Liberty Insider

Religious Liberty Yearly Campaign

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Melissa Reid


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000146

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:25 Those regular viewers of this program
00:27 will know that we bring you up to date news, views,
00:30 discussion, and information on religious liberty issues
00:34 in the United States and around the world.
00:36 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine,
00:39 and my guest on the program is the Associate Editor
00:42 of Liberty Magazine, Melissa Reid.
00:45 Thanks for being on the program.
00:46 Yeah, it's my pleasure. I hope it's a pleasure.
00:48 It is. And this is going to be
00:50 a particular pleasure for any of us,
00:52 both of us who are involved with Liberty Magazine
00:54 because I want to talk about how we are particularly
00:58 putting our program out in front of those viewers
01:01 and supporters who make liberty happen.
01:03 Yes, absolutely. So for those who are watching
01:07 that aren't aware, liberty exists because really,
01:11 because of the, of the generous support
01:14 of lay persons and Seventh-day Adventist Church members
01:19 across North America.
01:20 And we actually have, as part of the North American Division
01:25 offering calendar, a religious,
01:26 a designated offering,
01:28 a Religious Liberty Sabbath Emphasis.
01:30 Now this is just not little bit of extra money
01:32 that we get, this is it.
01:34 This is how we exist.
01:35 It determines our total existence
01:37 and the size of our distribution.
01:39 Exactly, it determines the footprint
01:43 for religious freedom that we can make
01:44 for the coming year.
01:45 Now I'd be bad if I didn't take the opportunity
01:49 to remind our viewers that Liberty Magazine
01:52 is presently an about 185,000 each issue,
01:57 that's a major distribution.
01:59 Praise God. So we're not retreating,
02:02 but to maintain that that level of commitment,
02:04 it takes the best part of a million dollars.
02:06 Yes, yes. And so as I mentioned
02:09 we're on this offering calendar
02:11 for the North American Division
02:12 which is the United States and Canada, and Bermuda.
02:15 And the fourth Sabbath in January
02:18 is always determined as religious liberty Sabbath.
02:20 Now we do allow, you know, some churches
02:24 have other events going on during that time period.
02:26 They may have an evangelistic series
02:28 or the pastor has a particular event or they've,
02:30 for, maybe for some reason
02:31 they've invited a guest speaker or something.
02:33 So the date is flexible as far as, you know,
02:36 if a church cannot promote with religious liberty
02:38 on that Sabbath, they are allowed to--
02:40 please don't mean, you know, please don't--
02:42 In fact, in reality we'll never stop them.
02:44 Exactly. Any time, but as far as gathering
02:46 the money to budget for the next year.
02:48 Yes. Is it around the end of April or early May.
02:51 It's the end of March actually
02:54 is when we sort of have our religious liberty campaign
02:58 from January to March.
02:59 So that that first quarter of the year.
03:01 And so we put together a promotional packet
03:05 for each local congregation to promote
03:08 religious freedom therein the, you know, at that time.
03:12 And we're on the process right now putting
03:15 that together of these materials together.
03:17 This year we had a, we have the theme,
03:21 world of opportunity, 2011 has been an interesting year.
03:25 It's a world, it's a year of opportunity. It is.
03:27 It's been just fascinating to be a part of and also just,
03:32 you know, as an observer to see all of these events
03:35 that are going around the world.
03:36 Really, you know, significant changes
03:38 in societies around the world.
03:40 And so we feel, we felt like,
03:43 this is really our opportunity as Christians to,
03:47 you know, it's our moment to take advantage of the freedoms
03:50 that we have and to share,
03:52 share the Gospel and God's love.
03:54 And to share the principles of religious freedom.
03:56 Yes. Because the entire Middle East is in turmoil.
04:02 And I've written editorials giving a little dim vision
04:05 for some of those areas, you know,
04:07 it may not always turn out well,
04:08 but, however, it turns out,
04:10 it's undeniable that this is a moment of flex
04:13 and at that moment people are open to ideas
04:15 and we need to present to them.
04:17 Yes. The principle of religious freedom
04:19 and a protective principle that goes with it,
04:22 a separation of church and state.
04:24 Right, right, you know, absolutely.
04:25 So this is an opportunity.
04:26 It is, it certainly is, you know,
04:28 new governments are being formed, you know,
04:30 there's been several situations where dictators
04:32 have been toppled, you know, decades long dictators.
04:35 And so they are at this process of putting together,
04:38 you know, a new governments for entire nations
04:40 and we really want to make sure that religious liberty
04:44 and the freedom of conscience is at the forefront of those,
04:47 of the rights that are protected in those nations.
04:49 I'll put it in a logic context.
04:53 I love history and I would put it to anyone
04:56 that, that's followed history that we're right now
05:00 living in a revolutionary moment.
05:02 It's not just the Middle East.
05:03 The Middle East is what's catching the attention.
05:06 Think about Europe and all of the tensions that are there
05:09 with people movements and, of course,
05:12 the financial collapse and in that context,
05:15 I think England and the writing
05:17 there is most significant.
05:21 The United States hasn't seen much civil on Russia,
05:23 but like Europe we're drifting into an economic malice.
05:28 And usually that means social unrest,
05:31 so I think we're on the brink of a broad scale
05:34 revolutionary thought and while I don't much,
05:37 you know, I'm not-- It's not for us
05:39 on this program to come out directly
05:41 for or against a political party.
05:44 And I'm not overly keen say on the Tea Party Movement,
05:50 but I do recognize that even that Tea Party Movement
05:53 is really in some ways a revolutionary shift,
05:56 it's more of a revolutionary party than just,
05:59 you know, politics is normal.
06:00 Yes. So we're at a time of--
06:03 For and that's why they've got--
06:04 The social cataclysm, if you look.
06:05 And that's what they chose, I mean, that's their desire,
06:06 that's why they chose the name that they did,
06:08 you know, based on the, on the Boston Tea Party.
06:10 And I feel like--
06:12 By the way, I need to throw, I'm sorry to interrupt,
06:15 but I need to throw in the Boston Tea Party
06:17 was really the establishment bouncing back at England.
06:21 It's a little historical irony that it's not quite
06:24 the revolution that they're linking to.
06:26 Okay, but I just feel like, you know, as an American
06:30 and just even the economic situation
06:33 that we've now been experiencing
06:35 for the last couple of years, you know,
06:36 we talk about it as this is our new normal.
06:38 And it certainly maybe we're not experiencing,
06:43 you know, you know, the toppling of a government
06:45 like we, you know, like we're seeing
06:46 some of the other countries,
06:47 but we're certainly as citizens are really
06:50 re-examining the way that we live our life,
06:52 the priorities that we have, you know,
06:55 and so I feel like again it's the right time
06:58 to emphasize religious freedom.
06:59 Absolutely. This is--
07:00 In fact, a line comes to my mind from Tennyson,
07:02 he says "The old order changeth."
07:04 And we're at one order is giving way to a new.
07:08 And we want that new order
07:10 to be well informed on religious freedom.
07:12 Oh, yeah. And so this is not,
07:14 you know, we got to be realistic.
07:16 Our readers at the present, and our present circulation
07:19 is not gonna change the whole order or stop it,
07:21 but still we've got an opportunity as never before
07:24 and we need to maximize that moment
07:26 to proclaim again as the Bible says,
07:28 "Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land."
07:30 Right, right, and so we really try to provide local churches
07:33 and local members with the tools to, you know,
07:36 to make that emphasis there on their local community.
07:39 And so as I said, you know, here's our theme for this,
07:42 for 2012 is the world of opportunities.
07:44 We send a kit, we call it our promotional campaign kit
07:48 to the local church and ask them to,
07:51 to make use of these resources.
07:53 We provide them with brochures
07:56 that talk about Liberty Magazine
07:57 and the religious liberty offering.
07:59 Just a quick aside, Liberty Magazine is the major
08:03 benefactor of the religious liberty offering
08:05 'cause as we mentioned, it's the,
08:06 it's our sole source of funding,
08:08 it's how we, you know, how we exist.
08:09 But there are also a couple of other areas
08:12 where the religious liberty offering is helpful.
08:16 Well, it helps with organize the structure with,
08:21 mostly within our church of those who defending
08:24 religious freedom and then working with legal cases.
08:28 If it's not a -- Most things are resolved by communication
08:31 with the employer and arbitration and so on.
08:34 But on a few occasions
08:36 it needs to go to a legal challenge.
08:38 And we have people in place who receive
08:41 some of their funding from this offering, right.
08:43 And then when it goes to a court case,
08:46 some of these moneys go and, of course, legal cases
08:49 can chew up millions and millions,
08:51 but we have people that give their,
08:53 lawyers that give their time and other church
08:56 subsidy moneys, but some of this goes toward that.
08:58 Right, right, so it's really not just a magazine,
09:00 it's for people and programs that support
09:04 our whole religious liberty world.
09:05 Absolutely, absolutely. So we send this kit and so,
09:09 We've mentioned that we have the brochures in there
09:10 to give out to the church members.
09:12 We also have a promotional poster that,
09:14 you know, that can be placed on the church bulletin board.
09:17 We each year have a new religious
09:19 liberty theme sermon written and for 2012,
09:24 the Sabbath School quarterly editor
09:26 and former editor of Liberty Magazine,
09:28 Cliff Goldstein has written the sermon for us,
09:30 just a fantastic sermon.
09:32 You know, many of you obviously
09:35 you all are familiar with the Sabbath School quarterly,
09:37 he also has a column in the Adventist Review
09:39 and he is a frequent contributor
09:41 to Liberty Magazine.
09:42 So I'm sure you all appreciate his style and his knowledge,
09:46 intelligence that he brings to the issue
09:48 and I felt like he did a really good job
09:50 with the sermon this year. Yes, right.
09:52 He always helps us in a popular way-- Yes.
09:55 And this is gonna be a plus to the campaign.
09:57 And then we also include a DVD that just has a brief
10:01 five minute segment and actually it--
10:04 Well, it's a spin-off of this program.
10:06 Exactly, for those of you that are familiar
10:07 with the program, you'll feel right at home
10:09 watching the segment and--
10:10 Well, I'll tell the viewers what it was
10:12 and when we thought to be a good device to send out,
10:15 you know, some of you may see it a second time
10:17 in a church that you attend, but I start this program,
10:21 it's actually footage from this program
10:23 and I give the welcome and then I turn to an empty seat,
10:25 now Melissa Reid on the video. Oh, no.
10:28 I'm sorry, but I turn to the empty seat and I say,
10:30 "There is no guest." You'll be the guest.
10:32 We want you to be along with us
10:35 in what we're doing for religious liberty.
10:37 And that's the dynamic we want to encourage.
10:41 You know, it's fine if someone gave us the money
10:43 and we go do something with it, that's not bad,
10:44 but better that they really a co-partner.
10:47 Exactly, In what we're trying to accomplish.
10:48 Yeah, and we emphasize-- We've been emphasizing that,
10:51 you know, I think really in all aspects of our ministry,
10:55 ministry which I spoke on
10:56 North American Religious Liberty Association
10:58 on our previous program.
10:59 And again, we're really emphasizing that partnership
11:03 that we want you all involved in this ministry as well.
11:06 It's not just, I mean, this is this is protecting the freedom
11:10 of all of us and we certainly know strength
11:12 and numbers as well.
11:14 So that's, I encourage you all.
11:17 I haven't actually seen the finished product
11:18 of that video yet, I'm excited to see it.
11:20 Neither have I. Yeah.
11:22 But I filmed it and I actually know what it's like,
11:24 but we haven't seen it in its final edited form,
11:27 it'll be polished and-- Right.
11:29 And some credits and so on added,
11:30 but we know basically what it is and we're very confident
11:34 that this, you know, just those few minutes
11:35 can communicate the dynamic
11:37 of what's necessary to carry this forward.
11:39 Right, so another thing that's,
11:41 that's a part of this religious liberty campaign kit
11:43 is the subscription sponsorship list.
11:47 The liberty subscription sponsorship list,
11:49 that's, that would be names of individuals
11:53 that your church, your local congregation
11:55 has sent, gave subscriptions to in the past.
11:58 And it gives you an opportunity to update that
12:01 maybe there's been an election year, you know,
12:04 that just happened or someone has moved or transposition
12:07 that gives you opportunity.
12:08 we also include a new subscription
12:11 order form into it.
12:12 We always want to encourage you to add individuals.
12:14 And especially, if you have contacts
12:17 in your local communities, you know,
12:18 speak with your local pastor,
12:20 is he involved in a civics organizations,
12:21 he involved in Kiwanis or rotary or something.
12:24 He can make recommendations of individuals that,
12:26 you know, really would benefit
12:28 from the Liberty Magazine subscription.
12:30 So those two items, the current subscription form
12:33 and the new subscription order form,
12:35 I really encourage people to--
12:37 So it's a very important package
12:38 that we're sending out.
12:39 And maybe after the break, we can specify exactly,
12:43 what's in it, I mean, go through a checklist.
12:46 Thanks for being with us on this program.
12:48 We're not done yet, we'll take a little break
12:50 and we'll be right back after discussing
12:53 how you can be part of making Liberty Magazine
12:55 and this program more affective.
13:06 One-hundred years, a long time to do anything,
13:10 much less publish a magazine, but this year Liberty,
13:14 the Seventh-day Adventist voice of religious freedom,
13:16 celebrates one-hundred years of doing what it does best,
13:20 collecting, analyzing, and reporting the ebb and flow
13:24 of religious expression around the world.
13:26 Issue after issue,
13:28 Liberty has taken on the tough assignments,
13:30 tracking down threats to religious freedom
13:32 and exposing the work of the devil
13:34 in every corner of the globe.
13:36 Governmental interference, personal attacks,
13:39 corporate assaults, even religious freedom issues
13:42 sequestered within the Church community itself
13:44 have been clearly and honestly exposed.
13:47 Liberty exists for one purpose to help God's people
13:51 maintain that all important separation of Church and State
13:54 while recognizing the dangers inherent in such a struggle.
13:58 During the past century,
14:00 Liberty has experienced challenges of its own,
14:02 but it remains on the job.
14:04 Thanks to the inspired leadership
14:06 of a long line of dedicated Adventist Editors,
14:09 three of whom represent almost half
14:10 of the publications existence
14:12 and the foresight of a little woman from New England.
14:16 One-hundred years of struggle,
14:18 one-hundred years of victories,
14:20 religious freedom isn't just about political machines
14:23 and cultural prejudices.
14:25 It's about people fighting for the right
14:28 to serve the God they love as their hearts
14:31 and the Holy Spirit dictate.
14:33 Thanks to the prayers and generous support
14:35 of Seventh-day Adventists everywhere.
14:37 Liberty will continue to accomplish its work
14:40 of providing timely information,
14:41 spirit filled inspiration,
14:43 and heaven sent encouragement to all who long to live
14:47 and work in a world bound together by the God
14:50 ordained bonds of religious freedom.
15:04 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider.
15:05 Before the break, I was talking with Associate Editor,
15:08 Melissa Reid about our annual campaign
15:12 for Liberty Magazine which I was gonna say
15:15 might seem like promotion, but it is promotion.
15:18 But it's for a purpose, this is not commercial. Right.
15:20 This is the life blood of getting
15:22 a Religious Liberty emphasis out, right.
15:25 And we depend, we're not in this--
15:28 Well, we're almost in the south area.
15:31 We depend on the kindness of strangers.
15:35 But they're not strangers because anybody
15:37 that believes in what we're doing
15:38 for Religious Liberty is one of us. Absolutely.
15:41 Whether they're Seventh-day Adventists,
15:42 whether they're Catholic, they're Muslim,
15:44 or whatever because, yes, religious liberty as I've said
15:47 elsewhere Liberty Magazine rather is calculatedly
15:52 projecting an Adventists viewpoint behind the scene,
15:55 if you like, but the principle of religious liberty
15:59 that we're sharing is non-sectarian,
16:02 it's universal, and it's religious freedom for all.
16:06 And the dynamic in the United States particularly,
16:09 is that it's best protected on the separation
16:11 of church and state which the laws very happily recommend.
16:15 You know, and putting together some of the materials,
16:16 promotional materials for this coming year,
16:19 I grabbed some letters that we,
16:22 that we have received there
16:23 in our editorial offices from individuals.
16:25 Because I wanted just saying, thank you for subscription.
16:28 Basically, the jest of the letters was,
16:32 you know, thank you for Liberty Magazine,
16:34 we don't have any idea why we're receiving it,
16:36 but please don't stop sending it.
16:38 And I think that--
16:39 Yeah, we get beautiful letters periodically
16:41 and I don't keep them as often as I should, but--
16:43 I think it's important for people to realize that,
16:45 yes, you know, those subscriptions
16:48 that you're sponsoring aren't going,
16:49 you know, often to the Netherlands or--
16:52 they are being read, they are being appreciated,
16:54 and I know that that's in a large part
16:58 because individuals are sending prayers
16:59 along with those funds. Absolutely.
17:01 That, you know, that these magazines are read
17:04 and appreciated and used as a tool.
17:07 Can you allow me to characterize them
17:08 because I've got a lot over the years
17:10 and they were a few that that take
17:13 violent exception with what we're presenting.
17:16 But, you know, I don't like the negative,
17:18 but they've usually taken violent exception
17:20 for something that we do have a real difference on.
17:23 I mean, they've recognized our standards
17:26 so they don't like it. Yes.
17:27 But those are rare, you know-- Yes.
17:28 In fact, unusually read because sometimes
17:31 we've called the bluff, for want of a better term on,
17:35 say something the religious writers doing
17:36 or the Roman Catholic Church is doing,
17:38 you know, there's wonderful people in the Catholic Church
17:42 but the structure I think is problematic.
17:44 Because it's a depending on the moment
17:48 and so church masquerading is the state
17:50 or the state masquerading is the church.
17:52 And so it, that is the worse thing
17:54 when you're dealing with the separation
17:55 of church and state.
17:56 So we sometimes put out some
17:59 fairly heart hitting articles and yet I've been surprised,
18:03 I've had easily as many positive comments
18:06 in those cases from Roman Catholics as negative.
18:08 So they don't just reflexly come bouncing back.
18:11 They see that we've got a logical argument
18:13 rather than that we gratuitously attacking them.
18:16 And so I just putting those few negatives aside,
18:19 they basically characterize as regular readers who,
18:22 you know, would be evaluations
18:25 that I could blush on sometimes, you know,
18:27 the first thing they read, say is the editorial,
18:29 we love Liberty, we've read it for 23-30 years
18:31 because beyond my 10 years. Yes, yes.
18:33 So this regular people that, you know,
18:35 keep up more of the same as others
18:36 who have discovered it by chance, yes.
18:39 It was the one recently, a probation officers
18:43 saw it on the judges desk. Yes.
18:44 He thought it was one of his own church papers,
18:46 picked it up and, wow, wonderful. Yes.
18:48 My church puts this out, he realized that.
18:50 Yes, yes, I remember that letter.
18:51 There are other people that say,
18:53 they've discovered it now, you know,
18:55 want to get it for themselves, how can I get it and so on.
18:57 Yes. So the whole gamut is generally very positive
19:01 and even a few negatives and the positives
19:04 taken together tell me, we're doing the right thing
19:06 that we're on target. Right.
19:08 And we ask, we ask individuals to sponsor
19:11 subscriptions to who we refer to a lot of times
19:13 mostly as thought leaders.
19:14 Sort of the decision makers in the society,
19:17 and those are the individuals we're hearing from as far as,
19:19 you know, you know, it's judges that,
19:21 you know, as you mentioned that are--
19:24 And law professors. Law professors.
19:26 I've had it, I'd say, at least four law professors write
19:28 and say that they use it in their classes. Right.
19:30 Not as primary text book, I'm sure,
19:32 but as an example regulate. Right.
19:34 we had a Secretary of State,
19:36 I think it was from Minnesota that was writing to us.
19:38 And so anyway--
19:39 That just an interesting letter.
19:41 Yeah, I just wanted to, I just wanted to,
19:43 you know, really affirm those who are,
19:45 who are supporting Liberty Magazine
19:47 and the subscription drive
19:48 because those magazines are being read and--
19:50 You know, that Secretary of State made a comment
19:52 that maybe this is the time
19:53 to bring it forward because he said,
19:56 he reads it all the time, and recommends it.
19:57 And he says, "Don't ever stop publishing this magazine."
20:00 He says, "You need a paper version of it,
20:02 don't have an electronic."
20:04 Now I didn't, I don't feel threatened by that
20:06 even though the whole world is shifting to,
20:08 to Facebook and all the other social networking way
20:14 that people are reading letters,
20:15 given that we have a target audience
20:18 that are busy public officials.
20:20 I don't myself see any substitute
20:22 to putting a physical magazine in front of them.
20:25 But for many of our other co-travelers
20:28 on the Religious Liberty voyage or journey,
20:33 they can benefit from going to our website.
20:35 Right, and I'm so glad--
20:36 But they shouldn't think that just because
20:37 they're enjoying the website
20:38 that let's them off the hook.
20:40 They then can use their money
20:41 to facilitate it to these target.
20:43 Absolutely, absolutely. I'm glad that you mentioned
20:45 the website because, which, for those of you
20:48 that aren't familiar, it's
20:51 We also make all of these campaign materials
20:53 that we're talking about available
20:55 for download on the website.
20:56 So if for some reason your packet of promotional
20:59 materials are not mailed to your church
21:01 or for some reason they're misplaced
21:02 or something like that,,
21:05 there's just a campaign resources quick link button
21:08 and you can download all the materials there.
21:10 And another thing I know a lot of our 3ABN audiences are,
21:14 are in more rural parts of the country and maybe you are,
21:17 are a member of a congregation that has a rotating pastor.
21:21 And so a lot of times he's maybe at another district
21:23 and you rely on the local elder.
21:26 Or maybe you're not a Seventh-day Adventist
21:28 and you're just watching from your home,
21:29 you're just learning about the Sabbath things like that,
21:31 but would love to hear a religious liberty sermon.
21:34 We provide it. Absolutely.
21:36 For those, for those individuals
21:38 and for really for anyone, may be,
21:39 you want to use this at your prayer meeting one week
21:41 or for your-- for your small group study.
21:44 If you go to our website, we provide each year's
21:48 religious liberty sermon available,
21:50 you can watch it directly there on the website
21:52 or you can download it. You can-- it's a great.
21:55 I really would encourage the individuals to do that,
21:57 who are longing to hear more.
21:59 Good suggestion. Yeah, about religious freedom.
22:02 And they don't need any special code
22:04 or anything to download this material?
22:06 No, they create a login and a password
22:07 and that's it, that's all that they need.
22:10 You know, we're running a dual track
22:11 in some ways with our site,
22:13 because it's for these target audience for someone
22:15 who is nonsectarian not even, maybe involved in religion,
22:19 but interested in a civil freedom,
22:23 freedom of religion to believe or not believe.
22:25 And so, and we don't want them to believe that what is,
22:28 get the idea which really good be false,
22:30 so this is sort of just a church activity thing,
22:33 but at the same time there are people in our church
22:37 that are our bedrock of support
22:38 and we want to service their needs.
22:41 So, yes, they can have access
22:43 through this password that they setup.
22:44 Absolutely, yes, yes, and you know,
22:46 as I said the lot of times things are misplaced,
22:48 we certainly don't want the Religious Liberty
22:50 offering not to take place because, you know,
22:53 the campaign materials that we mailed to your church
22:55 didn't for some reason, you know,
22:57 are on your shelf sitting somewhere and not accessible.
22:59 So we try to provide everything online as well.
23:02 Good. What we would do this year of,
23:04 instead of, you know, the roughly million dollars
23:07 that we need to continue?
23:09 What if we got two million dollars?
23:10 Oh, my goodness. Praise the Lord.
23:12 What a problem to have. Umm! It was--
23:15 So some problems we want, right?
23:16 Absolutely. Well, there certainly are many, many
23:20 other individuals that we would love
23:22 to put Liberty in front of.
23:23 We would have, I don't, I don't foresee
23:25 any sort of problem in being able to use that money
23:28 to facilitate, you know, additional subscriptions.
23:30 There's lot, so many people around the country
23:34 in the United States and Canada,
23:36 who just would really benefit from a subscription
23:39 to the magazine and we have at our office
23:42 and what we call a National Priority List.
23:45 So we can provide names pretty easily, right?
23:47 Oh, absolutely. There are so many more individuals
23:49 that we would love to receive Liberty Magazine
23:52 that we think it would be beneficial to their,
23:54 to their work, you know, to the jobs that they do
23:57 both in United States and Canada.
23:59 So absolutely if we, if we have the blessing,
24:02 the outpouring of, you know, of a double offering
24:05 this coming year we would absolutely, we would,
24:07 it would just be a miracle and a blessing.
24:10 Now, now something that that troubles me,
24:13 you know, we do this regularly
24:15 and the support being fairly consistent,
24:17 they drop the bid a couple of years ago
24:20 and there was another promotion at the same time
24:22 as dropped to respond to a special event
24:25 and to let several million rise.
24:26 So I know that there's no cap on what,
24:29 what people can give.
24:30 But what troubles me is that religious liberty
24:33 very easily I think drops into sort of the mindset
24:37 of an insurance policy. Yes.
24:38 And when the disaster comes suddenly,
24:41 you know, throw some interest at it. Yes.
24:42 But people should see this as important before the problem.
24:47 Right. And to get with it now, not when suddenly
24:50 there's a law that might,
24:52 you know, let's talk to Canadian,
24:54 a law that even in the United States
24:56 might prohibit religious expression, right.
24:58 And it's sort of late to get with the program.
25:00 Absolutely, and I know honesty,
25:03 the funds may not actually be real effective at that time,
25:06 if we're not able to--
25:07 I mean, the time is absolutely as we talked about
25:09 our campaign theme, and you know,
25:10 this is the world of opportunity,
25:11 this is the time now, you know,
25:14 to do our very best to promote this ministry.
25:16 And that's actually one reason why I love emphasizing
25:20 or mentioning the history of Religious Freedom
25:22 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
25:24 You know, this ministry, Liberty Magazine,
25:26 has been published since 1906.
25:28 On other shows we talked about the Liberty Sentinel.
25:30 Continuously, no interruptions.
25:31 Exactly, you know, there was a precursor,
25:33 the sentinel publication before that,
25:35 you know, there was in the 1890s.
25:37 And Liberty has been supported continuously,
25:40 you know, right up until,
25:42 until now by the faithful donations
25:45 and support of lay people who are committed
25:48 to the ministry of religious freedom.
25:50 And so, I really appreciate that, you know,
25:52 that there are individuals who recognize exactly
25:56 what you're saying that the, it's not, you know,
25:58 the reaction to the, to the flashy headlines
26:00 or something like that,
26:02 but it's a long term commitment to, you know,
26:05 holding, standing firm to our, you know, disbeliefs.
26:08 And that dollar or those $10 or the $1000
26:11 will never be more effective than now, right.
26:13 You know, the U.S lost its AAA rating a few weeks ago.
26:17 It might lose, it might be down to AA ratings shortly.
26:21 The inflation may kick in.
26:22 There were just so many imponderables
26:25 on the financial wealth.
26:26 In Europe, their economy is collapsing.
26:30 Australia was pretty good when we were there,
26:31 but who knows, it's a global village,
26:34 somebody famously said.
26:36 And the "Money can vanish in a moment."
26:38 Sure, I really do encourage those watching today,
26:42 to be supportive of the annual Religious Liberty Campaign.
26:45 Visit our website,
26:49 and keep this ministry active and alive.
26:54 Have you ever wondered
26:55 what it's like to be on my side of the camera?
26:59 There are some lights that admittedly on occasion
27:01 can become a little hot.
27:04 Other times when we think on the reality of thousands
27:08 and maybe millions of you out there watching,
27:11 it's possible to get a little nervous and self-conscious.
27:14 But I really would like to invite you onto this side.
27:18 When I did a promotional video for Liberty Magazine
27:22 for this coming year as I do every year,
27:24 but when I did this last one I,
27:27 I on this same set,
27:29 I sat there with an empty seat in the guest place
27:33 and I opened the program and I said,
27:34 no guests this time, I want you
27:37 to be sitting here with me
27:39 as we talk about Religious Liberty Concerns.
27:42 And what we're doing with Liberty Magazine,
27:45 of course, in conjunction with 3ABN,
27:47 but it's the magazine itself goes out.
27:49 We want you to be a partner in what we're doing.
27:53 It's important to see that this is a shared endeavor
27:57 that we're serving our Lord,
27:59 we're serving a spiritual reality
28:01 and protecting religious freedom.
28:05 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17