and the foresight of a little woman from New England.
14:13 One hundred years of struggle, 100 years of victories,
14:17 religious freedom isn't just about political machines
14:20 and cultural prejudices.
14:22 It's about people fighting for the right to serve the God
14:26 they love as their hearts and the Holy Spirit dictate.
14:30 Thanks to the prayers and generous support
14:32 of Seventh-day Adventists everywhere.
14:35 Liberty will continue to accomplish it's work
14:37 of providing timely information, spirit filled inspiration,
14:40 and heaven sent encouragement to all who long to live
14:44 and work in a world bound together by the God
14:48 ordained bonds of religious freedom.
15:01 Welcome back to the "Liberty Insider."
15:03 Before the break with guest Greg Hamilton,
15:05 we were talking about some recent statements
15:08 coming out of Rome. Yeah, I want to read to you.
15:10 And you have got the text of one there.
15:13 I want to read out the Pontifical Council
15:15 for Justice and Peace there from their document called
15:18 "Towards Reforming the International
15:19 Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context
15:21 of a Global Public Authority."
15:23 They are calling for a global governing authority
15:26 for the world's monitory system.
15:28 Here is what they say,
15:30 and I know this is kind of a big quote,
15:32 but it's very important.
15:33 On the way to building a more fraternal
15:35 and just human family and, even before that,
15:38 a new humanism open to transcendence,
15:41 Blessed Pope John XXIII's teaching,
15:45 he was the Pope in the late 50's
15:47 and the early 60's the Vatican II Pope.
15:50 The grandfatherly oh God.
15:52 Blessed John XXIII's teaching seems especially timely.
15:56 In the prophetic Encyclical Pacem in Terries of 1963,
16:01 he observed that the world was heading
16:03 towards ever greater unification.
16:05 In other words basically predicting what we have said
16:08 in our previous program globalism
16:11 and this interdependence of nations led by the U.S.
16:14 in the western global alliance with of course the Pope
16:17 and the Vatican influenceing it.
16:20 He then acknowledged the fact, this Pope,
16:22 John the XXIII that a correspondence
16:25 was lacking in the human community
16:27 between the political organization on a world level
16:31 and the objective needs of the universal common good.
16:33 He also expressed the hope that one day
16:36 a one true world political authority would be created.
16:40 That's the essence of this document.
16:42 Of course the Vatican has always advocated this,
16:46 socialist approach to world order
16:49 which is very interesting, because it really is
16:51 a socialist approach with some capitalistic overtones.
16:57 It doesn't reject capitalism per say anymore like it did
17:01 John XXIII was very much in line
17:05 with socialistic teaching
17:06 and was not very pro-western as a Pope.
17:09 And it's not by chance that Italy and Rome
17:12 in particular it had a long love affair with socialism.
17:17 In other words, they use to say
17:18 there are more communists in Italy
17:20 then the Soviet Union at one point.
17:22 Actually there's still quite a few socialists there.
17:24 And it didn't sort of derive very naturally
17:26 from what was coming out of Catholicism.
17:29 Yes, but at the end of the document,
17:32 this is what's interesting.
17:33 They actually take Genesis Chapter 11,
17:35 verses 1 to 9 where it talks about the Tower of Babel.
17:38 And actually spins it to mean something different
17:41 than what actually happened.
17:43 They say that the through the account
17:44 of the Tower of Babel, the Bible warns us
17:47 how the "diversity" of peoples can turn into a vehicle
17:51 for selfishness and an instrumented division.
17:54 And then it goes on to basically say that
17:58 the Tower of Babel doesn't clarify that the Tower of Babel
18:03 was actually defying God in an attempt to build
18:06 a one world order.
18:08 So that there would never be a flood,
18:10 so that they could defy God and unite
18:13 all the human race into one.
18:15 And God says no and he broke it up into different languages
18:18 and they grabbed each other's throats
18:21 and try to strangle each other and that's was the disbursement
18:24 or the division of all the tribes throughout the earth.
18:27 Interesting, because in the mid 80's
18:30 when the European union was gathering strength,
18:33 they chose a logo at that time
18:35 and I haven't been able to find a sense,
18:37 so that it's fallen into disuse,
18:39 but the graphic symbol of the European Union
18:42 was the Tower of Babel. Yes.
18:44 So I believe that's what, why that's been invoke there.
18:47 But their argument is that the diversity which occurred
18:51 after God threw in the different languages
18:54 and cause them to basically turn on each other,
18:56 he is saying this document is saying
18:59 that's the height of selfishness.
19:02 Essentially almost in a backend way
19:04 endorsing the goals of the Tower of Babel
19:07 which is in defiance of God.
19:09 Absolutely and the European Union had this,
19:11 it was something roughly equivalent
19:13 to the American statement, you know, out of many one.
19:17 Yes, that's the United States of Europe so to speak.
19:20 Yes. Yes. But there is another connection
19:23 here that I want to make.
19:24 We've been troubled in the religious liberty circle
19:26 and you know about this for some time with calls in Europe
19:30 for a family day of rest and that comes directly
19:35 from the document Caritas in Veritates
19:39 and it's part of this enlightened look at economics
19:43 in capital and labor
19:44 and that the workmen needs this rest. Right.
19:47 And it has gathered steam as a secular at the time of rest
19:52 except that every church including Rome,
19:54 but you know, all other churches too are being keen out
19:56 in pushing it and we have seen beginnings of this
19:59 in the United States in North Dakota,
20:01 they have just recently passed a modern Blue Law
20:04 that mandates Sunday closing,
20:07 which is not extraordinary in a certain sense,
20:10 because there are many Blue Laws still on the books
20:11 that are not in force or some that in New England
20:14 I know they still have some of the mandate
20:16 look at closing and things like that.
20:18 There are some respects for Sunday.
20:20 But what I found very significant in the North Dakota
20:24 the one was the local Catholic alliance
20:28 for one of the better term, but the organization there
20:30 that was speaking for the churches interest
20:33 invoked this same language from the Papal document
20:37 that this is necessary spiritual rest
20:41 and then they went further and said that they would expect
20:44 that people could devote this time to worship of God.
20:48 What we have long expected which happened
20:50 in the middle ages but at the end of time
20:52 there will be this compulsion to a false day of worship.
20:55 We're seeing it come now under disguise of globalism
20:58 and of secularism and just a necessity to rest.
21:02 But since when did Rome assume the moral authority,
21:06 I mean to regulate the world's economy,
21:08 because you know, in terms of giving to the poor.
21:11 Well, I'll still remember. And taking away from the rich.
21:13 Banco Ambrosiano, they would tell you
21:16 that financial things not to be trusted to churchmen--
21:19 Well, the reason why I bring that up is because
21:21 you look at the Pedophilia scandals,
21:22 you look at the Vatican essentially virtually bankrupt,
21:27 you know, this idea that Rome is the wealthiest institution
21:30 in the world is pure nonsense.
21:31 Oh sure, they have the assets and buildings
21:33 and statues and cathedrals everywhere,
21:36 but they don't have much of a cash flow.
21:37 In fact in 1982, the Vatican,
21:44 it was headlines I'll never forget,
21:46 I was walking the streets of New York City in Manhattan
21:48 and I saw the headline "Vatican sells valuable
21:51 city states to the Italian government"
21:54 so essentially the Vatican which is considered
21:56 a sovereign nation state and the world's largest church,
22:01 okay both a state and a church
22:03 sits on a very small piece of property now instead
22:07 of having all those Vatican city states surrounding it.
22:09 It sold it back to the Italian government
22:11 so to speak for needed cash flow.
22:14 I thought that was interesting back then back in the 80's
22:17 because it suggest that
22:19 Roman Catholic Church is not only,
22:23 this is interesting symbolically,
22:25 morally bankrupt, but it's monetarily bankrupt.
22:29 Well, so what authority does do they have to press
22:33 for a one world governing authority
22:36 regarding the world economy.
22:37 Who are they to speak?
22:38 Yeah, we could certainly ask that question
22:40 and when I think back on Great Controversy.
22:43 No, but who do they think they are?
22:44 Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventist
22:46 should be reading Great Controversy,
22:47 Ellen White wrote it, you know, well over a century ago.
22:50 And she said that in our era the sins and the problems
22:56 with the Rome will be revealed exactly at the same time
22:59 as its strength increases and this is certain,
23:01 it doesn't make sense.
23:02 And leave it to the Irish to ban it's,
23:08 the Vatican are baser to Ireland,
23:11 to totally cut diplomatic times
23:13 over the brouhaha of Pedophilia scandals
23:17 erupting allover Ireland.
23:19 I mean Ireland, the President there
23:20 has taken a very strong stand.
23:22 I forget his name, do you remember his name.
23:24 I don't remember his name but he has come out
23:27 very strongly in the news over the last several months
23:30 and there has been this absolute clash
23:32 between Rome and Ireland.
23:34 And you know, I think it's fitting that Ireland
23:36 would actually clash like that because Ireland has always been
23:40 historically at the forefront even though they are split
23:44 between Catholics and Protestants,
23:46 it seems that even the Irish Catholics
23:48 have come to the side of the Protestant view against Rome.
23:51 Now, we need to say something,
23:52 you know, we don't want to be so biased
23:55 that we are uninformed and illogical.
23:58 Pedophilia is an emerging problem,
24:00 and it may be its just the emerging reality of it
24:04 quite apart from Roman Catholic Church,
24:06 you know, I could argue the structure
24:08 of the priesthood sort of lends itself to that,
24:11 but it's not just in the Roman Catholic Church.
24:14 Well Pope Benedict the XVI came out with a statement
24:16 when he was in Africa recently that essentially stated that
24:21 while Pedophilia occurred back in those days
24:23 and now was just that era. Right. And as if to excuse it.
24:26 Well, you are getting to the point that I am trying to play.
24:28 That's not excusable. It's not just that it's in the priesthood
24:31 we have seen a huge spate of revelation.
24:34 But it's the churches response that is the problem,
24:37 that it's covering up, there is denial,
24:40 there is obfuscation which is I was covering up with it.
24:43 But their argument is that they have the right
24:44 to handle their own internal affairs
24:46 without other governments breaking in their offices
24:49 and taking records and documents
24:52 like they did in Belgium recently.
24:53 And this is the issue of Thomas A Becket
24:56 in the Middle Ages and ironically
24:58 this is another program that we may have
25:00 and we might had before on a Supreme Court case
25:02 as on a table with the ministry
25:04 like exception is being looked at.
25:07 Yeah, so some of the old issues of the past
25:10 or will this again and the Roman Catholic Church
25:12 is showing us quite clearly, that they did believe
25:15 that it's about civil power.
25:16 Yes. That it's the primary-- The sovereign immunity.
25:19 And another thing that came out recently
25:21 that I was quite amazed to read it.
25:24 You were mentioning their property.
25:26 And this is why on this program I will object to Rome,
25:29 because they were church and the state
25:30 and that's the worst combination for religious freedom.
25:33 that's what they think they have sovereign immunity
25:35 in all of these Pedophilia scandals
25:37 that they are untouchable.
25:38 And they made a comment the other day
25:40 that I thought was bold.
25:42 They said that their sovereign nation status is not
25:47 because of Mussolini and his gift
25:51 of some little property in Rome
25:52 that their state status goes much back much further.
25:57 You're talking about the Lateran Treaty.
25:58 Yeah, but the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini. Right.
26:00 They didn't mention the treaty, they just alluded to it.
26:02 But they had an earlier claim that's a rather damning claim.
26:09 Yeah, the way I see the whole situation lining up
26:12 with this document is that despite the fact that
26:17 pendants and Catholic pendants are saying
26:20 that this is not a document
26:21 that originates from the Vatican,
26:23 therefore should be taken seriously.
26:24 I think we have to take it seriously
26:26 because the Pope himself both stated at the United Nations
26:29 and in other places in a separate document
26:32 has called for a world governing authority
26:35 regarding the world economy.
26:36 And I think that's very serious.
26:38 And so my question is where do they have the moral
26:41 and economic and global authority to do that?
26:44 I say they have none and to me that's prophetic.
26:48 When Peter and John turned up in the temple
26:51 after Christ resurrection speaking of the risen Christ.
26:54 They were challenged by the authorities with the question
26:58 "By what authority do you say these things?"
27:02 As I look around at some of the religious activities
27:05 in particular activities and pronouncements
27:08 of the Roman Catholic Church,
27:09 I am reminded of that, because constantly
27:12 that church is referring to its authority
27:16 and as a Christian, as a Bible believing Christian,
27:18 I know that that's always a danger sign.
27:22 God is the ultimate authority.
27:23 He's never delegated it to His people,
27:27 to His priest, to His leader to speak for Him
27:30 out of the fullness of their own heart.
27:32 And I do believe that as we enter
27:34 these last days of history,
27:36 arguably the last days because of prophecy,
27:39 the question more and more is going to develop
27:42 down into on what authority.
27:45 The church fathers, the church leaders or God's word.
27:49 It's really incumbent upon all of us
27:52 who value religious liberty,
27:55 all of us who are looking for solutions
27:57 to the world's problems,
27:58 to look at the point of authority,
28:00 is it God, is it man, or worse is it religion speaking for God.
28:05 This is Lincoln steed for "Liberty Insider."


Revised 2014-12-17