Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton
Series Code: LI
Program Code: LI000132
00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:25 This is a program that brings you up to date news, 00:27 views and discussion on religious liberty events 00:30 in the United States and around the world. 00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty Magazine 00:36 and my guest on the program is Greg Hamilton. 00:39 Welcome Greg. Thanks Lincoln. 00:40 I should say for our viewers that you are the 00:43 President of the North West Religious Liberty Association. 00:47 Prophecy, it's one of the things that has always inspired me 00:50 as I've edited Liberty Magazine, but even before that 00:53 I've always been concerned as a Seventh-day Adventist 00:55 to identify and understand fulfilling prophecy. 00:59 And when we talk about Religious Liberty 01:01 developments often they intersect very neatly with, 01:04 with on going prophecy. 01:06 Where do you think we are in the great stream of prophecy today? 01:10 Do you think, much has happened 01:12 and is there much more to yet happen? 01:14 Oh! I think there is a quite a bit to happen yet, 01:16 but I tend to look at in terms of prophetic trends. 01:20 I see signs of the times as being indicators, 01:24 as sort of the old fashion Adventist view which is... 01:26 Wasn't there a hymn, the way marks, 01:28 the great prophetic way marks? 01:29 Yes, so as far as looking for definitive fulfillments, 01:33 I think that that can be misleading to us 01:35 and actually can trip us for deception 01:38 because not everything is always spelled up black and white. 01:41 You know, when it comes to events 01:43 many prophetic fulfillments are actually quite subtle 01:47 and sometimes we miss those fulfillments. 01:49 And often only understood in retrospect as it will pass them. 01:52 And Oh! Yes, and that that was prophecy. 01:54 There God was dealing. 01:55 I mean who knows what's happening 01:56 with the Arab unrest right now, 01:58 the Arab Muslim in Middle East, I mean that that's a 02:00 huge factor going on right now. 02:02 The tsunami in Japan with the 02:05 nuclear melt down of the nuclear reactor. 02:09 The economic unrest worldwide we thought we were recovering, 02:13 but now it seems like we're going backwards 02:15 due to all these unknowns, these unpredictables 02:19 that political scientists, geologists, 02:24 environmentalists, Wall Street people, 02:27 Statements cannot seem to figure out of control. 02:30 So there, when I look at prophetic trends 02:32 I classify them in the three fundamental areas. 02:35 And that's religious, political and constitutional trends. 02:37 And that also includes international law. 02:40 And for me, the biggest trend for me, 02:45 which nobody seems to talk about, 02:47 everybody, seems to think it's a good thing. 02:48 This is the chance to talk about. 02:50 And that is our religious revival revivalism. 02:53 Absolutely, they were on the same page. 02:56 And the ecumenical uniting of different face, 02:58 finding common ground and setting site 03:01 there most cherished fundamental beliefs. 03:03 And basically shelving them. 03:06 And we as a Seventh-day Adventist Church 03:08 would be in great danger if we went down that road, 03:11 of losing our distinct identity. 03:14 We can repackage it definitely, 03:16 and you and I have agreed over some things 03:18 on how we could do that, in terms of symbolism, 03:20 marketing, programming and that's our thing. 03:22 But I really believe when it comes 03:24 to understanding fundamental, religious, 03:26 political and constitution trends, 03:28 we cannot lose sight of those things. 03:30 And if we do so, and if we don't make our self 03:33 students of these trends from factual, 03:37 credible, astute sources, then we'd be like pastors 03:43 getting up and preaching and talking about 03:45 what we know not what. And putting before the myth, 03:48 putting forward myths and urban legends. 03:50 Absolutely, we need to be informed. 03:52 Well, Jesus said we need to be wise 03:54 as serpents and harmless as doves. 03:59 Clearly things are happening, right? 04:01 We're agreed on that, Jesus, what does Jesus say 04:04 when He stood on the Mountain Of Olives, 04:08 and His disciples came to Him and they said tell us, 04:09 well you know what with the sign of Your coming, 04:11 the end of the age? I think that was synonyms, 04:14 lot of people try to split them up. 04:16 And what did He say? Wars, rumors of wars, 04:18 pestilences, earthquakes, false Christs. Yes. 04:24 But then He says, "Then they'll deliver 04:26 you up to be persecuted, you'll be hated 04:28 by all men for thy name's sake." 04:31 So, that's the very end, is a persecution, 04:33 right, that's the final event. 04:35 I have no question on that. We clearly in the mix 04:38 of all these disasters that you enumerated. Right. 04:41 Things that are shocking to the world system with that... 04:44 What was the latest survey they said that 75% of, what was that? 04:48 It was a study that came out of England from a Catholic; 04:53 they're Catholic, British Catholic Conference. 04:56 It was that the most of the persecution, 04:58 religious persecution is taking place, 05:00 75% of it is against Christians worldwide. 05:04 Absolutely. That's a huge staggering figure. 05:07 Yeah, I mean it's true as the Muslims say, 05:09 and go back to the crusades and see Christians 05:11 as persecutors are in the Middle Ages, 05:13 but right now yes, I do believe that 05:15 Christians are clearly the most persecuted 05:17 religious group of the world today. 05:20 So you know, these things that are happening around 05:22 about us clearly producing as again the 05:25 Bible said, speaking at the end of time, 05:27 "Men's hearts failing them for fear, 05:29 for those things that are coming upon the earth." 05:32 Whether you're some Republicans 05:34 don't seem to accept global warming, 05:36 but even if you don't accept that, 05:38 you have to accept economic collapse 05:41 and are uncertainty there just, anyway you cut it, 05:45 you use the term which are 05:46 put in an editorial once, convergence. 05:48 There's a convergence of all of these markers of an end time. 05:52 Well, you're speaking about truth 05:54 and to me it's like the old slide rule, 05:56 where do you find truth? 05:57 And when we're talking about 05:58 Republicans here on the environment, 06:01 I mean there are some issues that I agree with on the left, 06:03 there are some issues that I agree with on the right. 06:05 Truth is like a scale, slide rule scale, 06:08 where it can be on the far right, 06:09 it could be on far left, it could be in the center, 06:11 it could be in the center left, center right, 06:13 it could be anywhere in between, we got to stand for truth 06:16 and not be embarrassed to stand for truth. 06:18 And not to be beholden to our peer group 06:21 or are inclined or natural political prejudices. 06:26 Absolutely. Lest we be deceived. 06:29 Now, the model of, of final action for 06:33 Christians is established in the Book of Acts, 06:37 following Pentecost, we've been told 06:40 quite plainly there and Seventh-day Adventist 06:42 are reminded again by her and writings through Ellen White, 06:46 that we can expect or more than expect 06:48 that that it's an absolute necessity that there be a 06:51 great revival and great loud cry, 06:54 the different ways to express it. Yes. 06:55 Just before it's effectively past that tipping point. 06:59 Not when Christ comes, but when His purposes 07:02 are accomplished and then it's just the final words 07:04 that come apart then. Yes and then tracking 07:05 that will be the false revivalism. 07:08 Yes, and we need to talk about this. 07:09 And I have to say, I think the false revivalism 07:13 has not taken really much of religious undertone. 07:16 I think the undertones and the clear pillars of the, 07:20 this religious revival is actually political, 07:23 cultural, social and moral. 07:25 And it's where Evangelical Catholics 07:29 and Evangelical Protestants are finding common ground 07:32 on so many moral and political issues. 07:33 Let me throw something in, 07:34 I've never heard it expressed this way, 07:36 but a false revival in Religious Liberty, 07:39 we know that to protect true autonomy of faith. 07:43 You must have a separation of church and state. 07:45 The separation between the things of mammon, 07:49 the state of Satan. And this false movement, 07:51 just to unite church and state. 07:53 Right. That's what I. So, a false revival 07:55 will have a unification of church and state. Right. 07:58 And our unification of civil means 08:02 and control and of the spiritual. 08:04 In fact, we even told that the image to beast 08:07 will be whether religious powers unite to gather 08:09 and actually control the government, control the state. 08:12 So, it's not just a matter of uniting, 08:13 it's actually the Holy Roman Empire model, 08:15 the old papal model where the church 08:18 actually control the state. 08:19 It manipulated and controlled the will of emperors and kings. 08:23 Absolutely. Yeah. And on this program before 08:25 I've mentioned that I personally see 08:28 a revisiting of that model in the New United Europe. 08:32 And the religious dynamic coming to the full there. 08:34 So, on a Religious Liberty point of view we can see 08:39 what the Bible talks about being the easily identified 08:42 antitheist to a true revival, church and state. 08:46 But what about the true revival? 08:50 How have we seen that yet? Is that a necessity? 08:52 Can we just sort of ignore it? Will it happen automatically? 08:55 I'll say that the true revival will be spoken by few, 08:58 and then yes, there will be a lot of people 09:00 who'll come on board eventually. 09:02 But it's gonna take some time, and I don't think it will happen 09:04 until persecution actually happens 09:07 in this country in a big way. 09:09 That that's I hate to say, but I'm on the old philosophy 09:11 that in fact many of our audience 09:13 probably understand this very well. 09:14 I don't believe that we'll ever wake up 09:16 until persecution hits the fan. 09:18 Yeah. Sort to speak. 09:20 I'm coming to your view point, 09:22 I've been more idealistic in the past believing the... 09:25 We're too comfortable here in the United States? 09:27 That God would, would work in a, 09:29 in an apparently spontaneous way through His people. 09:33 Before that crisis point and they would come alive 09:36 and then the crisis point would come. 09:38 That Ellen G. White says, the leaders that are leaders now 09:40 will not be the leaders then. No, no. 09:42 That's pretty scary when you think about it. 09:44 In some ways it's good news. It could be good news. 09:47 Yeah. I'm not speaking about a Church 09:49 for a second, but the natural, 09:51 spiritual leadership will rise up, 09:53 right, and that's what we would want. 09:54 Right. You know the Gideons were not so 09:57 self evident before the angel appeared. 10:00 And maybe it's a reasonable biblical example 10:05 that God as He says, He will, 10:06 He will finish the work, and He will interject Himself 10:08 and God will, will directly stoke the revival. 10:13 But it's more-and-more important to me as I look at these things, 10:17 to acknowledge this revival, because I have to admit, 10:21 and I said to you before at the beginning of the program. 10:23 Analyzing the global and then particularly 10:26 in the United States, move toward 10:29 the end of all things and Religious Liberty 10:31 being threatened and ultimately an attempt to squash it. 10:34 I think we're passed the tipping point, 10:36 way passed the tipping point. Yeah. 10:37 It's not that other things won't happen, 10:40 but there is not any great consequence to now project 10:43 or to see what's already happened working 10:46 its way out and producing that end. 10:48 And what's missing is the revival or the loud cry 10:52 or the great proclamation of, right, 10:54 of God's truth and on Religious Liberty terminology 10:59 His principle of freedom needs to be fully expounded. 11:03 And it's very interwoven directly with 11:05 The Three Angels Messages which calls us to not only, 11:09 not be the part of Babylon. 11:10 Absolutely, and I'm glad that you've brought it up. 11:12 To worship the true creator, to realize that there is 11:17 such a thing as the beast and his image, 11:19 and it's very political, and it's very real. 11:22 We often want to avoid the political 11:24 which is understandable, but at the same time, 11:28 it is reality, we have to understand politics 11:31 in the right way, in a heavenly way because if we don't, 11:34 we will be aiding and abetting and actually promoting 11:37 the image to the beast thinking that we're actually 11:39 doing God's will and being patriotic at the same time. 11:42 Listen to this, this is what amazes me. 11:45 John Ikenberry who is a foreign policy specialist, 11:48 who writes in foreign affairs journal quite a bit, 11:53 did a book review of a book called 11:54 "God's Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics" 11:57 written by Monica Duffy. 11:58 And here's what he says, 11:59 it's happening right now globally, 12:01 you know the old axiom was that well, 12:04 and this is by atheist and secular humanists and so on 12:06 that there were religious naysayers. 12:09 They said basically that when democracy 12:12 and secularism brings us a new day, 12:15 a new down in society, in modern society that, 12:20 what would happen is, religion and religiosity would fade. 12:23 Yeah. In fact, just. Reverse has happened. 12:25 The reverse has happened with Facebook, Twitter, Google, 12:28 I mean you name any device under the sun; 12:30 it's actually spread the word of religion in a very dynamic way. 12:35 It caused people to be more, maybe not more spiritual 12:38 or more religious, but it's giving them 12:41 more of a religious sense of identity 12:43 and rethinking about God. 12:45 And it's a great report. And this is very important. 12:47 We need to revisit this or to visit 12:49 this more fully in a moment, but for now let's take a break, 12:53 we'll be back shortly to continue our discussion 12:56 of the Coming Revival and Fulfilling Prophecy. 13:07 One-hundred years, a long time to do anything 13:11 much less publish a magazine, but this year Liberty, 13:15 the Seventh-day Adventist voice of religious freedom, 13:17 celebrates one hundred years of doing what it does best, 13:21 collecting, analyzing, and reporting the ebb 13:24 and flow of religious expression around the world. 13:27 Issue after issue. 13:29 Liberty has taken on the tough assignments, 13:32 tracking down threats to religious freedom 13:34 and exposing the work of the devil 13:35 in every corner of the globe. 13:37 Governmental interference, personal attacks, 13:40 corporate assaults, even religious freedom issues 13:43 sequestered within the church community itself 13:45 have been clearly and honestly exposed. 13:48 Liberty exists for one purpose to help God's people 13:52 maintain that all important separation of Church and State, 13:56 while recognizing the dangers inherent in such a struggle. 13:59 During the past century, Liberty has experienced 14:02 challenges of its own, but it remains on the job. 14:06 Thanks to the inspired leadership 14:07 of a long line of dedicated Adventist Editors, 14:10 three of whom represent almost half of the publications 14:13 existence and the foresight of a little woman from New England. 14:17 One hundred years of struggle, one hundred years of victories, 14:21 religious freedom isn't just about 14:23 political machines and cultural prejudices. 14:26 It's about people fighting for the right to serve the God 14:30 they love as their hearts and the Holy Spirit dictate. 14:34 Thanks to the prayers and generous support 14:36 of Seventh-Day Adventists everywhere. 14:39 Liberty will continue to accomplish 14:40 its work of providing timely information, 14:43 spirit filled inspiration, and heaven sent encouragement 14:46 to all who long to live and work in a world bound together 14:51 by the God ordained bonds of religious freedom. 15:05 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider. 15:08 Before the break I was talking with Greg Hamilton, 15:11 we were actually getting quite worked up 15:13 there on talking about revival 15:15 and the shifts that we see in the world 15:17 and of course the true revival is coming. 15:19 You were sharing something there? 15:20 Yeah, there's something that's happening in the world today 15:22 and that is religion worldwide is having a revival 15:27 whether it's fundamentalist religion, 15:28 moderate religion, liberal religion, 15:31 it's just reviving worldwide. 15:32 Let say, resurgence of religion. 15:34 Yeah, religion is a player where it was counted out worldwide. 15:37 We can see this in the Muslim world 15:38 with the move for democracy and all those countries today. 15:42 And here's what John Ikember, Ikenberry says, he writes, 15:46 "Two great shifts have brought religion back into politics: 15:49 the growth of the political and, the growth of the political 15:52 independence of Christian, Hindu, Jewish, 15:56 and Muslim groups from the institutions of government 15:59 has allowed them to exercise 16:01 greater leverage over the state." 16:03 And number two, "The development of more 16:05 activist political theologies has given the groups 16:08 new messages about how to pursue God's will in politics." 16:12 Now, I thought about that and I thought what 16:15 Ellen White said and we read this a couple of programs ago, 16:18 which she says in her own country. 16:19 "In order for the United States to form an image of the beast," 16:22 Like the Holy Roman Empire where the church dominating 16:25 control the state and Kings and Emperors 16:27 For in his promotion of its own agenda 16:30 and if they didn't they got ex-communicated. 16:32 She says, "In order for the United States 16:34 to form an image of the beast, the religious powers 16:37 must so control the civil government 16:38 that the authority of the state will also be employed 16:41 by the church to accomplish their own ends." 16:43 That is ecumenical, that's religions coming together 16:46 on a common cause, and moral, cultural, 16:49 social and political issues. 16:51 I didn't read socialism in there, 16:53 I didn't read socialist, I didn't say secular, 16:56 or secular humanist, or atheist, 16:58 or even the gay community which you know, 17:01 hey, all those issues, we need to stand up 17:03 for what is right because it is right, 17:04 but we need to understand the bigger picture, 17:07 prophetic picture and understand that the reaction 17:09 will always be stronger than the danger or the problem. 17:13 And so, we need to remember 17:15 that in the end this religious revival, 17:18 these religious power sort of speak 17:21 is basically setting themselves up for this grand overwhelming 17:25 deception that Satan is planning. 17:28 The whole world is planning to prepare 17:30 for Satan coming as Christ, pretending to be Christ. 17:33 Well, it's globalism which a lot of people. 17:36 To establish His kingdom on the earth. 17:37 Right people, a lot of people 17:39 talk about coming globalism which I think is... 17:40 One rule government, Satan just wants it wonderful. 17:43 But the epitome of that is one world religion, 17:46 one world thinking the same on the same spiritual wave length. 17:50 Now, as the Seventh-day Adventist, 17:52 we've long since picked up, from the Bible 17:55 in Revelation which speaks of these final events. 17:58 Our matching orders in Revelation chapter 14, 18:01 and you alluded to it earlier or you mentioned it earlier, 18:04 but I really want to go ever again 18:05 and look at this more closely. 18:07 There are three angels, and we know that 18:09 they are sort of proxies for what we call to proclaim. 18:12 Three messages, the first says, 18:15 "Worship the creator of heaven and earth 18:17 because the hour of His judgment has come." 18:20 So, it's a callback to God the Creator, 18:22 God the sovereign Lord. Yes. 18:24 And the reason that we're now 18:25 to particularly to remember God again, 18:27 He says, He's about to judge the earth. 18:29 So, it's an end time scenario, Adventist what we're call 18:33 and all who would answer to that call to give that message, 18:36 but that that's been in place for all of my life time. 18:41 The second one says, Babylon is fallen. 18:45 And what's Babylon? Confusion, isn't it? 18:47 Well, absolutely, yeah. 18:49 Or the great City Babylon was really the coming 18:52 together of all religious lines of thought. 18:55 It epitomized the polytheistic, synchronistic. 18:58 It's confusing and apostasy. 18:59 So, Babylon has fallen and that's the message 19:02 that that many churches could give. 19:04 And the Seventh-day Adventist Church 19:05 is tried to give it that the false worship 19:07 or you know amalgamated form of worship. 19:09 False doctrines. Or an unclear representation 19:12 of God is to be spoken against. Right. 19:14 But the final one is a warning against 19:17 anyone who takes the mark of the beast, 19:22 which I don't really need explain of a bit, 19:24 but a mark that a beast can take in the number of this 19:26 beast like power which was identified 19:29 with the persecuting church and then by extension 19:32 the great dragon himself, that antithetical evil force 19:35 that opposed God from the beginning. 19:37 And so, the mark of this at the end of time 19:39 that The Third Angels warns against is taking 19:44 an absolute sign of allegiance to this false system, 19:47 which will compel, it says, we'll compel great or small, 19:50 rich or poor to obey that. 19:53 And then it says, those that don't will take the mark of God. 19:57 So, that's a very final call, and what you read there 20:00 I think it showing that this is around the corner. 20:02 Oh what amazes me is, as this will comes together 20:05 in a global religious confederacy will naturally. 20:08 You don't have to project very much, 20:10 will have certain conditions of membership. Yeah. 20:13 It will require you to believe a certain way. 20:15 We need to be calling out against that now 20:17 as we begin this Third Angels message. 20:19 And secular expositors are telling this, 20:22 I mean everywhere I read in secular resources 20:25 it's almost like the rocks are crying out. 20:27 Absolutely. And....and that Christianity is not. 20:30 Where are the Christian expositors 20:32 that understand what's really happening. 20:34 Well, many of them are... are joining the rush toward 20:36 the negative development, they are a part of it. 20:40 Not bad people, very well intention people, 20:42 right, but they are playing into the wrong dynamic. 20:44 Right, so they are playing into the wrong crowd 20:46 like in our earlier program. 20:48 We need to be in the right crowd, 20:49 we need to be preserved for that holy cause 20:51 like the disciples were in that upper room 20:53 with the out pouring of the Holy Spirit. 20:55 We're preserved for a call for such a time as this. 20:59 We are called for such a time as this like 21:01 Esther was, like the disciples were. 21:03 God wants to preserve us for that special time. 21:06 We called to come out of her my people, 21:08 yes, yes, and holiness which used to characterize, 21:11 at least hopefully still does, but it used to characterize 21:14 the message of the Adventist church. 21:16 Holiness is to be set apart for God, 21:18 apart for all of men's inventions not man's joining, 21:22 but setting apart and joining with God 21:25 in opposition to this mix up of religion that... 21:29 that naturally will develop here. 21:30 God does not only want our bodies to be holy 21:33 in a sense that our temples, our body is God's temple, 21:36 and he want to take care of it and be good stewards of it. 21:38 But He also wants to take care of our minds 21:41 and not to be in this mad rush towards joining church 21:44 and state, with the cause of either the evangelical right, 21:49 or even in the cause of the interfaith left, 21:52 which we talked about earlier program. 21:53 In which both ends really are harmful 21:56 to religious freedom as we know it. 21:59 It's interesting I am sure you've noticed it in Revelation 22:01 and Daniel, it speaks several times there, 22:04 this calls for understanding. Yes. 22:06 Clearly, you have to think carefully, 22:09 but it's not thankfully, it's not pure IQ, 22:11 you and I might have both failed, 22:13 I think we hope we're not at the bottom of the pile. 22:16 But it's not that unless you are 22:17 incredibly intelligent person you'll see it. 22:19 But biblical understanding is premised on understanding God, 22:24 knowing about God and His ways and applying 22:26 those points of logic to what we see 22:29 developing around us in this world. 22:30 If you don't have that point of reference, 22:32 I'm certain that even a super intelligent person 22:35 will be swept away and the logic of one world government 22:39 of all people to stop religious factions, 22:42 you know uniting and peace and harmony, and so on. 22:44 All of these things are logical or else 22:46 most of mankind wouldn't go with it. 22:48 And I think that will only be spurred on 22:50 by increase natural disasters, natural catastrophes. 22:55 These things like what had happened 22:56 in Japan with this tsunami. 22:58 The tsunami in Indonesia, the earthquake in Chile, 23:01 New Zealand, who knows with that Pacific Ring of Fire, 23:06 that ring of fire out there, who knows what's next? 23:09 But the point is, is that, more and more as 23:12 natural catastrophes hit and it effects 23:15 the economies of many nations worldwide, 23:18 it effects the politics of many nations worldwide, 23:21 it effects everybody. 23:23 And when that happens, in fact, I was at the museum 23:27 with my wife in Europe this last summer. 23:32 And it was at the Omaha beach or the museum 23:34 where you do all the beaches, the landing of World War II 23:37 in Normandy, France. Normandy, France 23:40 and it's a museum there, World War II Museum. 23:42 The first plaque you go in when you see all the 23:44 different films and plaques everything. 23:45 The first plaque you see as you take that long winding tour 23:48 is you see a statement that says 23:51 during times of huge economic down turn, 23:54 that's when Hitler rose to power, 23:57 Mussolini, okay, Stalin, okay, they all rose. 24:01 That's very interesting, I didn't know that they.... 24:03 They all rose at the same time and it 24:05 didn't state that was a trend in history. 24:07 But if you go look back in history... 24:09 Of course there is a trend... despots rise right at the time, 24:13 fascism especially. 24:14 I think we're entering a time 24:16 where we are becoming more fascist. 24:18 In fact, lots of people forget that socialism; 24:20 Mayor Glenn Beck talked lot about 24:21 socialism or socialism has many faces. 24:24 If you look at the socialism, National Socialism... 24:27 If you look at Hitler and Mussolini, 24:29 that was a fascist form of socialism. 24:31 They were logical brotherhood. 24:32 And then there is communist socialism 24:33 which we clearly reject, but it seems like that 24:36 we have this fascination with fascist forms of socialism, 24:39 which people don't realize that a Sunday Law 24:42 or the religious powers controlling the civil government 24:45 is a form of fascism, okay. 24:47 It's clearly a right wing leaning 24:50 sense of governmental order. 24:52 Fascism, yes, you being as the front of them, 24:55 fascism is the worship of the instruments of the state. 24:57 Yes. And of the unity of that community. 25:02 And so, what better way then to... 25:03 then to bring that above through 25:07 the religious control of the state. 25:10 And so this is very important, and then of course 25:13 there is another form of socialism, 25:14 there is democratic modern European 25:16 form of socialism that we see today. 25:18 Which seems to be the model that some, 25:21 you know, liberals in this country 25:22 seem to want to follow, you know. 25:25 And....and not to be political heir but you've got... 25:27 you've got all these three big factors on socialism. 25:30 We are all devolved to the religion of man. 25:33 Yes. Man solving, his own problems. 25:36 In the end, when it says religious powers, 25:38 its referring, I think like Sadducees and Pharisees, 25:41 the Sadducees represents the religious 25:43 and political left of Christ day. 25:45 They were beholden to Rome, 25:47 they were dupes and puppets of Rome. 25:48 They didn't believed in the resurrection, 25:51 they didn't believed in the after life angels. 25:53 The Pharisees believed in all that and more, 25:55 and they were the religious and political right. 25:56 But yet they found common cause to get rid of Christ. 26:00 So, the left and the right has to find 26:03 something to unite them on. 26:04 I think natural catastrophes and political turmoil 26:07 and economic meltdown does that somehow. 26:09 So that the trick is as we make a grant proclamation 26:11 at the end, to say the correct thing to move them. 26:14 And yet not be unduly called travelers and Israelites. 26:17 Yes. As the Bible model put out. 26:20 As unrest and disorder starts to come into our midst 26:25 and even worldwide. 26:26 We see where there is a demand for more 26:31 order and a Christian order. 26:34 An order they prevent chaos or seek to 26:37 involve a remedy against chaos. 26:39 And what better way to do that through religious revival, 26:43 calling unto God to seek the remedy 26:46 to all of our problems that seems to be where we are going. 26:50 As a child I remember attending camp meetings in Australia, 26:54 back in the sunny days of summer of my youth. 26:57 And it always impressed on me that... 27:00 that there was something pristine 27:02 and pure about those days of spiritual commitment. 27:06 I can remember people answering the call, 27:08 coming down the isle through the straw, 27:11 through the sawdust trail is it used to be said. 27:14 And then the wonderful hymns 27:15 as people made a commitment to their Lord. 27:18 Now as I look to what's happening around me, 27:21 I am a little older, a lot older. 27:23 I know that I myself recalled to a recommitment to God. 27:29 As I look to God's church I know that 27:30 it too needs to recover its first love. 27:33 As I look to events around us, I see that they are arguing 27:37 forcibly that we must come alive again, 27:40 revitalize ourselves and proclaim God's mercy 27:44 and His warning at the same time to those around about us. 27:47 Because something great and wonderful is about to take place 27:51 as the prophet said to this time for the Lord 27:53 to act because thy law has been broken. 27:57 God's coming is drawing very near. 27:59 Thank God that the Revelation of His spirit 28:02 through great revival is also needed. 28:07 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed. |
Revised 2014-12-17