Let God Speak

Backslidden People

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LGS

Program Code: LGS019411A

00:01 Hello, I'm Mel Olsen, and this is Let God Speak.
00:03 Nehemiah has successfully rebuilt the wall
00:06 around Jerusalem
00:07 and introduced the people to the temple worship
00:09 ordained by God.
00:11 He returned to Babylon
00:12 and while he was away some things changed.
00:15 Today we'll explore those changes
00:17 and see how he handled the problems that had arisen.
00:46 On our panel today we have Nathan Tasker and Blair Lemke.
00:49 Welcome to the panel, gentlemen.
00:50 Good to be here.
00:51 That is good, and let's just commence with a prayer.
00:54 Heavenly Father, as we come and discuss Your Word today,
00:58 we open Your book, the Bible,
01:00 and we ask that You will guide and direct us,
01:03 that we will learn of the things
01:04 that You have written there for us to learn.
01:07 So bless us as we share together today
01:09 from Your Word we ask.
01:11 Amen. Amen.
01:14 So Ezra, the scribe and the priests
01:18 had read the Word of God to the people in Jerusalem,
01:22 they had responded, they had confessed their sins
01:26 and they even acknowledged God in these words,
01:29 and I'm gonna read it from Nehemiah 9:32, it said,
01:33 "Now therefore, our God, the great,
01:36 the mighty and awesome God,
01:39 who keeps the covenant and mercy."
01:41 So they really expressed what God was like to them,
01:45 so how do they follow up
01:47 this recognition of God, Nathan.
01:49 Well, I'm pleased to report
01:51 that we begin the story very well.
01:53 Yes.
01:54 If we have a look at Nehemiah 9:38, it says,
01:59 "And because of all this
02:01 we make a sure covenant, and write it,
02:04 our leaders, our Levites, and our priests seal it."
02:09 And in 10:28, it actually goes through
02:12 and explains that everybody went through
02:17 and made this commitment.
02:18 It was a group decision
02:19 that they were going to follow God.
02:21 Yeah, so all of them together, women, children, families?
02:24 Yeah, there's a little stairs as men, women, children,
02:29 everybody agreed.
02:30 Very powerful, isn't it?
02:32 Very powerful, so what did they actually sign up for?
02:36 If you just go on 10:29, it says here,
02:40 "These joined with their brethren,
02:43 their nobles, and entered into a curse,"
02:46 or another way of saying it would be like a promise,
02:48 an oath, "to walk in God's Law,
02:51 which was given by Moses the servant of God,
02:54 and to observe
02:56 and to do all the commandments of the Lord our God,
02:58 and His ordinances and His statutes."
03:00 So it's actually referring back
03:02 to what Moses had already given the people
03:05 in previous generations,
03:07 they're now going back and reminding themselves
03:09 and signing up, we want to continue
03:11 in the footsteps of our ancestors that followed Moses.
03:13 Yes.
03:15 So Nehemiah is the governor and the spiritual leader,
03:19 had organized the temple services
03:21 in a way that he put leadership,
03:23 people into leadership positions.
03:25 And then he had to go back to the king
03:29 where he'd come from originally,
03:31 so what happened here?
03:34 And why did he leave? Why did he go?
03:36 Yeah, it was, the scripture gives an answer,
03:39 it was really based on an agreement
03:40 that he'd made with the king,
03:42 so in Nehemiah 2:5,
03:47 it says, "And I said to the king,
03:49 'If it pleases the king,
03:51 and your servant has found favor in your sight,
03:52 I ask that you send me to Judah,
03:54 to the city of my fathers' tombs,
03:56 that I may rebuild it."
03:57 And so Nehemiah had asked the king to be able to go,
04:02 and then when you have a look
04:03 across there in Nehemiah 13:6,
04:08 at the end of that chapter it says,
04:11 "For in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon,
04:14 I had returned to the king.
04:16 Then after certain days
04:17 I obtained leave from the king."
04:19 And so, he'd really made the decision,
04:21 he's asked to have time to go,
04:23 and the king had said, "Yep, go ahead go."
04:25 And then, but then he had to head back
04:28 because he's made that agreement with the king
04:30 to go back at a set time.
04:32 So he's back with the king and then he says,
04:34 "I want to return."
04:36 And the king once again gives him permission
04:38 to go back again.
04:39 But he has to reinstate him as governor again as well
04:42 and so he gives him the permission,
04:44 but when he gets back,
04:45 Chapter 13 of Nehemiah tells a story
04:48 about what had happened while he was away.
04:51 So can you just reflect a little bit
04:52 on what happened there?
04:54 Yeah, it's actually quite an interesting history
04:56 when the Israelites were conquering Canaan so to speak.
05:01 They were overtaking or coming to take the land
05:04 that God had promised them
05:05 and two nations, the Ammonites and the Moabites
05:08 caused some real difficulties for them.
05:10 Betraying them, using, calling Balaam,
05:14 the prophet to work against them,
05:16 not allowing them to walk through their lands.
05:18 And so as a result of this, in Deuteronomy 23:3-6,
05:24 God had actually given commands for the Ammonites
05:27 and the Moabites not to have access into,
05:29 not for, God's people not to work with them
05:30 and not to give them access into the temple of God.
05:33 And so we actually see this picked up
05:35 in Nehemiah Chapter 13
05:36 which is the verse you've asked to read.
05:38 So Nehemiah 13:1-3, it says,
05:40 we find Nehemiah quoting this passage of scripture
05:42 from Deuteronomy, it says,
05:43 "On that day they read from the Book of Moses
05:45 in the hearing of the people,
05:46 and in it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite
05:50 should ever come into the assembly of God,
05:52 because they had not met with the children of Israel
05:53 with bread and water," they hadn't given hospitality,
05:56 "but they had hired Balaam against them to curse them.
06:00 However, our God turned the curse into a blessing.
06:03 So it was, when they had heard the law,
06:04 that they separated all the mixed multitude
06:06 from Israel."
06:08 Yeah.
06:09 So there's enemies and supporters of Nehemiah
06:12 right there.
06:13 Nathan, can you put together three of these names
06:15 you've got Eliashib, Tobiah and Sanballat.
06:19 How do they fit into this picture?
06:21 I guess we could unpack them in a bit more detail
06:25 but these three people
06:26 were each influential in a certain way.
06:29 We have the high priest Eliashib
06:32 who was in charge not only of the practical operations
06:36 at the temple or the place of worship
06:38 but also, he was seen as a spiritual leader
06:41 for the people of God.
06:43 And he had working with him
06:44 two other gentlemen, Sanballat and Tobiah
06:48 who had been opposing Nehemiah and causing problems
06:52 and so although
06:53 they are supposedly allies of God's cause,
06:57 we find out they are actually not so friendly and helpful.
07:00 Okay, so there's some intrigue around these three then?
07:03 Can you unpack that a little bit more for us
07:05 someone as intrigued?
07:06 I'm sorry to say
07:08 that there is a bit of a dirty laundry
07:10 in this story and I'd encourage our readers,
07:12 or viewers to go and have a look,
07:14 but we seem to pick up here
07:16 that the grandson of the high priest
07:20 had married the daughter of Sanballat.
07:23 Sanballat, of course, is a governor
07:25 of the local territory of Samaria,
07:29 who had been antagonistic to the returning exiles,
07:32 and this marriage alliance doesn't seem to be very wise
07:37 or very favorable to God's people.
07:38 Even Sanballat himself,
07:40 his name means 'The Moon God has given life'.
07:44 And that name isn't just a accidental name like George.
07:48 This is a handpicked name
07:50 that this guy has adopted in adulthood
07:53 and there's now intermarriage between him
07:55 and the high priest of God's people.
07:57 So we've got some real problems and, of course,
07:59 Tobiah had been very happy to undermine
08:03 and to ridicule and to accuse to the Persians,
08:08 Nehemiah's work saying
08:10 that these people have been insubordinate.
08:12 So, big problems here.
08:13 So, you say there were alliances
08:15 that led to trouble, Blair.
08:17 How did Nehemiah handle this?
08:19 Yeah, well, it's written in scripture
08:22 here in Nehemiah 13:4-5, it says,
08:27 "Now before this, Eliashib the priest,
08:30 having authority over the storerooms of the house
08:32 of our God, was allied with Tobiah.
08:34 And he prepared for him a large room,
08:36 where he previously had stored the grain offerings,
08:37 the frankincense, the articles,
08:40 the tithes of grain, and the new oil,
08:42 which he commanded to be given to the Levites."
08:44 And so Eliashib had prepared a room for Tobiah,
08:47 this Ammonite, which was strictly forbidden.
08:51 It was against the law
08:52 that we just read about previously,
08:54 and so verse, if we pick it up here in verse 7-9,
08:59 we actually find
09:00 that he kind of addresses the problem front, head on.
09:02 And so in verse 7, it says,
09:04 "I came to Jerusalem and discovered the evil
09:06 that Eliashib had done for Tobiah,
09:09 in preparing a room for him
09:10 in the courts of the house of God."
09:12 This grieved him.
09:13 Verse 8, he says as much, it says,
09:15 "And it grieved me bitterly,
09:16 therefore I threw
09:18 all the household goods of Tobiah out of the room.
09:20 Then I commanded them to cleanse the rooms,
09:22 and I brought back into them
09:24 the articles of the house of God,
09:25 with the grain offerings
09:26 and the frankincense and these things."
09:29 And so the enemies of Nehemiah
09:31 had sort to try to overtake his,
09:34 the rulership of the area and Nehemiah's posture
09:37 was to directly confront the problem
09:40 and to bring back reforms, so to speak.
09:42 I guess when I was younger,
09:44 I saw this as a little bit inhospitable,
09:47 why would it be appropriate to kick somebody out.
09:51 Some "poor, innocent person"
09:52 that needed some sort of shelter,
09:54 you know, maybe a homeless person."
09:55 But if we really look into the story,
09:58 Tobiah is not a poor, innocent, homeless person,
10:01 he is specifically being planted,
10:04 he is planting himself in the place
10:07 that is supposed to be God's house
10:09 so that he can directly undermine the work of God.
10:12 That's right, and, Blair, you read the words,
10:15 "and it grieved me bitterly."
10:16 Yeah.
10:18 They're pretty emotive words, they're strong words.
10:19 That's right.
10:20 Why do you think there was such a strong
10:22 emotive feeling about that?
10:23 Well, I mean as we read previously,
10:24 it was a direct violation to the clear commandments
10:27 that God had given His people.
10:28 And so, as Nehemiah is someone
10:30 who was concerned
10:32 with living faithfully to God's commandments,
10:34 this was something that grieved him.
10:35 And we actually see this posture
10:38 is not dissimilar to the posture
10:39 that Jesus takes as well.
10:42 In the Book of John, and in John 2,
10:44 I want to just share with you briefly a passage here,
10:47 I'm in verses 15 and more, so we'll read verse 17 here,
10:50 it says, this is Jesus speaking about His zeal
10:54 for the house of God, it says,
10:55 "When He had made a whip of cords,
10:58 He drove them out of the temple,
10:59 with the sheep and the oxen,
11:01 and He poured out the changers' money
11:02 and overturned the tables."
11:03 And look at verse 17 here, it says,
11:05 "Then His disciples remembered that it was written,
11:08 'Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up.'"
11:11 And as you see those similar, that similar theme there,
11:13 zeal for the house of God.
11:14 Nehemiah had this zeal for the house of God
11:17 and he wanted to see it conducted in a way
11:20 that was honorable to God
11:21 and in accordance with His commandments.
11:23 Yeah, that zeal for the house of God
11:25 was actually a Messianic prophecy, wasn't it?
11:27 That's correct.
11:28 And they look back at that, yes, yes.
11:30 So soon after signing the covenant to follow God,
11:33 Israel was slipping back into its old practices.
11:36 Nathan, is there a warning here for us?
11:41 I'm really sorry to say that it seems like
11:44 we have a history of not remembering our past.
11:48 Isaiah 1:3 has a particular warning for us.
11:53 I'm gonna read here from the NCV, it says,
11:59 "An ox knows its master
12:02 and a donkey knows where its master feeds it,
12:06 but the people of Israel do not know me,
12:10 my people do not understand."
12:12 That's pretty strong, isn't it?
12:14 I don't understand them.
12:15 That's a God who's very sad
12:16 because His own loved ones are not recognizing Him,
12:22 their God.
12:23 In John Chapter 17, we have another passage here,
12:27 this is John 17:3, Jesus words here in red,
12:32 it says, "This is eternal life,
12:35 that they may know You, the only true God,
12:38 and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
12:42 It's seems like if we don't have
12:44 this personal relationship with God,
12:46 if we don't connect with Him on a daily basis,
12:49 we could be liable to be like that ox or donkey,
12:53 that doesn't even know who's caring for it.
12:56 That's right. Yes, yes.
12:57 So Nehemiah soon discovers there are things in the temple
13:00 weren't going as well as they should as well.
13:02 So what steps were taken here, Nathan,
13:05 to fix up some problems that had arisen?
13:09 Let's have a look
13:10 at Nehemiah 13:10-11,
13:17 and this is what it says,
13:18 "I also realized
13:20 that the portions for the Levites
13:21 had not been given to them,
13:24 for each of the Levites and the singers
13:26 who did the work had gone back to his field.
13:29 So I contended with the rulers and said,
13:32 'Why is the house of God forsaken?'
13:34 And I gathered them together and sat them in their place.'"
13:38 So in this context
13:39 what's happening is normally the people
13:42 that are working at the temple
13:43 were supposed to be supported by their work
13:46 and by the people that they were serving,
13:48 and in this case
13:50 these spiritual leaders had been abandoned
13:53 and so they had no choice,
13:54 but to go themselves back to common work in their field
13:58 to put food on their own table.
14:00 So supported meaning what?
14:03 With foods, with the income, with the offerings.
14:08 It'll be financial as well as the actual offerings themselves
14:13 which was sacrificed and in certain cases divided up
14:16 and eaten by the Levites.
14:18 Okay.
14:20 So what was the result
14:21 after Nehemiah had set the rulers in their place.
14:23 He's gotten into them, hadn't he?
14:25 Yes. Yes, he's pretty direct.
14:26 Yes, yes.
14:27 Well, let's read on in verse 12 and 13, it says,
14:29 "And then all Judah brought the tithe of the grain
14:32 and the new wine and the oil to the storehouse.
14:35 And I appointed as treasurers
14:36 over the storehouse Shelemiah the priest
14:39 and Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites, Pedaiah,
14:42 and next to them Hanan the son of Zaccur,
14:45 and the son of Mattaniah,
14:46 for they were considered faithful,
14:48 and their task was to distribute
14:50 to their brethren."
14:51 And so what Nehemiah does is he rights the wrongs,
14:54 he reinstates this financial system
14:56 and begins to return a faithful tithe.
15:00 Again, returning to the commandments
15:02 that God had given His people.
15:04 Okay, so returning a faithful tithe
15:06 seemed to be something
15:07 that was really important to Nehemiah.
15:10 So what is it about that, that you felt so strongly,
15:15 you know, he did?
15:17 Yeah, he's, I mean,
15:18 we see this again and again with Nehemiah.
15:20 He's concerned with returning to God's commandments.
15:23 He's concerned with returning to the way
15:25 that God has asked us to live our lives.
15:27 And so we see here in Leviticus 27:30,
15:32 we read,
15:34 "And all the tithe of the land,
15:35 whether of the seed of the land
15:36 or the fruit of the tree is the Lord's."
15:38 It is holy to the Lord.
15:39 So we find here a commandment to return a tithe,
15:43 and that this tithe is holy to God.
15:45 And then we see in verse 44, these, sorry,
15:48 verse 34 of the same chapter,
15:49 "These are the commandments which the Lord commanded
15:52 Moses to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai."
15:55 And so it's very clear
15:56 that God has given a commandment to tithe
15:58 that Nehemiah is wanting to return to that.
16:00 We also see Numbers, Numbers 18:21, we read,
16:05 "Behold, I've given the children of Levi
16:07 all the tithes in Israel as an inheritance
16:10 in return for the work which they perform
16:11 the work of the tabernacle of meeting."
16:14 And so this tithe was specifically to be used
16:16 for the Levites to support them,
16:19 to allow them to perform this work
16:21 that they previously were having to rely on,
16:24 you know, support themselves through while trying this,
16:26 he's restoring faithfulness to God's commands.
16:29 Absolutely.
16:30 I'm just thinking that context too,
16:32 obviously God has everything at His command.
16:36 And He doesn't really depend upon humans
16:38 to finance His system,
16:40 and even the Levites themselves.
16:42 I mean, God, God has ways of taking care of them.
16:44 But I wonder if in this system
16:48 where people were no longer returning tithe to God,
16:51 they were making it difficult for God to reveal to them
16:55 that He was actually taking care of them
16:56 as a nation, as a group.
16:58 And perhaps that is why
16:59 they were so liable to get distracted,
17:02 because they weren't able to realize
17:04 and see that God was the one
17:06 that was caring for them as a nation.
17:08 That's right.
17:09 So, we know tithe was instituted.
17:12 We have records, biblical records of it,
17:14 perhaps we don't have time to go back to those now.
17:17 So we'll just move on to the next question here.
17:20 And I want to read something from Malachi about tithe.
17:24 And it's in Malachi 3:10,
17:27 probably the best known text on tithing,
17:29 that there is, says,
17:31 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
17:33 that there may be food in my house,
17:35 and try me now in this, says the Lord of hosts,
17:39 if I will not open for you the windows of heaven
17:42 and pour you out such a blessing
17:45 that there will not be room enough to receive it."
17:48 And so there's a promise
17:49 that goes with this particular challenge
17:52 of tithe playing here.
17:54 Nathan, what do you think about the payment of tithe,
17:59 and maybe words associated with a payment of tithe?
18:03 I guess we can use different phrases
18:07 in regards to tithe,
18:08 maybe we can pay tithes as if we're paying a bill.
18:13 Or we can return tithes,
18:15 as if it belongs to somebody else.
18:18 Or we could talk about, what's another word to...
18:22 You can bring the tithes in Like bringing it forward,
18:26 as if it's something
18:27 which is personal and voluntary.
18:30 And I suppose, from God's perspective,
18:34 I'm pretty sure He prefers our hearts
18:36 and our attitude
18:37 more than He depends upon our generosity.
18:40 So, as we're kind of thinking about this,
18:43 I wonder if we could be asking ourselves,
18:45 what is the attitude of my heart?
18:48 Why am I contemplating
18:50 entering into a relationship with God
18:52 with my time and my possessions?
18:53 What can I do that connects me to my Creator?
18:58 Yes.
19:00 And it becomes an act of your voluntary giving, doesn't it?
19:04 And I choose to give to God and give back to God
19:07 and this is true.
19:08 So Nehemiah comes back as we've been talking,
19:11 that there are more parts of the covenant
19:13 that are broken,
19:14 so what else did he find?
19:16 Yeah, it seems that in addition to the tithing,
19:19 in addition to some of these other,
19:20 I guess backsliding,
19:23 Nehemiah finds an issue with the Sabbath.
19:26 And so let's have a look here in Nehemiah 10:31.
19:31 And in Nehemiah 10:31, it says this,
19:33 "If the people of the land bought,
19:35 brought wares of any grain to sell on the Sabbath day,
19:37 we would not buy it from them on the Sabbath
19:39 or on a holy day,
19:41 and we would forego the seventh years produce
19:43 and the exacting of every debt."
19:45 And then across in verse, Chapter 13 in,
19:49 Nehemiah Chapter 13, verses...
19:55 Seventeen? Let's have a look here.
19:57 Seventeen? Yup 17.
19:59 And it says, "Then I contended with the nobles of Judah,
20:03 and said to them,
20:04 what evil thing is this that you do
20:06 by which you profane the Sabbath day?"
20:09 Did, not your father's do thus
20:11 and, you know, brought disaster upon them.
20:14 And so we see this concept of Sabbath
20:17 breaking taking place.
20:18 Working on the Sabbath and trading on the Sabbath day,
20:21 commerce and things of the sort.
20:23 It was a concern to Nehemiah.
20:24 Yes.
20:25 Did he ever remind them of the past?
20:28 What happens when you break the Sabbath?
20:31 All right.
20:32 I mean, the verse we just read there,
20:34 verse 17, it says, "I contend with the nobles of Judea,"
20:37 and so we see that he met the issue again,
20:40 in classic Nehemiah style, he met the issue head on,
20:43 and he dealt with it as swiftly and as gracefully as he could.
20:49 And he reminded them of the failures of the past
20:52 as we just read there.
20:53 You know, in the past, we've made these mistakes,
20:54 let's return to faithfulness to God and to His Word.
20:57 All right.
20:58 So besides a straight talker, Nehemiah is a man of action.
21:03 What other actions did he take, I mean he's verbal,
21:05 but what else did he do there?
21:07 I guess if I'm looking at the following verses,
21:11 this is Nehemiah 13:19, 20, 21, and 22.
21:16 In addition to having a discussion
21:19 about the philosophy
21:22 or the ideology of the Sabbath keeping,
21:24 it seems like he also made some,
21:27 took some practical steps to talk to those
21:29 who take care of the gates, to talk to the traders,
21:31 to talk to the people and say,
21:33 You know what, we have decided intellectually,
21:36 but let's put some practical things in place as well,
21:39 to ensure that we as a people can be honorable.
21:42 If one or two of us feel a bit tempted
21:44 and want to take a shortcut somewhere.
21:46 Let's support each other in solidarity
21:49 and take these steps
21:51 so that we can corporately as a community
21:54 focus on God's rather than ourselves
21:56 and our financial interest on the Sabbath.
21:58 Yes.
21:59 So what did Nehemiah actually do, physically,
22:02 there on the Sabbath, or a bit before the Sabbath,
22:05 in fact, closing gates?
22:07 You're talking about verse 19,
22:08 yeah, they're having the gates closed before dark,
22:11 that's verse 19,
22:12 posting some of his own servants
22:14 so that no burdens be brought in.
22:16 Verse 20, the merchants
22:18 and the sellers of all kinds of wares
22:21 lodged outside Jerusalem.
22:23 The encouragement, because I'm sure,
22:25 trader could have been coming in from afar saying,
22:27 well, hey, I come from a long way.
22:29 It's Friday night, when Sabbath's finished,
22:31 you know, sell a little bit, I'll move on.
22:33 He's saying, no, you guys you're your journey,
22:34 get here before sunset Friday.
22:36 Otherwise we'll see you Sunday.
22:38 That's right, yeah, yes,
22:40 he even threaten those outside the gates.
22:42 Don't come, don't come from outside.
22:44 Don't bring temptation into my house.
22:47 So, the Sabbath was really important.
22:50 So what does sanctifying the Sabbath
22:52 actually mean here you think?
22:55 Okay, so, the word sanctify might be a bit of a funny word
22:59 now to speak today,
23:00 but something that is sanctified
23:03 is something that is special, unique, set apart,
23:06 like a wedding dress, for example.
23:08 It's the kind of dress
23:09 that is reserved for a special occasion,
23:11 I wouldn't expect someone
23:13 to do an oil change in a wedding dress,
23:14 I mean, you physically could,
23:16 but it's really not the kind of dress
23:18 that is well suited to that.
23:20 So the Sabbath is something which is a little bit special,
23:23 very special, set apart for a very specific purpose.
23:27 And people think, well, it doesn't really matter
23:29 if I change the oil in my wedding dress,
23:31 no one's going to know.
23:33 But even if you do a really good job
23:34 and what are you telling everybody about your wedding?
23:36 You know, what do you tell everybody about that,
23:38 the significance of that particular symbol
23:40 of your relationship
23:42 and the Sabbath is a symbol of our relationship with God,
23:45 reminding us of His creative power
23:47 and His redeeming power.
23:48 It's interesting, I think that's really the rationale
23:51 behind verse 15 there,
23:53 which we were trying to read earlier on,
23:55 where it talks about, in those days,
23:57 I saw the people of Judah
23:59 trading winepresses on the Sabbath,
24:00 bringing sheaves.
24:01 They were doing all kinds of burdens,
24:03 carrying burdens and I warned them
24:05 not to sell provisions on this day.
24:07 I think that really,
24:09 coming back to that is the rationale
24:10 for why this,
24:12 why Nehemiah saw a need to change,
24:14 there needs to be something different,
24:15 something set apart,
24:17 as, you know, as we've been drawing out here
24:19 that really brings us into a posture
24:21 of holy observance.
24:24 Now, it bring out too who's benefiting here,
24:26 because the people that are carrying the burdens
24:29 are the servants,
24:30 the guys making the money are the managers,
24:33 the managers want to break the Sabbath
24:35 to make their servants work,
24:36 but the servant according to the Bible gets a rest.
24:39 So God says to the manager, give your servant a rest,
24:43 manager says, I don't want to.
24:44 God says, hey,
24:46 it's in contractual writing here,
24:48 give the servant a rest.
24:50 So this is a protection for those
24:51 that have been taken advantage of by their managers.
24:53 Even the animals needed a rest.
24:54 Yes.
24:56 The animals did as well.
24:57 Okay.
24:58 So we know Jesus worshiped on the Sabbath.
25:00 It was His custom to do that, to go into the synagogue.
25:03 So He also came under a lot of scrutiny
25:07 for His observance of the Sabbath.
25:09 Did He lay down some principles for us
25:12 that we can take notice of in the Sabbath worship?
25:15 Yeah, Jesus really made some major shifts with the way
25:18 that the religious rules of His time
25:20 were dealing with the Sabbath and treating the Sabbath.
25:23 We see in Mark 2:27-28,
25:25 that Jesus talks about the Sabbath
25:27 being made for mankind and not man for the Sabbath.
25:30 So we're kind of creating a redefinition there
25:32 of what the purpose of the Sabbath is...
25:34 So that's to benefit man.
25:35 Correct. That's right.
25:37 Yeah, it's not a burden, it's a benefit.
25:39 It's a blessing, as with all of God's commandments.
25:42 We see also in Mark 3:4,
25:44 Jesus does says
25:46 that it's lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
25:47 He's communicating the value of acts of compassion,
25:52 acts of love, on the Sabbath.
25:54 Even when we come to John Chapter 15,
25:57 we see, sorry, Luke Chapter 13.
25:59 In Luke Chapter 13
26:01 we see the story of the woman infirmity.
26:03 And Jesus talks about it being lawful
26:05 to relieve suffering on the Sabbath day.
26:08 So something, I guess redefinitions
26:11 of how we approach the Sabbath there.
26:13 Yes. Yeah.
26:14 Yeah, that was, even the word bondage there,
26:16 free her from bondage.
26:18 So she was released there, wasn't she?
26:20 So Nehemiah took his problems to God in prayer.
26:23 That's pretty powerful.
26:24 So why do you think he asked God to remember him?
26:27 Yeah, we see that in Nehemiah 13:14,
26:30 he says, Remember me,
26:31 and we see this crop up three other times
26:33 in verse 22, and verse 31.
26:36 And I think Nehemiah is trying to call the attention of God
26:39 back on to the fact that he had come previously
26:42 and had been trying to reform
26:44 and bring everyone back to the commandments of God.
26:47 And he wasn't necessarily responsible for the things
26:49 that had happened as a result
26:50 of these other rulers that had gone,
26:52 but he was just trying to draw God's attention
26:54 back to the efforts to return to faithfulness.
26:56 Yeah, so there was tithing, there was Sabbath.
26:59 There were some of these things that God wanted to happen.
27:03 Nehemiah brought them back to their attention,
27:06 drew them closer to the ideal
27:08 that He had set out for them in the first place.
27:11 So I think that's probably, our time is just about gone.
27:15 And so Nehemiah was able to lead his people
27:17 back to worshiping as God had directed.
27:20 All were blessed by obeying God
27:22 and worshiping Him on His Sabbath.
27:24 We too are blessed as we worship God
27:26 who is our Creator and our Lord.
27:28 Thank you for joining us on Let God Speak.
27:31 You can view all past programs
27:33 and the teachers' notes on our website,
27:35 3abnaustralia.org.au,
27:38 and you can email us
27:40 on lgs@3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:44 God bless.


Revised 2020-03-02