Let God Speak

Dealing with Bad Decisions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LGS

Program Code: LGS019412A

00:01 Hello, I'm Ettienne McClintock.
00:02 Welcome to Let God Speak.
00:04 Every one of us has made some wrong decisions,
00:07 and there's always consequences as a result.
00:10 Now, when Ezra and Nehemiah returned to Israel
00:12 from Babylon,
00:14 they found that many of the people
00:15 had made some very poor decisions.
00:18 Something had to be done.
00:19 And we will see from scriptures
00:21 what Ezra and Nehemiah did to solve a very big problem.
00:50 On our panel today,
00:52 we have Morgan Vincent and Andrew Russell.
00:54 Welcome, gentlemen. Thank you.
00:55 I look forward to your input as we solve this problem,
00:58 but just as we start, we just invite you to bow your heads
01:01 for a word of prayer.
01:02 Gracious Father in heaven, we're so grateful
01:04 that we have time with Your Word again
01:06 that we can open it
01:07 and also for the promise of the Holy Spirit
01:09 to guide and lead our thoughts and understanding.
01:11 Father, we want to be found faithful
01:13 in all that You instruct us to do.
01:14 We know it's for your own good.
01:16 And as we open Your scriptures, Father, bless us,
01:19 bless those who are watching as well and listening
01:21 and may we believe
01:22 that we had audience with you today
01:24 as we spend time together is our prayer in Jesus' name.
01:28 Amen. Amen.
01:30 Well, I invite you to grab your Bibles
01:31 and we'll go to the Book of Nehemiah.
01:33 We're looking at Nehemiah Chapter 13.
01:36 And we want to look at what confronted Nehemiah
01:40 as he's there in Jerusalem at the time.
01:43 So Nehemiah Chapter 13 and we'll read from verse 23.
01:48 It says, "In those days,
01:49 I also saw Jews
01:51 who had married women of Ashdod."
01:53 Now Ashdod is one of the Philistinian cities.
01:56 And then it also Ammon, and Moab.
01:58 Now Ammon and Moab are actually descendants
02:01 of Lots through his daughters actually
02:03 so they're sort of distant descendants of Israel,
02:05 but they weren't really faithful to the Lord.
02:07 And it says in verse 24,
02:09 "Then half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod,
02:12 and could not speak the language of Judah,
02:14 but spoke according to the language
02:16 of one or of the other people.
02:19 So I contended with them and cursed them
02:21 and struck some of them and pulled out their hair,
02:24 and made them swear by God saying,
02:26 'You shall not give you daughters
02:27 as wives to their sons,
02:29 nor take their daughters for your sons,
02:32 or for yourselves."
02:34 There's quite a bit of activity taking place here.
02:38 Can you summarize it for us?
02:39 Well, sad to say this is not a new problem
02:43 for the children of Israel.
02:44 But what's taking place, Ettienne,
02:46 is that the Israelites are marrying...
02:49 The men of Israel marrying women
02:50 from pagan idol backgrounds.
02:53 And so what happens is it lessens
02:55 the impact of the gospel
02:56 that God desires to have for these people here.
03:01 You know, it's an important issue actually
03:02 and we'll see as we unpack it a little bit further
03:04 as we go through it,
03:05 but did this create other problems for them?
03:08 Yeah, look, like we just read there,
03:10 the children of Israel,
03:12 you know, we saw the children of those marriages
03:16 often would speak the language of the mother,
03:18 spending more time with the mother.
03:19 So they didn't understand
03:21 the language of the Hebrew people.
03:24 And, of course, this caused issues
03:25 in terms of their learning.
03:27 And not only that,
03:29 they would sometimes pick up
03:31 the beliefs of the pagan mother as well.
03:33 Okay. Yeah.
03:34 And so then why would Nehemiah be
03:36 so concerned about this, Morgan?
03:39 You know, you've got to take into consideration
03:42 we've looked at it,
03:44 you know, their whole civilization,
03:45 their whole way of living was tied up
03:47 with their faith in God, their communities,
03:50 their cities, and, you know,
03:52 to have a marriage with another tribe
03:55 or another way of thinking,
03:57 you know, it would have meant that
03:59 they wouldn't have had a regard
04:01 for the God of Israel like they should have.
04:04 And so there's a great sense of concern here with that,
04:07 as well.
04:08 Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
04:10 And if they were getting religious instruction,
04:11 you would have imagined that they would have spoken
04:12 the language that Bible,
04:14 the Old Testament scriptures were written
04:16 and it's very clear that that wasn't the case.
04:18 So there was no real religious instruction,
04:20 so a big problem for them.
04:22 So what do you think of the way
04:25 that Nehemiah dealt with these men?
04:29 It's interesting, you know, you could read it and think,
04:31 Well, you know, he's just being harsh, unfair,
04:34 but if we turn in our Bibles to Deuteronomy Chapter 28.
04:39 We find a really interesting passage of how he's rebuking,
04:44 yes, he's cursing them, yes.
04:46 But here we find the natural results,
04:49 the consequences as it were of disobedience.
04:53 And so we find in Genesis, sorry not Genesis,
04:56 Deuteronomy 28,
04:58 from verse 14, it reads,
05:00 "So you shall not turn aside from any of the words
05:03 which I command you this day,
05:05 to the right or to the left,
05:07 to go after other gods to serve them."
05:09 And that's key.
05:11 You know, you're not just wanting yourself
05:13 to be going after the God of Israel,
05:15 but your wife as well.
05:17 Verse 15, "But it shall come to pass,
05:20 if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God,
05:23 to observe carefully all His commandments
05:25 and His statutes, which I command you today,
05:28 that all these curses will come upon you
05:31 and overtake you."
05:32 And so, here, you know,
05:35 we think of the commandments has been,
05:37 you know, the Ten Commandments, you know, which,
05:40 you know, one involves, you know, really, I guess,
05:43 the faithfulness of marriage,
05:45 and you know, God wanting us to follow Him.
05:48 And so, you got to keep in mind too,
05:50 that these curses which came upon the people
05:54 with a natural result of disobedience as well.
05:58 You know, I think of those curses and,
06:01 you know, sometimes they are interpreted as threats,
06:03 but they're really a warning, aren't they?
06:06 I had an incident just this last week actually.
06:09 I was talking to my oldest daughter
06:12 and letting her know of some consequences
06:14 that might come as a result of certain behavior
06:16 and she said to me, "Dad, you're threatening me."
06:20 And I said, "That's not a threat."
06:22 I said, "It's a warning, sweetheart,"
06:23 I say, "There's a difference you know."
06:25 Sometimes the threat would come from a position of hate,
06:28 you know, but the warning comes from the position of love.
06:32 What position do we think God's taking?
06:35 And when you wanting to,
06:36 you know, the people to see the gravity of the decision
06:39 in choosing to go after,
06:41 you know, a woman of another,
06:43 you know, religion, another way of thinking and so,
06:46 it serves as a bit of a public example
06:48 as well for that.
06:49 Definitely, yeah.
06:51 But look at the reaction from Nehemiah,
06:52 it's pretty strong.
06:54 He's grabbing them by the shirt,
06:55 you know, and sorting the math little bit.
06:56 But, if we look at the context of it all,
06:59 Israel had already brought some reforms in prior to that,
07:02 and there seemed to be
07:03 these reforms were only short lived.
07:05 So it probably needed some short,
07:06 stronger action and a stronger response
07:08 just to get them back on track again.
07:10 But what was behind Nehemiah's strong reaction?
07:13 Well, he understood
07:14 that compromise leads to disobedience.
07:17 And if you look at Nehemiah, again, Nehemiah Chapter 13
07:20 if we go back there, verse 26, and verse 27,
07:24 it says, "Did not Solomon
07:26 king of Israel sin by these things?
07:30 Yet among many nations was there no king like him,
07:33 who was beloved of his God,
07:36 and God made him king over all Israel:
07:39 nevertheless even him did outlandish women
07:42 cause to sin.
07:44 Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil,
07:49 to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?"
07:55 And so clearly here remind us to do the intimation that,
07:59 you know, the Solomon engaging led to problem,
08:02 led a nation down the terrible path,
08:05 ultimately led them into sin.
08:06 That's what compromise brings.
08:08 And they ended up in captivity to Babylon,
08:11 as a result of this as well.
08:13 So God foresees the danger
08:15 and He warns, He warns His people,
08:17 even the kings.
08:19 That's right, but, and Solomon was greatly favored by God,
08:21 I mean he was also a prophet, although he was a king.
08:24 And if you think that you're wiser than Solomon,
08:26 he's basically saying, watch Solomon,
08:27 he got corrupted by this whole process
08:29 of intermarrying with the heathen.
08:32 Look throughout stated history,
08:33 this is a very important principle
08:34 like it's repeated in the Bible again and again,
08:37 and we were talking about the commandments before.
08:39 But it's very clear to me
08:40 that thou shalt have no other gods before you,
08:42 also means to obey God.
08:44 And, of course, if you now intermarry with the heathen,
08:47 our human nature being what it is,
08:48 it seems to be quite easily led astray and corrupted.
08:51 And God's trying to avoid this
08:52 because He wants to maintain that love connection,
08:55 that love relationship with us.
08:57 But in Genesis 24, for example,
08:58 we read there about Abraham wanting a bride for Isaac
09:02 and he gets one of his senior servants,
09:04 the most faithful servant to go find him a wife
09:06 and he's very clear there in Genesis,
09:09 should I say Genesis 24:3 and 4
09:12 that he shouldn't take a wife
09:14 from the daughters of the Canaanites.
09:16 And then he has a discussion with him,
09:18 and if you go further on you read this,
09:19 it says, be very aware not to take my son down,
09:21 even if no one wants to come up this way,
09:23 don't take him down there.
09:24 It's almost like if he goes window shopping,
09:26 he might be tempted.
09:28 And we want him to look at the good
09:30 and the pure and the noble girls
09:31 rather than some of the girls
09:32 who are a little bit more pagan minded, right?
09:35 This thing continues, doesn't it?
09:37 It does continue.
09:38 Continue through the scriptures and that's the amazing thing.
09:40 We see the consistency of God here.
09:42 Can I add another verse? Sure by all means.
09:44 Deuteronomy 7:3-4.
09:49 It says here, "Neither shall you make marriages with them."
09:52 Now this is talking about,
09:54 you just pointed that the Amorites,
09:56 and the Hivites, the Jebusites, the surrounding nations,
09:59 the pagan nations.
10:00 And it says here,
10:01 "Neither shall you make marriages with them,"
10:03 God speaking to His people, of course,
10:05 "your daughter you shall not give unto his son
10:08 nor his daughter,
10:09 shall you take unto your son,
10:11 for they will turn away your son from following me
10:14 that they may serve other gods.
10:16 So will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you
10:18 and destroy you suddenly."
10:20 Says the turning away
10:22 by these non believers to other gods
10:24 that was the real big issue here.
10:26 Yes. Yeah.
10:27 And the New Testament,
10:28 does it say anything about this?
10:30 Yeah, it does, it does.
10:31 There's a third, there's a third passage
10:32 we'll look at.
10:34 In 2 Corinthians Chapter 6, we read from verse 14 down,
10:38 peoples asking,
10:40 I guess some questions for introspect.
10:43 He says in verse 14,
10:44 "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers,
10:47 for what fellowship has righteousness
10:50 with lawlessness?
10:51 And what communion has light with darkness?"
10:54 And we would say, well, none like simple,
10:58 the logical answer would be none.
11:00 He goes on and says, in verse 15,
11:03 "And what accord has Christ with Belial?
11:05 Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
11:09 And what agreement
11:10 has the temple of God with idols?"
11:12 And so you can really see
11:14 that Paul's getting to the heart of the issue,
11:17 which of course, is the human heart.
11:20 And he goes on and says,
11:21 "For You are the temple of the living God.
11:24 As God has said,
11:26 "I will dwell in them, and walk among them,
11:28 I will be their God, and they shall be My people."
11:31 And this is covenant language,
11:34 covenant not just between God and His people,
11:36 but covenant language between a man and a woman.
11:39 And so it's of paramount importance.
11:42 You know, if God mentioned something once in the Bible,
11:45 you'd say, well, that's important.
11:48 But the fact that we've seen just three examples of many,
11:52 he's highlighting the importance
11:54 of how critical this is.
11:56 And if God doesn't want us to go after other gods, right?
12:00 Then, of course, when it comes to marriage,
12:02 He doesn't desire His people to go after someone
12:05 that even is a worshiper of another God.
12:08 It's the same thing, isn't it? So...
12:10 You know, we find too it in the words of Jesus,
12:12 He says, "If a house is divided,
12:15 then it cannot stand."
12:17 You know, divided not just in,
12:18 you know, what kind of food they eat,
12:21 Jesus isn't talking about that so much,
12:23 but He's saying, you know, if there's division,
12:25 if there's contention over,
12:27 you know, faith of who's the head of this home?
12:30 Is it God or is it, you know, whatever we choose?
12:32 Yeah.
12:34 It's not going to stand.
12:36 So is this just being exclusive?
12:38 I mean, I think it's just being
12:40 a little bit exclusive here, Andrew?
12:41 When you think of marriages
12:42 as a matter of being exclusive within Israel,
12:44 that's not really a matter of nationalism,
12:46 that's not the major emphasis.
12:48 It's really a matter of what is true,
12:52 and what constitutes true worship
12:54 and what constitutes false worship.
12:57 So if it's not a nationalism issue,
13:00 are there any examples of intermarriage
13:02 that actually did work in the Bible?
13:04 Yeah, there is.
13:05 There's not too many, but there is.
13:07 We turn in our Bibles to Ruth Chapter 1,
13:10 and we're reading verse 16.
13:12 Ruth is speaking, because after all,
13:15 Boaz married Ruth and Ruth was a Moabite,
13:19 yes, and here Ruth says,
13:21 "Entreat me not to leave you
13:24 or to turn back from following after you,
13:26 for wherever you go,
13:28 I will go and wherever you lodge, I will lodge.
13:32 Your people shall be my people, and your God my God."
13:36 So Ruth is saying,
13:40 "I'm following the God of Israel."
13:43 And so, you know, here
13:44 it's really amazing to think that,
13:47 you know, Boaz and Ruth, this is intermarriage,
13:50 but there's a sense of unity of who their God's going to be.
13:54 Absolutely, yeah. Which is...
13:56 Well, you are not at all faith.
13:57 Yeah, I'm following the true God.
13:59 Okay, great.
14:00 But that wasn't exactly the case of Nehemiah's time,
14:02 was it?
14:04 Morgan?
14:05 Well, it's not, you know, there, it's there.
14:08 There are in, you know, there's a sense of idolatry,
14:10 there's paganism,
14:12 there's a lot going on
14:13 but much hinged on this decision.
14:18 And so God's making sure, Nehemiah is making sure
14:22 that they are following after the truth.
14:26 And so, you know, we could say,
14:28 oh, well, God will just let it slip this time
14:31 but you know, the future of the nation
14:34 was depending upon these strong words
14:37 given to them as well.
14:38 And as you said before this, you know,
14:40 in terms of when that did happen, very isolated.
14:43 Obviously, in Nehemiah's time, it was of great concern.
14:46 But the exclusivity always had to do with favor
14:50 between God and us and our relationship with Him.
14:53 Now years earlier,
14:55 Israel actually had to deal with the same problem,
14:56 where we can read that in Ezra 9:1-2,
14:59 so Nehemiah is now actually dealing with the issue again,
15:02 that's why his response is a little bit firmer,
15:04 but Ezra's response is a little bit different,
15:06 but also quite firm, if we read it,
15:08 Ezra Chapter 9,
15:10 and we'll look at verse 1 and verse 2.
15:12 It says, "When these things were done,
15:14 the leaders came to me, saying,
15:16 'The people of Israel and the priests
15:18 and the Levites have not separated themselves
15:21 from the peoples of the lands,
15:23 with respect to the abominations
15:25 of the Canaanites, the Hittites,
15:27 the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites,
15:30 and the Moabites, the Egyptians,
15:31 and the Amorites."
15:33 And it says, "For they have taken some of their daughters
15:36 as wives for themselves and their sons,
15:39 so that the holy seed is mixed with the peoples of the lands.
15:43 Indeed, the hand of the leaders
15:46 and the rulers have been foremost in this trespass."
15:50 So what's happening here?
15:53 Well, it says here, the princes came to me Ezra writes and so,
15:57 there's real concern amongst the leadership here
16:01 of the children of Israel.
16:02 So leaders are coming
16:03 and they're discussing this issue of the people
16:07 and not only the people
16:09 but other leaders are also following this practice.
16:12 And they've taken on, you know,
16:14 the abominations of the heathen now essentially.
16:17 And, of course, when it talks about the other leaders
16:19 are involved here,
16:20 well, they're some of the most influential people
16:23 amongst the children of Israel.
16:24 So imagine you know,
16:26 it's kind of like monkey see monkey do,
16:28 isn't it at the times, you know.
16:29 So how important is our example in
16:32 and the influence that we have
16:34 on those around us or those that are watching us.
16:38 So how did Israel respond to this news?
16:44 Well, let's read it.
16:45 Let's read in verse 3-5, Ezra 9:3-5.
16:50 We read it here, "And when I heard this thing,
16:52 I rent my garment and my mantle,
16:55 and plucked off the hair of my head
16:57 and of my beard, and sat down astonished.
17:01 Then were assembled unto me
17:02 every one that trembled
17:04 at the words of the God of Israel,
17:06 because of the transgression
17:08 of those that had been carried away,
17:10 and I sat astonished until the evening sacrifice."
17:16 And so we see here that Ezra was absolutely devastated.
17:20 I mean, that'd be the only way we could explain it, right?
17:22 Absolutely devastated.
17:24 Tears his clothing,
17:26 plucks the hair out of his head.
17:27 In other words, he tugged at his hair and his beard
17:30 is basically what its saying.
17:33 And he stayed there and sat there,
17:35 just in astonishment, what was taking place.
17:38 He was very zealous for the cause of God,
17:40 very zealous for the salvation of God.
17:43 He prized duty and truth above all things.
17:47 And so he goes to God and in prayer,
17:49 it says at the end of verse 5
17:50 and spread out my hands unto the Lord, my God,
17:53 and he takes it to the Lord in prayer.
17:56 I guess, you know, when I read this,
17:57 I think that Ezra's response
18:01 may just be in a small way indicative
18:05 of perhaps what Christ may feel
18:06 when He sees this kind of thing happening,
18:09 realizing the impact that it's going to have.
18:12 That's a good point. Yeah.
18:14 We'll continue on there in verse 6 of Ezra 9,
18:17 "And I said, Oh my God,
18:19 I am too ashamed and humiliated
18:21 to lift up my face to you, my God, for our iniquities
18:25 have risen higher than our heads
18:27 and our guilt has grown up to the heaven."
18:29 So he's actually,
18:31 he may not have participated in the sin,
18:33 but he's likening himself with the people,
18:34 it's not us and them, it's a we kind of response.
18:36 And in verse 7,
18:38 "Since the days of our fathers
18:39 to this day we have been very guilty.
18:41 And for our iniquities we,
18:44 our kings and our priests have been delivered
18:46 into the hands of the kings of the land
18:48 and to the sword to captivity to plunder, to humiliation,
18:51 as it is this day."
18:54 So what does this tell us about Ezra's thinking?
18:56 Yeah, he's very much concerned, and we've seen that so far.
19:01 But it goes to show
19:04 the natural result of what happens
19:06 when you mingle with heathen nations,
19:10 you know, it's not going to end well.
19:12 And we continue on in Chapter 9 of Ezra,
19:16 verse 13 and 14.
19:18 And the Bible says,
19:19 "And after all that has come upon us
19:22 for our evil deeds and for our great guilt,
19:25 since You our God have punished us
19:27 less than our iniquities deserve,
19:30 and have given us such deliverance as this,
19:33 should we again break your commands,
19:35 and join in marriage with the people
19:37 committing these abominations?"
19:39 It just, you know, herein Ezra is saying,
19:43 we don't even want it to enter our mind again,
19:45 you know, such is the gravity of the situation.
19:48 They've just been brought back from Babylon basically
19:51 and they're in Babylon because of those problems
19:53 and now they stand to repeat it again,
19:55 it's like they haven't learned the history.
19:56 Yeah, and Ezra's really, really driving the point home to say,
20:00 "Look, guys, let's not repeat this again."
20:02 And I'll just read the end of 14.
20:05 It says, "Would you not be angry with us
20:07 until you had consumed us
20:09 so that there would be no remnant or savior."
20:12 And so, you know, the question of,
20:14 you know, who we marry
20:16 and whether we interact with pagan nations.
20:19 It doesn't just impact us or our future,
20:23 you know, our eternal future,
20:24 but it has impact upon the current
20:26 and future generations as well.
20:29 We're just going into the next chapter now
20:31 we're in Ezra Chapter 10 and just looking at verse 1,
20:33 there's still, Ezra is still praying,
20:35 and he's confessing and weeping.
20:37 But there's quite an interesting
20:39 response there from the people.
20:40 Can you tell us a little bit more
20:41 about that what happens next?
20:43 Yeah, so we see, you know, Ezra's praying in 10:1,
20:47 and by every indication from the chapter,
20:50 his prayers are answered,
20:52 and the people are coming to him,
20:55 from their sense of,
20:58 you know, we're moved by this,
20:59 we're sorry for this, we're penancing for this,
21:02 and they're wanting to sort things out
21:05 to get things right.
21:06 It says at the end of verse 1 there,
21:09 out of Israel a very great congregation
21:11 of men and women and children,
21:13 for the people wept very so,
21:16 they wept bitterly, they were upset by...
21:20 And as we continue on there, you know,
21:22 and verse 2 sort of talks about
21:24 that they admit this and it says,
21:26 "We have trespassed against our God,
21:27 and have taken pagan wives from the peoples of the land,
21:31 yet now there is hope in Israel in spite of this."
21:34 And in verse 3, it says, "Now therefore,
21:35 let us make a covenant with our God
21:37 to put away all these wives
21:39 and those who have been born to them."
21:42 What do you think of this suggestion?
21:45 I think by today's standards,
21:46 this would be quite confronting,
21:47 wouldn't you agree?
21:49 Okay, because they're talking about putting away
21:51 those wives now.
21:54 And so, yeah.
21:57 There's a little bit of opposition
21:58 only from a handful about four people or so I think.
22:00 Yeah, about four people, yeah, we read in verse 15.
22:02 But it's a drastic step,
22:04 sorry of sending the heathen partners now home
22:08 and, of course, their children with them.
22:10 And the men are choosing to separate now, aren't they?
22:12 That's right.
22:13 I think we need to remember
22:15 there was no neglect intended here.
22:18 You know, drastic circumstances
22:20 require sometimes drastic measures, isn't it right?
22:22 It's true.
22:24 And I think of Jesus, He said,
22:25 "If any man love mother or father or more than Me,
22:28 he's not worthy of Me."
22:30 And so this, this must have been a terrible situation
22:34 that required them to do this.
22:36 The impact of those heathenism and the heathen practices
22:40 must have been to such a degree
22:42 that it was very needful for them
22:45 to make this decision.
22:47 Look, they obviously go through a bit of a process,
22:50 but can you just elaborate
22:52 on what they exactly did to deal with this issue?
22:54 Okay, if we read in Ezra 10:7 and 8, it says,
22:58 "And they made proclamation throughout Judah
23:00 and Jerusalem unto all the children of the captivity,
23:03 that they should gather themselves together
23:06 unto Jerusalem.
23:07 And that whosoever would not come within three days,
23:11 according to the counsel of the princes and the elders,
23:14 all his substances should be forfeited,
23:17 and himself separated from the congregation of those
23:22 that had been carried away."
23:24 And so, look, what I see here is that they were,
23:27 they were offered a choice.
23:29 They were offered a choice, they could choose now
23:31 whether to go with this judgment
23:34 in the best interest of the children of Israel,
23:37 or to be separate from the children of Israel.
23:41 And at the end of the day, they had to make that choice.
23:45 Verse 9 says, "Then all the men of Judah and Benjamin
23:47 gathered themselves together
23:48 unto Jerusalem within three days.
23:50 It was the ninth month on the 20th day of the month,
23:53 and all the people sat in the street,
23:55 of the house of God, trembling
23:57 because of this matter, and for the great rain.
24:00 Boys, by no means an easy thing to face.
24:04 You know did they act independently here, Morgan,
24:07 or how did you follow this process?
24:09 We read on because, you know, they're agreeing to cooperate
24:13 and we read on in Ezra 10, we're still there.
24:17 We read in verse 10.
24:18 It says, "Then Ezra the priest stood up and said to them,
24:21 'You have transgressed and have taken pagan wives,
24:24 adding to the guilt of Israel.'"
24:27 So we see here, you know, a decision of one
24:29 or decision of some impacts the majority,
24:32 impacts the multitude.
24:34 Verse 11, "Now therefore, make confession
24:36 to the Lord God of your fathers,
24:38 do His will,
24:40 separate yourselves from the peoples of the land,
24:43 and from the pagan wives."
24:44 So there was some action
24:46 that they decided they're going to take.
24:48 Right. Verse 12.
24:50 "Then all the assembly answered,
24:53 and said with a loud voice,
24:54 'Yes, as you have said, so we must do.'"
24:59 They're agreeing, they're coming together
25:01 and saying, "This is the way we want to go forward."
25:04 Now, do you think Israel considered these marriages
25:09 as invalid?
25:11 Absolutely not.
25:12 I don't think so,
25:15 because they're in violation of God's command.
25:18 So they're really unlawful relationships.
25:20 They were unlawful.
25:21 I mean, we read clearly, we read in Deuteronomy,
25:24 we read in Genesis, we read in Corinthians
25:27 that this was not something that God accepted.
25:32 Now, this was not something that He wanted.
25:36 This was not a matter of ignorance.
25:37 I think it's important to remember.
25:39 It wasn't a matter of ignorance.
25:41 As we sometimes find in the life of a church,
25:43 sometimes you find young people
25:44 who sometimes just limited knowledge
25:46 go ahead and they pursue these relationships.
25:49 But this was a matter of disobedience.
25:51 Yeah. Well, okay.
25:53 Now we have some counsel also in the New Testament.
25:55 If we go to what Paul says in 1 Corinthians Chapter 7,
25:58 probably slightly different scenario here
26:00 because we probably talking about people
26:02 who had been married
26:04 and then one of them are converted.
26:06 And Paul says there in 1 Corinthians Chapter 7,
26:08 we're going to read from verse 12.
26:10 It says, "But to the rest I,
26:12 not the Lord say, if any brother has a wife
26:15 who does not believe,
26:16 and she's willing to live with him,
26:18 let him not divorce her.
26:20 And if a woman has a husband who does not believe
26:22 and he is willing to live with her,
26:25 let her not divorce him, for the unbelieving husband
26:27 is sanctified by the wife,
26:29 and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband,
26:32 otherwise your children would be unclean,
26:35 but now they are holy."
26:37 And then in verse 15,
26:38 "But if the unbelievers depart, let him depart,
26:42 a brother or a sister is not under bondage
26:44 in such cases,
26:45 but God has called us to peace."
26:48 So just very briefly, what is your comment on that?
26:51 How do we read that?
26:53 Yeah, it's, as we said you know, the gospel,
26:56 it could change, you know, one spouse
26:58 and perhaps not the other from their decision
27:01 but you know, God calls us to be peace,
27:04 peaceful peacemakers.
27:05 And to me that's the key of what Paul's saying here.
27:10 Okay. Thank you, gentlemen.
27:11 That's unfortunately we have time for,
27:12 but thank you for joining us today.
27:14 There is a true saying that if we marry in haste,
27:17 we will regret at leisure,
27:19 and marriage is a solemn and lifelong commitment.
27:22 Therefore we do need to know
27:23 God's will for our relationships,
27:26 and to pray and fast like Ezra did
27:28 is a model excellent for us to follow.
27:31 Thank you for joining us today on Let God Speak.
27:33 You can watch our past programs
27:35 on our website at 3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:39 Teachers notes can be downloaded there as well
27:41 and you can email us at lgs@3abnaustralia.org,
27:44 until next time.


Revised 2020-03-16