Liberty Insider

Marriage Is Discrimination

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Alan Reinach


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000123

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider, this is the
00:25 program that will bring you updates,
00:27 news discussion and all around information
00:30 for religious liberty issues.
00:32 My name is Lincoln Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine
00:36 and my guest on the program is Attorney
00:38 Alan Reinach. Alan, welcome back to the program.
00:41 Thank you very much Lincoln.
00:42 Let's really hit a contentious topic now,
00:45 marriage. Well. Of course, I can hear
00:48 a thousand standup comedians lining up
00:52 to take shots at marriage.
00:53 Well you know, Robin Williams had the best
00:55 line about same sex marriage, he said
00:58 I don't see what the big deal is everybody
01:00 has been married now, it's all the same.
01:04 Well, we'll not even get into that, bad marriage is
01:07 in that way easily or marriages to generate
01:10 and that's true. But you know there is no question
01:14 that the rising prominence,
01:18 the homosexual lifestyle and the new found rights
01:22 and you know the movements toward
01:24 homosexual court marriage and this is you know
01:27 that we call it marriage it has brought marriage
01:30 itself into prominence and there's being efforts
01:32 most notably the proportionate in California
01:35 to legally redefine or legally define marriages
01:39 between a man and a woman, any Christian
01:43 is known that so for a long time.
01:45 But here there's a legal attempt to, to limit it to
01:48 what we have understood is true marriage.
01:50 The courts have come a long way Lincoln
01:52 we think that the battle is simply over you know
01:56 a marriage is a man or woman whether it wil be
01:58 extended to same sex couples,
02:01 it's far beyond that point.
02:03 Marriage itself has been ruled not just by
02:08 a court in California, but in your own neck
02:10 of the woods in Washington D.C.
02:13 Marriage itself is illegal discrimination,
02:17 it violates basic human rights and the logic
02:20 of it is really not simply to open up marriage
02:25 to same sex couples, but to really undermine
02:29 any authority of the state to either promote or
02:33 even restrict marriage because marriage now
02:37 is as a fundamental right, an expression of pure
02:43 personal choice, personal gratification,
02:46 sexual fulfillment. And when you look at it
02:49 that way what business does the state
02:52 have to tell you that you can't marry your sister,
02:56 that if you're a bisexual that you can't marry
03:00 a man and a woman at the same time.
03:03 If that's what the fundamental right is,
03:06 a fundamental right of sexual freedom,
03:08 of privacy, of autonomy in personal relationships.
03:12 And marriage is no longer a social institution
03:17 for the preservation of the society and the
03:19 raising of the children in the welfare of the next
03:22 generation, we're undermining the
03:25 foundation of the entire civilization.
03:27 Well it seems to me there's two things going on,
03:29 there's a lowered respect for the norms
03:32 that might derive from Christianity or any
03:35 religious tradition and also there's clearly a
03:39 devolution of society from it's accepted
03:41 morays of previous times.
03:44 Because it seems odd to me or it's not odd but
03:47 it's bizarre that we're trying to shore up
03:51 marriage in using Christianity where
03:53 with very few exceptions throughout the whole
03:56 cavalcade human history. Marriage has been accepted
04:00 for what it is, the only divergence might be
04:02 how many wives? Right. But marriage is hardly
04:05 a unique construct that you can say well just this
04:08 relation. It's not a Western, it's not a
04:09 Christian, it's not a Jewish, it's a Universal.
04:13 So, so. But try to understand.
04:15 That our society is about to throw it out tells me
04:18 quite apart from morality that just society,
04:22 we don't really have the guidelines anymore,
04:25 we're in an open territory and. And let's be clear
04:29 the issue is not whether same sex marriage poses
04:32 some sort of, you know terminal threat to the
04:36 to the institution of marriage.
04:38 Same sex marriage is not a cause it's a symptom,
04:41 exactly, of a much larger disease. I don't for,
04:46 for a moment believe that what a same sex
04:50 couple does in their relationship is going to
04:54 determine the future of marriage,
04:56 future of my marriage.
04:58 It's not that what they're doing is somehow harming,
05:01 it's that the fact that society is redefining
05:05 marriage from being an institution that protects
05:09 children that provides for the social, emotional,
05:12 spiritual, physical, academic
05:16 prosperity of children. I mean one of the things
05:19 we don't hear about in the media, we're not
05:22 hearing about it enough in the court cases
05:25 is all the statistics show that yes children
05:29 really do need a father and a mother, and this is
05:33 not a religious thing. Children in intact
05:36 homes with the father and mother have better
05:38 economic futures, better academic outcomes,
05:42 better social, better emotional health,
05:44 there's no question. And, and, you know
05:47 I don't wanna be foolish and I would be attacked
05:50 via letters and phone calls if I claim to be
05:52 an expert on the psychology and the
05:54 sexuality and all of that. But it's abundantly
05:57 obvious that a significant precipitating factor
06:01 in homosexual behavior is the dynamic of parents.
06:06 And I mean a troublesome dynamic often where
06:11 one parent is absent or a parent that
06:14 assumed another role. So I think we're on,
06:16 but I Lincoln, there's so much, psychology
06:18 that underlies it shows that our
06:20 society is disruptive. So to institutionalize
06:24 that disruption cannot be good.
06:26 There's so much in this discussion where those
06:29 of us who favor marriage are I think unfairly
06:32 characterize as homophobic
06:34 and hostile to homosexuality.
06:36 To me the issue of homosexuality is beside
06:39 the point okay, we have a federal court,
06:43 it was besides the point for this, you know
06:45 Judge Walker, Judge Walker in San Francisco
06:48 ruled that there is no other bases for a society
06:52 to preserve marriages of man and a woman
06:55 except essentially for religious bigotry.
06:58 Marriage is nothing short of religious bigotry.
07:00 What I, you know what I'm trying to say is
07:03 it has nothing to do with attitudes towards
07:06 homosexuality, it has every thing to do with
07:09 an understanding of the significance of marriage
07:12 itself as a social institution and the
07:15 importance of a father and mother to children.
07:19 It has nothing to do with homosexuality,
07:22 so for Judge Walker to equate, to equate the
07:27 voting for proposition aid for a ballot
07:30 initiative in favor of marriages of man
07:33 and a woman to equate that with bigotry
07:36 towards homosexuals, I think it's completely
07:38 misguided. Does he say that the, the promotion of
07:43 proposition aid is religious bigotry
07:45 in marriage? Yes. Yes. Or that marriage as it
07:48 exists is religious bigotry?
07:51 The judge here in, judge, well we've got a
07:54 trial judge here in the district of Columbia
07:59 and we have a three judge panel on the district of
08:01 Columbia court of appeals who said that marriage is
08:05 discriminatory, it violates the human
08:08 rights charter of the city of Washington D.C.
08:11 They would not even permit the voters,
08:15 the citizens of Washington to vote on an initiative,
08:19 on the ballet whether to preserve marriage as a
08:22 man and a woman. This was beyond,
08:25 I wanna go back to a point we made earlier
08:27 which I think the judge couldn't be so
08:29 unaware of it. It's no question that Christians
08:33 in America are anxious to protect marriage
08:36 but by means historically could you show that
08:40 marriage just exists in our Western continuum
08:43 because Christianity suddenly appeared.
08:46 Marriage is not exclusively Christian,
08:48 it exists in every culture, every civilization,
08:52 India, China, Buddhist, Hindu I don't care,
08:54 Muslim, it's a universal. It's true, I think an
08:58 argument could be made that Christianity taking
09:01 an existing, at least in recent history an existing
09:04 social structure has arguably moderated or
09:08 softened the contractual relationship and made
09:11 it more emotional and spiritual, but it's
09:14 certainly not a Christian construct as far as
09:17 history is concerned. Well from a Christian
09:19 stand point of course we go back to the
09:22 Garden of Eden that there were two institutions.
09:25 Biblical, if you accept the, I mean with the
09:28 premise of course that God created everything
09:30 all from one but as far as the historical record
09:34 all societies have seem to come at the same
09:38 point in their different development and they
09:40 didn't throw off marriage just because they,
09:42 they departed from the worship of God.
09:44 So it's something innate in the way
09:46 human beings interact. Well, and one of the
09:48 legal arguments I think the judges have ignored
09:51 is that the burden of proof given thousands
09:54 of years of human history where marriage
09:56 has been the norm. The burden of proof is
09:59 on those who wanna change it to show that
10:02 society would somehow be improved by changing
10:05 the basic norms. And, and, and, and I haven't read
10:08 all of the arguments of that case but.
10:09 I have read it over and over again.
10:11 Well then tell me if I'm on to this, I, I,
10:13 years ago, I used to listened to that,
10:15 I've mentioned on this program before I listened
10:17 in Australia, beginning in Australia to some of the
10:19 public debate from socialists and Anarchists
10:24 for want of a better word. Many of them were
10:26 pushing a homosexual agenda or even then
10:28 when I was young long ago and the premises
10:32 basically a socialist one or a progressively
10:35 socialist one that the norms of our society
10:38 including Christianity are false and abusive and
10:42 that we need to get rid of this prosthetic,
10:44 they're ultimately opposed to a male domination
10:48 and the nuclear family structure and all
10:52 should be thrown out. You don't see that,
10:54 I believe it, you don't see that, that's what I'm
10:58 fishing for. I hope the judge is gonna drop that
10:59 because that's usually the argument underlining
11:02 the more radical philosophically inclined
11:05 gay movement. I don't hardly think that
11:07 all those involved in the gay movement
11:09 I don't understand it. But it predates the modern
11:11 gay moment because the gay movements
11:14 sense of change from the existing society
11:18 derived from this earlier thinking
11:20 which was very problematic.
11:21 And it's amazing that in a day when we're being
11:23 told that the present regime is bringing
11:25 socialism and so on. This view that many people
11:28 have adopted it, route I think is realistically
11:31 socialistic. Well, there's two different prospectives
11:35 in terms of attack on marriage, the lesbian
11:38 prospective clearly sees marriage as an
11:41 institution of male oppression and they'd
11:44 like to do anything they can to end it.
11:47 So the specter of two women desiring to
11:50 marry, well they may genuinely desire that,
11:53 but from the stand point of the lesbian
11:56 philosophical agenda is not to get two women
12:00 to be able to marry, but to destroy
12:02 the institution entirely. Yeah now there's no
12:04 question in gender, I think part of it is an
12:08 unfortunate out growth of a break down in society,
12:11 people were carrying the neurosis to unfulfilled
12:14 desires to marriage even though that they might
12:16 have an alienation toward the institution.
12:19 But as you point out what suffering is religion
12:23 itself and the prerogative of those
12:25 people that hold that faith and the value of
12:27 marriage, it's really being literally
12:29 restricted isn't it? Well, there's a very
12:33 serious implication for religious freedom,
12:37 because the right, the fundamental right to
12:40 marry has been extended to the same sex couples
12:42 at the same time that religious freedom has
12:44 being diminished. That's true, we'll be back
12:46 after the break to continue this very
12:49 interesting discussion on a topic that's as real
12:51 as what's happening on your headlines today.
13:02 One-hundred years, a long time to do anything
13:06 much less publish a magazine, but this year
13:09 Liberty, the Seventh-Day Adventist voice of
13:12 religious freedom, celebrates one hundred
13:14 years of doing what it does best, collecting,
13:17 analyzing, and reporting the ebb and flow of
13:20 religious expression around the world.
13:22 Issue after issue. Liberty has taken on the tough
13:26 assignments, tracking down threats to religious
13:28 freedom and exposing the work of the devil in every
13:31 corner of the globe. Governmental interference,
13:34 personal attacks, corporate assaults,
13:36 even religious freedom issues sequestered within
13:39 church community itself have been clearly and
13:41 honestly exposed. Liberty exists for one
13:45 purpose to help God's people maintain that
13:48 all important separation of Church and State,
13:50 while recognizing the dangers inherent in
13:53 such a struggle. During the past century,
13:56 Liberty has experienced challenges of its
13:58 own, but it remains on the job.
14:00 Thanks to the inspired leadership of a long
14:03 line of dedicated Adventist Editors,
14:05 three of whom represent almost half of
14:07 the publications existence and the foresight
14:09 of a little woman from New England.
14:11 One hundred years of struggle,
14:14 one hundred years of victories, religious
14:17 freedom isn't just about political machines and
14:19 cultural prejudices. It's about people
14:22 fighting for the right to serve the God
14:25 they love as their hearts and the Holy
14:27 Spirit dictate. Thanks to the prayers and
14:30 generous support of Seventh-Day
14:32 Adventists everywhere. Liberty will continue
14:35 to accomplish its work of providing timely
14:37 information, spirit filled inspiration,
14:39 and heaven sent encouragement to all who
14:42 long to live and work in a world bound
14:45 together by the God ordained
14:47 bonds of religious freedom.
14:59 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider,
15:01 before the break I was discussing with my guest
15:03 Alan Reinach some of the ramifications for
15:07 religious freedom in the gay marriage issue.
15:11 And of course that just spins out in many
15:14 directions, but to bring it back to something
15:17 that's currently happening as we record this,
15:18 this a hearing before the Ninth Circuit on the
15:23 constitutionality I guess of the Proposition 8.
15:27 Well all our arguments were already heard by the
15:29 Ninth Circuit. Yes, just a few days ago, I was.
15:31 And whether, you know California voters in
15:33 2008 approved a ballet initiative defining
15:38 marriages of man and a woman.
15:39 And a gay federal judge struck it down and said,
15:43 society has absolutely no legitimate interest in
15:49 restricting marriage to a man and a woman
15:51 that that restriction is the product wholly
15:54 of religious bigotry. And that's the ruling
15:57 that is now up on appeal before the Ninth Circuit.
16:00 And we have it as we're sitting here in the studio
16:02 today, we have not yet had a decision from the
16:06 Ninth Circuit. And I heard a lot of the argument
16:08 and on both sides, they were very
16:10 interesting points put forward, so it's not an
16:13 absolutely one dimensional argument, at least as
16:16 far as the legal prospective, but I think
16:18 that sociologically there some serious things
16:20 applied. And from the point of view of where
16:23 we go here on religious freedom and
16:26 understandings of marriages of religious
16:28 institution and have that impacts
16:31 employment in churches, the right of churches
16:33 to hold a viewpoint. I mean it's just scary.
16:35 The implication is due but before we get into the
16:38 details Lincoln, I have to observe, God's wisdom,
16:43 the authority of the creator who gave us
16:45 marriage before sin ever entered in the
16:48 Garden of Eden. The authority of the creator
16:51 was put on trial in a federal court in
16:54 San Francisco, and the Christian world has been
16:56 and the Adventist world has been largely
16:59 apathetic to this idea that God Himself is on trial.
17:05 And essentially His wisdom, His law was
17:09 defeated in the trial court. I agree with you
17:15 I don't agree with you. On one level I think
17:17 we shouldn't make what, even in the Bible it says
17:22 the times of ignorance God winked, God winked at.
17:24 And I think there is some even gay judge
17:28 says one thing. I'll tell you the Judge Walker
17:30 was ignorant, I think that there's some secular
17:33 ignorance at play here, yes, because they
17:34 follow through one thing I'm not sure our whole
17:37 system has seen is just gonna strike God down.
17:40 It's a telling thing that people don't recognize
17:43 the greater values and the representation of God
17:47 is at play, but I'm a little lowest to cast it
17:52 absolutely that way but we should recognize
17:54 that a lot it takes here that the image of God
17:57 is being snuffed out in our society
17:59 and here in the very institution.
18:01 And, and, I'm glad you talk about the image
18:03 of God because if you go back to the Genesis
18:07 chapter 1 verse 27, it does not say that you
18:12 as a male are created in the image of God, yeah,
18:16 it says male and female created he them in his
18:20 image.Yeah And so as in what we need to recover
18:25 is the sense that in the intimacy of marriage
18:28 we get the only experiential glimpse
18:33 that will, can have as human beings into what
18:36 it means for the divinity to be three in one,
18:40 to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a, you
18:44 know close intimate relationship, the two
18:48 become one flesh in marriage. And there
18:51 is an intimacy and a, and a oneness there that is
18:56 an imperfect to be sure reflection of the unity
18:59 of God head. Now very unfortunate part of this
19:02 debate not in the legal hearing, and it came up
19:05 a little bit I must admit I heard it's a sniping
19:08 attack about well the state of marriage, you
19:11 know if the Christians are trying to defend
19:13 that you know so many end in divorce. But
19:16 that's, that's a rebuke against man's custody of
19:20 institution, not of the institution itself. True.
19:23 There are so many stresses in our
19:25 society and you know just looking as a
19:28 sociologically, you know a whole, since
19:31 the industrial revolution, taking
19:32 people off the land making them workers in
19:36 factories that break up their home and now
19:38 women have to work and so on. There are
19:40 many factors that have worked to destroy
19:42 the biblical model of marriage quite apart
19:45 from the gay. Right, and I want to be clear,
19:49 I'm not suggesting the same sex marriage is
19:52 you know critical to the destruction of marriage
19:55 as some have said and I don't disagree with
20:00 Judge Walker on that particular point.
20:03 I think there are much larger issues.
20:04 And the problem for religious liberty is that
20:07 the fundamental personal right, whether
20:11 it be simply gay rights in general or especially
20:15 the right to have a same sex marriage
20:18 has been elevated to the same level as
20:21 a race. Right. In some courts, California being
20:24 among them where universally religious
20:28 freedom has been reduced to a very
20:32 trivial kind of right. Now you're getting to.
20:34 And so what we have is, we have this
20:36 unleveled playing field. Now President Obama
20:39 appointed a renowned law professor Chai Feldblum
20:43 to head up the Civil Rights Agency of the
20:46 Federal Government, the Equal Employment
20:48 Opportunity Commission. She's on a record
20:50 having said and having published, her view
20:53 is in there is no potential conflict
20:57 between gay rights and religious freedom
20:59 that she can imagine where religious freedom
21:02 ought to win over gay rights. Yeah. And there
21:06 is no question, yeah, it's just wrong headed,
21:07 we come into court with two strikes against us.
21:11 There is an unleveled legal playing field.
21:13 And the presumption is that if there is a
21:15 religious objection of any kind by an
21:18 individual, by a church to something that
21:20 implicates gay rights somehow, the church
21:24 and the religion are going to lose. And
21:27 the implications are very serious for the
21:30 survival of religious institutions in America
21:33 as we know it. Yeah, now you're right there's
21:35 something serious at play and I'll throw
21:37 a wild card in, but it's the most effecting
21:40 to me. We're seeing what's happening in
21:42 this country and because it's not
21:43 the only country, Canada is in some ways even
21:46 quite ahead but Abu Ghraib, when I look back
21:51 at what a disgraceful moment the western
21:56 nominally Christian world in the United States
21:59 has come to where at Abu Ghraib not just
22:02 tortured was visited upon the detainees
22:04 but aberrant, psychosexual behavior
22:12 is visited on them and President Bush said,
22:16 this is not us unfortunately
22:18 this is us. And this type of motion I think
22:23 institutionalizes in our very law or something
22:26 that I think its fine to respect the human being.
22:31 But its behavior that's biblically and socially
22:35 and in every other country most that I can
22:37 think of aberrant other than Europe which
22:39 is going along with it a bit. And yeah we
22:44 need to speak out against it where I have
22:45 the problem? At a point where the society
22:49 is so out of harmony with the nature of reality
22:53 and that's the way I describe it. God's law
22:57 to establish marriage was not arbitrary,
23:00 it's biology, it's nature and when we become so
23:05 contrary to human nature and biology
23:09 in reality as to approve same sex marriage we
23:12 have to be on the borders of eternity.
23:15 It has to be close, absolutely, judgment
23:18 day for the civilization. Of course now you
23:21 know just looking at history I can't find in,
23:23 I've never been never be able to find evidence
23:25 that in the early Christian church which
23:28 was extend there at the time of the Roman Empire
23:30 and the remainders of the Greek Empire,
23:34 I mean it had gone but Greece was still
23:35 very much alive and we know that there was
23:40 a severe homosexuality. But there is no evidence
23:43 that early Christianity harassed the homosexual
23:46 life style. It was just as Paul said, some of
23:49 these you once were, right, Christians came
23:52 out that. And other than even now, a few
23:56 misguided Christian activist you know
23:58 chanting things that gay rallies and that,
24:01 there's no really evidence of Christians trying
24:04 to victimize gays in my view. What
24:08 has happened is, is this new right has now being
24:11 turned against religious practice and we need to
24:14 see this as a new model and as you say
24:18 EOC signaling there that Christianity or
24:21 religion? It's not just Christianity. Religious
24:24 rights may not be seen as a primary right.
24:26 Look we've already seen two Christians
24:29 institutions, Catholic institutions closed
24:33 down because from a regulatory standpoint
24:36 there were adoption agencies in San
24:38 Francisco and Boston that were required
24:41 to offer services to same sex couples and
24:44 they could not do that on conscience grounds
24:46 and their conscience rights were not
24:49 respected. And we can expect in wide range
24:52 of places, graduate programs in physiology
24:55 and social work will be shut down will not
24:58 accredited if they don't comply with the gay
25:03 agenda. Do you think as is hinted at in
25:06 Canada, the ministers of religion will be required
25:09 on paying of losing their right to perform any
25:11 marriage, required to perform such marriages.
25:14 I actually think. You see that Alan. I think
25:16 that's a long short in America, there are
25:19 those who I respect who fear that realistically,
25:22 I think that's the end of a long course.
25:26 And I frankly don't know that the pendulum
25:29 gonna keep swinging in that direction before
25:31 it swings back. Because I believe this whole
25:34 thing is just begging for overreaction back
25:38 the other way, which will be sociologically
25:41 very bad. So all we could do in discussing
25:43 what the risks are to the church is to say if
25:47 these legal principles are allowed to work
25:50 themselves through what are the likely result?
25:54 For example there was Amathus Camp meeting
25:57 property, beautiful place on the Jersey shore,
26:00 lost the first round battle for its tax
26:03 exempt status from real property taxes not
26:06 because of the same sex marriage but a civil
26:08 union. Yeah, the ramifications of this
26:11 spread out in all sorts of church and religious
26:14 behavior don't they? The ramifications
26:16 are the serious threat for the future survival
26:19 of the religious institutions, if
26:22 Christianity is regarded as discrimination and
26:25 our rights to be Christians into half
26:27 Christian institutions subordinated to
26:30 gay rights then if we are not willing to have
26:33 gays represents us school teachers,
26:35 as Pastors, etc, we're not going to be allowed
26:39 to have our institutions, it's that simple, we
26:42 can't exist if we're discriminatory.
26:47 It's very significant to me that at the beginning
26:49 of the Christ's Ministry the first miracle that
26:52 He performed was at the marriage feast
26:54 in Cana. Marriage back then was both societally
26:59 approved and encouraged and biblically required,
27:03 however 2000 years later many, many things have
27:08 changed and I cannot see it as anything
27:11 but the sign of deteriorating social
27:14 norms, as well as the disregard for religious
27:18 requirements that we are having some of
27:20 the arguments that we have over not just
27:23 marriage but gay marriage. Of course we
27:26 required to be charitable toward
27:28 people, of course we are required with the
27:30 separation of the church and state, to live our
27:33 lives and to, in the spiritual fulfillment of
27:39 what God requires and to leave the state
27:42 to its own requirement. But surely we cannot
27:45 be indifferent to the state going in the
27:48 direction that could end dangerous for all
27:52 concerned. It's up to Christians to object to
27:56 this and yet live in charity with all of our
27:58 fellowmen with whatever sexual persuasion.
28:02 This is Lincoln Steed for Liberty Insider.


Revised 2014-12-17