Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), John Graz
Series Code: LI
Program Code: LI000114
00:21 Welcome to the Liberty Insider.
00:23 This is the program that brings you 00:25 up-to-date news, views, and discussion about 00:28 religious liberty issues. My name is Lincoln 00:31 Steed, Editor of Liberty Magazine, and my 00:33 guest on the program is Dr. John Graz, 00:35 Director of our Religious Department at the World 00:38 Head Quarters of the Seventh day Adventist Church. 00:41 I am glad to be with you Lincoln. 00:42 It's always a pleasure to have you as a 00:43 guest on this program. This is not the first time 00:46 nor I hope the last. You know revival is a very 00:50 key concept for Christians and indeed people 00:53 of most dynamic faiths around the world and 00:56 through the ages. I've been impressed lately 00:59 as I've read in the book of Ezra. 01:01 That's recorded in the Old Testament of how Ezra, 01:06 a Jew that had been part of the dispersion 01:09 after Nebuchadnezzar's defeat of Israel. 01:11 Coming back to try to rebuild the temple and 01:15 finding a people nominally following God, 01:18 nominally going through religious services 01:22 but really almost dead, spiritually dead and to 01:25 read of Ezra, how he first of all was personally 01:29 afflicted by this and how he went 01:31 about generating religious enthusiasm. 01:35 Yes, it's so important you know in every 01:37 religion I should say, even in a national feeling. 01:40 You know, you need to have a revival, 01:43 because it's the natural nature like that. 01:45 After a while, you know people are just 01:48 becoming very formal and they believe, 01:50 without believing they are more attracted 01:53 by the things around them and they lose the 01:55 vision, they lose the direction. Yeah, 01:57 the energy of any organization and particularly 02:00 a religious group that just dissipates, 02:01 and they lose the identity and then they're 02:04 gone. And then where you know, 02:05 it happened here is to many, many, 02:07 in many fields you know. Time to time you can 02:09 see an organization saying that we have to go 02:11 back to the real purpose, our real mission and 02:15 of course for a church it's so vital to come back 02:18 to the purpose of the church. Why are we here, 02:21 you know, why the people of Israel that was 02:23 the case during the time of Ezra. What are we 02:26 doing here, what is the meaning of our life? 02:30 It starts there that he found that they had 02:34 intermarried with the not so much that they 02:37 were forbidden people, but those peoples around 02:40 them were worshiping other Gods. They 02:42 represented another system and that mingled 02:44 themselves with it, that they were not, 02:46 and he afflicted himself and he says, you know, 02:49 how could this be he says, we're remnant, 02:51 we're escaped and you spared us and now if 02:54 we pull back into this. He says, you know 02:56 wouldn't you almost consume us entirely. 02:58 You know what's to happen and you know you 03:01 loose the goal. You lose the point you know, 03:04 imagine that you are working because you are 03:07 working because you want to reach one point 03:11 and so then leave or still working and you stop 03:13 to work and you look on the right and you 03:14 look on left and after you say. There is no way 03:17 what are we doing here. You know it remind 03:19 me when I was young and I was running you 03:22 know when you run for one or two miles 03:26 maybe more some time. Some time you want 03:28 to stop or you can also be distract and you'll 03:31 look at the right and you'll look at the left and 03:33 you say oh maybe I should stop. What is the 03:36 meaning of me? Why, why, it's very hard, 03:38 why you have to do that and you lose you know 03:41 the point of arrival, you lose it. And at this 03:44 moment when you lose it, you lose it everything 03:47 can happen and you may lose the meaning 03:50 of your life. This is what happen in church too. 03:56 Ezra doesn't prove that absolutely, but I believe 03:59 that revival personally and even corporately 04:03 tends to come at moments of great stress. 04:06 Where there's a conflict and every thing is 04:08 shaken and of course with Ezra this is what 04:11 had happened, I mean, he comes back to find 04:14 a ruined city, a ruined temple. He was questioning, 04:18 not questioning but looking again at you know, 04:21 what was God going to with them. 04:22 How could he deal with this group and when your 04:25 world was turned upside down, that's the moment 04:27 I believe the most opportune moment for 04:29 revival, because you can rediscover what this 04:33 faith means to you. And it can happen also at 04:35 the moment where you are thinking about 04:38 you know what I am doing exactly, what is 04:41 really the purpose of my life, and you feel 04:45 that you are on the point of losing the purpose 04:49 of your life. And there is kind of a vital reaction, 04:51 saying hey be careful you are going to lose the 04:56 reason and the purpose of your life. Yeah, now 05:00 I had mentioned on this program with another 05:04 guest how impressed I was earlier this year, 05:07 when we're filming this in 2010. Earlier this 05:10 year our Seventh-day Adventists World 05:13 convocation in Atlanta, Georgia chose a new 05:15 President. Dr. Ted Wilson and after he was 05:19 elected, he gave a very inspiring Sabbath sermon. 05:24 And I don't know that he's used the word arrival, 05:26 he may have, but he was arguing for it 05:30 and throwing out the distinctive Sabbath faith. 05:33 Yeah he preach about you know going forward 05:36 not backward, right and I found it very inspired 05:39 as did many others. In fact, I told him later 05:42 I said it's almost like Adventism has come out 05:45 of exile and you and I have seen somethings 05:48 since his election and it's always a little 05:50 dangerous to personalize something but he's 05:53 certainly the individual leading our Church, 05:55 that is, is acting as a catalyst for a revival. 06:01 And it's interesting to see this and I think we're 06:04 following a biblical model and I have a great 06:06 expectation that we may indeed see something 06:10 special in this Seventh- Day Adventist Church 06:12 in the next weeks and months. I think you 06:13 know it was confirmed during the last annual 06:16 council where you know all the delegates 06:19 from the world came, every year to the world 06:21 headquarters and of course at this time was 06:25 really something exceptional. You know on 06:27 the theme of revival and reformation, 06:31 that was really people spend. We spend more 06:33 time in praying, more time in reading the Bible, 06:37 more time in talking about what God is 06:41 doing for us. Instead just to work about 06:43 administrative issues, you know the 06:45 administrative portion was really limited, 06:48 but the spiritual one was really a lot of 06:52 pressure. They evaluated administrative issues. 06:54 Yes, but Jesus said if you're concerned with 06:59 this lesser things and not taken and paid 07:01 attention to the major things you might as 07:03 well not bother. And the result was you 07:05 know most of the delegates were so pleased 07:09 about. They said that it's refreshing; 07:13 it's encouraging, now we really we come 07:16 back to these, the great future. It doesn't 07:18 mean that before, you know, we were far 07:20 away. I think it's just something which 07:23 happened on time, we need that and the 07:26 church need that and revival also has to 07:30 be understand in a right sense. You know, 07:32 they say that the consequence, the fruits 07:35 of the revival is. You read more of your Bible, 07:37 you pray more and you also act you know 07:42 you act more to, to change your behavior, 07:44 you change your behavior and you really 07:46 in the center of the revival is the love of God. 07:49 God loves us and want to save us. 07:54 I believe we've been coming to an inevitability 07:57 or an inevitable need for a revival for long 08:00 time. In Liberty magazine, I often in 08:02 editorials point out, what I think is the obvious, 08:06 people sometimes miss it. But there is way 08:08 too much religion in the world, but not enough 08:10 spirituality, yeah, yeah you're right, 08:11 religion without spirituality as we've seen 08:14 would not live with this, a great curse and 08:18 it leads to all sorts of bad behavior. 08:21 But the stresses that modern society, 08:23 modernization, the move to the city, 08:26 the growing gulf between the rich and poor, 08:29 the industrialization with all of the pollution 08:32 and so, all of these things are incredible social 08:35 stresses around the world. And as always 08:38 religion is an important focus for people to 08:42 raise their sights higher and give them hope 08:44 for another world, you can even put it that way. 08:47 So they need the spiritual regeneration. 08:50 And I think it's growing, it's need is universal, 08:53 it's not just within the Seventh-Day Adventist 08:55 Church, but since you and I are in that 08:57 church, since we have reason to believe 09:00 that this is like Ezra, a remnant group called 09:02 to proclaim God's mercy to an end time world. 09:06 Surely we need to be revived. We need 09:09 reexamine what we are and why we are, 09:12 and what we do day - to-day and it's not 09:14 just revival. It's reformation, in other 09:16 words reform. Look at ourselves, recoup, 09:22 re-gather, re-discover and then move on 09:24 more strongly into this new reality. 09:25 And also something that President Ted 09:29 Wilson on the line. He say that revival means 09:32 more simplicity and I agree totally with that. 09:36 You know when we are religious leader. 09:37 We are not CEO, we are not really the boss, 09:41 what we are, we are first disciple of Jesus, 09:46 we are first spiritual leader then after we 09:49 become expert or administrator and so on, 09:51 but first and some time we tend to forget 09:54 that. We are first disciple of Jesus and 09:58 that's an important point too. And also 10:01 you mentioned also the fact that we have 10:02 to be careful when we talk and we come 10:06 back in a revival about pantheism, 10:09 because the best way to kill revival is 10:12 pantheism. Well pantheism, whether it's in 10:16 the church or even in the society, 10:19 every, every, civil sphere leads to lawlessness 10:23 and revolution and mayhem obviously 10:27 and religion is the same. That's why I 10:29 think it's important to point out revival and 10:31 reformation. A reexamination and a 10:35 reordering of our priorities, that's a mental 10:39 process, it isn't just an emotional letting 10:41 loose of a frenzy and as you know there's 10:44 been times in recent recorded history 10:49 where religious hysteria has come upon 10:53 people and often that is precipitated by 10:55 the stresses that are referred to earlier. 10:58 So it's nothing today, but in response to 11:02 the stress or and to deal with stress we 11:04 need a revival, but if you let the stress 11:07 create the emotional chaos. Yes, a false 11:13 religion can move in and the people 11:15 you know because still you know we deal 11:16 with something wonderful is happening, 11:18 but that's not religion. No we deal with 11:19 human hysteria, you know we deal with 11:22 human nature, people are superstitious. 11:24 It means revival can become also something 11:27 superstitious, yeah, something just emotional, 11:30 but the real revival will lead people to the 11:33 study of the word of God. To do something 11:36 in a society, to help people and not just 11:38 emotion, because it could be very dangerous 11:40 also to, to let your emotion dominate you. 11:44 But, let me play, I'm always the quiet, 11:46 I hope not that the devil's that wicked, 11:48 but the other side. It seems to me religion 11:51 devoid of emotion is a sad thing. If we're 11:56 dealing with higher values and grand and 11:59 all inspiring themes of creator and even 12:03 as the Bible says a war in heaven for our 12:06 very destiny. I mean this is exciting stuff. 12:09 I have children that will we don't, we don't 12:12 show them the stuff and if they go into a 12:14 shop and they see Star Wars or something 12:16 play, they get all excited. But you know 12:18 we're actually involved in something far 12:21 more important than that, far more cosmic 12:26 conflict. Exactly, but you know also, 12:28 emotion is called for, but not emotionalism, 12:30 exactly, we should be enthused about 12:33 this type of topic. You know why because 12:35 emotion is a very strong feeling and you 12:37 can manipulate people with emotion. 12:40 You know we see that all the time, 12:41 publicity you know use emotion to strong, 12:45 you know to help us to buy the things and many, 12:48 many, many leaders in the world we have 12:51 seen during they use emotion. When they 12:53 want people give their life for their 12:55 country very often they use emotion. 12:57 Yes, and we don't want to be manipulated, 13:00 but we do want to have emotion about 13:03 something so important as religion. 13:05 We'll be back after the break to further 13:07 discussion religious liberty and revival. 13:19 One-hundred years, a long time to do anything 13:22 much less publish a magazine, 13:25 but this year Liberty, the Seventh-Day Adventist 13:28 voice of religious freedom, celebrates 13:30 one hundred years of doing what it does best, 13:33 collecting, analyzing, and reporting the ebb 13:36 and flow of religious expression 13:37 around the world. Issue after issues, 13:41 Liberty has taken on the tough assignments, 13:43 tracking down threats to religious freedom 13:45 and exposing the work of the devil in every corner 13:48 of the globe. Governmental interference, 13:50 personal attacks, corporate assaults, 13:53 even religious freedom issues sequestered within 13:55 the church community itself have been clearly 13:58 and honestly exposed. Liberty exists for 14:01 one purpose to help God's people maintain 14:04 that all the important separation of Church 14:06 and State, while recognizing the dangers 14:09 inherent in such a struggle. 14:11 During the past century, Liberty has experienced 14:14 challenges of its own, but it remains 14:16 on the job. Thanks to the inspired leadership 14:19 of a long line of dedicated 14:20 Adventist Editors, three of whom represent 14:22 almost half of the publications existence 14:25 and the foresight of a little woman 14:27 from New England. One hundred years of struggle, 14:30 one hundred years of victories, 14:33 religious freedom isn't just about 14:34 political machines and cultural prejudices. 14:37 It's about people fighting for the right 14:40 to serve the God they love as their hearts 14:43 and the Holy Spirit dictate. 14:46 Thanks to the prayers and generous support 14:48 of Seventh-Day Adventists everywhere. 14:50 Liberty will continue to accomplish its work of 14:52 providing timely information, 14:54 spirit filled inspiration, 14:56 and heaven sentencouragement 14:57 to all who long to live and work in a world 15:01 bound together by the God ordained 15:04 bonds of religious freedom. 15:15 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider, 15:17 before the break I was talking with 15:19 Dr. John Graz about revival, this is a 15:23 certainly familiar term to Christians and I 15:26 think most other dynamic religions recognize 15:29 the dynamic of reviving the commitment to 15:32 their faith, but for Seventh-Day Adventist, 15:35 it's a loaded term the last really big 15:40 organization of revival phenomenon 15:42 was over a century ago in 1888, 15:46 the then editor of the Religious Liberty 15:48 journal for our relatively small church there, 15:52 E.T. Jones, seeing what he felt was 15:56 prophetic fulfillments coming very close 15:58 to the final conflict between those that 16:02 would force complies to religious edict 16:04 and those that would follow their conscience 16:07 in worship and freedom. He saw that 16:09 coming to ahead and he believed we 16:10 need revival and he spoke at our general 16:13 conference meetings in 1888 and he 16:17 argued very forcibly, Biblically for revival 16:20 and some of our fellows Adventists tried 16:22 to deconstruct his message. You know I 16:23 don't want to get into that, but it is 16:25 undeniable that he was arguing for 16:27 revival as a consequence of the situation 16:31 in the world, in our world, I think today 16:33 we're at a similar point. You can easily look 16:36 around the world and disarray and on the 16:38 religious liberty front a very mixed bag and 16:41 argue that it's going to get worse, and say 16:44 that we need revival. And also you know 16:47 seeing that we need revival means that we 16:49 are aware of that everything is not doing 16:52 well. You know that you need to have 16:55 some humility to recognize and no body; 16:58 no organization wants to recognize that 17:01 you know we are not at the best. 17:03 We are not at the best, we need revival, 17:05 we need reformation, it means there is 17:07 something that we need to correct and 17:10 maybe for some people we don't need. 17:13 You know we are always have done our 17:15 best, why we should need revival, 17:17 especially revival. It's an interesting point, 17:19 you reminding me something and this is 17:21 not even a slightly critical statement, 17:23 it's just explanatory to what's happening 17:26 now. In North America, the division or doing 17:30 some necessary house cleaning to again 17:32 reorganize and move forward strongly and 17:35 there's been a number of days spent in 17:36 looking at the organizational structure. 17:40 And I made a comment to someone and 17:41 I think I'll just say it very clearly. 17:43 Though North America is not failing 17:47 in a structural organizational, since 17:48 they're compared to the rapid growth 17:50 in another division because it's fully 17:52 organized. Organization is not in itself 17:56 the key to spiritual advancement or the 17:58 advancement of our belief system. 18:01 No, it's true because and ultimately it 18:03 depends on the God's power. But how 18:06 it's utilized in the being, how we express 18:09 that, how motivated we are. And Christianity 18:12 is increasing around the world not by 18:14 the organized, the best organized bodies, 18:17 by independent. A lot of independent 18:20 churches are growing everywhere. 18:23 It means organization is probably a 18:25 blessing but it could become also another 18:27 blessing if it control everything and you 18:30 know if you have no right to do anything 18:33 and if the goal of the organization is not 18:36 really to do the best for developing the 18:40 church but just to control, to be sure 18:43 that they master everything, that 18:45 would be not a blessing in this case. 18:47 You know where when I think about the 18:49 revival as a Seventh - day Adventist I 18:51 automatically think about Elijah. 18:55 Once upon a time our church in it's early 18:57 days spoke of the Elijah message, 18:59 a revival emphasis toward the end of all 19:02 things, but you go back to the Old Testament 19:05 and man, when Elijah came, God's people, 19:10 the children of Israel as they were, 19:11 then were basically worshiping every thing 19:14 but God wasn't just bad or, a terrible time, 19:18 and it was a time of great lapsing and we're 19:23 told in the New Testament speaking of 19:24 Elijah, it says, he was a man like us but he 19:28 was so disturbed by what he saw that 19:31 he was convinced that God must act. 19:34 And I think today is an analog to that, 19:37 you know it's fine to say yes there must 19:39 be revival. If that's done wrongly that's 19:41 just someone stubbornness or you 19:43 know revive, we can't do that, but I 19:46 think anyone with a little spiritual 19:48 sensitivity should be able to look at the 19:51 situation in the world in general and the 19:53 Christian world more particularly and 19:55 perhaps even in our own church and say 19:58 these conditions are such that God must 20:01 act. Should not forget Lincoln that these 20:04 revival is really linked to the mission, 20:08 the mission of the church, it means it's 20:10 not the state of church which is you know 20:12 like the church in the middle age or the people 20:14 of Israel during the judges, but it's, 20:17 if we want really to fulfill the mission, 20:20 we cannot do it, with what we have, 20:22 we are too small, we don't have enough 20:25 power and so on. We need the Holy Spirit, 20:28 how can we get the Holy Spirit, just in 20:30 praying. We need revival to accomplish 20:33 our mission. Absolutely, now I agree with 20:36 you and you're singing the song that I've 20:38 sometimes saw in our religious liberty 20:39 circles. Your office and your associates do 20:43 a wonderful work, but you know three 20:45 people what can you do. Yeah, exactly, 20:47 what can we do in the world? It's God 20:48 mercy and miracle we have a such an 20:50 impact and it's really, only because of his 20:53 enabling that we can reach out in such 20:56 a powerful way, but we don't have the 20:57 man power. But we need to remember, 20:59 was it Gideon, a few thousands answered 21:03 to the call, but that was too many God 21:05 said and so stopped at the river and they 21:07 were filtered out those that wouldn't even 21:10 get down to lap the water and what was 21:13 it 300, 300 at the end. So it's not numbers, 21:16 not numbers. We need to keep that in mind. 21:18 Not numbers, but the power of God, 21:20 not human planning, but human need 21:22 to plan to seek God and that will lead to 21:25 revival. You know Lincoln, when we start 21:27 the festival of religious freedom. You know 21:29 I read the text in the Bible, you know where 21:32 God said 'I will make you, the Lord will 21:34 make you the head and not the tail. ' 21:36 And I thought that, you know, if God, 21:38 it's a promise from God. We should 21:40 really try and at this time I had no 21:43 idea that we could fill the stadium, 21:46 many tens of thousands coming to these, 21:48 no idea, but we start you know and my 21:49 goal was ten thousand, a stadium with 10000 21:52 people in 2009. But I said you know I pray 21:55 the Lord and I say I want to take your 21:57 promise seriously and you know what 21:59 happened. Instead to have ten thousand 22:02 in 2009 we had forty five thousand in 22:07 2009. It means you know God can do the 22:11 work but we have to be a useful tool. 22:15 We are really to surrender to him. 22:17 Exactly and I think this is what's 22:20 happening in the Seventh-Day Adventist 22:21 church now on and I do what our viewers 22:23 and our fellow Adventists to recognize 22:25 that something is happening. I've been 22:28 around awhile, and you have too and we 22:30 don't know exactly how we'll develop and 22:33 where it will end up. I'm hundred percent 22:36 sure we are in process now and there will 22:38 be a revival. You know I was very, 22:40 and I think it's a wonderful offering to 22:43 give to God, it's not demand for revival. 22:47 It's the conditions have been created for 22:49 revival. And at these meetings that you 22:51 referred to earlier, the annual council. 22:54 I saw people repenting of a certain 22:58 cherished attitudes. I saw others with 23:01 tears in their eyes, others were just so 23:04 excited to see God's Spirit moving and 23:06 I know in this sort of context something 23:09 very good will happen. Also you know 23:11 when you hear someone like Mark Finley. 23:14 Mark Finley saying that, you know the most 23:17 important is not what you're doing but what 23:19 you are. That's really a sign for someone 23:23 who is speaking all the time with thousand 23:26 and thousand people around the world. 23:28 You're not saying, it's not what you are 23:30 doing which is important it is who you are, 23:33 of course. And, in fact, if you're not right 23:36 with God, lots of activity is counter protective. 23:41 God will somehow work through that even 23:43 with an imperfect instrument, but the 23:44 more that we are in harmony with the God, 23:47 the more effective that talking and acting 23:49 him will be. We are doing a lot of things. 23:52 You know as a church it's fabulous. 23:54 We're building churches, building a hospital, 23:57 we have a lot of evangelistic campaign, 24:00 we're fighting, you know for a better life 24:03 and so on, so on. And some time we believe that, 24:06 that's okay we're doing what we have to 24:07 do and we forget the essential is our 24:11 relations with God. You know and also 24:14 now we have a mission to fulfill. 24:16 How can we fulfill the mission without God 24:18 helping us, that's just impossible. These are 24:22 good things, but they are incomplete 24:24 without complete, the appropriate spiritual 24:27 fervor and I can't say too often to our 24:31 viewers too much in this context to pass 24:34 on what I believe fervently in my heart 24:37 something is about to happen. Yeah. 24:40 I believe that for a number of years now, 24:41 but I see the signs and in front of me 24:48 church has released at the annual council, 24:50 God's promised gift, an urgent appeal for 24:53 revival, reformation, discipleship and 24:55 evangelism. I'm sure similar things have 24:58 come up before, but this document in the 25:01 context of what I see, of people really 25:03 being broken, and revitalized and reexamining 25:07 their lives. There's a stirring isn't it? 25:10 Yeah. And there was a biblical term, 25:12 stirring in the myrtle leaves. 25:14 Something is about to happen, it's very good, 25:16 yeah it's very good, something really 25:17 wonderful. Very good and very balanced 25:19 document, you know encouraging us 25:21 to go back to the Bible reading, to pray 25:24 more and also to take the decision. 25:27 You know to everyday at 7 O'clock in the 25:29 morning you know we should pray and all 25:32 the Adventists around the world we 25:34 should pray. And this is what I said, 25:35 when we talk about this document. 25:37 I say it's not just for Adventist, 25:38 should be for all Christians around the world, 25:40 across the world, because revival is for 25:42 all, not just for us. And when Adventist 25:44 revive they will have more energy and 25:46 impetus to go out and tell, yeah, this is 25:49 the proclamation of Nazareth, where Jesus 25:51 said that the Spirit of the Lord is upon 25:54 me because He has anointed me to proclaim. 25:56 Yeah, you know we need the power of 25:58 the God to fulfill our mission. We need the 26:01 power of God to become humble. 26:04 You need to be servant and to avoid to 26:07 follow just the world trends. You know, 26:09 to become really very egocentric and 26:11 so on. In my ministry, you know I feel 26:14 really I need revival. I need to read the 26:17 Bible more. I need to really to be a servant 26:20 and an ambassador of God, 26:22 everywhere God decide I have to act. 26:27 A few years ago, while visiting Jamaica, 26:30 I went to the out country with an 26:32 Adventist Pastor, who was filling in for 26:34 a local independent church and heard 26:36 him preach arousing revival sermon. 26:39 During the sermon there were women 26:41 bouncing up and down the aisle on their 26:43 knees, on a sort of a Cossack dance, 26:46 a frenzy. Eventually, one of them run up 26:48 and down the street yelling out 'come 26:50 home Moses. ' It seemed like an incredibly 26:54 emotional "revival. " However, it did bother 26:58 me a little later to notice some of those 27:00 same women gyrating to the Reggae music 27:03 on a improvised battery record player. 27:07 Revival is a loaded term, how do we get 27:11 to that point. An analogy to the disciples 27:14 that are gathered in the upper room 27:15 when literal flames of Holy Spirit fire 27:18 descended on them. And they were energized 27:21 to change the world. The world in their 27:23 day was changed. The world in our day 27:26 is changing without us. Somehow we need 27:29 to get a hold of the Spirit and take control 27:32 of the agenda for Christ. I do believe 27:36 that the Seventh-day Adventist church 27:38 has revival in it's future. And, as we 27:40 follow the biblical model of not just revival, 27:43 but a reformation of Bible based 27:47 introspection of preparing ourselves in 27:49 our lives and in our behavior for God's 27:52 working, great things will happen. 27:55 Young men will see visions and old men will 27:59 have dreams. It's prophesied, 28:01 it will happen. We must pray for it. 28:05 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed. |
Revised 2014-12-17