Liberty Insider

Sharia Law

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Alan Reinach


Series Code: LI

Program Code: LI000119

00:22 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:24 This is a program that brings you
00:25 up to date news, views and information and
00:28 discussion on religious liberty events.
00:31 My name is Lincoln Steed,
00:32 editor of Liberty Magazine and my guest
00:34 on the program is attorney Allen Reinach.
00:38 Thanks Allen, it's good to have you on
00:39 the program. This is not the first time,
00:42 you've been on in the past and we're planning
00:45 on doing a number of filmings of you with us
00:47 at the moment. I would like to
00:49 ask you a question, Reinach is a Jewish
00:53 name I think. It is. But let's talk about
00:57 something that is concerning the whole
00:59 world, but Jews have a little different
01:02 take on Islam, or the Islamic world.
01:06 And we'll relate it to religious freedom.
01:09 You and I working for religious liberty
01:10 which is at root the right for all people,
01:14 doesn't matter what faith or no faith
01:16 to believe or disbelieve anything.
01:17 Right. That's an accepted thing for any
01:21 discussion we have, but when we look
01:23 at the world today the religious
01:24 and political world we see that Islam
01:28 is certainly in the headlines and arguably
01:30 is resurgent or in an aggressive way
01:34 through some of the immigrants to
01:37 different countries, to Europe and so on.
01:38 They're arguing that they should have
01:41 certain rights to go beyond just the right
01:43 to practice their faith, they in essence
01:45 want to force it on a society
01:47 where they are, you know what do we do
01:50 with this like Sharia law,
01:51 is Sharia law for the United States.
01:54 First let me say in the United States
01:58 whether we grant religious freedom from
02:01 Muslims, is really kind of the bellwether
02:04 the so called canary in the coal mine
02:06 of whether there's religious freedom
02:08 in the United States. And I think
02:10 Americans commitment to religious freedom
02:13 is really wavering. And we see that
02:17 in political battles all not just in
02:19 New York City but all over the country
02:21 over whether we'll permit mosques
02:24 to be built and just in this last election
02:28 cycle 70 percent of the people
02:31 in Oklahoma voted for a ballot initiative
02:35 that would prohibit the use of Sharia
02:38 or International law in deciding cases
02:42 in the Oklahoma courts. Now let's go
02:45 a little further why in Oklahoma
02:47 which does strike me as a,
02:49 a Muslim hot bed, no. Why was there
02:52 even suggested in that area that they
02:54 would go on Sharia law. Well look
02:56 I think that culturally you know within
03:01 the Bible Belt there is this, there is this
03:03 tremendous animosity, the sense that
03:08 equates American interests and values
03:12 and our war against terrorism that
03:14 somehow there's this war between Islam
03:17 and Christianity. And so Christians
03:21 are at war with Islam and so we want to
03:25 fight against Islam, exactly. And to insist,
03:30 you know there's been discussion for example
03:33 in England, you're from a Commonwealth
03:35 country as to the relevance of Sharia law
03:39 and whether courts will respect some of the
03:43 legal rights and obligations, no,
03:45 it was, that's coming up in England
03:46 and most specifically in the London area
03:49 because there's a huge number of Islamic
03:51 immigrants and some of the more radical
03:53 mosques that are well attended,
03:55 and they've been implicated in terrorist
03:56 actions are right in their midst, and so
03:59 there's a social pressure
04:01 that they are trying to fend off or sometimes
04:04 even to denature this new aggression by,
04:08 you know well you can have Sharia law
04:10 in your community. Maybe for our viewers
04:14 and it just occurred to me we might be
04:15 making an assumption that they know
04:17 what Sharia law is? Well I'm sure that
04:19 I don't really know entirely what it is.
04:23 You know I imagine that it is based on a
04:26 long tradition of interpreting the Quran
04:29 Like we have in Judaism where the rabbis
04:31 have interpreted the Torah over the
04:34 centuries and have developed a body
04:36 of law and added to it. Isn't that true that
04:39 some of the, the Rabbinic laws really
04:43 are not specifically stated in the Torah
04:47 but they've come about sort of, they thought
04:50 they saw a principle and then added to a
04:51 particular requirement so on then that
04:53 became tradition. Well, you know,
04:55 when the old, that's certainly the case with
04:57 Sharia law. The old saying is you have
04:59 two Jewish you have five opinions.
05:01 So you know if you, the orthodox will insist
05:04 that the entire body was either given
05:07 directly to Moses in writing or orally
05:11 and it all goes back of course there are other
05:13 brands of Judaism that take different
05:16 perspectives on how much really was
05:21 given and how much was added or
05:23 interpreted over the years. That's sure,
05:25 it's certainly I think fair to say that
05:27 Sharia law is not narrowly speaking
05:30 only their requirements that are in the Quran.
05:33 This is an accretion of lifestyle requirements
05:40 in Islamic communities through the centuries
05:44 that have become cultural that, 'cause
05:47 in Islamic society there's never any
05:49 distinction between the religious viewpoint
05:51 and how the society run so that,
05:53 that whole economy that legal system
05:56 because that was the only legal system,
05:57 right, was religion executed that how
06:01 legal system has become the Sharia system
06:04 and not all Muslims in all countries fully
06:07 follower. It's sort of like the
06:10 ultra-Orthodox Jewish community demanding
06:13 that they apply their laws on all Jews.
06:15 So I think we need to point out that
06:18 probably, a goodly percentage of Muslims
06:20 around the world are at least uncomfortable
06:22 to have Sharia law as the major law applied
06:26 to them, but now in the aftermath of 9/11
06:29 when the West clearly is feeling edgy.
06:33 I think there, there's a pressure there
06:35 maybe sort of give away a little bit
06:37 and we can placate them and I think it's a
06:40 legal mistake and I think it's a cultural
06:42 mistake and it's a religious mistake to
06:45 allow Sharia law. Well I think that it's
06:50 important to make distinctions,
06:53 to say we're going to allow it in general
06:56 sounds you know over the top, it sounds
06:59 unreasonable. What one federal judge
07:03 did in Oklahoma when one of the Muslim
07:08 leaders challenged the initiative in court,
07:12 he found that he violated the first
07:14 amendment that it essentially sent a
07:17 clear signal that Muslims were second
07:20 class citizens that they were unwelcome,
07:22 he that would interfere specifically for
07:26 example with the provisions of
07:28 plaintiffs will upon death and the
07:31 application of it because he had invoked
07:34 all kinds of provisions of Sharia law, terms of
07:38 the disposition of property. I'm not
07:40 convinced without going further,
07:42 we have, but is that a legal problem,
07:44 it will only be a problem, you can say
07:45 whatever you want in the world.
07:47 Sharia law or other laws that will stand
07:50 as your laws will on testament, unless
07:52 it's specifically count as a law of the land
07:56 right, so Sharia law is that,
07:58 it's what it is. What I'm saying is the judge
07:59 says that to, unless it's required legally.
08:02 The judge found that the ballot initiative
08:06 that said, you know, we will never look
08:08 the irony, we'll look at Sharia law
08:10 said that was a violation of the first
08:12 amendment it was discriminatory
08:15 that would have the effect of infringing on
08:19 the religious freedom. The decision
08:21 does not say then that we should permit
08:26 Sharia law lock, stock, and barrel.
08:28 But take for example something out
08:31 of the context of Jewish law with which
08:34 I'm a little bit more familiar. If you go
08:37 to the super market even in the most
08:40 non-Jewish areas, you will find a symbol;
08:44 it's a little U for example indicating that
08:47 a product is kosher. Well who, the state
08:51 does actually have to regulate basic you now
08:55 truths and advertising, health and safety,
08:58 you know there are religious standards
09:00 of what the Rabbis must do in order for
09:03 something to be kosher, people have a
09:05 right if you're kosher. You have a right to
09:08 know that if you're buying kosher food
09:11 it really is kosher and so the state
09:14 does, and I'm presuming there are similar
09:15 requirements on Halal foods right.
09:17 So what I'm saying is you know it's not
09:19 so as simple as saying oh we don't want
09:22 Sharia law. You know, no we don't
09:26 want the government somehow to just
09:30 endorse Jewish law and bring Jewish law
09:33 into our secular legal system but at the
09:36 same token Orthodox-Jews
09:38 or observant Jews who want to buy
09:40 kosher food have a right to know
09:42 that the food that they're buying it's
09:43 labeled Kosher is in fact Kosher. Of course.
09:48 So it raises problems. That's what on that,
09:50 on the example you get it right,
09:52 you know Halal food that's acceptable
09:54 to Muslims. I'm presuming since it's
09:58 in the food area, FDA, it was the Food
10:00 and Drug Administration, aha,
10:02 clearly must monitor that, and that's
10:04 reasonable. But that's not really the same
10:06 as general law for a country that would
10:09 be replaced by another whole system.
10:13 Well you know, but I agree, this is where
10:16 I think you know it's easy we have this
10:18 sort of negative attitude for Sharia law.
10:20 Well take marriage for example;
10:23 Sharia law in some countries prohibits
10:26 polygamy. According what has been reading
10:30 about this Oklahoma case there are those
10:33 who insist that in America Sharia law
10:37 requires compliance with the laws
10:40 of the land and does not permit polygamy
10:43 in the United States. So, you know if
10:47 we're afraid that somehow by accepting
10:50 Sharia law we're going to have to
10:52 tolerate polygamy in the United States.
10:55 I think that's probably wrong.
11:01 Why? Well for starters, now what you're
11:06 really saying and what I, this is
11:07 what I'm getting it I think we have a law,
11:10 for any country has laws and whether
11:12 it's Sharia or Orthodox Judaism,
11:17 if it can fit within the overall constructs
11:20 of whatever that legal system is fine.
11:22 Islam is, it doesn't break the law
11:24 but that is not the same as it replacing
11:26 or superseding of that other law.
11:27 we have a, where we have the separation
11:31 of church and state and free exercise
11:33 of religion, there is in essence no,
11:36 there should be no conflict between law
11:39 in the sense of religious law of Sharia
11:41 or otherwise, operating within people's
11:45 private lives and their religious community
11:47 until it counts an overall civil law. And
11:50 that's where the punch comes. Two points.
11:53 We have a long standing premise
11:55 here that we apply neutral principles of
11:58 law when it comes to the religious
12:00 community. We applied secular principles of
12:03 law that's the first thing. The second
12:06 thing is since the Peyote case in 1990
12:09 we don't have too much religious
12:12 freedom in America we have far too
12:14 little protection for religious freedom
12:16 in America. And the hostility, the hostility
12:20 towards Muslims in America is only
12:23 threatening to reduce even further
12:25 whatever religious freedom, that the rest
12:28 of us enjoy. Yeah. The Peyote case was,
12:31 this was religious ceremonies and was
12:34 the sweat lodges, where was, we use
12:36 the Peyote in a religious ceremony
12:38 and we might not agree with it on with our
12:43 drug laws but it was from time
12:45 and memorial this was part of their religious
12:47 ceremony more ritual than experimental
12:52 and squashing that it really
12:54 had implications for religious
12:56 practice didn't it, for all
12:57 religious practice. It demolished the
12:58 free exercise clause. Well we back after a
13:01 break to continue this discussion.
13:14 One-hundred years, a long time
13:17 to do anything much less publish a
13:19 magazine, but this year Liberty,
13:22 the Seventh-Day Adventist voice
13:24 of religious freedom, celebrates
13:25 one hundred years of doing what it does
13:28 best, collecting, analyzing,
13:30 and reporting the ebb and flow of religious
13:33 expression around the world.
13:35 Issue after issue. Liberty has taken on
13:37 the tough assignments, tracking down
13:40 threats to religious freedom
13:41 and exposing the work of the devil
13:42 in every corner of the globe.
13:45 Governmental interference,
13:46 personal attacks, corporate assaults,
13:48 even religious freedom issues sequestered
13:51 within the church community itself
13:52 have been clearly and honestly exposed.
13:55 Liberty exists for one purpose to help God's
13:59 people maintain that all important
14:01 separation of Church and State,
14:03 while recognizing the dangers inherent
14:05 in such a struggle. During the past
14:07 century, Liberty has experienced challenges
14:10 of its own, but it remains on the job.
14:13 Thanks to the inspired leadership
14:15 of a long line of dedicated Adventist
14:16 Editors, three of whom represent almost
14:19 half of the publications existence
14:20 and the foresight of a little woman
14:22 from New England. One hundred years
14:25 of struggle, one hundred years
14:27 of victories, religious freedom
14:29 isn't just about political machines
14:31 and cultural prejudices. It's about
14:34 people fighting for the right to serve
14:37 the God they love as their hearts
14:39 and the Holy Spirit dictate.
14:41 Thanks to the prayers and generous
14:43 support of Seventh-Day Adventists
14:45 everywhere. Liberty will continue to
14:47 accomplish its work of providing
14:49 timely information, spirit filled
14:51 inspiration, and heaven sent
14:52 encouragement to all who long
14:55 to live and work in a world bound
14:58 together by the God ordained
14:59 bonds of religious freedom.
15:12 Welcome back to The Liberty Insider.
15:14 Before the break I was talking with the
15:15 attorney Allen Reinach about
15:17 Sharia law. Now there are many
15:21 ramifications internationally of course
15:23 it's quite a political issue but even within
15:25 the United States and their
15:27 predominantly Western, perhaps
15:31 predominantly Christian culture
15:32 there are some pressures
15:34 that are perceived perhaps to adult
15:36 some elements of Sharia law
15:37 in this community. But let's be specific
15:41 Lincoln. For example supposing
15:44 here in America a Muslim daughter
15:50 converts to Christianity and
15:52 one of the immediate family says
15:55 well under our law we have the right
15:57 to kill her. And so they kill her and then
16:01 they get prosecuted for murder
16:03 and as a defense the relative says well
16:06 but I was scaring, this is not hypothetical
16:08 by the way, it has happened.
16:11 In the United States it happened? Yes.
16:13 Well I don't know the case but the reality
16:16 is and you know we had a similar case,
16:19 I had a reporter call me years ago
16:22 there was a couple of gays that were
16:25 killed up in Northern California
16:28 by some skinhead types who were
16:30 proclaiming that this, you know was their
16:32 religious obligation that God taught
16:35 you know told them to go do this
16:37 and I said you know religion is not a
16:39 defense to murder and the same is gonna be
16:42 true in, you can't claim somehow well
16:46 this is authorized by Sharia law,
16:48 now we are going to apply our laws
16:51 regarding criminal. Clearly the prevailing
16:57 law is the law of the land that we have
17:00 them with great arm in this case
17:01 the constitution and the western law
17:04 that goes with that. And so really
17:06 what you are trying to keep this
17:07 Sharia law is sort of below that radar
17:10 whether in Islamic communities
17:12 but I don't think that's really the
17:14 route of the fear that some people
17:16 have that was exemplified by this
17:18 preemptive and very prejudice
17:23 regulation that was put down,
17:25 all of this request for a regulation.
17:27 Well one of the things I think that
17:30 might be helpful to our listeners.
17:31 The kind of area where we see
17:34 a lot of conflicts currently over
17:38 how will our courts interact with religious
17:41 law. One of the perennial problems
17:44 has to do with how church property
17:48 is helped. We were talking in a different
17:51 discussion about the issue of abortion.
17:54 Well between abortion and homosexuality
17:57 denominations have been split.
17:59 So what happens when the denomination
18:02 is more liberal and a conservative
18:04 church says well we don't agree with the
18:08 ordination of gays as clergy and so
18:11 we're going to withdraw from the
18:12 denomination and the denomination
18:15 says well you know you can quit if you
18:18 want but we own the title to the church.
18:21 And these disputes have happened
18:23 many of them and the courts have to come in
18:26 and decide who owns the church.
18:28 Does the local church community that's been
18:31 worshiping there own the property or does
18:33 the denomination and it's been a very
18:36 difficult to hoe for the secular courts
18:40 to you know they don't want to get into the
18:42 business of interpreting religious
18:44 law and making, interfering with
18:47 religious decisions and so what
18:49 they've developed is this body of law
18:51 that says we have to look to
18:53 for example secular principles of contract
18:56 law of property rights to see you know
18:58 who owns the church, they're not gonna
19:01 get into interpreting
19:02 religion. Not now essentially.
19:03 But remember we've been there;
19:04 the western world has been
19:06 there not the United States.
19:07 Alright. But this is well established
19:10 an American law. In colonies
19:12 that was a little bit of that went on.
19:14 And so I think when we talk about
19:17 Sharia law or indeed any religious law
19:19 or any religious requirements or any,
19:23 the rules of any particular sect.
19:25 if you grant that the power of law
19:27 even of all of the adherence of that
19:30 particular faith there's gonna be
19:32 prejudice. Like when the Roman Catholic
19:34 Church had the year of the state in the
19:37 old world that meant the descendants
19:40 within their own church could be
19:42 punished with the power of law
19:43 and Sharia law would be no different
19:45 I think people are missing part of the
19:47 issue with the discussion of Sharia.
19:49 We see it there's another religion
19:51 threatening Christianity but I see
19:53 it if it were to ever gain a foothold
19:58 in our culture I see it is used
20:00 prejudicially against Muslims themselves.
20:02 Well because they're not of one voice.
20:05 Sharia law is determine by whatever
20:08 Mullah or Imam chooses to speak to us.
20:10 Right. So let me give you another spin
20:12 on this problem. Because Christians,
20:15 conservative Christians in America
20:18 have been some of the foremost
20:20 opponents of the separation of church
20:23 and state. Right. And yet,
20:24 this is where he comes home, exactly. And yet,
20:27 you know they are also opponents
20:30 of the incorporation of Sharia law
20:33 in any sense. It's the separation
20:35 of church and state that is the ball work
20:38 against, it's the protection against
20:41 the abusive incorporation
20:44 of Sharia law that there should
20:46 I mean if you want to understand
20:49 why we need separation of church
20:51 and state look at Iran. Look at
20:54 a country that applies Sharia law.
20:57 That's the real lesson is, yeah we need
21:00 to have the government and the courts
21:02 remain fundamentally secular.
21:04 Are they're gonna be problems with
21:05 that in terms of not getting the respect
21:10 for religion and the protection of
21:11 religious freedom, yeah we've had those
21:13 problems but on balance we definitely
21:16 need the establishment clause protection
21:19 to keep the church and state in their
21:22 separate fears. During the break hours
21:26 reminding you, I think what brought
21:28 Sharia law to western attention was a
21:31 curious event, I think about 20s,
21:33 maybe, times goes by maybe 20, 25 years
21:36 ago Salman Rushdie, an English Muslim
21:40 background author but departed from
21:43 his faith wrote a book, Satanic Verses,
21:45 I remember the title and some imam swore
21:50 out a Fatwa, which, what that amounts
21:53 to is here's a religious leader
21:55 up in front of his constituency he
21:57 invokes the Quran, he is a heretic insulter
22:00 of the faith. Recruiting people
22:03 to murder him. He says you are there for
22:05 religiously free and I encourage you to do
22:08 away with this prostate, right.
22:09 And Rushdie went into hiding for
22:11 about a decades as is not remembered,
22:12 yeah. That shocked the western
22:14 world but that was their first introduction
22:17 to it and people should remember that,
22:19 they should remember that we've seen grainy
22:23 footage from Saudi Arabia or if not too
22:25 long ago if a woman taken in adultery,
22:30 the man was lead of with just a slap
22:31 on the wrist but the woman taken in
22:32 adultery beheaded in the public square.
22:37 That's not the sort of accountability for
22:41 religious infractions that whether it's Islam
22:43 or Christianity whatever we want to
22:44 see, Right no question. The institute in a
22:47 progressive civil society. But there's
22:49 another issue here Lincoln which is not
22:51 just how the state is gonna deal with Islam
22:54 it's a theological issue for Christians.
22:57 The question was asked me at lunch after
23:00 church last week isn' Islam at war,
23:04 Isn't Islam an enemy of Christianity.
23:08 And I've given some thought to that
23:09 question because regardless of what
23:11 you think American policy should be
23:14 in the Middle East and in our, you know
23:17 war on terrorism as Christians.
23:20 Even assuming that Islam is "an enemy."
23:25 What does Jesus teach us should be
23:27 our attitude towards our enemy.
23:30 Of course we need charity and love
23:32 your enemies, and I'm wondering if
23:35 our calling as Christians is to preach
23:37 the Gospel of his nation, kinder, tongue
23:40 and people. To preach this Gospel of Kingdom
23:43 and then Christ will return. How did you
23:45 preach the gospel to someone that you
23:47 regard as an enemy? What do we say
23:49 Jesus loves you but I hate you,
23:52 and how does afraid of you I don't wanna
23:54 have anything to do with you, you're my
23:55 enemy but know that Jesus loves you.
23:58 Yeah. How does that work? No. And I think
24:01 this is the genius again back to our
24:03 principle of operation in certainly
24:05 in the United State separation
24:06 of church and state and respect for
24:08 all faiths that creates an environment for
24:11 true witness we have the true faith,
24:14 Islam believes that fine. And we need
24:18 to allow that groups believe that they are
24:20 the absolute true only faith but we can get,
24:22 if we get rid of this amenity by creating,
24:27 I hate to use it because this when we
24:28 use with the faith based initiative even
24:30 playing field which is that they're all away
24:32 from political power they all have the
24:34 rights and encourage free dialog and have
24:37 respect, surely this is really the basis
24:40 of a true dialog and allowing people
24:42 to freedom that we would want for
24:44 ourselves. It's the basic promise
24:45 of the American Republic is that
24:47 all people of all religions are free to
24:50 live together in peace as long as
24:53 you know we don't hurt each other we can
24:54 believe what we wanna believe we can
24:56 worship our own faith and the state is stays
24:59 out of it. Yeah. And, if you really look
25:02 at what happened since 9/11 even though
25:05 Liberty Magazine and I know and some of
25:07 your actions we've had to defend against
25:09 individual provocative acts against Muslim
25:13 and Islamic community. Curiously with
25:18 the sort of tension there's never been
25:20 more of an open interest in Islam,
25:24 more people are converting to Islam so
25:27 the good aspects of this open society
25:30 are working in the favor even
25:32 of a religion that I think has something
25:34 to be a little embarrassed about
25:35 by some of its adherence. We can't
25:37 leave this topic Lincoln without
25:39 observing that the extent to which
25:43 Christians in America have advocated
25:45 that this is a Christian nation has
25:47 actually undermined the ability
25:50 to approach, it's provoke some of the
25:51 responses, but it's undermined the
25:53 ability to preach the Gospel in
25:55 the Islamic world. Yes it's true. Because
25:57 American military intervention in Iraq,
26:01 in Afghanistan is thought of as a
26:04 Christian invasion. It's played in the
26:06 elder crusade mentality. And if we
26:08 take seriously the commission to preach
26:12 the Gospel to all the world and to be
26:15 able to show the love of Christ in the
26:17 Muslim world, American militarism
26:20 undermines because it's associated
26:22 with Christianity that there's this
26:24 war between Christianity and Islam
26:27 and the only way to overcome that
26:29 frankly is for Christianity to be
26:33 Christian, to lover our enemies to live
26:36 the gospel when it comes to Islam
26:38 and then only then may we preach the gospel.
26:44 Fundamentalist Christianity in the
26:46 United States has some interesting
26:47 subsets. One of those is a group called the
26:52 Christian Reconstructionists.
26:54 Basically their aim is to replace present
26:58 laws in the United States with the new
27:00 construct from the Old Testament.
27:03 The literal punishment for things
27:05 like Sabbath breaking, it's for them
27:07 would be Sunday keeping or breaking
27:09 of the Sunday for adultery,
27:11 homosexuality would be mandatory.
27:14 It's hard to believe but this group
27:17 actually are working towards such an end.
27:19 In a recent concession one of their leaders
27:21 said that they had rethought part of
27:24 the prescription on this for homosexuals
27:26 and they would give them a six month
27:28 cooling off period. This is a rough analog
27:31 to what we see in other parts of the world
27:34 in the Islamic world with Sharia law.
27:38 It's not really valid to debate the validity
27:42 of such laws, it's enough to recognize
27:45 that whatever the religious persuasion
27:47 to bring whole sale such a legal construct
27:50 into the modern world into replace civil
27:53 laws is dangerous for the extreme.
27:56 Never to be recommended to
27:57 any modern society. For Liberty
28:00 Insider this is Lincoln Steed.


Revised 2014-12-17