Let God Speak

Trials, Tribulations, and Lists

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LGS

Program Code: LGS019409A

00:01 Hello, I'm Mike Browning.
00:02 Welcome to Let God Speak.
00:04 Nothing of value ever seems to be accomplished for God
00:06 without trial and difficulty.
00:08 Therefore, every forward step in
00:10 advancing God's Kingdom must be saturated in prayer.
00:14 We'll see this in the experience of Ezra
00:16 and Nehemiah today.
00:42 Well, folks, on our panel today
00:43 we have Steven Groom and Blair Lemke.
00:45 And, gentlemen, we're very grateful to have you
00:47 on our panel today.
00:48 Thank you.
00:49 I would invite everyone to join us in prayer
00:51 before we open the Scripture.
00:53 Father in heaven,
00:54 we really need Your Spirit to guide us today
00:57 and help us to understand and apply in our lives
01:00 the things that we study
01:01 from Ezra and Nehemiah and other scriptures today.
01:04 So please bless in God
01:06 as we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
01:08 Amen.
01:10 All right, folks, we're going to begin today
01:12 by looking at the influence of God
01:14 in the history of men and nations,
01:15 which is very interesting.
01:17 And, of course, our particular focus is on Israel.
01:20 And we'd like to invite you to join with us
01:22 as we turn to Daniel Chapter 1.
01:25 And we're going to read verse 1 and 2 there,
01:28 to give us the background here,
01:30 and this is what it says,
01:31 "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah,
01:35 Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
01:38 came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
01:40 And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand,"
01:43 and I want you to notice what he did at the time,
01:46 "with some of the articles of the house of God,"
01:49 that's the temple in Jerusalem,
01:51 "which he carried into the land of Shinar
01:52 to the house of his god,
01:54 and he brought the articles into the treasure house
01:57 of his god."
02:00 It just looks like they took everything out of the temple,
02:02 almost at the end of temple worship,
02:04 as they knew it, isn't it?
02:05 Yeah, this is certainly what we see in scripture.
02:09 And it is destroyed
02:11 this is the first of a number of attacks on Jerusalem
02:14 that ultimately result
02:15 in the destruction of the temple.
02:16 And God's people are taken into captivity in Babylon
02:19 and no longer able to worship in that temple environment.
02:22 And so, of course, it's not the end of the story.
02:25 We pick up the end of the story in Ezra.
02:27 I'm in Ezra 1:1-7 and 8 as well 8-9.
02:33 And we see here Cyrus is raised up,
02:36 by the name of Cyrus, King Cyrus is raised up
02:38 to kind of restore I suppose these things
02:41 that were taken away from Jerusalem
02:43 and it mentions there in verse 10,
02:45 "Thirty gold basins,
02:46 four hundred and ten silver basins of a similar kind.
02:49 All these thousands of other articles."
02:51 It's just many riches and many items
02:55 for their from that temple worship
02:56 that are brought back
02:57 and King Cyrus is raised up to restore.
02:59 Yeah.
03:01 And it specifically says there in verse 7 on as that,
03:03 "King Cyrus also brought out
03:04 the articles of the house of the Lord,
03:07 which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jerusalem."
03:09 So he acknowledged that this Nebuchadnezzar
03:11 had taken them as he as earlier.
03:14 And now, of course, he's bringing them back.
03:16 Sorry, you were gonna say something else.
03:17 It's interesting that Cyrus is named
03:19 as God's Anointed in Isaiah 45:1.
03:22 So he was anointed by God to capture
03:27 the kingdom of Babylon
03:28 and open the way for the captives Israelites
03:31 to go back home to Jerusalem,
03:32 just as Jesus,
03:34 when He comes again,
03:35 He will open the way for God's people
03:36 to go back home.
03:38 Hey, I like that. Thank you.
03:39 Yeah, that's good, a good message, indeed.
03:42 How interested is God
03:44 in what the nations actually do?
03:46 Is He watching in the affairs of the nations do you think?
03:48 Yeah, it's interesting, actually, you know,
03:50 we find in Scripture that God's actually
03:51 very interested in what takes place
03:54 in all of the nations of the world.
03:55 Let's have a look here in Proverbs 14:34.
04:00 Scripture actually says that, "Righteousness exalts a nation,
04:04 but sin is a reproach to any people."
04:07 And so, you know, we see in scripture
04:09 that prosperity and peace is not just singly
04:12 the result of smart or intelligent leadership
04:15 of the nation,
04:16 but it's actually also a result of God's blessing.
04:18 Yeah.
04:20 And we see this as well in Daniel,
04:21 we see a very clear depiction of this in Daniel
04:23 with King Nebuchadnezzar
04:25 isn't it's a very strong example.
04:26 In Daniel 4:30-31.
04:32 Let me just read to you what it says,
04:33 this is speaking of King Nebuchadnezzar,
04:35 it says, "The king spoke, saying,
04:37 'Is not this great Babylon,
04:39 that I have built for a royal dwelling
04:41 by my mighty power
04:43 and by the honor of my majesty.'"
04:44 He thought he'd done it all himself.
04:46 Yeah.
04:47 Verse 31,
04:48 "While the word was still in the king's mouth,"
04:50 while he was still saying,
04:51 "a voice fell from the heaven saying,
04:53 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken,
04:54 the kingdom has departed from you!'"
04:56 You know, we see here the Nebuchadnezzar thinking
04:59 that he's the one that has created
05:01 this great nation,
05:02 but God interrupts and says, no,
05:04 that's not necessarily the case.
05:05 And have a look,
05:07 if you just flick over across to verse 34,
05:10 God really brings us home.
05:12 It says, "At the end of the time,"
05:13 you know, Nebuchadnezzar becomes aware
05:15 of that it wasn't just him.
05:16 And it says, "At the end of the time
05:17 I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven,
05:20 and my understanding returned to me,
05:21 and I bless the Most High and praised and honored Him."
05:23 I'm in verse 37,
05:25 there at the end of the chapter says,
05:26 "I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt
05:28 and honor the King of heaven."
05:30 You know, Nebuchadnezzar is brought to a place
05:32 where he actually acknowledges that God is involved
05:34 in raising and lowering nations
05:36 and in that blessing and prosperity process
05:39 and it's not just the human leader.
05:41 Yes, and that still applies today, of course...
05:42 Of course.
05:44 Amongst the nations
05:45 and we should keep that in mind.
05:46 And notice he had to go insane for, was it seven years?
05:49 Seven times or seven years until he realized
05:52 that who actually runs the kingdom?
05:54 What does God have to do to interrupt,
05:57 you know, our process to communicate
05:59 these spiritual truths for us.
06:01 It shows you how important the spiritual truths
06:03 are to pick those up.
06:04 Yeah. And I thanks for that.
06:06 Now the last Babylonian king was Belshazzar,
06:11 the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar.
06:12 Yeah.
06:14 And the question is,
06:15 was he any smarter than Nebuchadnezzar?
06:16 He had to go mad for seven years
06:18 to learn the lessons of life.
06:19 Yes.
06:20 Well, if we look at Daniel 5:1,
06:24 "Belshazzar the king made a great feast
06:27 for a thousand of his lords,
06:28 and drank wine in the presence of the thousand."
06:31 Now this was happening while Cyrus,
06:33 the king of the Medes and Persians was outside
06:35 attempting to capture the city,
06:38 but he took great comfort or in the physical surroundings
06:43 in the great big walls of Babylon
06:45 and also the steel gates.
06:47 He thought he was completely safe,
06:49 but the Bible says that now God in Isaiah,
06:52 he says that God opened those gates.
06:55 He showed his pride and arrogance
06:57 in this act and...
07:01 And he was surrounded by the Persian army
07:02 and while he was having this big party.
07:05 And in verse 2 and 3, we see this more so,
07:08 it says, "While he tasted the wine,
07:10 Belshazzar gave the command
07:11 to bring the gold and silver vessels
07:13 which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple
07:17 which had been in Jerusalem, and that the king,
07:19 his Lords, and his wives, and his concubines
07:21 might drink from them.
07:23 Then they brought the gold vessels
07:25 and had taken from the temple and they drank from them."
07:29 This shows the arrogance of taking spiritual things
07:33 from the temple of the Israelites
07:35 and using them for sacrilege.
07:37 Yeah, so this was a real act of defiance against God,
07:40 the deliberate act of defiance, wasn't it?
07:42 Yeah.
07:43 By Belshazzar.
07:46 So he wasn't any smarter.
07:49 And isn't it interesting how the temple in Jerusalem
07:51 comes into focus again by the way.
07:53 Yeah.
07:54 Once more, it's those vessels that Nebuchadnezzar stole
07:57 from the temple and brought back to Babylon
07:59 come into focus again.
08:01 And as we've seen,
08:02 they finally make their way back
08:04 after this period, of course, under Cyrus.
08:06 That's very interesting indeed.
08:09 Now Daniel was brought in
08:11 because remember how Belshazzar
08:12 saw this hand up here on the wall.
08:14 Yeah.
08:15 Basically, saying like this is, your time is up,
08:18 but he didn't understand the message,
08:20 calls in Daniel and the Hebrew prophet
08:23 to talk to him and explain it.
08:27 And Daniel reminds Belshazzar of Nebuchadnezzar's conversion,
08:32 you know, where he had that experience of going mad,
08:34 and then he came and acknowledged the true God.
08:36 And so Daniel reminds him of this,
08:38 and I like the way this is put.
08:40 It's fascinating to me.
08:41 Daniel 5:22.
08:44 It says there, this is Daniel talking,
08:47 addressing the King Belshazzar,
08:49 "You his son Belshazzar,
08:51 have not humbled your heart,
08:53 although you knew all this,"
08:55 referring to the experience of his grandfather
08:57 Nebuchadnezzar, do you knew about that?
09:00 And instead of humbling your heart,
09:01 you became more defiant.
09:03 And one wonders however,
09:05 was God more patient
09:07 with Nebuchadnezzar than he was with Belshazzar.
09:13 I believe so because we have to remember
09:15 that King Nebuchadnezzar, he grew up as a pagan,
09:19 so he was worshiping the Babylonian God Marduk.
09:22 And God had to slowly bring him to the truth
09:26 by constantly revealing Himself.
09:28 He was patient at times when he rebelled against God,
09:32 so God was patient with him, but by that statement,
09:36 that you just read that you knew all this.
09:41 Belshazzar must have been brought up
09:43 almost as a Christian, you know,
09:45 hearing the story from Daniel Chapter 1 to 4
09:48 on the knee of his grandfather.
09:50 And so, now from those who have great light
09:55 much is expected, so God, we'd say,
09:58 could not do much with him.
09:59 He chose to rebel against great light,
10:02 he must have known
10:03 about the true God at a young age.
10:04 He must have been denying and drinking, you know,
10:07 their alcohol out of those temple vessels.
10:09 That's right.
10:11 It's a great act of defiance.
10:12 Great act of defiance.
10:13 He was making a statement where he stands
10:15 and we always telling our own story
10:17 whether we realize it or not.
10:19 And he was telling a story, no doubt about it.
10:21 He had other advantages too, Blair, didn't he
10:23 besides that Nebuchadnezzar's history?
10:26 That's right. I mean, he had a prophet in his palace.
10:29 He had Daniel in his very midst.
10:31 Someone who was speaking on behalf of God
10:33 and giving oracles of God directly to him,
10:36 but he demonstrated a posture
10:38 that wasn't interested in receiving
10:40 that light from God and so,
10:43 he squandered his opportunity
10:44 to receive direct light from God.
10:47 Defining moments,
10:49 to miss those defining moments was a great tragedy
10:51 and it was for him.
10:53 Now I wanna go forward in history now
10:55 to the time when the people of Israel had gone back,
10:57 remember under Cyrus taking with them the vessels
11:00 from the temple that Nebuchadnezzar had taken.
11:03 And now they go back,
11:05 and they rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
11:08 And that Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed the temple,
11:11 which was Solomon's, called Solomon's temple.
11:13 Now we're going to read that build that now.
11:15 It's useful to consider for a moment
11:17 how they actually went about the rebuilding process
11:20 because with Solomon's temple,
11:23 it was built by paid professionals.
11:25 That's right. Yeah.
11:26 And, of course,
11:28 it was one of the wonders of the world at the time,
11:29 magnificent.
11:31 Did they use paid professionals this time?
11:34 Here's the question.
11:35 Well, this time was actually very different.
11:37 And the context is that actually
11:39 the volunteers did all of the work.
11:41 And it's interesting
11:42 when you read the biblical account,
11:44 even the priests and the Levites
11:45 got involved in this work.
11:47 That's interesting, isn't it?
11:48 Everyone was doing it. Yeah, that's right.
11:49 So in Ezra,
11:51 and if you ever look here in Ezra 3:8-10,
11:55 we get this biblical description
11:57 of everyone getting involved, volunteers doing the work.
12:00 It says in the scriptures, it says,
12:02 "Now in the second month of the second year
12:04 of their coming to the house of God at Jerusalem,
12:06 Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel,
12:08 Jeshua the son of Jozadak,
12:11 and the rest of the brethren
12:12 and the priests and the Levites,
12:14 and all those who had come out of the captivity to Jerusalem,
12:16 began work and appointed the Levites
12:18 from twenty years old and above to oversee
12:20 the work of the house of God."
12:21 And it goes on and it mentions that,
12:23 "These builders laid the foundations
12:25 of the temple of God
12:26 and say even the priests and the Levites
12:27 are involved in this work."
12:29 And it actually said there in verse 8
12:30 which you just read,
12:32 "All those who would come had out of the captivity
12:33 in Jerusalem began to work."
12:35 so they were all, everybody was involved.
12:36 That's right.
12:38 And if you go across to Nehemiah,
12:40 in Nehemiah Chapter 3,
12:42 Nehemiah 3:1-3,
12:44 we see that the wall around Jerusalem was actually built
12:47 with the same process as well,
12:49 volunteer labor and all getting involved in the work.
12:52 In Nehemiah 3:1 it says,
12:54 "Then Eliashib the high priest rose up
12:57 with his brethren the priests and built the Sheep Gate,
12:59 they consecrated it and hung its doors.
13:02 And they built as far as the Tower of the Hundred,
13:04 and consecrated it, then as far as the Tower of Hananel.
13:06 Next to Eliashib the men of Jericho
13:08 built next to them Zuccur the son of Imri built.
13:11 Also the sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate,
13:15 and they laid its beams and hung its doors
13:16 with its bolts and bars."
13:18 And so the scene here is everybody getting involved
13:20 teams of workers, volunteers completing the work
13:22 that previously was done on a professional basis.
13:25 It's very detailed here, isn't it?
13:26 They kept a very strict account of who was doing what.
13:29 And that shows the detail of God.
13:31 God is very detailed.
13:33 He keeps a collection of everything we do, isn't it?
13:35 He know what's going on.
13:37 Especially the names, the history of the names.
13:38 Yeah, that was really interesting.
13:39 All right.
13:41 Yeah.
13:42 Now looking at...
13:43 I just liked it while we're in Nehemiah.
13:45 Nehemiah Chapter 7.
13:46 And I'm gonna read there verse 73, folks,
13:50 if you can join with me there.
13:52 I want us to consider for a moment.
13:55 Steven, I'm gonna ask you to share something with us now.
13:57 What does this tell us about the success of the approach
14:00 of using volunteers?
14:01 Chapter 7:73.
14:03 At the end of this process of rebuilding, right?
14:05 This is what took place.
14:07 "The priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers,
14:11 some of the people, the Nethinim,
14:12 and all Israel dwelt in their cities.
14:16 When the seventh month came,
14:17 the children of Israel were in their cities."
14:19 It says it twice.
14:20 So there must be some point here.
14:21 Yeah, we notice that in the scripture,
14:23 that emphasis is placed upon our repetition
14:26 and it says that and we should not lose
14:28 the significance of that,
14:30 because when they returned to Jerusalem,
14:34 it was just a pile of ruins.
14:36 Much like in world, after World War II,
14:38 you know, the cities of Germany were just piles of rubble.
14:41 And so it emphasizes here that
14:44 through the work of volunteers,
14:48 after the seventh month
14:50 they were dwelling in cities again.
14:52 There's an old saying that says,
14:53 many hands make light work.
14:55 So when you get everybody working,
14:58 great things can be done.
15:00 It's a good example
15:01 for churches now to base on them.
15:03 And so by this time that people
15:04 are all comfortably in their homes.
15:06 Yes.
15:07 Wow.
15:09 So that's quite an achievement.
15:10 Now, you know, there's bound to be some of our viewers
15:12 of this program today
15:13 who have faced such devastation themselves
15:16 in their own lives.
15:18 And, you know, our hearts go out to them, Steven.
15:20 Certainly our hearts go out to such people.
15:23 I mean, we cannot expect to live a life of peace
15:27 and safety in this world completely, can we?
15:29 We seek that,
15:31 but sin has left a chaotic example in this world,
15:36 so many of us...
15:39 We receive persecution and disaster.
15:44 God has promised us in Jeremiah 29:11,
15:48 He says, "Peace, I live you.
15:50 It's an inward peace.
15:52 I have told you things so that in this world,
15:56 you may have peace.
15:57 In this world you will have trouble.
15:58 But take heart!
16:00 I have overcome the world."
16:01 So Jesus offers us an inward peace.
16:05 Outwardly, we can have problems.
16:10 So He's offering us all the same kind of peace.
16:13 And I notice here, even in Jeremiah 29:11,
16:16 I think you're going there.
16:18 And God says, "I know the thoughts
16:19 that I have toward you," says the Lord.
16:22 And I think this is a very well-known scripture
16:24 amongst Christians nowadays.
16:25 That's right.
16:26 "Thoughts of peace and not of evil,
16:28 to give you a future and a hope."
16:29 Now this was spoken to encourage the Israelites
16:32 when they went back basically to Israel
16:35 at the time we're discussing now
16:37 when they're going back to rebuild a shattered nation,
16:40 basically and certainly a shattered city.
16:42 And that this was conditional also,
16:44 conditional upon their remaining faithful to them...
16:47 That's a very important point.
16:49 I mean, we should come back to that later.
16:50 Yes.
16:52 Many people, of course,
16:53 stayed in Babylon and didn't go back
16:55 when they had the opportunity to do so.
16:58 That's right.
16:59 And they stayed in Babylon in their homes
17:00 there instead of going back to Israel, didn't they?
17:02 That's right.
17:03 And in doing so they really missed out
17:05 on the opportunity of the trials
17:07 and the joy of the restoration process
17:09 that was involved in going forward and being in the place
17:12 where God had called them.
17:14 Many had become very comfortable
17:15 in their situation in Babylon
17:17 and didn't feel it was necessary to go and do
17:20 what God had called them forward to do.
17:22 And so, you know,
17:23 this is something that we see happening often,
17:26 in our own experience we can become very comfortable
17:28 in a situation,
17:30 but where God has called us out,
17:33 you know, God is asking us to move forward.
17:34 Yeah.
17:37 And sometimes He calls us out of being comfortable
17:40 to work for Him.
17:41 And that's a challenge, isn't it?
17:42 It is a challenge.
17:44 And so whether a job is easy or hard
17:46 is not the question we should necessarily ask
17:48 when God gives us an assignment.
17:50 Yes.
17:51 It's a case of whether it should be done or not.
17:52 That's the question.
17:54 Whether God is actually calling us.
17:55 Exactly. You know, good, thanks for that.
17:58 Can we avoid trials and difficulties,
18:02 even disappointments?
18:03 Well, no.
18:05 And I think nor should we want to
18:07 because these are the very things
18:08 that God uses to develop and refine our characters
18:11 and help to grow us spiritually.
18:13 Yeah.
18:14 And you see this often throughout scripture.
18:17 If you turn to Acts Chapter 14,
18:19 I mean, Acts 14:22,
18:22 we read quite a powerful scripture.
18:26 It says, "Strengthening the souls of the disciples,
18:29 and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying,
18:33 'We must through many tribulations
18:35 enter the kingdom of God.'"
18:37 And so this is counsel from scripture,
18:39 saying that through tribulation, through trial,
18:41 this is actually a pathway forward
18:42 into the very Kingdom of God through these refining process
18:45 and this is why, you know,
18:47 James is able to say count it all joy
18:49 when you suffer trials.
18:51 This is why...
18:52 That's a big ask, isn't it?
18:54 It's not an easy thing to do, we all know.
18:56 And so God is not calling us to live a comfortable life,
19:00 but He's preparing us for heaven,
19:02 which is eternal life.
19:03 That's right.
19:05 It's important to get this point
19:06 because we're ought to think,
19:07 "Well, we're Christians now everything should go smoothly
19:09 and be peachy keen."
19:11 But it's not always like that.
19:12 I thought that when I was converted, boy,
19:13 I was in for a big shock.
19:16 Perhaps we all were.
19:17 So keep it in mind,
19:18 God has a hard job getting through to us
19:21 with the things He wants us to know.
19:23 And trials and difficulties seem to be the best method
19:26 to make us open-minded.
19:28 Look at Nebuchadnezzar.
19:29 That's right.
19:30 Went mad for seven years.
19:32 So that was the way God got through to him.
19:33 So we can't avoid trials and difficulties.
19:36 Some of our viewers may be facing trials and difficulty
19:40 even as we speak today,
19:42 and have a difficulty following Jesus as a result of that.
19:48 What would you say to them?
19:49 What encouragement would you give them today?
19:51 Well, looking back at the Bible,
19:53 by the time of Ezra
19:54 the Jews had lived in captivity for 150 years.
19:58 So they had become comfortable.
20:00 They had their life, they had their farms, their property...
20:03 Good jobs.
20:05 Their jobs, so you can understand
20:06 why many of them didn't want to leave.
20:08 But I'd like to...
20:10 I'd like to turn to Deuteronomy 30:1-2,
20:15 and this will show,
20:16 this is often overlooked, where it says,
20:21 "And you return to the Lord your God
20:23 and obey His voice,
20:24 according to all that I command you today,
20:27 and your children, with all your heart,
20:29 with all your soul,
20:31 that the Lord your God will bring you back from captivity."
20:36 And then I'd like to take it
20:37 to the last part of verse 4 and 5.
20:41 "The Lord your God will gather you,
20:43 and from there He will bring you.
20:45 Then the Lord your God will bring you to the land
20:47 which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it."
20:51 So Babylon is really for us in a contemporary setting
20:55 it's about being in sin, and God calls us out of that,
20:59 to be faithful to Him and to become holy.
21:03 So He's always saying, "Come holy still."
21:05 And in that way, we're coming into the Promised Land,
21:08 so to speak, but...
21:10 And He will prosper you,
21:12 it goes on to say and multiply you more than your folks.
21:14 And that's what He was calling the people
21:16 and they weren't willing to do that.
21:17 And that's why in Revelation 18:4,
21:20 there's a call at the end time for the whole world
21:22 to come out of Babylon.
21:24 We know that's not literal
21:25 'cause Babylon is uninhabited at the time,
21:28 but it's a call to come out of sin
21:30 and live a holy life and connect yourself with God.
21:35 Yeah, thank you for that. That's great.
21:36 Yeah.
21:38 Going back to the time of Ezra,
21:41 where all of Ezra's returnees,
21:45 those who came back to Jerusalem with him,
21:47 were they all enthusiastic volunteers, right?
21:50 That's an important point here to work at, Steven.
21:54 Now if we go to Ezra 8:15, 17,
21:59 the author looks and he says that he saw,
22:02 "None of the sons of Levi,"
22:03 which were the sons of the priests there.
22:07 And so he had to...
22:09 There were no priests. No Levites for the work.
22:11 No priests and Levites.
22:12 No Levite.
22:14 So they had to direct some to approach the Levites
22:15 and ask them personally
22:17 so it seemed that they were less willing to volunteer
22:20 themselves to come.
22:21 What do you think about it?
22:23 I mean, it was a big ask, these people had their homes
22:24 established, orchards, you know,
22:26 they had a lot of,
22:28 grew a lot of their own food, no doubt.
22:30 And now we're going back to a place
22:31 where the orchards were all destroyed
22:33 and the place was a mess.
22:34 Yeah. So it was a big thing to do.
22:36 There's no question about it.
22:37 And the same issue is asked for today
22:39 in the Book of Hebrews Chapter 11 says,
22:41 "And the challenge for us is to be strangers and pilgrims
22:44 in this land."
22:45 Okay. Okay.
22:47 Okay, so what sort of incentives
22:49 could Ezra offer these people
22:52 who were perhaps not so willing to volunteer?
22:54 They weren't much of it.
22:56 It really wasn't much of an incentive at all.
22:58 It was a hard pioneering life
23:00 that was offered to these volunteers.
23:02 All of the previous generation
23:04 at this point had been died and passed away.
23:06 And so they were pioneering,
23:08 they were doing pioneering work and say,
23:10 it was just a call to sacrifice in service.
23:12 Okay, and so some responded and some didn't,
23:14 it is important thing.
23:17 When a person who is a leader like Ezra and Nehemiah,
23:19 leaders at this time,
23:21 they needed some strong motivation
23:23 to be able to encourage people to make a huge step like that.
23:26 Didn't they?
23:27 So where did they...
23:29 Where did they get the courage from to do that?
23:30 I think they were students of scripture,
23:33 and they allowed scripture to inform
23:34 how they should move forward.
23:36 And they claimed God's promises.
23:37 We see that in Jeremiah 29:10,
23:39 we talked about these prophets earlier on.
23:41 Jeremiah 29:10, it says, "For thus says the Lord,
23:44 after 70 years are completed at Babylon,
23:46 I will visit you and perform My good work toward you,
23:48 and cause you to return to this place."
23:50 There's a promise of God that they had
23:52 that they would be returned and restored.
23:55 And we see as well in...
23:56 So this was...
23:58 This promise was actually a prophecy.
23:59 It was a prophecy. That it would happen.
24:01 And so they knew was the right thing to do.
24:03 That's correct.
24:04 And they were also I think are very well aware
24:06 that the rebellion,
24:08 the time in captivity was a result
24:10 of their own rebellion.
24:12 And we see that in Nehemiah.
24:13 It's where they departed, you know,
24:15 the Old Testament is just a series of departing
24:18 from the Lord going into captivity,
24:21 and then the Lord bringing them back out through the prophets.
24:23 Okay. Okay.
24:24 So these promises and prophecies
24:27 had a big impact on Ezra and Nehemiah,
24:30 Steven, is that right?
24:32 Yes, they knew this their work would be successful,
24:35 no matter how hard the trials, the stronger the faith,
24:39 you know, the more they realize
24:40 that God will get them through
24:42 if God is gonna call them out.
24:44 He will give the success to bring them out.
24:47 No matter what the difficulties they had initially.
24:48 No matter what the difficulties.
24:50 Yeah, that's good to keep in mind,
24:51 all right.
24:53 Now, tell me something, Steven,
24:54 does Jesus promise to return living in our day and age
24:57 now the promise of Jesus to return,
25:00 end of sin take us out of Babylon,
25:03 as you've pointed out already, Steven.
25:06 You know, that really encourages us,
25:07 doesn't it, encourage you?
25:09 Yes, it does.
25:10 I mean, if we go to John 15:20,
25:14 it says that, "If they have persecuted," you,
25:17 they'll sorry, "Me," Jesus when He was alive
25:20 and we read about that in the gospels,
25:22 "they will persecute you."
25:24 So the call of the Bible is to become like Jesus.
25:27 So the more we become like Jesus,
25:30 the more that we'll be persecuted in trials.
25:32 And the challenge is to become more like Jesus
25:36 and accept those trials.
25:37 And the temptation is,
25:39 is to stop becoming like Jesus
25:41 and receive less than being peace in this world.
25:44 Yeah.
25:46 Okay, thank you for, that is a challenge,
25:48 and it's a good challenge to take on board.
25:50 In the few moments we've got left, folks,
25:51 I wanna just refer to Ezra 8:21.
25:58 Before Ezra
26:00 aactually made the journey back with his people,
26:02 all the volunteers back to Israel,
26:05 he did this.
26:06 Verse 21, "I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava,
26:10 that we might humble ourselves before our God,
26:12 to seek from Him
26:14 the right way for us and our little ones
26:17 and all our possessions."
26:18 And so verse 23.
26:20 And he goes in and say in verse 23,
26:22 "So we fasted and entreated our God for this,
26:25 and He answered our prayer."
26:26 So what's happening here in a few moments?
26:28 Yeah, I think God's people here are not gonna take
26:31 God's protection for granted,
26:32 they're not gonna have a posture of presumption
26:35 before God.
26:37 But they are recognizing that this is a dangerous journey,
26:40 and they need God's protection.
26:42 And so they're moving forward
26:43 with a posture of spiritual humility
26:44 towards God and submission to Him.
26:46 That's such a right... Sorry, Steven.
26:48 And also connected with returning back
26:50 to Jerusalem is preparing themselves
26:52 to be holy and without sin.
26:54 Okay, okay, 'cause this was a spiritual activity,
26:56 not just a physical, I mean,
26:58 reestablishing if you like the remnant people of God
27:00 back there in own country.
27:02 That's right. Yes.
27:03 And was a beautiful thing.
27:05 So they saturated what they were planning to do in prayer.
27:09 That's right.
27:10 There's a good guide for us.
27:11 Well, let's take it home folks today.
27:13 We all I think know to accomplish anything
27:15 of lasting value for God
27:17 requires total dedication to Him.
27:20 Not only that, but God's people must be prepared to face trials
27:23 and hardships prayerfully,
27:26 and God calls for true spiritual warriors today.
27:29 Well, that's Let God Speak for today.
27:31 You can view this program again on our website,
27:33 3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:36 Sabbath school teachers can net download their notes
27:40 from there if they'd like to use them
27:41 or you can email us if you prefer.
27:43 Join us again.
27:45 God bless.


Revised 2020-03-02