Liberty Insider

Apocalypse Now

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Greg Hamilton


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000128

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:24 This is the program that brings you up to dates,
00:26 news, views and discussion on Religious Liberty events.
00:29 My name is Lincoln Steed editor of Liberty Magazine
00:33 and my guest on the program is Greg Hamilton.
00:36 And you're the President of the North West
00:40 Religious Liberty Association. Yes.
00:42 And a Religious Liberty Director
00:45 for the Seventh-day Adventist church
00:46 in the North West region.
00:48 And as well as that I know,
00:50 an expert and a well read expert on
00:53 Religious Liberty issues,
00:55 church state issues and so on.
00:57 You and I are both following events
00:59 with great interests at the moment.
01:01 I think as Seventh-day Adventist
01:03 and you too are a Seventh-day Adventist.
01:05 We can't help but see prophecy fulfilling
01:08 in some of these current events,
01:09 what's your take on this?
01:10 How would you characterize the cataclysm events
01:13 in the Middle East and of course then Japan,
01:16 with their literal cataclysm? What does all this say to you?
01:19 Well, Christ said once that,
01:21 the very rocks would cry out if we didn't absolute present
01:27 the map that exists so obvious to us.
01:29 The world generalist, state leaders, world leaders,
01:35 kings, monarchs. They all see what's happening
01:37 and they're fearful, the Stock Market, Wall Street.
01:40 Events are happening so fast,
01:42 ever since 9/11 that we can't keep up with it.
01:45 It is, we are in fact even Hillary Clinton
01:48 is going to step down after four years serving
01:51 in the state department self serving two terms.
01:54 Because she is so worn out after two years,
01:56 it even shows, it's visible. Okay.
01:59 It, with the tsunamis, earthquakes,
02:03 nuclear meltdown, economic meltdown.
02:06 You name it, unrest.
02:09 All we're missing at the moment
02:10 is a global pandemic and of course
02:12 that will come around again,
02:13 unrest in the Arab middle,
02:15 Muslim Middle East,
02:16 which Nuclear War is a possible threat with Iran.
02:21 And when you look at it,
02:24 the destabilization of Saudi Arabia,
02:27 Bahrain and Iran's ability to influence
02:31 some of those countries, even possible Egypt.
02:33 It's not an easy situation for Barack Obama
02:38 to come into as President,
02:40 which he did two years ago.
02:41 But even more so, the challenges
02:43 are mounting up like no other president in history.
02:46 And this not to say I agree with everything Obama does,
02:49 because I don't.
02:50 And you'll see that in a minute very clearly.
02:52 But I really believe that our leaders
02:55 need to be prayed for,
02:56 regardless of whether we agree with him
02:59 or disagree with him.
03:00 Because these are times in which
03:02 clearly to anyone of us,
03:03 the Lord is coming and I believe possibly,
03:06 Lincoln, we maybe facing or heading down the road
03:08 of a little time of trouble and possibly a literal,
03:11 as well as a spiritual Armageddon.
03:13 Absolutely, I think there's good reasons
03:16 for a Christian to think that
03:17 these things are eminent.
03:18 And Jesus told the Pharisees He said,
03:21 you can decide on the seasons,
03:22 why can't you?
03:23 You see the times that we live in.
03:25 And it must apply today.
03:26 I really believe we're on the cusp
03:29 of something really big.
03:30 What I've often said in afternoon meetings
03:33 when we talk about this type of the thing.
03:34 I say that I can't know and I don't think
03:37 you're saying you know definitely that...
03:38 that the world will come to that moment of Christ,
03:41 you know on such and such a day.
03:42 I know there is a well known radio program that's,
03:45 what it said in May, isn't it?
03:47 You know we're not to do that,
03:49 but I tell people, I said,
03:51 I am certain that the world that we know
03:54 as we know it is about the pass away.
03:56 We're at a shifting point,
03:58 and every single thing,
04:00 whether it's the economy or the environment,
04:02 the political situation,
04:04 it's the possibility of pandemics,
04:06 they're all just swarming in on us.
04:07 Something big is about to happen, isn't it?
04:10 Oh, absolutely and I think we could no longer afford
04:12 to say that we believe in the life of Christ
04:16 or the doctrines of Bible prophecy.
04:17 And yet shelve them from Sabbath
04:19 to Sabbath in our sermons.
04:20 I think if there is ever a time to be awake,
04:23 it's now to preach The Three Angels message.
04:25 Messages that were said through Jesus Christ alone
04:28 and not through any man made means to save himself.
04:30 The world is at a crisis that its never seen before.
04:34 And I think it is high time that we wake up
04:37 and preach the message.
04:39 In fact, so much so
04:41 that we have nothing to be ashamed of.
04:42 What was it just the three days ago,
04:44 the USA Today Newspaper,
04:45 the second largest newspaper in the country
04:47 outside of New York Times,
04:48 with Wall Street Journal
04:49 and Washington Post following 3rd and 4th.
04:52 They said that the Seventh-day Adventist church
04:54 is the fastest growing denomination
04:57 in the United States. Now that was awesome,
05:00 now obliviously there's a little bit of,
05:02 we have to clarify that.
05:05 And that is that... that 2 percent growth
05:07 which doesn't say much compared,
05:09 you know obviously, the other denominations
05:11 aren't doing so well.
05:12 Yeah, we could wish them together.
05:13 Yes, but it is because of the growth of Hispanics
05:17 in our church, which is a very dynamic group
05:20 And the other factor is that they said that because
05:23 our church is so multi ethnic that people
05:26 that come across the border from Mexico
05:28 or from other countries,
05:29 they feel so at home in our churches.
05:30 And I think that because our churches booming,
05:34 I think that it's ever more than the reasons
05:36 why we should not be ashamed of our prophetic message.
05:39 Absolutely, and I believe it will boom
05:41 even more as Adventists focus again
05:44 on what we're all about? Yes.
05:46 We're not a nice comfortable club
05:48 which we are on one level.
05:50 But the whole purpose is,
05:52 Ellen White speaking to early Adventists said,
05:54 it's in our name. Seventh-day Adventists. Yes.
05:57 We'd have to call people back to
05:58 the Seventh-day Sabbath and God's law. Right.
06:01 And the varsity of God's word.
06:04 And Adventists, we're here to proclaim
06:07 that Christ is coming soon. Yes
06:09 And if we ever called to proclaim such a thing.
06:11 Now, it's multiplied many times over. Yes.
06:14 It's so apparent and you know,
06:17 you mentioned this Apocalypse now.
06:19 Yeah, Newsweek magazine, Apocalypse now.
06:22 Tsunamis, earthquakes,
06:23 nuclear meltdowns, revolutions,
06:24 economies on the brink.
06:25 And then what the blank is next? You know.
06:28 And they keep saying,
06:29 and it's unfortunate because it's maligning the Bible.
06:32 But you know disasters of Biblical proportions.
06:34 I keep hearing that.
06:36 what they really mean is that
06:38 these remind even a secular person
06:41 that maybe something bigger than them going on.
06:43 Maybe, what Christ said about evil working it's way out.
06:47 In preparatory to His coming kingdom.
06:49 Maybe that there is some truth in this. Oh absolutely.
06:52 And I think this is the moment of opportunity for us
06:54 to explain to a wondering world.
06:56 Even these leaders if we do with Liberty Magazine.
06:58 Explain to them that there is some meaning here,
07:01 it isn't as chaotic as it appears.
07:03 What I mean by a relationship with Jesus Christ
07:06 specifically is this, relationship is very important
07:10 but what do we mean by relationship?
07:11 Many time when we when we talk about
07:13 a relationship with Jesus Christ.
07:15 Many times it sounds like a warm, fuzzy, cozy,
07:19 relationship with Jesus, without knowing anything
07:20 about the political hardships He went through,
07:23 the social issues, the cultural issues
07:25 He went through.
07:26 All those factors we seem to leave out,
07:29 we get stuck in a theological lock box of which,
07:32 somehow that's all we know.
07:34 If ...if, you know we don't consider all the things
07:37 that Christ had to go through.
07:38 We often say well, all we need is
07:40 a relationship with Jesus, but we don't need
07:42 to have any knowledge. Knowledge isn't important,
07:45 or knowledge cannot save you, that's true,
07:47 knowledge cannot save you.
07:48 But knowledge divorced from a relationship
07:52 with Jesus Christ is a deceptive relationship.
07:56 Absolutely. It is a false relationship,
07:57 and that's what I call Evangelical drift
08:00 that happens to me to be occurring
08:02 within the Christian world
08:04 and even in the Seventh day Adventist church.
08:06 And it's, we've got to do what we can do.
08:09 And everything we can do to try to restore
08:12 our uniqueness as Seventh-day Adventist church.
08:15 Absolutely, even after the meeting,
08:17 a couple of weeks ago.
08:18 And talking about same sort of stuff and afterwards,
08:20 this very nice 30 years woman came up and she says,
08:24 oh, I'm troubled by lot of these she says,
08:26 I always thought that when that Christ has came,
08:29 it would just be like our neighbors
08:31 would talk badly about us.
08:32 And the woman next to her said,
08:34 oh I want to live with your reality.
08:35 The reality is that we're probably very close
08:41 to the times that Jesus said,
08:43 that be so severe that if they were not shorten,
08:45 no flesh would survive.
08:46 So we shouldn't undersell it,
08:48 but at the same time, if we're with Christ,
08:51 if we've identified our, our very being
08:54 with His purposes and goals,
08:55 there is a certain protection offered.
08:58 But beyond that,
08:59 you know there's an eternity of bliss.
09:01 So it's not really a bad times for God's followers,
09:03 but it's like testing time. This is the finals, isn't it?
09:07 And I really believe we've got to sort ourselves out quickly,
09:10 not internally but I mean sort ourselves in the sense of
09:13 get our priorities straight.
09:14 And we've have to realize that Christ needs to be
09:16 the center and His agenda.
09:18 And this is the moment of opportunity as I see it.
09:21 You know, if we market in Christ,
09:23 if the Seventh-day Adventist church
09:24 was brought into being to proclaim the second coming,
09:26 this is the moment. Yes, it is.
09:28 Lets go for it, not well; you know, maybe it is,
09:31 we know, we thought so, when Turkey fell.
09:34 You know... we were bothered
09:35 when Turkey fell in World War two.
09:37 And you know Hitler Communist,
09:39 well, you know why now?
09:40 I think there's many reasons that this an extraordinarily
09:43 different moment and far more likely
09:45 to be a final crisis. You know
09:46 I was to going to get motivated seminar,
09:47 which is put on by Zig-Ziglar and Colin Powell.
09:51 And Rudolph Giuliani were there.
09:53 Rudolph Giuliani in Portland,
09:54 Oregon just a couple of weeks ago,
09:55 said that we're facing chaos in the world,
09:59 because people are becoming followers and not leaders.
10:02 And he said the reason that is,
10:04 is because they're not readers anymore,
10:06 we don't read anymore.
10:07 In fact, he says, communication has bowled down
10:09 to a three word sentence on Twitter.
10:12 Okay, it's the Twitter generation,
10:14 the Facebook generation that is basically
10:17 taking us down to dumb and dumber.
10:19 And.. and what I mean by that is that people really
10:23 aren't thinking substantively anymore.
10:26 And as a result of that,
10:27 you're seeing more and more unrest, chaos.
10:29 Yes, cry for the democracy in the Middle East,
10:32 but in fact what we're seeing is chaos.
10:36 That I believe is leading to a time of trouble
10:38 that we've never seen before.
10:39 People, you talk about world peace,
10:43 there is no peace peace.
10:45 Well, what does this Bible say?
10:46 There's peace peace and sudden destruction
10:48 comes over. Yeah, there's nothing,
10:49 I mean there's no such thing as peace anymore, hardly.
10:52 I mean world leaders can hardly contain themselves
10:55 because they have no means to bring about world peace.
10:58 They have a sense of helplessness right now.
11:01 There's a wonderful quote that
11:03 I'll try to remember by Ellen White
11:04 at the beginning of a compilation recently
11:07 put together by our church on last day events.
11:09 And she says, "Thinking men and women of all class,
11:12 rulers, statesmen have their attention fixed upon
11:15 the events taking place about us. Yes.
11:17 They observe the intensity that is taking position
11:20 of every earthly element.
11:22 And they see that something great
11:24 and decisive is about to take place.
11:26 Absolutely. That the world is
11:28 on the verge of a stupendous crisis."
11:31 Yeah, I mean.
11:32 That's clearly where we live at this moment.
11:34 Worldwide Economy collapse is incredible.
11:36 Even the European Union can't even come together
11:39 as to determine whose going to take the lead
11:42 in the effort in Libya right now.
11:43 I mean it's, it's such a small decision,
11:46 but egos get in the way.
11:48 You know egos always get in the way.
11:49 Well, let me in part discuss a little bit,
11:52 we've got to be aware of if you're a political discussion,
11:55 but Libya is an interesting dynamic.
11:57 What's going on here?
11:58 Why so late in the process that will's last super power
12:02 and arguably the last imperial power.
12:04 I'm meddling there. What's funny because,
12:07 well Daniel 11, Libya is mentioned
12:10 in Daniel 11 ironically.
12:11 That's what we need to get on to.
12:12 We'll be back after a break
12:14 with this interesting discussion.
12:16 There's so much to discuss,
12:17 I want you stay with us as we continue
12:20 this after a break.
12:29 One-hundred years,
12:31 a long time to do anything,
12:33 much less publish a magazine,
12:35 but this year Liberty,
12:37 the Seventh-Day Adventist voice of religious freedom,
12:39 celebrates one hundred years of doing what it does best,
12:43 collecting, analyzing,
12:45 and reporting the ebb
12:46 and flow of religious expression
12:48 around the world. Issue after issue.
12:51 Liberty has taken on the tough assignments,
12:53 tracking down threats to religious freedom
12:56 and exposing the work of the devil
12:57 in every corner of the globe.
12:59 Governmental interference,
13:01 personal attacks, corporate assaults,
13:03 even religious freedom issues sequestered
13:05 within the church community itself
13:07 have been clearly and honestly exposed.
13:10 Liberty exists for one purpose,
13:12 to help God's people maintain that all important
13:16 separation of Church and State,
13:17 while recognizing the dangers
13:19 inherent in such a struggle.
13:21 During the past century,
13:23 Liberty has experienced challenges of its own,
13:25 but it remains on the job.
13:27 Thanks to the inspired leadership
13:30 of a long line of dedicated Adventist editors,
13:32 three of whom represent almost
13:34 half of the publications existence
13:35 and the foresight of a little woman from New England.
13:38 One hundred years of struggle,
13:41 one hundred years of victories,
13:43 religious freedom isn't just about political machines
13:46 and cultural prejudices.
13:48 It's about people fighting
13:50 for the right to serve the God they love
13:53 as their hearts and the Holy Spirit dictate.
13:56 Thanks to the prayers and generous support
13:58 of Seventh-Day Adventists everywhere.
14:00 Liberty will continue to accomplish
14:03 its work of providing timely information,
14:05 spirit filled inspiration,
14:06 and heaven sent encouragement
14:08 to all who long to live and work in a world
14:12 bound together by the God ordained bonds
14:15 of religious freedom.
14:24 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider,
14:25 before the break,
14:26 I was talking with guests,
14:28 Greg Hamilton about the cataclysm events
14:32 that are taking place around us.
14:33 As Newsweek magazine says,
14:35 Apocalypse now,
14:37 and the Seventh-day Adventist,
14:38 can we ignore this?
14:40 Is this prophetically significant?
14:41 You and I are both absolutely agree
14:44 that we are living not just
14:45 prophetic times maybe the final times.
14:48 Never has the Untied States been
14:50 in three wars at the same time,
14:52 simultaneously ever in its history.
14:55 And that's the most derivative that
14:56 the military world is said to petrify
14:58 three wars simultaneously. So what about a fourth?
15:01 Well, I mean we're told that in Matthew 24
15:03 there be wars, and wars of wars?
15:05 But what is the real significant thing going on?
15:08 Evangelicals today are really excited
15:11 about what's going on in the Middle East,
15:12 because if they believe that a democratic reform
15:15 could take place, then the Gospel
15:17 or if democratic reform could take place.
15:19 The Gospel can open up, Evangelism can take place.
15:22 And that 10 40 geographical window
15:25 from the Middle East clear over to Central
15:27 And South East Asia would be opened
15:30 to them to evangelize.
15:31 And so they see this as the big sign,
15:34 the big thing coming.
15:35 And so, they applaud the military action,
15:38 the use of force to then eventually
15:41 be able to spread the Gospel.
15:43 Well that to me is ironic.
15:44 Yeah, it is ironic,
15:45 and it's also one of the great ironies,
15:47 because well this is not a political program.
15:49 We've discussed political developments
15:52 and I saw a lot to be troubled with,
15:54 about the last administration,
15:56 not least use of force against Iraq.
16:00 But I have to say, you'd have to be blind
16:04 to events, not to see at what's happening now.
16:07 Part of the dynamic begun by that...
16:09 that forcible election that broke up
16:11 the old models there.
16:13 And as President Bush used to say
16:14 the idea was to bring democracy to the Middle East,
16:17 in a certain bizarre way that did start
16:19 the nine pens or the ten pens falling.
16:23 But I think it's a lot more than that,
16:25 I said and I written already on our blog and our website.
16:31 I think we've to recognize that
16:33 this wasn't the spontaneous as it appears,
16:35 there are Antisedans,
16:36 there's the religious agitation
16:38 of the Muslim brotherhood
16:40 and conservative Muslim activists.
16:43 But I think Al Jazeera, which a new.
16:47 It's been a big thing, a big factor.
16:49 Media phenomenon,
16:50 which has being targeted to the Middle East,
16:53 giving them a type of news
16:54 that we don't get that is very sensational,
16:56 very Arab oriented.
16:57 And for people, many of them
16:59 who haven't had access to any media,
17:02 let alone that. To imagine them
17:04 as I've seen them in different countries
17:06 and that part of the world.
17:07 Probably in a coffee shop
17:08 where they don't have a TV at home,
17:09 they're certainly sitting there in a group,
17:11 they're watching on a screen stuff
17:12 that is so shocking.
17:13 And it immediately bubbles up
17:15 in their society and they're sort of cold to arms,
17:18 they're cold to action.
17:19 Yeah, it's not just the Twitter
17:20 and Facebook revolution.
17:21 I don't believe it that it's Twitter and Facebook.
17:23 It's also the Al Jazeera revolution,
17:24 Al Jazeera revolution. Twitter or Facebook,
17:26 I believe is significant in how
17:28 they organize once they develop
17:30 this sense of dislocation,
17:32 that's sort of the final moment.
17:34 But with not cause by Twitter or Facebook.
17:36 Well the Facebook revolution is,
17:38 there is a huge element,
17:39 a factor that is credible
17:41 and that is that they're able to organize.
17:43 And actually get people out,
17:45 and to help other people
17:47 or to educate other people
17:48 as to their point of view.
17:50 I mean, yes, with the advent of the blog
17:52 and then of course now Facebook, Twitter, Al Jazeera.
17:56 I mean you name it,
17:57 all of these factors Googled
17:58 they all come together
17:59 to what form the unrest that we have.
18:02 And one thing that I don't think is remarked on
18:04 and we'll see how it develops as far as civil
18:06 and religious freedoms.
18:07 I think by and large well there's
18:10 a sense of self-determination that Al Zajeera
18:13 and these other elements have created
18:14 to give a sense of dislocation from their governments,
18:18 and what were the governments identified with, the West.
18:20 I don't think that this is a pro western uprising
18:24 in the slightest. And I don't think
18:27 it's pure Arab Nationalism,
18:29 'cause we've been in that route before,
18:31 that had burnt itself out.
18:32 If anything Hosni Mubarak was the ghost
18:34 of Arab Nationalism, finished.
18:37 I think this is sort of just an area of self-determinism
18:40 that probably cultural things like
18:42 religious identity will kick these.
18:44 I think its generation too,
18:45 I think it's the young people
18:46 who are tired of the same old autocrats and monarchs.
18:49 Okay, yes, absolutely and what we'll see,
18:51 and this is, we're getting back to prophecy,
18:53 we'll see whether just a breaking of
18:56 all the historic and social restrains of the past.
18:58 Whether that will create an openness,
19:00 to a new idea, a new religion,
19:02 a religious awareness that Islam can't have had.
19:06 When we're talking about a Christian explanation
19:09 of Christ in tenth of the world
19:12 and it's prophetic.
19:14 Well, that's a mixture you see,
19:15 you see a secular moment of some of these
19:17 young people, many of them,
19:18 a vast majority of them.
19:19 But there is still that strong element of
19:22 Islamic fundamentalism that comes through
19:24 in the unrest over in the Arab-Muslim Middle East.
19:28 And to me it's a significant factor,
19:30 because when you put the two together,
19:31 you've got sort of the mix as to why
19:35 they like Barack Obama.
19:37 Barack Obama represents to them someone
19:41 who grew up with his eclectic religion, yes.
19:44 I mean his mother was an Atheist,
19:45 his grandmother and grandfather were Catholics,
19:48 he went mostly to Catholic schools,
19:50 so this idea that somehow he's a Muslim
19:52 is a pure nonsense.
19:53 He converted to Pentecostal forms of Christianity,
19:57 okay, and when he finally ran for president,
20:01 he said to himself, you know,
20:03 I've got to identify with one particular religion.
20:05 So he became a Pentecostal Christian
20:07 just prior to that, but it's significant,
20:09 because when you mix all those religions together.
20:12 Okay, even his father and his stepfather
20:16 were both jack Muslims,
20:17 what I mean by that,
20:19 they were constantly getting arrested
20:20 by the police in Kenya and then over in Jakarta,
20:23 his stepfather, because they were constantly
20:25 denouncing Islam, yeah.
20:26 So, but if you take all those eclectic religions
20:29 together then what do you get?
20:30 You get a sort of a new age type president,
20:34 okay, all religions are good.
20:36 Let's peacefully co-exist,
20:37 let's get along together,
20:38 and that's... and that's what he strives for, and so.
20:41 And I'm glad that you brought this up
20:42 and I haven't really thought this through,
20:45 not much myself lately,
20:46 this lies closer to what we're told in the Bible
20:49 to expect at the end of the time. Right.
20:51 It's really just not a biblical word
20:53 but the word that people should use
20:55 Syncretistic religion. Yes, yes.
20:57 That's the characteristic of anytime
21:01 of great denial of the God,
21:03 you know when Israel was most of its desperate
21:06 when they were sacrificing children to idols and that.
21:09 They were still worshiping God,
21:10 but were Syncretistic that melted it all together.
21:12 And we're told that at the end of time they'll be having
21:15 a form of godliness but denying the path along.
21:17 You can't just point to Islamic extremism
21:19 as the great threat or to new age
21:22 or to Evangelical right or the interfaith
21:25 left or any of these factors.
21:27 You'll also have to look at the new age factor,
21:30 the Syncretistic factor,
21:33 you have to look all these factors because it's not just,
21:36 you can't just isolate from one religion
21:39 and look at fanatics and say,
21:40 oh they're the big threat, you just can't do that.
21:43 Well as they, maybe we can talk about this
21:46 in another program.
21:48 But just a few days ago now in Washington,
21:50 they started some hearings on the role of Islam
21:53 in this religious and terrorists threats.
21:57 They call it McCarthyism,
21:58 a new form of McCarthyism.
21:59 Yeah, I don't see it as that but I see a lot of play.
22:02 And what I've heard already
22:04 and I've listened to it a lot of it.
22:05 I think they're in the process of... of,
22:08 yes not vindicating but at least deflecting too much
22:13 paranoia toward Islam.
22:14 But the net effect is that now all activist religions
22:18 are a suspect, not just the radical
22:21 form of Islam that gave direct rise to 9/11.
22:24 But to avoid, categorizing
22:29 or you know demonizing Islam
22:32 now they're casting the guys around.
22:34 And so any religion, whether it's Adventist
22:36 or some other group that, that have an agenda,
22:39 end time agenda, something specific to say
22:41 and we'll beat if they say that the state
22:43 is headed it in the wrong direction.
22:45 I think you very easily now can be characterized
22:47 as an enemy of all that this new global Pan
22:51 religious society wants to accomplish.
22:54 I have a friend named Gulzar Ahmed in Portland,
22:57 Oregon. And he's part of the Oregon's interfaith alliance
23:00 which I'm also a member of.
23:02 And he's said it repeatedly;
23:04 you know these hearings are actually good
23:06 for Islam because it'll help moderate us.
23:09 It's exactly that what we need,
23:10 why fight it, it only makes us look more extreme.
23:12 He's one for moderation and he wants to present Islam
23:17 in the best possible light.
23:18 And I think that's good,
23:19 and I think that when you have people like that
23:22 who are rational, it only helps
23:24 in that discussion that we need here in America. Yeah.
23:28 Now, it's true, so your point is certainly valid,
23:32 we shouldn't be so focused on Islam because
23:34 on 9/11 this country got a shock.
23:36 Prophecy does mention Islam
23:38 or arguably it mentions it
23:40 that the issue would play for
23:42 the Seventh-day Adventist
23:43 and for Christians is loyalty to God,
23:44 preparation for coming for the coming
23:46 of Jesus Christ.
23:47 And you and I believe is Revelation 13,
23:50 there's a clear indications that a nation,
23:53 that the U.S. answers the description pretty closely,
23:56 a nation will actually enforce a religious edict
24:02 or a series of edicts probably that are...
24:04 that are contrary to God's will at the end of time.
24:06 And singling out one religion like Islam
24:09 is only a further sign of the ties because
24:12 when all religions come and unite together
24:15 on the bases of interfaith ecumenism or interfaith unity,
24:20 then it would be easy for them to target
24:22 one religion they disagree with. Right.
24:24 And to me, it's a pattern,
24:25 it's a trend that won't reverse itself overtime.
24:29 And you know, I need to say,
24:30 we make comments about globalism now and then.
24:35 And lot of Christians are opposed to globalism,
24:37 because we know that it plays a factor
24:40 in end time prophecy.
24:41 But globalism per-say is not illogical
24:44 or even inherently evil.
24:45 I think a world that is being shrunk
24:48 by information and interdependence
24:50 is naturally heading toward that.
24:52 It''s, if what, if there weren't a God,
24:54 globalism would be the only survival of the race.
24:57 So, there's logic and a necessity
25:01 to this global coming together.
25:03 But when you think prophecy,
25:04 when you think biblical truths,
25:06 and to see it all mix into this big pot,
25:08 that's very problematic.
25:09 That's why our calling as Seventh-day Adventist
25:11 Christians is to defend, protect and advance
25:14 and defend the religious freedom
25:17 of every religious faith.
25:18 And that's very important that we represent
25:21 the equality of all religious faiths,
25:23 because if we don't go and seek to protect them,
25:26 then what do we have to say in the end
25:29 when they come after us.
25:30 We've got to be totally balanced,
25:33 we've got to speak the truth as it is in Christ,
25:36 but at the same time defend our constitution to the hilt,
25:40 to protect their freedom.
25:41 We need to defend the constitution
25:43 and never back off on that,
25:44 but as you well know the Seventh-day
25:46 Adventist Christians,
25:48 God's word is the promising.
25:50 And it's a wonderful concurrence of history
25:53 that the constitution in regard
25:55 to the separation of church and state,
25:56 and the allowance of free and unhampered
25:58 religious expression, it guarantees that.
26:01 But the Bible is the source of that.
26:03 Well, we definitely face a world of unrest
26:05 and I think that a, when you look
26:08 at all of the transpiring events were coming down
26:11 the road to a time of trouble
26:15 such as we've never seen.
26:16 Now that maybe a long distance off
26:18 or that maybe a short distance off,
26:20 but I really believe that a little time
26:22 of trouble is clearly before us.
26:25 Now how that is defined?
26:27 I don't know, I have no idea
26:29 but we have to remember that as we strive
26:32 to have a relationship to Jesus,
26:34 let's remember that protecting people's
26:37 religious freedom and having a knowledge
26:39 based religion is all important.
26:44 Some of the greatest changes in history
26:46 while they may seem inevitable in retrospect
26:49 at the time are barely explainable.
26:52 That certainly is the case with the changes
26:55 that have been going for sometime
26:56 now in the Middle East.
26:57 There's been a spontaneous up swelling
27:01 of interests and demonstrations
27:04 of self determination,
27:06 mostly by young people but not just
27:08 by young people.
27:09 Mostly by men, not just by men,
27:13 it appears that even in heavily
27:15 Islamic Middle Eastern countries,
27:18 they want the self determination
27:20 that the Western world has.
27:23 This could be a great moment for religious openness
27:26 which surely won't mean the immediate conversion
27:29 to any other religious view points,
27:31 but it may mean an openness for dialogue
27:33 that we haven't seen for for a long term.
27:35 We can hope that even though this event
27:37 and other cataclysmic events in the world
27:41 appear to signal the imminent count of the Apocalypse.
27:44 At the same time it may signal that God is about to move
27:48 powerfully to open people's minds,
27:51 to a retelling of the great story of salvation
27:55 and the wonderful opportunity yet before people
27:57 while time lingers.
28:01 For Liberty Insider, this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17