Welcome to the Liberty Insider. 00:00:21.84\00:00:23.25 This is the program that brings you up-to-date news, 00:00:23.51\00:00:25.78 views, discussion and underlying information on 00:00:25.83\00:00:28.90 religious liberty issues. My name is Lincoln Steed, 00:00:29.07\00:00:32.13 Editor of Liberty Magazine and my guest on the 00:00:32.20\00:00:34.97 program is Barry Bussey. Welcome Barry. 00:00:35.04\00:00:37.96 Thank you. It should be an idea on your position 00:00:38.16\00:00:40.42 in Religious Liberty Department of the General 00:00:41.04\00:00:42.69 Conference, the headquarters in Silver 00:00:42.90\00:00:44.91 Spring, Maryland. Yeah. I would like to talk about 00:00:44.98\00:00:48.62 book burning. Yeah. That's really. 00:00:48.79\00:00:51.64 Well, let me just tell you why I wouldn't burn. 00:00:51.70\00:00:53.88 Set the fire among the stuff, I believe. 00:00:53.91\00:00:55.28 You know it's very interesting as you know 00:00:56.55\00:00:59.09 last little while we saw this whole incident 00:00:59.47\00:01:02.15 leading up tonight at 11, where you know this 00:01:02.30\00:01:04.96 pastor down in Florida of the small group, 00:01:05.13\00:01:07.53 he said he was going to burn the Quran. 00:01:08.20\00:01:09.78 Fifty-member church. Yeah, I mean it just 00:01:09.81\00:01:11.21 and yet it's, you know, excited the entire world 00:01:11.50\00:01:15.21 even the General Petraeus, you had Robert Gates. 00:01:15.24\00:01:19.04 You had a whole group even the White House, 00:01:19.16\00:01:21.50 President. Yes respective, was very much 00:01:21.53\00:01:24.28 involved and you know obviously it shows just 00:01:24.31\00:01:29.67 how sensitive we are, I mean we are very 00:01:30.19\00:01:32.47 sensitive because, you know after all the 00:01:32.50\00:01:34.46 American troops are over in arm's way and so 00:01:34.49\00:01:37.77 forth, but you know as I was looking at this whole 00:01:37.90\00:01:42.12 situation I had, I begin to ask myself well, 00:01:42.36\00:01:44.65 you know why would we want to burn someone's 00:01:45.84\00:01:48.84 book who that you know they consider it 00:01:48.92\00:01:51.91 Holy like last night as I was flying in air. 00:01:51.98\00:01:54.60 There was a lady who is sitting next to me and 00:01:55.69\00:01:59.62 we were talking about this whole situation and, 00:01:59.73\00:02:02.34 I should say this was very late at night, 00:02:02.46\00:02:04.41 very late at night, your flight was delayed and 00:02:04.46\00:02:06.06 get into the early hours of the morning, 00:02:07.24\00:02:08.61 right. So but the thing is, is that you know 00:02:08.64\00:02:11.86 she says, well I don't understand why we can't 00:02:11.97\00:02:14.31 just live and let live. You know why do we, 00:02:14.36\00:02:16.98 why do we have to burn somebody's book. 00:02:17.35\00:02:18.97 So what I'm begin to look at was what would, 00:02:20.20\00:02:23.10 how would Christ deal with this. 00:02:23.44\00:02:24.85 What would be the principle that Christ 00:02:24.89\00:02:26.24 would look at this situation and say okay 00:02:26.31\00:02:28.72 here is the principle and so right away it 00:02:29.49\00:02:31.58 came to mind that you know, where Jesus is 00:02:31.61\00:02:34.02 talking about and he says you know do unto 00:02:34.05\00:02:37.33 others in the sense right, as you would have 00:02:37.36\00:02:39.67 others do unto you, so you do to them. 00:02:39.70\00:02:42.07 And so that became to me it's a principle 00:02:42.88\00:02:45.60 of reciprocity. I would now want the Bible for 00:02:45.63\00:02:48.49 example to be burned. Now in my understanding 00:02:48.55\00:02:52.70 is that I know it's very different like for 00:02:52.75\00:02:54.74 instance, in the Islamic world that if the 00:02:54.81\00:02:59.93 Quran is burned is not quite the same as 00:03:00.38\00:03:03.65 when I see the Bible. In fact I look at God is 00:03:03.71\00:03:06.66 being able to as much as I find if that 00:03:06.69\00:03:11.00 reprehensible burning the Bible. I mean I 00:03:11.32\00:03:13.69 believe in truth, I believe the Bible contains 00:03:13.73\00:03:15.75 truth, I believe it's the word of God and so 00:03:15.95\00:03:17.54 forth, but if someone burns the Bible in 00:03:17.60\00:03:21.82 protest from my perspective it would be well 00:03:22.02\00:03:26.89 as much as I hate that. I despise that. 00:03:27.81\00:03:32.57 It would be offensive. I would be offensive. 00:03:33.65\00:03:35.27 Certainly would not if you had any sensibility for 00:03:35.30\00:03:39.12 who and what God is, you would be offended. 00:03:39.38\00:03:41.79 Absolutely, but at the same time I would not 00:03:42.28\00:03:44.83 take it upon myself as to be the instrument of 00:03:44.90\00:03:47.76 God to do any harm to that individual who 00:03:47.84\00:03:51.40 burned the Bible. In another words, God is big 00:03:51.77\00:03:53.57 enough in our perspective, God is big 00:03:53.61\00:03:57.10 enough to be able to deal with that. 00:03:57.37\00:04:00.19 Well, as I have said in another program this 00:04:00.35\00:04:02.39 act and we were talking about another act 00:04:02.48\00:04:04.45 before clearly was intended to be a provocation. 00:04:04.48\00:04:07.33 Last comment I made was on the mosque over 00:04:09.09\00:04:10.61 the Islamic Center in New York. I'm not sure 00:04:10.85\00:04:13.31 there was an intent there, but it acted as a 00:04:13.42\00:04:15.29 provocation, but this was purely provocative. 00:04:15.34\00:04:18.33 Right. And as I read about it, I can't say I 00:04:18.54\00:04:22.96 agree with it really on any level, but I could 00:04:23.19\00:04:25.44 see historically antecedents in a previous 00:04:25.50\00:04:28.36 program you and I were talking about Martin 00:04:28.39\00:04:29.82 Luther and remember what Martin Luther 00:04:29.91\00:04:33.01 did very early on he burned the papal bull, 00:04:33.11\00:04:37.71 yeah but, which was a total active repudiation, 00:04:37.79\00:04:42.22 right, then later on as the reformation gained 00:04:42.40\00:04:46.01 steam. The Roman Catholic Church burned Martin 00:04:46.26\00:04:48.85 Luther's books. Right. And then at different 00:04:48.91\00:04:51.97 times through the years since then religious 00:04:52.03\00:04:57.02 forces have had book burnings and even in my 00:04:57.05\00:05:00.56 own church. I could remember this is not 00:05:00.72\00:05:03.57 quite books, but I can remember on the college 00:05:03.60\00:05:05.56 campus I attended after there was a revival. 00:05:05.59\00:05:07.75 They had a ceremony in the evening, 00:05:08.26\00:05:09.40 where the records and other materials that 00:05:09.43\00:05:13.76 was satanic, I shouldn't put quotes around it 00:05:13.96\00:05:17.18 because I think it truly was, but that was 00:05:17.36\00:05:18.92 overstated in the way that it was expressed, 00:05:19.08\00:05:21.23 but secular and dangerous music and 00:05:21.84\00:05:25.70 other stuff. There was a burning, 00:05:25.85\00:05:27.62 so the dynamic here is not unnatural, 00:05:29.32\00:05:31.74 most cultures understand it, 00:05:31.87\00:05:33.37 but why unprovoked in a personal sense this 00:05:33.55\00:05:37.58 minister religion representing Christ. 00:05:37.66\00:05:40.09 A Christian minister would think that it was a 00:05:40.64\00:05:43.11 proper place for him to burn another Holy Book 00:05:43.19\00:05:47.62 knowing that this would insight opposition, 00:05:47.96\00:05:50.20 knowing that Islam has perhaps even 00:05:50.32\00:05:53.81 unnaturally close affinity to the literal paper 00:05:53.85\00:05:57.44 of that book maybe more than the Bible, 00:05:57.49\00:06:01.52 while God's word is Holy and the other Bible 00:06:01.68\00:06:05.63 is paper at the end of the day it's as it the 00:06:05.89\00:06:08.42 word is received in, and heard an act upon 00:06:08.45\00:06:11.54 that it has power and holiness. 00:06:11.58\00:06:13.35 And I think because of our experience of the 00:06:13.52\00:06:17.14 reformation for example when as you 00:06:17.26\00:06:19.49 mentioned with all of these burnings at 00:06:19.54\00:06:20.87 the end of the day. God's book still survived. 00:06:20.90\00:06:23.28 As the Nahtzee's came to power. Right. 00:06:23.31\00:06:25.04 The Nahtzee's organized burnings of Jewish 00:06:25.31\00:06:27.86 books as corrupts. I'm trying to remember 00:06:28.07\00:06:31.94 the word that they had, but it was 00:06:31.97\00:06:33.28 degenerate, degenerate literature and well 00:06:33.51\00:06:37.48 they were not a religious state. There was 00:06:37.61\00:06:39.38 a religious subtext to this. There is no excuse 00:06:39.45\00:06:42.95 for what this minister was planning on 00:06:43.08\00:06:44.87 doing. It seems that he was talked out of it 00:06:44.90\00:06:47.36 at the last minute. Right. It's a sort of act 00:06:47.40\00:06:50.18 that he could re-invoke anytime. 00:06:50.43\00:06:52.32 I hope he doesn't do it, but he was 00:06:53.30\00:06:55.17 at least dissuaded on the eve of 9/11. 00:06:55.20\00:06:57.31 Right, well I think also to it when we, 00:06:57.45\00:07:02.99 there is no question that for example the, 00:07:04.14\00:07:07.04 we have seen the examples of Islamic 00:07:08.09\00:07:10.25 fundamentalists, who burned the American 00:07:10.74\00:07:12.25 flag, burned the Bible or whatever and but 00:07:12.51\00:07:16.38 when we then take on the attitude of our 00:07:16.41\00:07:19.75 enemies like Jesus says pray for your enemies 00:07:19.91\00:07:22.78 and so those individuals who would do those 00:07:23.60\00:07:28.71 horrendous things. You know what happened on 00:07:30.05\00:07:32.47 9/11 and so forth. I mean the Christian 00:07:32.77\00:07:36.16 response as I understand it is to pray 00:07:36.20\00:07:39.26 for our enemies. We pray for them and the 00:07:39.29\00:07:41.47 reason we do that is so that we ourselves 00:07:41.69\00:07:45.46 do not take on the same sense of hatred 00:07:45.80\00:07:50.82 and so forth that are enemies have because 00:07:50.91\00:07:52.71 otherwise the alleged persecuted becomes 00:07:52.74\00:07:56.91 the persecutor and we do not want to be made 00:07:56.97\00:07:59.90 into the image of enemies. It seems to me 00:07:59.93\00:08:01.70 that the swirling around several elements to 00:08:03.04\00:08:06.24 this. First of all on a civil society level, 00:08:06.44\00:08:09.58 this is not what good neighbors will do. 00:08:09.65\00:08:12.07 Right. The secondly is the President in his 00:08:12.19\00:08:16.24 objection and secretary Gates pointed out this 00:08:16.32\00:08:20.31 was provocative, it would probably come to 00:08:20.48\00:08:22.47 a bad end, but the minister had every right 00:08:22.50\00:08:24.60 to do, so this was in the matter of law. 00:08:24.66\00:08:27.35 It's a matter of good neighborly, that's right. 00:08:27.99\00:08:30.46 It was bad form, the thing that we have 00:08:31.24\00:08:34.60 toyed with and some of the illustrations I 00:08:34.66\00:08:36.28 have given. There is a great tradition the way 00:08:36.31\00:08:39.64 can be used of banning books and symbols of 00:08:39.77\00:08:43.79 a false religion and from this Pastor's point of 00:08:44.54\00:08:47.60 view it's a false religion. You know I can't, 00:08:47.81\00:08:50.47 it's not really proper to say when you are 00:08:50.50\00:08:52.08 talking about religious liberty that this is 00:08:52.16\00:08:54.02 false, this is true. All religions believe they 00:08:54.18\00:08:56.79 are true and we grant all of them the right 00:08:56.82\00:08:58.42 to practice. Right. That is the Seventh-Day 00:08:58.60\00:09:00.31 Adventist Christian obviously. I have a certain 00:09:00.37\00:09:03.10 internal view of what's false and what's true. 00:09:03.25\00:09:05.46 And with that truth in our view is objective 00:09:06.09\00:09:09.51 truth. Right. I mean it's not, and we grant 00:09:09.59\00:09:11.53 the same to the Muslims. They believe the 00:09:11.57\00:09:13.34 Quran is the literal word of Gabriel to Mohammed. 00:09:13.47\00:09:18.14 But we need to deconstruct this a little 00:09:20.04\00:09:24.25 bit because I think that there is some antecedent 00:09:24.33\00:09:31.41 to this, I think of Gideon for example. 00:09:31.50\00:09:34.28 When he got the word from God, 00:09:35.56\00:09:37.46 why did he destroy the high places, 00:09:37.49\00:09:39.84 he destroyed all the groves. 00:09:39.91\00:09:41.13 Most every movement both in the Bible and 00:09:42.77\00:09:45.80 Through the Ages when there is a reform 00:09:45.91\00:09:47.92 for a particular religion. They swept away 00:09:48.46\00:09:50.69 the corrupt forms of that religion and even 00:09:50.77\00:09:53.44 the other religions. So its not, even though 00:09:53.47\00:09:58.01 I think this Pastor was just as a cheap shot. 00:09:58.09\00:10:00.48 I think it was easy publicity for him to climb 00:10:00.58\00:10:03.31 and see at that way. It's not absolutely a 00:10:03.41\00:10:05.84 foreign dynamic within a religion to underscore, 00:10:05.94\00:10:10.54 the putting away, the error of the other 00:10:10.78\00:10:14.54 and so on. But there is a price to pay for 00:10:15.04\00:10:18.42 that and I'm trying to bring it something that 00:10:18.52\00:10:21.05 I have even written about in Liberty 00:10:21.08\00:10:24.09 Magazine religious freedom in the civil 00:10:24.36\00:10:27.53 construct has certain rights and certain 00:10:27.69\00:10:29.91 obligations. Religion sometimes carries 00:10:29.95\00:10:32.87 with the dynamic that we move ahead 00:10:32.90\00:10:35.54 regardless of the law. You know we say it 00:10:35.72\00:10:39.19 all the time that we will obey the law when 00:10:39.22\00:10:41.77 it's in accordance with God's will and if not 00:10:41.80\00:10:43.95 then we obey God rather than them. 00:10:43.98\00:10:45.84 Right, right. Maybe that consistent with your 00:10:45.93\00:10:48.81 religious viewpoint, you do something that 00:10:48.84\00:10:51.43 brings you an conflict with the law, 00:10:51.49\00:10:53.02 but you must be prepared to take the legal 00:10:53.07\00:10:55.20 consequence. That's right. And I think in 00:10:55.39\00:10:57.47 this case, there is a little social as well as a 00:10:57.54\00:10:59.33 legal. We certainly can see this as socially 00:10:59.68\00:11:02.84 abhorrent what this Pastor did. 00:11:02.94\00:11:04.93 If he proceeded you are the lawyer, 00:11:05.97\00:11:07.84 but it seems to me he couldn't. 00:11:07.95\00:11:09.26 Even though everyone says that he had 00:11:09.73\00:11:10.71 every right. He could be held as inciting to 00:11:10.82\00:11:13.57 violence if in his town certainly. 00:11:13.66\00:11:15.57 A mosque was burned and vandalized, 00:11:19.51\00:11:20.82 we are seeing pretty easily legally deprived 00:11:21.00\00:11:22.65 that he incited to that act. Yeah. 00:11:22.68\00:11:25.08 So they could be legal culpability. 00:11:25.88\00:11:27.49 Yeah, I mean, and you know although he 00:11:27.69\00:11:30.44 prays God and didn't get to that, 00:11:30.90\00:11:32.15 but yeah there is no question about the 00:11:32.42\00:11:34.50 freedom of expression as Oliver Wendell 00:11:34.67\00:11:38.37 Holmes said you know you don't have the 00:11:38.60\00:11:40.17 right to yell real fire in a crowded theatre. 00:11:40.60\00:11:42.68 You know, you look at the whole context, 00:11:43.06\00:11:44.56 so you know if it was a person who had the 00:11:44.97\00:11:50.99 Quran was out in the middle of the desert, 00:11:51.26\00:11:52.91 no one knew he was burning it, 00:11:53.04\00:11:54.14 he burns it and you know. A tree in the 00:11:54.28\00:11:56.45 forest full. Yeah, I mean it exactly, 00:11:56.57\00:11:58.26 but when you are in a situation where 00:11:58.57\00:12:01.03 tensions are high. This is a state of war 00:12:01.18\00:12:03.44 all of these factors come to play. 00:12:03.68\00:12:05.46 The simple element is this was I think socially 00:12:05.54\00:12:08.20 wrong very close to committing an illegal 00:12:08.27\00:12:14.68 act even though within his religious riots to 00:12:14.72\00:12:17.64 express himself. He could have actually 00:12:17.83\00:12:20.12 created violence. We know in the Geopolitical 00:12:20.21\00:12:23.44 Rome this would have given an excuse for 00:12:23.54\00:12:26.09 some countries to go writing and burning 00:12:26.13\00:12:28.23 and killing which is a strangers' part. 00:12:28.26\00:12:30.27 And even as it was they did, but we need to 00:12:30.41\00:12:32.91 accept and it's almost foreign attaché thinking 00:12:32.98\00:12:37.04 that yes sometimes religions express 00:12:37.79\00:12:40.29 themselves this way and I don't think 00:12:40.32\00:12:43.42 wherever going to Saudi nature religion that 00:12:43.71\00:12:46.44 it doesn't express itself in ways that are 00:12:46.61\00:12:48.51 offensive to another religion maybe that's the 00:12:48.54\00:12:50.31 bottom line issue that I'm trying to point out 00:12:50.37\00:12:52.31 and the best we can hope for is to abide by 00:12:54.19\00:12:56.44 common ground rules to have respect for 00:12:56.58\00:12:59.38 another religion this shows a certain lack 00:12:59.41\00:13:01.91 of respect. We will be back after the break 00:13:01.98\00:13:04.49 maybe we will discuss this little bit further 00:13:04.92\00:13:06.39 and then move onto some issues that are 00:13:06.42\00:13:08.87 currently very much in the news 00:13:08.92\00:13:10.98 headlines in the next days. 00:13:11.15\00:13:12.44 One-hundred years a long time to do 00:13:25.67\00:13:28.32 anything much less publish a magazine, 00:13:28.37\00:13:30.77 but this year Liberty the Seventh-Day 00:13:31.41\00:13:33.87 Adventist voice of religious freedom 00:13:34.09\00:13:35.61 celebrates 100 years of doing what it does 00:13:35.81\00:13:38.78 best collecting, analyzing, and reporting the 00:13:38.85\00:13:42.14 add and flow of religious expression around the 00:13:42.45\00:13:44.73 world. Issue after issues, Liberty has taken 00:13:44.78\00:13:48.31 on the tough assignments tracking down 00:13:48.34\00:13:50.48 threats to religious freedom and exposing 00:13:50.52\00:13:52.42 the work of a devil in every corner of the globe. 00:13:52.51\00:13:55.19 Governmental interference, personal attacks, 00:13:55.85\00:13:58.08 corporate assaults, even religious freedom 00:13:58.43\00:14:00.66 issues sequestered within the Church 00:14:00.69\00:14:02.20 community itself have been clearly and 00:14:02.23\00:14:04.49 honestly exposed. Liberty exists for one 00:14:04.60\00:14:07.85 purpose to help God's people maintain that 00:14:07.88\00:14:10.80 all the important separation of Church and 00:14:11.27\00:14:13.16 State while recognizing the dangers inherent 00:14:13.20\00:14:16.01 in such a struggle. During the past century, 00:14:16.26\00:14:18.91 Liberty has experienced challenges of its own, 00:14:19.35\00:14:21.55 but it remains on the job. Thanks to the 00:14:21.66\00:14:24.43 inspired leadership of a long line of dedicated 00:14:24.52\00:14:27.08 Adventist Editors, three of whom represent 00:14:27.11\00:14:29.12 almost half of the publications existence 00:14:29.17\00:14:31.25 and the foresight of a little women from 00:14:31.82\00:14:33.87 New England. 100 years of struggle, 00:14:33.93\00:14:36.65 100 years of victories, religious freedom isn't 00:14:37.26\00:14:40.50 just about political machines and cultural 00:14:40.60\00:14:42.95 prejudices. It's about people fighting for the 00:14:43.25\00:14:46.56 right to serve the God they love as their 00:14:46.81\00:14:49.35 hearts and the Holy Spirit dictate. 00:14:49.52\00:14:51.94 Thanks to the prayers and generous support 00:14:52.51\00:14:54.36 of Seventh-Day Adventists everywhere. 00:14:54.42\00:14:56.57 Liberty will continue to accomplish its work 00:14:56.75\00:14:59.07 of providing timely information, 00:14:59.21\00:15:00.86 spirit filled inspiration, and heaven sent 00:15:00.92\00:15:03.28 encouragement to all who long to live and 00:15:03.35\00:15:06.63 work in a world bound together by the God 00:15:06.78\00:15:09.78 ordained bonds of religious freedom. 00:15:09.90\00:15:12.88 Welcome back to the Liberty Insider before 00:15:21.56\00:15:23.60 the break we were dancing around a 00:15:23.63\00:15:25.76 discussion that grow out of this Pastor 00:15:25.79\00:15:29.88 down in Florida's threat to burn the Quran 00:15:29.92\00:15:32.41 and we are all grateful that some line of 00:15:33.15\00:15:36.01 logic persuaded him not to do that. 00:15:36.08\00:15:38.32 One of the things that I wrote a blog for 00:15:38.62\00:15:41.73 example on religiousliberty.info, 00:15:42.04\00:15:44.49 which is the NARLA site. North American 00:15:44.85\00:15:47.55 Religious Liberty Association, 00:15:47.61\00:15:49.13 which is a membership association of 00:15:49.16\00:15:51.30 church members who are active for 00:15:51.45\00:15:52.86 Religious Liberty. Right. And I entitled the 00:15:52.89\00:15:57.06 blog I think, why would not burn a Holy 00:15:57.09\00:15:59.61 Book. Now is that to say that I think 00:15:59.64\00:16:03.58 that the Quran is a Holy Book, 00:16:03.77\00:16:05.42 but rather that to it lots of individuals who 00:16:05.57\00:16:07.60 believe the Quran is a Holy Book and who am 00:16:08.30\00:16:10.62 I to, you know, to burn their book as they 00:16:10.66\00:16:12.95 were. Yet one of the interesting dynamics 00:16:13.04\00:16:17.62 with all of this is of course you know the 00:16:18.28\00:16:21.60 Islamic world has a particular view with 00:16:21.78\00:16:24.25 respect to the Quran that it is the actual 00:16:24.30\00:16:26.72 word of God and so forth and there is a real 00:16:26.82\00:16:30.80 sense of holiness, a real sense of you know 00:16:31.05\00:16:34.90 you do not at all mess with it. And there is, 00:16:35.42\00:16:38.58 there is a residual element of that with the 00:16:38.72\00:16:40.69 Bible, my wife will call me to task regularly if 00:16:40.77\00:16:44.19 I even put another book on top of the Bible 00:16:44.28\00:16:47.25 on my desk. Right, yes, yes. And we are 00:16:47.37\00:16:50.21 taught to respect it, but I think that's more 00:16:50.25\00:16:53.88 for our benefit how we relate to the Bible 00:16:53.91\00:16:57.02 rather than this inherit, inherent holiness in 00:16:57.05\00:17:00.67 the paper that ink on paper. As I said 00:17:00.98\00:17:04.05 before it's God's words are the prayers in 00:17:04.08\00:17:06.88 the words not in the medium that they are 00:17:06.92\00:17:09.30 placed. Now in the midst of all of these, 00:17:09.68\00:17:11.65 in the midst of this whole discussion, 00:17:11.73\00:17:13.39 in the midst of all that's been going on you 00:17:13.42\00:17:15.70 know with the mosque in New York with this 00:17:15.73\00:17:17.70 issue and so forth is we have to be 00:17:17.78\00:17:22.45 careful as Christians that we also recognize 00:17:22.55\00:17:28.32 who we are and what we stand for with 00:17:28.93\00:17:31.05 respect to truth. We understand that the 00:17:31.08\00:17:36.89 Gospel as the truth for today's time. 00:17:36.97\00:17:41.46 You know I read the message of Jesus Christ 00:17:41.56\00:17:43.72 as this virtual as Thee son of God, 00:17:44.00\00:17:48.09 who made some very strong claims as one 00:17:48.93\00:17:52.87 person said the Jesus was either a fanatic 00:17:53.00\00:17:54.95 or a lunatic or he was speaking the truth. 00:17:54.98\00:17:57.84 We happened to believe he was speaking 00:17:57.95\00:17:59.21 the truth. Claimed to be the son of God. 00:17:59.25\00:18:00.53 He claims to be. By the way it's no 00:18:00.76\00:18:04.37 secret at least to Muslims, but the Quran 00:18:04.49\00:18:07.97 is quite specific I have quoted it before 00:18:08.04\00:18:10.64 when I read it in Sura 5 it just blew me 00:18:10.72\00:18:13.83 away. It says they do blaspheme. 00:18:13.86\00:18:15.64 Who say the Jesus is the son of God. 00:18:16.14\00:18:18.14 God has no son. Right. So there is a 00:18:18.38\00:18:22.66 theological conflict for Christianity and Islam. 00:18:23.16\00:18:25.62 And I think in the midst of all of this we 00:18:26.02\00:18:28.74 should not lose the side effect. 00:18:28.77\00:18:31.87 There is no question that you know its very 00:18:33.35\00:18:36.83 different religions and we were not talking 00:18:36.88\00:18:38.80 about you know in another words if we 00:18:38.83\00:18:43.33 have a faith claim, they have a faith claim, 00:18:43.36\00:18:45.90 and they are definitely at odds and so we 00:18:46.25\00:18:49.19 recognize that, but what we are saying as 00:18:49.31\00:18:51.43 Christians we are willing to allow you those 00:18:51.51\00:18:57.02 in the Islamic Community to continue in your 00:18:57.17\00:19:01.02 worship and so forth. We will express our view, 00:19:01.05\00:19:03.79 you will express ours that will be you know 00:19:03.95\00:19:06.31 mark a place of ideas. Now the struggle 00:19:06.35\00:19:09.85 becomes when one wants to conquer the 00:19:09.88\00:19:12.27 other through force. Right. 00:19:12.49\00:19:14.39 And that's where you know we, 00:19:14.54\00:19:16.05 exactly and that's where Civil Society has 00:19:16.76\00:19:19.84 rights to mediate, moderate and even 00:19:19.95\00:19:23.58 punish anti-social acts that include violence. 00:19:23.62\00:19:27.45 That's right. And so when someone steps 00:19:27.55\00:19:29.00 out of that social norm whether it's a Muslim or 00:19:29.03\00:19:31.54 a Christian I think they need to be restricted. 00:19:31.57\00:19:33.48 Yeah. I don't really remember in reading 00:19:33.51\00:19:37.05 about this Pastor's threatened action any 00:19:37.08\00:19:42.07 comment about a recent action of the United 00:19:42.21\00:19:45.42 Nations, but I know you are aware of this that 00:19:45.45\00:19:47.74 there was an action taken on defamation of 00:19:47.83\00:19:50.85 religion. Defamation of religion, 00:19:51.00\00:19:52.39 and I think this plays directly to 00:19:52.42\00:19:54.21 the dynamic issue hence forth. 00:19:54.26\00:19:55.91 There is no question about it and 00:19:55.94\00:19:56.91 defamation of religions is something that 00:19:56.92\00:19:58.82 it's been sponsored by Pakistan since 1999 00:19:58.85\00:20:02.88 and basically when you read it, when it 00:20:03.43\00:20:06.23 comes to the norm of it is any statement or 00:20:06.36\00:20:10.17 anything that's defames Islam or taken to 00:20:10.20\00:20:14.55 be defamatory, taken to be defamatory. 00:20:14.58\00:20:15.55 Lot of it is in the perception of as they 00:20:16.38\00:20:18.01 agree party. That's right and that it is 00:20:18.07\00:20:21.45 you know that, this country need to ensure 00:20:21.70\00:20:25.35 that doesn't happen and every year since 00:20:25.48\00:20:27.80 1999 the United Nations has passed that 00:20:27.87\00:20:31.42 resolution. Now that resolution has no 00:20:31.53\00:20:33.84 binding power on the states or anything, 00:20:34.17\00:20:36.11 but what it does though is overtime. 00:20:36.54\00:20:38.71 It develops into what is called in 00:20:39.19\00:20:41.31 international law a concept of convention 00:20:41.52\00:20:43.56 and right now as we are here there is a 00:20:44.42\00:20:48.63 very strong movement in the Islamic world to 00:20:48.71\00:20:52.46 actually, language is being drafted for an 00:20:52.54\00:20:58.04 International Treaty on this issue and 00:20:58.14\00:21:02.90 basically what they say is, is that the rise of 00:21:03.56\00:21:06.41 Anti-Islamic activity in the West. 00:21:06.88\00:21:12.24 Islam needs to be protected and so we 00:21:12.78\00:21:16.23 need to have this stuff. Now it's very clear 00:21:16.35\00:21:19.92 as you have pointed out. A good analysis or 00:21:20.05\00:21:22.22 a good history of how it came about that 00:21:22.25\00:21:24.78 the number of Islamic countries Pakistan 00:21:25.09\00:21:27.03 particularly have brought this forward, 00:21:27.06\00:21:28.61 but if this becomes accepted by the 00:21:29.04\00:21:31.70 United States and other Western counties 00:21:31.76\00:21:33.70 particularly. I think the net affect will not 00:21:33.75\00:21:36.45 just be to radically change the dynamic 00:21:36.55\00:21:40.04 between Islam and Christianity, but within 00:21:40.07\00:21:42.51 religious groups. We started discussing 00:21:42.54\00:21:46.40 today as we filmed on earlier program on 00:21:46.49\00:21:48.69 the great controversy. Right. 00:21:48.75\00:21:50.01 I would think that right away the Roman 00:21:50.05\00:21:52.10 Catholic Church for example could take some 00:21:52.19\00:21:54.28 Ambridge objection to reputation of history 00:21:54.31\00:21:59.14 that puts them in an unfavorable life. 00:21:59.29\00:22:01.32 They would say that they would be in my 00:22:01.86\00:22:02.86 lot and to take it away from the views that 00:22:02.94\00:22:07.87 we might have. I think its unfortunate that 00:22:07.90\00:22:10.77 as Glenn Beck started his recent push to 00:22:10.80\00:22:14.75 become a major religious and political leader. 00:22:14.83\00:22:17.29 Some Evangelical Christian sniffed and hummed 00:22:18.00\00:22:20.87 you know he is not even a Christian. 00:22:20.91\00:22:22.23 He is Mormon. I think if this convention 00:22:22.87\00:22:26.34 became accepted that could be a fighting 00:22:26.96\00:22:29.58 assertion. He is not a Christian and he is 00:22:29.78\00:22:31.36 molding my faith. Of course, Mormon's 00:22:31.48\00:22:33.24 Christian. Yeah, it's a very strange dynamic 00:22:33.29\00:22:37.32 because in essence the religion some how 00:22:37.40\00:22:42.12 defines itself and but it's, but who gets to say 00:22:42.15\00:22:47.23 what the religion says, you know I mean its. 00:22:47.33\00:22:49.61 And I will really connect it to see if you 00:22:49.64\00:22:51.70 agree with me. I believe the type of religious 00:22:51.73\00:22:56.24 dialogue that Imam Rauf that's building this 00:22:56.42\00:23:03.65 Islamic Center the mosque in New York, 00:23:04.93\00:23:07.29 I think the goal there at least superficially 00:23:08.22\00:23:12.46 as well as others. The Parliament of the 00:23:12.51\00:23:14.78 World Religions and so on is to bring religions 00:23:14.83\00:23:18.21 together, where the differences are 00:23:18.43\00:23:20.43 removed or they use an old word syncretism 00:23:20.46\00:23:23.62 and I do believe that this convention against 00:23:24.49\00:23:28.37 insulting other religions will tend to 00:23:29.25\00:23:31.07 accelerate the trend to a syncretistic 00:23:31.20\00:23:34.16 relationship between religious because 00:23:34.26\00:23:35.86 differences cannot be expressed and after 00:23:35.89\00:23:38.26 not being expressed they will disappear after 00:23:38.29\00:23:40.00 a while, so you might just have like different 00:23:40.03\00:23:42.56 religious neighborhoods but they are all sort 00:23:43.13\00:23:44.83 of the one combine community and someone is 00:23:44.94\00:23:49.59 not of any community might say fine let's 00:23:49.67\00:23:52.20 have one religion. You know get along, 00:23:52.25\00:23:54.03 but if are within a particular religion believe 00:23:54.79\00:23:57.91 as Islam does that Mohammed and so 00:23:57.99\00:24:01.92 Gabriel, if you are a Christian as you and I are 00:24:02.00\00:24:04.69 and believe that God spoke to mankind through 00:24:04.80\00:24:07.37 the incarnate son of God. Right. 00:24:07.92\00:24:10.08 You can't give that away and keep quite 00:24:10.11\00:24:13.22 about differences that others will find 00:24:13.25\00:24:14.96 defensive. But I think we are headed 00:24:15.09\00:24:17.29 towards a syncretistic dummying down a 00:24:17.55\00:24:20.58 religious expression. And obviously that 00:24:20.69\00:24:23.32 becomes a, I mean a real problem when it 00:24:23.55\00:24:27.04 comes to religious expression in the public 00:24:27.09\00:24:31.05 square because we don't want to have 00:24:31.22\00:24:33.98 someone come in and say something that 00:24:34.61\00:24:36.80 people are gonna find offensive and cause 00:24:37.30\00:24:38.96 riots and all the rest of it. 00:24:38.99\00:24:40.15 Well you know the riots are civil matter, 00:24:40.56\00:24:42.35 but I think religion to a certain point 00:24:42.72\00:24:45.33 should stir people where they are. 00:24:45.43\00:24:47.56 You know on the day of Pentecost that says 00:24:48.98\00:24:51.43 that they were cut to the quick. Yes. 00:24:51.52\00:24:53.25 And what is that 7000 in one day were 00:24:53.83\00:24:55.99 said what must we do to be safe. 00:24:56.08\00:24:58.76 To affect people that rapidly and that 00:24:59.93\00:25:03.28 viscerally, you have to say something that 00:25:03.32\00:25:06.02 get some way they are. It should not be 00:25:06.54\00:25:07.79 insulting or unduly confrontational, 00:25:08.08\00:25:12.03 but it should unsettle them. 00:25:12.11\00:25:14.26 So the people that are troubled by religion 00:25:14.95\00:25:17.32 that is a bit in your face don't understand 00:25:17.42\00:25:19.72 the very nature of evangelization and religion. 00:25:19.80\00:25:22.06 You know more and more even in our own 00:25:23.41\00:25:24.46 Christian community we are thinking that 00:25:24.61\00:25:25.98 its just, you know I'm pious sort of an 00:25:26.08\00:25:28.63 individual and people will look at me and they 00:25:28.66\00:25:30.90 will sort of see goodness shining out of 00:25:30.93\00:25:32.70 my face and that will convert people and 00:25:32.73\00:25:34.95 that's a half truth, but its certainly not the 00:25:35.04\00:25:36.81 whole truth. Christianity advanced by the 00:25:36.90\00:25:40.51 disciples going to areas, where some of 00:25:40.59\00:25:42.84 them ended up being boiled in oil and so 00:25:42.91\00:25:45.97 that happens because they will come in 00:25:46.55\00:25:48.80 non-confrontation way as they tackle 00:25:48.90\00:25:51.19 the very system the God's, the structure in 00:25:51.25\00:25:54.42 the society of where they went and present 00:25:54.75\00:25:56.75 Christ a radical new concept. 00:25:56.97\00:25:59.13 The doubt with the incoherence of people's 00:25:59.38\00:26:04.87 understandings and I think its extremely 00:26:04.92\00:26:07.77 important for us to recognize that in this 00:26:07.81\00:26:11.00 whole debate we not lose that basic 00:26:11.05\00:26:15.30 understanding that we have and certainly as 00:26:15.33\00:26:17.21 Seventh Day Adventist Christians. 00:26:17.34\00:26:18.66 We have a message to proclaim to the world. 00:26:18.90\00:26:21.82 I mean it's our, its kind a like we have 00:26:21.93\00:26:24.00 a charter as it where you know to proclaim. 00:26:24.03\00:26:27.72 We have a charter and we take a large 00:26:27.75\00:26:31.13 definition of that from the Three Angels 00:26:31.20\00:26:32.80 Messages. Thee God for there where 00:26:32.86\00:26:36.63 judgment is can't babble in this fallen. 00:26:36.68\00:26:38.83 You know these are clearly calls for change 00:26:38.95\00:26:41.92 and to question the status quo for. 00:26:42.90\00:26:46.20 Well I tell you the subject we are dealing with 00:26:47.29\00:26:49.96 right now is something that you have to face 00:26:50.03\00:26:52.14 every single day and it's important for us 00:26:52.17\00:26:55.44 in the midst of all of this discussion that 00:26:55.59\00:26:57.66 we will be true to our calling as Christians. 00:26:57.87\00:27:00.53 There can be no greater exercise in futility 00:27:02.98\00:27:05.40 than book burning. Many of those who 00:27:05.69\00:27:08.75 objected to ideas of the reformation 00:27:08.79\00:27:10.71 thought that they can burn the books of 00:27:10.85\00:27:12.70 Luther and other reformers. They thought 00:27:12.78\00:27:15.01 that they can burn the books of astronomers 00:27:15.09\00:27:18.65 and scientists who are spreading knowledge 00:27:19.02\00:27:20.58 that touch down on the cherished falsehoods 00:27:20.63\00:27:24.84 basically, but today we should concern 00:27:25.00\00:27:28.36 ourselves less with burning books than 00:27:28.43\00:27:30.79 spreading truth, spreading information, 00:27:30.85\00:27:33.60 countervailing the false ideas. 00:27:34.17\00:27:36.46 Great Controversy is one book the Seventh 00:27:36.85\00:27:38.95 Day Adventists have found will change lives 00:27:38.98\00:27:41.67 and communicate historic and spiritual values 00:27:42.28\00:27:45.72 to people. We cannot burn, but we should 00:27:45.75\00:27:49.31 be on fire, burning up with zeal as the Bible 00:27:50.03\00:27:53.68 says zeal for thy has; zeal for proclaiming to 00:27:53.81\00:27:57.42 all people the truths of God's Hollywood. 00:27:57.56\00:28:00.19 For Liberty Insider this is Lincoln Steed. 00:28:02.08\00:28:04.90